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Brunden Blackhammer

Brunden Blackhammer is a Dwarf smith who lived in the village surrounding Ostford. He has fled the town, as he was imprisoned by Lord Folthos Brookfield for the murder of Simeon Smallfields, a serf of the town, who had apparently refused to pay Blackhammer for the smithing work on a new plow. He escaped the dungeons and fled to Lastlight, where he was believed to be gaining sanctuary from Harubek Copperbraids of the Copperbraids Mining Consortium.   The Fire Wasps sought him out to bring him to justice, only to find him as Harubek’s prisoner, being tortured by an undead monstrosity called Shulreth! When questioned, Blackhammer admitted to killing Smallfields, but only in self-defense, and the Wasps decided to let him go. He also agreed to aid the party against Harubek, but things continued to twist as they unfolded. It seems that Harubek believed Blackhammer to be part of something called the Vault, and Brunden as much as admitted it as they traded blows, thinking he was about to die. He did not die, however, but explained to the Wasps that he couldn’t explain the Vault to them without speaking to his superiors, but he arranged for another Vault member, Kragen Redforge, to teach an ancient Vault fighting technique.   He was generously compensated by the Copperbraids Mining Consortium for the suffering he endured in Harubek's control. He returned home to Balgondelve, where he resides.


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