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Fire Wasps

The Fire Wasps is the name of a small group of Adventurers centered in Seowyn’s Crossing. The original members were Brom Furrow, Brother Eustace (later Natharios), Ghost, Kidalis Havengard, and Tristan Holdfast. They were later joined by Tilly Thistleshanks. Their headquarters as children was a hidden fort called the Castle of the Old Ones.
  When they were young adults, they foiled an attempt by Goblinoids to unleash a weapon of the Far Realm centered in the Castle. Brom died in this battle, and Tristan discovered his powers as a Warlock. Several years later, when they petitioned Baron Kadran Greenfields for a charter as an adventuring company, they were joined by The Shaper, who seems to have some of Brom’s memories and an attachment to them.
  Some of their early victories involve the clearing of Hallowir's Watch, the freeing of the Warforged of Homestead, and the slaying of the Green Dragon Valryke. For this final deed, their patron, Baron Kadran awarded them the Old Manse.
  They stayed together for many adventures, foiling elemental cults of the Elder Elemental Eye, destroying Far Realm incursions, battling in the War of the Three Heads, taking part in the Battle of Blacksail Harbor, liberating and restoring the city of Mahakazor. During the liberation, Kidalis was slain in battle with the Dragons Umbrazhalanoth and Skyalokanara.
  After their return to Seowyn's Crossing, they were joined by Rubicus Chillbrow and Naali Chamond. This group helped liberate Sudwaine, and, shortly thereafter, Ghost left the group to help her people reclaim their homeland. The rest of the group were present when Five Who Call freed the Tarrasque. They then sought out various weapons and allied to help defeat the Tarrasque, eventually culminating in the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe.
Adventuring Party


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