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Burendain (or Bearfolk as they are often known among others) largely hail from the cold forests of the subcontinent of Thurinveld. Many venerate the Primal Spirits, believing that these mysterious forces gave them the gifts of speech and sentience. Others end up in the service of gods of community and law, such as Bahamut, Danuvia, or Valdamor. They rule most of southwestern Thurinveld in a kind of feudal system, with each city-state swearing to a Baron. From time to time, the idea of a King is raised to unite them, but it has not manifested to date.   Bearfolk are large of build and broad of shoulder, with longer legs than most normal bears (although shorter by proportion than many other humanoids). Their massive paws nevertheless have dextrous fingers with only vestigial claws, but their jaws pack as much bite as the average bear on four-legs. They are covered in thick fur that comes in a variety of colors, with black, white, brown, ivory, red, and gold being the most common. Some have lighter colors on the muzzles, and many have blazes of different colors across their chests, over the bellies, and/ore across their backs. Some believe that these markings hold a clue to the burendain's destiny, but others scoff at the notion.   Although burendain value community, they don't possess a great attachment to immediate family as many other races do. Burendain are the epitome of "it takes a village", and their cubs are as likely to find meals and sleep in the houses of neighbors as they are to find them in the home of their birth. Although there's always some respect for one's sire and dam in thanks for giving birth, a burendain's found family are as important as any blood relative. They often use the term Ava for someone of any gender who is as important to them as a parent, and the term Kaba for someone not of blood that they consider a sibling. There is no formal concept for adoption in burendain society, as cubs belong to the community, and a burendain will often give themselves an honorific to denote the place they call home.   Bearfolk Names   Cubs rarely have given names, instead being bestowed a nickname by their community. When they undergo their coming of age ritual as teens, they choose a name for themselves. Throughout their lives, they're often given to taking special names that speak of their traits or deeds.   Cub Names: Bee, Belly, Freefoot, Frost, Leaf, Loam, Moss, Salmon, Snatcher   Male Names: Aryor, Brunn, Drumm, Grudd, Lludd, Muth, Orbor, Tharn, Thuinn, Yarnar   Female Names: Ayana, Branna, Hudi, Kaya, Menda, Orono, Shada, Thuri, Valka, Vonna   Trait Names: Brightsong, Diregrowl, Fearnaught, Gembright, Gorgonsbane, Thunderclap


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