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Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, is one of the two deities generally followed by the Dragonborn of Tol. He is a god of chivalry, honor, and law. His children are the metallic dragons, renowned for the good nature of their character. Along with his "sister" Tiamat, he is one of the two parts of the diumvirate religion referred to as The Dark Lady and the Bright Lord.   He is believed to have been created in the Dawn War ">Dawn War  ">Dawn War ">Dawn War   , when a powerful Primordial slew Io, the progenitor deity of dragonkind. Although he and Tiamat cooperated throughout the Dawn War, they parted ways soon after and have been adversaries ever since.   Many Paladins, both of the Dragonborn and of other peoples, wear his symbol and venerate his name. He normally lives in the realm of Arenthus in the Astral Sea, making his lair high in the peaks of Mt. Celestia. He has been said to sometimes take the form of an ancient human male in order to travel Tol, and he is, in fact, one of the only deities capable of doing so, because of his oaths to the Primal Spirits. When he does, he never reveals who he is, except to a group of gold dragons, who often travel with him in disguise as yellow birds, fair-haired daughters, or the like.


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