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Cloak of the Redwing

When someone is being greatly honored by the Zhakastir of Gristamere, they may be inducted into the Redwing Regiment. When this is done, they're brought before the Zhakastir dressed in white cloaks and made to kneel. The Zhakastir then dips their hands in a bowl of ritually prepared blood. This is usually the blood of animals given in sacrifice to Kavesh, although, in older times, it would've been magically preserved blood of enemies of Gristamere. The Zhakastir puts his hands on the shoulders and arms of the recipient, allowing it to drip down and stain the white fabric. The magic of the ritual prevents the blood from fading, washing away, or darkening. Thereafter, anyone from Gristamere who sees the wearer in that cloak knows how honored the individual is, and, generally, shows them respect.  
Item type
Clothing / Accessory


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