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There are many citizens of Tol who make a living slinging a sword. Some guard caravans when they travel from town to town. Others may enlist in the soldiery of one kingdom or another. Some, however, hone the art of war to an almost supernatural level, while never actually invoking arcane or divine powers (or rarely so). These warriors are known simply by what they do; in the parlance of the Adventurer, they are called Fighters.
  Fighters are adept with many fighting styles, although most pick a specialty. Some prefer to wield large, two-handed weapon that inflict devastating wounds, while others prefer the protection a shield can provide. Some wield a weapon in each hand, while others are fueled by a rage that keeps them on their feet long after a lesser warrior would fall. In all cases, however, they combine training in weaponry and armor with great strength and martial prowess.
  All cultures in the seven kingdoms field fighters from among their numbers. They are mildly less common among Elves and Halflings, whose nomadic existence tends to lend itself to the swift skills of Rangesr instead.


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