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Siput Terang (SEE-put ter-ANG)

Siput Terang are a species of enormous gastropods native to the Veldonati Jungle. Because of the large protrusions on top of their heads that they wield with surprising accuracy, they have garnered the dubious nickname "Flail Snail" from visiting outsiders. Their scintillating shells gather energy, which they can release in a blinding flash of prismatic light as a defense mechanism. They also secrete a resinous trail as they move through the forest, foraging on plant life. If this trail is properly harvested, it can be treated and dried to make a glass-like substance. The shell of the Siput Terang is very valuable and often used in the creation of various magic-items.   The Majinari love these large creatures and often follow them through the jungles for days, collecting the resin they leave behind. When they die of natural causes, the Majinari harvest the shell for its magical properties, and many Majinari elders possess robes or shields that were made from the shell of a Siput Terang.


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