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Majinari (mah-jin-AH-ree)

The Majinari are a subspecies of Halflings native to the Veldonati Jungle of Velnar. They are more tribal and nomadic than their cousins in Dalenshire, as well as far more xenophobic. People from the continent of Aldorath sometimes nickname them “ghostwise halflings” due to their incredible knack for stealth and their silent talking that they can perform with one another and others. They have dusky skin, darkly-colored hair, and bright, sharp eyes. Outside of their villages, they wear ornate masks designed to display a particular emotion. They have private, personal names known only to those close to them, but they take names to use among others, often changing them as easily as masks. It’s believed that their wearing of masks is to honor both the Chwingas, whom they consider good luck to see, as well as the Gukheya, whom they honor and who they believe taught them their knack of disappearing and mindspeaking.   They cluster in small villages of ten to twenty families in yurt-like buildings that they adorn with family heirlooms. They are hunter/gatherers, primarily, but they trade with others, particularly the Garrudia. They have a close relationship and affection for the strange creatures they call Siput Terang, known in the common tongue as the Flail Snail. They follow these creatures at a distance, harvesting the dried mucus of their trail to make windows and glass decorations. When the Siput Terang dies, the village will harvest the shell, making many magical and decorative items from it.   They have a great affection for The Laughing Six, having a fond reverence from them and telling many tales of their exploits as ancestral heroes. As far as an actual faith, however, they are more inclined towards reverence for the Primal Spirits. When a beloved family member dies, their favorite mask is taken and pressed into the trail of the Siput Terang, and a glass version mask is fashioned. The body of the lost one is burned along with the mask, and the glass mask is hung on the family home in its place.


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