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Ur-Thane is the title given to the leader of the Dwarf kingdom of Kurdenheim. There is a grand mansion within the dwarven city of Balgondelve set aside for the Ur-Thane, and legend holds that the mansion was crafted by Cassada Fivebraids when she led her people to the caverns and mountains that would become their home. The Ur-Thane is traditionally chosen from among the leaders (or Thanes) of the five great families of Balgondelve, but there have been several times when an Ur-Thane has been chosen from other, lesser families. The position is something of a meritocracy. Each Ur-Thane watches the dwarven population for signs of greatness. At some point during his or her reign, the Ur-Thane chooses a successor. Although there’s no law stating that an Ur-Thane’s successor cannot be a member of their immediate family, this is traditionally frowned upon. If the Ur-Thane dies before a successor is chosen, a vote of the thanes of the five familes elects the new Ur-Thane from among worthy candidates.
Civic, Honorific


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