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Usual Haunts

    The Usual Haunts is the Tavern in the Astral Sea. It is comprised of a number of landmasses…bits of forgotten lands and such…that’re anchored together through the magic of its apparently owner, a mysterious figure called Lord Enigma. There are several areas where travelers come to to rest on their journeys, but most flock to the central bar area.   The whole tavern complex is under a rule of neutrality. For anyone to be welcome, they must be willing to leave aside any grievances at the door. No one says they need to be friendly, but fighting and killing is expressly forbidden. This is enforced through Lord Enigma’s powerful magics, and, while few claim to have witnessed a brawl, those few who have can attest that violators of this rule are dealt with harshly.   The clientele is incredibly diverse. On a given visit, one may meet with powerful Adventurers seeking information, Devil Legionnaires enjoying some hard-won R&R, Githyanki pirates spending ill-gotten booty, Angels guiding travelers to their deities’ domains, Illithid seeking refuge from the Githyanki that hunt them, and more.  
    Food and Drinks from around the cosmos make their way to the Usual Haunts, in order to better prepare for whatever requests come their way. If the tavern doesn’t have something, their excellent staff, including barkeep Emmerian Haldenvask, can make recommendations. If the staff gets stumped, it’s a good bet they’ll have whatever was requested on that person’s next visit.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant


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