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Session 2 Report

General Summary

The party, having left Xoblob's shop, opted to take a night's rest. Following Orianna's lead as the town local, they took lodging at a one of her gang member's house - Emma. Emma has shared lodging with associates Dave and Thomas. The men, "working" mostly at night were out on a job so she had space to board them as a favour to Orianna. The party rested and tipped Emma 3 silver for the assistance. The made their way to the Skewered Dragon and headed inside, after a few drinks were bought and some persuation checks made, the party convince the bartender to open up about what happened on the night of Floon's disappearance. They learn that Floon came in with an older man, they drank and played cards. The older man left. A younger man "Renaer" joined him shortly after. They drank and played until well past midnight, when they left, followed by a table of 5 black clad people. They then speak to Solomill to get more information about the men and says he recognises one by a warehouse on Candle Lane. Orianna in passing mentions the gangs with the snakes and he said that warehouse also had a snake out front.   They made their way to the warehouse, scouted around the outside and using fey magic VreeNak snuck in and saw the 4 Kenku still searching the crates. The door was locked so they looked around the outside of the building for another entry point. The found an upstairs office window that could be opened, but only using Orianna's magic. THe spell is cast and using Brejikk's rope, VreeNak secure an anchor point in the office for the party to absail into.   They explore the offices first and VreeNak finds the paperbird, pockecting it without knowing what it is or declaring what he's found. They find the alarm and Trustal disarms it without knowing what's alarmed. In the casting of the spell, the rope and the general noise that the party has made searching through the upstairs alerted the Kenku that they have visitors - they expected the Zhent's might turn back up. They took up hiding positions, which Brejikk just managed to not spot (Stealth 10 vs Perception 8).   The session closes out with the party getting ambushed by a flurry of arrows.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Tower Stormborn
Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
Session 2 Notes by Orianna
Report Date
18 Oct 2022


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