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Dead Waters

Dead Waters, as they are colloquially known, refer to the vast expanse of ocean surrounding the four continents of Tora. While storms on the open ocean are always treacherous, the waters beyond the boundary of the four continents are infamous for their unparalleled fury. This region remains shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, as no ship that has attempted to venture beyond these waters has ever returned.   The reason for the extreme danger and the lack of return from such excursions remains unknown. Some speculate that it may be the will of the gods, a divine decree or clause within the Divine Concord that prevents these voyages from being successful. Others believe that there might be ancient curses, malevolent creatures, or powerful magic that guards the boundary of the four continents, keeping any brave or foolhardy sailors from exploring further.   The fear and awe surrounding the Dead Waters have given rise to numerous myths and legends. Sailors whisper tales of ghost ships that wander these treacherous waters, crewed by the lost souls of those who attempted to cross the boundary. Others claim that the waters themselves are cursed, swallowing ships whole and condemning their crews to a watery grave. More still tell tales of a great leviathen, one that circles the 4 continents looking for ships to sail into the depeest waters to drag down to the icy depths of the ocean.   As a result, most sailors and navigators tend to stay close to the known lands and avoid venturing too far out into the Dead Waters. The vast expanse of the ocean remains a realm of mystery and danger, tempting some with the promise of unexplored lands and untold riches but holding the potential for great peril and uncertainty. The boundaries of the four continents, guarded by the tempestuous Dead Waters, serve as a reminder of the unknown secrets that lie beyond, forever enticing the adventurous souls of Tora.


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