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The Deep

The Deep, also known as the Sea of Nishrek or The Violent Expanse, is an X-shaped sea that divides the four main continents of Tora. Its official name varies across cultures and nations, but most sailors commonly refer to it as The Deep or The Sea.   Historically, The Deep's formation is linked to the Divine Conflict, a pivotal event in Tora's history. During this conflict, the chief deity of The Unspoken, Nishrek, sought to gain an advantage over the Old Ones by using a powerful and risky tactic. He carved a massive X into what was once a single continent, creating a vast chasm that would later be filled with ocean waters. The primary intent behind this action was to establish portals to distant realms, hoping to bring forth powerful allies to aid him in the conflict.   As the portals opened, creatures from various planes and realms poured through into Tora, changing the landscape forever. However, this strategy backfired on Nishrek, as the vast majority of creatures from the distant realms did not align with his cause. Instead, many joined forces against him and the forces of The Unspoken, leading to a united front against the deity. The powerful alliance ultimately led to Nishrek's humiliating defeat and his subsequent demotion from the position of head deity of The Unspoken. Archon would soon rise to take his place after the subsequent signing of the Divine Concord.   The Deep now serves as a constant of the consequences of Nishrek's ambitious actions during the Divine Conflict. Despite the chaotic nature of its formation, it remains an area of relative calm. Trade flows through the area at a near constant rate affected only by the occasional storm or by being accosted by an unfriendly ship. The Deep is not the only part of the world that still feels the results of Nishrek's actions. Many areas throughout the 4 continents stlll hold portals to a vast array of distant realms including the feywild and the elemental planes.


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