Dragonborn have personal names given at birth, but they put their family names first as a mark of honor. A childhood name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as a descriptive term or a term of endearment. The name might recall an event or center on a habit.
Male Names: Arjhan, Balasar, Bharash, Donaar, Ghesh, Heskan, Kriv, Medrash, Mehen, Nadarr, Pandjed, Patrin, Rhogar, Shamash, Shedinn, Tarhun, Torinn
Female Names: Akra, Biri, Daar, Farideh, Harann, Havilar, Jheri, Kava, Korinn, Mishann, Nala, Perra, Raiann, Sora, Surina, Thava, Uadjit
Childhood Names: Climber, Earbender, Leaper, Pious, Shieldbiter, Zealous
Family Names: Clethtinthiallor, Daardendrian, Delmirev, Drachedandion, Fenkenkabradon, Kepeshkmolik, Kerrhylon, Kimbatuul, Linxakasendalor, Myastan, Nemmonis, Norixius, Ophinshtalajiir, Prexijandilin, Shestendeliath, Turnuroth, Verthisathurgiesh, Yarjerit
A continual drive for self-improvement reflects the self-sufficiency of the clan as a whole. Dragonborn value skill and excellence in all endeavors. They hate to fail, and they push themselves to extreme efforts before they give up on something. A dragonborn holds mastery of a particular skill as a lifetime goal. Members of other races who share the same commitment find it easy to earn the respect of a dragonborn.
Though all dragonborn strive to be self-sufficient, they recognize that help is sometimes needed in difficult situations. But the best source for such help is the clan, and when a clan needs help, it turns to another gaian clan before seeking aid from other species—or even from the gods.
Dragonborn are, as their colloquial name would suggest, similar in appearance to bipedal dragons. The dragons were a new and dangerous addition to Torar during the twilight years of the Elder Thing empire, and they spent a lot of time experimenting with admixing habilis and dragon. As exposure to magic slowly changed them over the millenia after the Elder Things fell, this clan of gaians found themselves even more splintered than other gaians, based on what type of dragon their ancestors had been spliced with.
For quite a while dragonborn were misunderstood to be half-dragons, or even perhaps shapechanged true dragons. It wasn't until after
The Culling that dragonborn nature was understood, and even then there was confusion as to how they came about, with some of the wilder theories including normal human worshippers of the dragon god Bahamut being transformed and experiencing a 'second birth' via egg-like chrysalis.
Now dragonborn are known to be their own species, just like any other, and are lumped in with the other gaians as 'beastmen'.