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Great Dale, The

Two Forests

The Great Dale, also known as Two Forests, is a land mainly comprised of dense woods that is currently governed by a druidic hierarchy.
Baseline information in regards to The Great Dale can be found here.
  The Great Dale was once a single, and very united, forest inhabited mainly by human, elven and half-elven druids. This forest, at the time called Riildath, was a calm and peaceful place where the earth and the wind were appraised as being the driving forces of nature. This was until the Day of Separation. Dalefolk legends says that, on that fateful day, a mighty Red Dragon divided the large forest with the use of a single breath, creating the ''Great Road'' (druids from the region still call it simply ''The Road'', since it is the only one around).   This division started off as simply geographical but, soon enough, druids believing in the power of the earth rallied in the Forest of Lethyr, while druids following the winds established themselves in Rawlinswood. This led to a few feuds, and a couple of somewhat political disagreements, but both sides respect nature too much to get into a war.   1470 after the Great War:  
  • The only aspect that seems to unite both camps is the belief that Sehanine is in the right, and that she should win the War of the Eclipse, since Melora sided with the Moon. Some druids disagree with this, and think that Pelor is the rightful leader amongst the gods, but all opinions are accepted within the Great Dale, even when most people disagree.
  • The Matriarchs from Ralinswood and the Forest of Lethyr signed a druidic pact stating that both sides of the Great Dale would not take part in the ongoing war. This pact still holds true as of this day.
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