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City of Rivers

Reovera, also known as the City of Rivers, is one of the true jewels of the world. Starting as a small village on the riverside, it quickly grew into a center of trade and commerce where three rivers merge. As the city expanded, a master sculptor by the name Falla Mabela decided a place by the river was the perfect spot to spend her final years in retirement. Instead, she discovered a love of teaching her techniques of stone craft, and a small school of art popped up around her. By the time of Falla’s death 20 years later, the small school had evolved into the Accademia di Belle Arti di Revoera–the greatest concentration of artists for 300 miles.   And so, Reovera did not simply expand around the three rivers, but instead the rivers expanded around Reovera. With a lot of prompting and cajoling by the academy, canals were built to direct the waterways. The final result was a city where nearly every building brushes up against the water somewhere. Taking a note from the great Falla, Carl and Doris Luckless, known adventurers, decided to make Reovera their final destination once the adventuring life had lost its glamour for them. Here, they raised their daughter and eventually their grandson. Ruled over by the Red Baron, Reovera is known far and wide for its beauty, style, and crystal waters.   The burgeoning artist travels a long road so she can sketch the land where each street is a palace by the waterway, and many a proud merchant puffs up his chest to say he has contacts in the pearl on the canals.   For it is Reovera, City of Rivers.  
  1439 after the Great War:
  • The Luckless adventurers build their manor in Reovera, just like their nemesis Astrid Fornwood. Both families, wanting to keep an eye on each other, have built their respective mansions in front of one another, with a river separating them. The feud dates back decades, as Carl Luckless, in his youth, had spurned Astrid Fornwood to be with his now-wife Doris.
  • The next years are filled with tensions, with many bloody escalations causing losses on both sides of the river.
  •   1450 after the Great War:
  • The Red Baron, leader of the city, has had enough of this long lasting feud and, with the power of a single punch, destroys the bridge linking both manors over the river. He declares that any more killing of the other family will be met with merciless force. He says he will personally destroy the manor of whoever breaches the agreement and banish the family at fault from the city.
  • From that point on, many skirmishes and ''good ol' bruisin' '' happen, but nothing that would shed blood.
  •   1454 after the Great War:
  • Astrid Fornwood disintegrates one of her manservant who accidentally slashed the leg of the Luckless gardener.
  •   1471 after the Great War:
  • Unbeknownst to most, the Gloomcloaks, an assassin's guild originating from the Shining Lands , installs its first western hideout under the infamously dangerous Hog's Wife's Inn.
  •     1472 after the Great War:
  • Criella and her first crew raids the Gloomcloaks hideout in order to free her master, Ceverus, from the Gloomcloaks. The mission fails, as Ceverus ends up being killed and Criella is tricked into losing her connection to the weave.
  •   1493 after the Great War:
  • Felix Luckless, Doris and Carl's grandson, and Celine Fornwood, Astrid's grand-daughter, go on a date together. Astrid sends her manservants to destroy the romantic evening, while Doris and Carl hire a band of adventurers to protect the date at all cost. Doris sees the opportunity to finally put this childish rivalry aside, while Astrid doesn't want her precious grand-daughter falling for the (very) lackluster grandson of her enemies. The party of adventurers, after a few exchanges and fights with the Fornwood servants, eventually were successful in protecting the ambiance of the date, leading to Felix kissing Celine on a bench in Hedge Park.
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