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Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aleskey was born the second son of Koseff & Netri (nee Stefka) Dotsk. The two lived in the capital city of Helgabal. Koseff and Nitiri worked for most of the tenday as field hands in the surrounding countryside, bring home grains and other small harvests along with a decent pay. On off days, as devout followers of Ilmater, they offered help to the Temple of St. Sollars the Enduring and the nearby healers college named End’s Rest. They were taught herbalism and the ability to spot medicinal plants in the fields and served as lay foragers to provide the temple and college materials for crafting healing spells and potions. When the family expanded to include the two boys Fodel and Aleskey, when they became old enough, they joined their parents with the foraging. When Fodel reached the age of 18, he met Marra Velky. Within a year, the two married. Fodel, always of a strong and independent mind, felt stunted by the opportunities in Helgabal [and driven out be oppressive regime] and decided to travel west to the Moonsea. This was much to their parents’ chagrin. A childhood friend, Ekov Dulik, had gone to the free city of Phlan and found good work as a carpenter there. He had shared the news with his hometown friends and Fodel was curious to check it out. Fodel, with his knowledge of foraging and medicinal plants from his years helping his parents with their lay work for the church, quickly found work at the apothecary there, after Ekov had connected him with the owner, the rock gnome Fillistrum Wunderknudle, while doing repair work. Fillistrum was so impressed with Fodel’s foraging skills that within five years he made Fodel a partner in the store. Needless to say, Fodel settled in Phlan and Marra and he bought a home of Maiden Avenue. They had a son whom they named Pavel, after the cleric, Pavel Shemov,, who had helped Gareth Dragonsbane defeat the Witch King from Vaaasa who had attempted to invade Damara.   Aleskey, just as independent as headstrong as his older brother, took a different track. Koseff and Netri recognized quite early that their quiet and reclusive son was blessed with a high intelligence. It made them quite proud. Some of the local sages took note as well seeing in the young boy an aptitude for recognizing patterns and the emerging and under appreciated field of mathematics. They saw the boy when they visited End’s Rest while his parents were out foraging, and he was playing with the sisters and brothers watching over the nursery. The sage Rhowan Quinson approached and offered to sponsor Aleksey for initiation of one of the scholarly cloisters of Helgabal. A proud Koseff said yes. The Dotsk family had been almost exclusively farmers and laborers throughout their existence and Kossuth was hopeful the family name could possibly gain prominence throughout Damara through his second born. Aleskey entered the cloisters of Helgabal and began his studies. He excelled and seemed on track on a comfortable life as a scholar and possibly an adviser to one of the Damaran courts.   However, Aleksey was “gifted” in another way. Starting around the age of 13, he started experiencing feelings of déjà vu when random inconsequential events seemed like that they had happened in a dream the boy had in months or weeks prior. By time he reached 16, those “feelings” evolved into vivid dreams with remarkable acuity for clear and specific details that often felt real. Several of the events of those dreams started to come to pass in the waking world. [some were dreams involving minor events with his family and friends. One time…] One dream in particular, suggested that the Dragonsbane royal lineage would cease to be at the year’s end and the unity of the Bloodstone Kingdom would dissolve and Vaasa would become a threat to Damara again. However, when Aleksey tried to share these dreams with his family and tutors, they dismissed them as the fantasies of a young teenage kid with a suppressed, wild imagination wanting to break away from his books. Aleksey knew better and began to experience a condition some diviners have dubbed “Savras’ Burden”, where one can see the future but is powerless to prevent it from coming to pass. Others began to label him as eccentric, at best, and other names he would rather not repeat. The young scholar withdrew even more into himself.   Aleskey started to take an interest in the arcane, hoping to find a way to channel those abilities and show the everyone he was not “crazy.” His avarice in reading magical texts was noted by his tutors and, when he turned 18, Rhowan Quinson arranged to have him apprentice under one of the wizards that was in the council of the Duke of Morov. He was sent to tutelage of Rhael Devachuk, a vain and haughty enchanter who was ever paranoid about training a potential rival. Aleksey spent most of his time under the wizard tracking down tomes, reading, taking notes and performing menial housekeeping tasks. While Aleskey enjoyed reading and soaking up lore and knowledge, Aleksey quickly caught on that his “master,” as he insisted to be called, saw him no more as an underling and his only utility to the half-elf was as a clerk. Proud and independent, Aleksey privately fumed at this, but as is the Damaran way, he did his duty and endured on for several years hoping everyday a new opportunity might present itself. That opportunity presented itself when Rhowan Quinson paid an unexpected visit and was curious about the progress his former protégée was making. The young man recounted to the older scholar in matter-of-fact terms the tasks that were regularly asked of him. Rhowan keenly read between the lines and, in the even and detached tone common to scholars, as the young Dotsk what spells he had learned. Aleksey could not offer much and the septuagenarian grew quiet   The old scholar held back the feelings of shame he had about putting Aleksey under the care of such a vain and pretentious individual that Rhael reveled to be. The old tutor took his leave. A week later, a letter came from another wing in the manor that Aleksey was to report to the Damaran Gate in the Bloodstone Pass to apprentice under Arvo Kaschak, an abjurer that had spent a year apprenticing under Dreveth the Gray of Hillsfar, a diviner of some reputation. Arvo was stationed there to attend to the maintenance of the warding spells that augmented the massive gate.   It was an uncertain and uneasy time in Damara as Queen Brianne Dragonsbane died four years prior, just as his dreams told Aleksey, ending the Houses royal lineage. Political chaos ensued and tensions began to rise between Vaasa and Damara threatening to dissolve their union under the Bloodstone Kingdom. A new, relatively unknown noble, albeit one of the wealthiest in all of Damara, named Yarin Frostmantle was seated as the new ruler of the kingdom. Rumors began to spread of a ruthless order of warlock knights seizing control over vast areas of Vaasa and marshaling an ever expanding army.   Arvo, while stoic and somewhat detached in his demeanor, proved to be a more generous and skilled mentor to the aspiring young Aleksey. Aleskey began to master a few cantrips and was given the tools to learn the ability to summon a familiar, a sign of stature among mages. Arvo encouraged his young apprentice’s love of lore and reading as it helped the older arcane master gain new insights and stratagems for many of the spells he had in his register. Aleksey was initially frustrated at the slow pace his mentor proceeded with his studies, but Aleksey came to realize the purpose of that. Arvo was not trying to just teach the spells to the young Damaran, but have him understand the understand the underlying elements of the material plane and the “weave” that came together to inform those magics. Aleksey appreciated the respect the veteran mage was showing him by giving him the means of perfecting his art well beyond his training.   Alesky also found subtle ways to put use of his visions while serving at the Damaran Gate. He often ventured into the surrounding mountainsides and valleys and assisted farmers and miners alike in their day-to-day efforts. Farmers came to trust in his forecasts of weather, planting at the right time to yield the maximum harvest and at other times when to prepare for coming drought. Miners listened to his “insight” on the best time to ship out the precious bloodstone that avoided raids from orcs and bandits. It wasn’t going to rock the world but the farmers and miners were nonetheless grateful for it.   Despite the ever present tension that pervaded while living within a border fortress, Aleksey was content and feeling like he was finally coming into his own. He was excited to find that the castle that anchored one side of the gate had housed a respectably sized library. Many of the records stored there were of the mundane variety, mostly being daily records of inventories and coming and going of travelers at the gate. Despite the dry, unadorned accounting those documents contained, Alesky still enjoyed perusing over them in his free time. Patterns emerged from those logs and Aleskey was able to glean broader stories from them. Such was the case when came upon the logs from the year 1373 DR. It was dubbed “the Year of Rogue Dragons” with astute foresight. Aleskey discovered an attempt that year by the notorious lich Sammaster and his Cult of the Dragon to invade Damara that was thwarted by the first king of Bloodstone Gareth Dragonsbane and other adventures that joined him, including Pavel Shemov, for which his nephew in Phlan was named. After his training and duties with Arvo wrapped up, he would secret up to the library to learn about the next sequence of events that happened over those days in 1373. One such night, while he was reading the log book that had recounted the vast horde of monsters from Vaasa that stood outside the gates, fate intervened and set Aleksey on a coarse he seemed to be destined to since first discovering his gifts as a child. Although he was alone in the room, which he was sure of as he had locked the door when he came in, Alesky heard a voice, clear, measured and evenly toned as if someone was standing right next to him. “Aleskey Dotsk?” Aleskey looked up from the book but not a soul was to be found.   “Aleskey Dotsk, I need your help.” Confused, Aleskey looked around again. “You are alone. The voice you hear is from me, Savras. I was once venerated as the god of divination and I need your help. I know of your “gifts” and have watched you for many years. I choose to reach out to you because of your “gifts” and you possess the intellect and learning to know what I say is true. I need your help. Faerûn has dark times ahead, Damara, the Cold North and the Moonsea in particular. The Cult of the Dragon has found a new purpose under a new leader and stirs again. The evil queen of the chromatic dragons seeks to return to Toril and the Cult is working to aid her. Much destruction awaits Faerûn as they prepare for her arrival. I was trapped for many years and just recently returned to this world. My followers are few and all my temples and shrines on this continent have been abandoned. The other deities have chosen to remain silent but I cannot. I need your help Aleskey Dotsk. Will you help me?” Aleksey took a few moments to collect his thoughts. It was disorienting but it felt true. The young mage had read about Savras in his studies. The appearance of the god that had been recorded in many texts was consistent with what just happened. A voice spoke with unfettered clarity imparting knowledge to benefit the greater well being of the world. “Yes,” Aleksey responded, “What do you ask of me?” “Just believe in me and I can help guide you in the talents that others have ignored for much of your life. Devout yourself to what I know, to what I understand and impart that knowledge when you must. Take as a symbol of the divine power I would like to channel to you one of the bloodstone minerals mined from the surrounding mountainsides and have it polished into an orb. Incise eyes in the flecks of red that dot its surface. Use it as an orb or have a shield fashioned around it for protection.   It will serve as a symbol of your devotion to my cause as well as to your Damaran lineage. Take this with you to the royal court in Bloodstone City. Warn the king danger is inevitable and he must prepare. If he does not listen, travel to each of the vassal courts and make your case there. Enough of them will force the king to act. Take care, Aleskey. I will return again when fate call for it.”   With that, Aleskey felt the presence leave the room. He returned the book to the shelf and went to back to his chambers to contemplate. When morning broke, Aleskey went to Arvo and asked to travel up to the mines. The apprentice made no mention of the encounter of the night before. Arvo granted the request on the condition that Aleskey carry a message and bags of gold and gems for the dwarven clans that worked and resided near the mines. Reports were coming in of a large army approaching the Bloodstone Pass within Vaasa and the fortress needed to beef up its armory. He then asked Alesky to make haste in getting back as they need to join in with the defensive preparations.   Aleskey arrived at the mines by mid-day. He delivered the message and bags of gems and gold to the dwarven clans as asked. Through the years at the gate, Aleskey was able to save a decent amount of gold. Since much was provided for at the military installation, it was rare for the apprentice to have spend any coin. He gave part of his savings to a purchase a fist size of recently mined bloodstone. He then took the stone and commissioned a dwarf stonecutter to polish the rock and incise the eyes in the red flecks. He offered some gold for a recommendation for a blacksmith. The dwarf said he had a working relationship with one, and when Aleksey explained to him his plans, the stonecutter agreed to drop off the finished stone with the blacksmith. Alesky then paid a visit to the blacksmith and gave the dwarf his remaining savings to craft a gilded shield around the polished stone. The blacksmith informed him it would take a month to complete but should arrive with the other arms and armor commissioned by the fortress. Aleskey made haste to return back to the gates as he was instructed.   A month passed. Aleksey continued with studies and chores with Arvo with no mention of the visitation from Savras. It seemed awkward and did not seem the time was right until the shield arrived. Plus, the defensive preparations and daily reports tracking the forces moving through Vaasa preoccupied most of everyone’s thoughts. The shield did eventually arrive as promised with the arms and armor from the dwarven forges. A note from the blacksmith quarters was sent to Aleskey’s and the young Damaran promptly picked up the item. As expected, the shield was crafted with utmost precision. The bloodstone was a flawless polished sphere, with finely incised tiny eyes and the red and gold gilding of the shield shimmered with a high brilliance. Aleskey knew Arvo had a keen eye to notice these types of things, so, out of respect, he knew now was the time to tell his mentor. Aleskey reported to his morning studies and told Arvo of his visitation from Savras a month ago. At first, Arvo was not pleased. In calm measured words, he expressed his disapproval of an apprentice leaving their training this close to being done and when so much time and resources had been invested into them. Plus, there was the issue that his help would be needed to defend the gates. Reports had the army in Vaasa now within days of the pass. With a long pause, Arvo then calmly resumed stating that he believed his apprentice was visited by the deity. His path was no longer with the arcane but with the divine. It had been decades since any one had reported any contact with any of the deities of Faerûn and agreed his ward had been tasked with a higher responsibility. He praised Alesky for his dutifulness and adeptness in comprehending the fundamental underpinnings of the weave. He was a bright student and wished Aleskey well. He made call to the castellan to have Aleskey be accompanied by a small band of guards for protection for a few miles as he headed east to the royal court. Aleskey thanked his mentor and promised to also request the king to send more forces to garrison at the gates.   It took Aleksey less than a half-day’s travel to reach Bloodstone City. It was late in the afternoon when he arrived at the Palace Dragonsbane. He went to offices of the Lord Steward to arrange an audience with the king. The clerks asked Aleskey his name, rank and profession and the young cleric to be quickly surmised that it did not portend a good meeting. Despite stressing to the clerks that he came from his station at the Damaran Gate and was Arvo Kaschak’s [former] apprentice, Alesky had to lobby hard to convince them to schedule a distinct time with the king and not be a part of the general audience from the public. They instructed the former apprentice that he would be given 10 minutes to present his request to the Royal Court immediately after the affairs of the general audience.   Aleksey arrived back at the palace the next day. He presented first the request of his former mentor to the court. “Yes, yes, I get the daily reports… This is not new….” The new king, Yarin Frostmantle, sat hunched forward in his throne and stared at the cleric with beady rat-like eyes. Aleksey pressed on “Yes, your grace. I was recently visited by the god Savras and he asked of me…” “Steward, which of your incompetent excuses for clerks granted this delusional simpleton to waste our time!” the king belched out in a raspy voice. Aleskey was undeterred. “Wait! There is great danger for Damara and all of Faerûn. The Cult…” “GUARDS. Drag this wretch out of my site.” Aleskey continued even as the guards put their gauntlets around his upper arms and began to drag. “The Cult of Dragon is stirring again and preparing for… Get off me!… Naaauugh!… preparing for Tiamat’s return to Toril!” The king scoffed “Hmph. Again, nothing new there. They are always up to some hair brained scheme that comes to nothing but dead cultists. GET OUTTA HERE! You are a waste of our time, you deranged zealot!” The guards dragged Aleskey out of the chamber and to the palace entrance. Frustrated, Aleskey descended the steps and returned to the inn. He spent the night mapping out his journey to each of the courts of each of the duchies and baronies of Damara as Savras prescribed. He also collected his notes about Sammaster’s attempt from close to a century ago. While the lich had long since passed, it was evidence of the threat the Cult posed whenever it has a central purpose and become organized.   Aleskey spent the next year and a half making his way to each of the courts of the Dukes and Barons of Damara. The result was much the same albeit he was shown more dignity in many of those courts than he did on the day in Bloodstone City. It also came to pass that in the month following his visit to the king, the Vaasan Gate was breached by the Warlock Knights and they raised much of the Bloodstone Pass, including the royal capital. The Bloodstone Kingdom dissolved. King Frostmantle and the court managed to escape and established the Damaran capital in Alesky’s hometown of Helgabal. The forces held strong at the Damaran Gate keeping the rampaging knights for finding any entry into Damara itself. And that is where things stayed for the following decade. Life in Damara became tense with the constant threat of war sitting at their doorstep in Vaasa and the increasingly authoritarian rule of Yarin Frostmantle.   Touching on his upbringing in a devout Ilmatari family, Aleskey spent the decade and a half making his way around the lands of Damara and offering his gifts to the regular working people of his home nation. Much as he did when he was stationed, he helped them plan crops, prepare for floods or draughts, find auspicious time to conduct business, time to take up defenses and others of the like. He even offered the odd card, palm and the leaf reading for a little fun and coin. While it might have been described as minor by some, the people were highly appreciative none the less. They freely offered donations to the cleric. Not only did it help provide Alesky enough to cover his daily living expenses, but he was able to save up a modest sum to purchase scale mail in a few years time.   When a city or outpost offered a library, he sought what information he could on his patron deity and records of past activities of the Cult of the Dragon to glean what he could about their practices. He also learned that his nephew’s namesake had sacrificed himself to destroy Sammaster for once and all in the battles of that followed the ones at the Damaran Gate.   Since Aleksey was the only cleric of Savras that he was aware of, he also conferred with the clerics and clergy of Ilmater about their daily and regular rituals. He adopted and adapted those practices that seem to be in line with the duties of a god of knowledge and divination and devised a few rites of his own. Having not heard from Savras after that fateful night, he took it upon his mission to hone his visions and make sure truth and knowledge was always brought to light, even if the sometimes did not fall on willing ears.   That being said, the years passed without the Cult doing much to draw any much attention. There were the odd plots every few years by an isolated cell here and there but they were easily foiled by the town guards or some aspiring adventuring group. Nothing on the scale or organization that Savras seemed in his visitation all those years. Aleksey knew from his own visions that sometimes the “truths” hinted at in divination could take some time pass and often surprised one if they gave up on them. However, the now middle aged and wisened cleric began to wonder if the god had imparted truths from a much distant future and would he remember what to look for if they started to come to pass. Despite the daily meditations and review of his journals, the details started to become fuzzy. He encountered a few individuals tied with the Harper’s network and they shared there were rumors that a new leader had emerged within its ranks. The philosophy of the new leader was gaining traction among the younger followers of the order and causing a rift in the order from those who were loyal to the traditional ways. They also had heard word of increased activity among cells along the Sword Coast and the Moonsea region, the latter of which of just to the west of them. However, it still nothing on the scale that Savras seem to imply, so Aleksey was content to simply watch and gather more information.   In his forty second year, Aleksey received word from his brother Fodel that Pavel had taken up studies in the clergy of the faith of Ilmater. He informed Aleskey that Pavel was initiated as a monk in the Order of the Broken Ones and was traveling with his mentor to End’s Rest in Helgabal. Pavel was to continue his studies there. Aleskey sent a message to his nephew and traveled back to his hometown to visit him. Pavel was happy to see his wayward uncle, remembering him mostly from the odd visits during the celebrations of Highharvestide, and was surprised to see his arcane obsessed relative dressed in the vestments. Kossuf and Natri had passed of natural causes some many years ago, but long family friends welcomed the two into their homes. Aleskey asked his nephew about his progress in the ways of his order and was pleased to hear that he had a kind and generous mentor that imparted a lot of wisdom on the young Dotsk. He also was commended on his skills at foraging and crafting healing remedies, a family skill that served them all well. Aleskey also shared with his nephew what he had learned of his name sake and that he saw a path to a similar renown in his nephew future. They parted ways. Pavel needed to return to his studies and Aleksey wanted to continue his research among the vast collections of libraries and colleges that were unique to a royal capital.   Aleksey wanted to continue his research among the vast collections of libraries and colleges that were unique to a royal capital. As he headed from the library for his evening meal break, he bumped shoulders with a large, solid muscular man that almost spun him to the ground. The individual was adorned in the hide dress that suggested he belonged to one of the barbarian tribes of the Far North. The man was joined by two roguish looking halflings, a male and female. When he looked into the eyes of the towering barbarian to apologize, a sense washed over him that the man was not who he seemed. A long past lay hidden in the man’s soul that his youthful appearance disguised. The same was true of the male curly haired halfling and a sense of fate seemed to emanate off the two that he had never encounter in any humanoid before or since. The barbarian was quick to smile and offer his own apologies to the cleric and continued walking towards whatever their destination was. All throughout his meal and for the rest of the night, Aleksey’s mind kept returning to the aura of those two and something momentous was about to come to pass in the city.   His suspicions were confirmed later that night as prepared for bed and went over a final review of his notes from the day. That clear, even toned voice that he had heard back in that fortress library almost two decades spoke once again. “Alesky, I must come to you again. I know it has been many, many years since we last spoke. My powers as a god are still limited and I am still working to get a greater foothold in this realm. Thank for never wavering in your belief and continuing your service on my behalf to spread knowledge in this realm. I need to share information of great importance for Faerûn once again. Also, in honor of years in devotion to our cause, I have news of personal import to your family. The events I spoke to you all those past are set to start coming to pass. Events are lining up as I have foreseen. Soon, the tyrant king of this nation will see his paranoid and avaricious nature turn against him. His impatience has already set in motion powerful individuals to come to the aide of his recent bride. The young Aglarondan noble from Delthune will sit soon as the sole ruler of Damara as Frostmantle’s gestures to blame her for his infertility and set in motion her execution will instead encounter his own as some of the greatest mortals of this realm will come to the young woman’s aide. You will know this to be true when the draw ranger of legend arrives at the Monastery of the Yellow Rose with others of his kind. The barbarian and the halfling rogues you saw today have already set that path in motion. [Events in the Hero Novel by RA Salvatore] Damara will come into a better age under her rule if she can endure the early years of manipulation and coercion from the other noble houses of Damara. She will need sage advice. However, that is not the fate that is required of you.   You will need to continue with your quest in discovering more about the Cult of the Dragon and will have agency to act against them in my name. To set that path of fate in motion, you will need to travel west to city of your brother, Phlan. There, too, the city’s arrogant current ruler will soon meet his end and put the Zhentilar claim to power there in question. The city will be in state of upheaval in the following years, giving the cult the cover they need to covertly put their plans into motions. Many of their kind have already taken up residence in the city. The Moonsea is abundant with dragons and dragon artifacts that will serve their cause. If not interrupted, I fear the Tiamat could walk again on Toril and make the homes of all but dragons burn in her vindictive wake.” Aleskey listened patiently and waited for Savras to speak again. “You spoke of news of import to me and my family. Is that something you can share?” “Yes, Aleskey. Your brother is a noble good hearted man but also one that is very headstrong. That has made enemies of some those seeking power in the city and they are in the midst of making plans against him. They seek to burn his home with him in it because knowledge he refuses to impart stands in the way of much wealth for them. They will be able to hide themselves from any blame.”   The voice took a long pause. “I am very sorry, Aleskey. You are a dedicated man and I am glad entrusted in you in helping bring knowledge to Faerûn. Even Azuth, the patron of wizards and one I promised fealty to, has also seen his influence decline and has too just emerged trap that usurped his powers. Please know, I am limited in what I can say before my words risk the danger of interfering with fate itself. You are Damaran are an honest, noble people always willing to sacrifice yourselves to serve a greater good. Your future leads down many roads, but wherever they may take you keep in mind, sometimes tragedies can serve a greater purpose and put things on course for the betterment of it, even though it may not seem like it at the time. I share this with you out of the loyalty you have shown me and so you can do right by your family. That is all I can share, Aleksey. Know that I have limits on my powers too but I am here to provide you with what guidance I can. Fate is indebted to you and your family's efforts.”   As he drew near to where the cave to be, here heard goblin war horns give out a cry. In the distant brush ahead of him, he picked up the faint sounds of goblin and humanoid cries and arrows striking their targets. A skirmish seemed to be ahead and he took cover in the brush. After the sounds subsided and a brief silence was broken by non-goblin voices conversing with another, he decided to creep forward to investigate. He saw a group of what look to be six adventures recovering from an encounter with goblins. One of the figures was clad in the gray robes and red ropes of the Ilmati order his nephew belong to. He decided approach carefully and attempt to introduce himself…..

Handsome middle-aged man, yet not incredibly social. He has seen visions his entire life and he has spent much of it trying to figure out their origins, which led him to Savras, and now he has been trying to use them to help his family and region (Damara)

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Entry #35 - search for the cult

I send Uttu, who is now an owl, up into the skies to keep an eye out for our companions.   I'm standing at the gate with Burell, and we suddenly hear bells and shouting, and a green dragon flies overhead of the City. We see the guards prepare to shoot the dragon if it tries to attack, but it would appear they don't want to unnecessarily provoke the dragon into doing what they fear.   I soon get a telepathic message from Uttu that our friends are on their way. They soon come into my view and I wave them over to the gate. Burell is with a halfling druid, both are on a steed. Burell said it should take us 2-3 days to get there. The ravine is about 45 miles away.   Burell is blazing the trail. Olwen Moonfinger is his druid halfing friend. My role for the trip is quatermaster, to make sure we have enough provisions. We spend some time determining which way to take: either take the direct pathless route or take established paths on Phlan Path to the Trank River. We decide to heed the advice our our ranger, Odd, and take the diagnol/direct route towards the Vanishing Hills   I send Uttu up with Odd, who is scouting, to help him do so (helping/assist).   While we are determing walk order, I decide to try my Augury ritual and pull the card Three of Wands, which is a good omen for our adventure.   Burell-odd-franklin-Draxon-Olwen-JM   We head out! Eventually we see some Perycon birds that start to circle us, and Burell seems to think they may be coming in to attack.   At one point, Odd see's an, ahem, odd shadow, which doesn't seem to match the shape of the bird casting it. It doesn't appear to have the head of an eagle but of a deer! Odd skillfully takes out both of the birds and we continue on.   It is mid afternoon now. Odd sees more movement up ahead. Out of the bushes comes this muppet-like creature. It starts to approach us, and it looks peaceful. I attempt to use detect thoughts spell, but there is some kind of block on it, or I'm just not very good at this new ability yet. But I do manage to communicate with the creature enough (waving one arm means yes the other means no), and learn that this creature used to be a wizard that was turned into this creature during a wizard's duel. Has been this way for over 10 years it would seem. I ask Franklin to mark this location on the map, but I explain to the creature that we cannot detour at the moment and say we can come back, but he gets discouraged and leaves. I make a mental note of this encounter.   We make camp and set up watch. Odd feeds us these amazing good berries. In the middle of the night Uttu flies over to me to wake me up. When I wake I hear these noises that sound like children crying for help. Thes two creatures about the size of a horse starts to approach us, with saliva dripping from their fanged mouth.

Entry #34 - Illusndra & the church of Ghond

I eat dinner and help them clean up the Crow's Nest Inn.   Chatting with others over dinner, we learn that JM believes a pirate named Elgar needs to be brought to justice.   I hear a knocking at the door, not yet midnight but later. A small voice, he said Lady Illisandra sent him. He told me that she was downstairs and disguised as a male singer. I tell him I'll come down. I go down, sit at a table, and Illisandra comes up to chat, asking for details. I tell her what happened, and she asks to see the Sapphire, and gives me 25GP in exchange. She is worried that the Cult may try to silence this man Tret. But she doesn't ask us to assist with that effort. We give our regards and head in separate directions for the night.   Trixie finds Franklin and asks him if he can help her, and her group, with a distraction during tomorrow's parade.   After breakfast, the next day, we head over to the Purple Portals, where we are to meet the gnomes with the Church of Ghan, who promised us a hireling and possibly some weapons.   As we get closer, we see the two towers, that actually giant chimneys. We see a few monks in bright orange/yellow saffron robes. They ask us what we are doing here. We tell them and eventually gain access to see Francine Casckstrucker and Rose Thramplestamp. We are lead into the main church and meet Rose. She tells us we are early, but still is able to offer the use of two constructs as hirelings. One is named Svankmajer (looks like a guard. Good at that, and has a halberd, but can also be an assistant carrying things), the other is a rolling ball that opens up into a kind of dog shape, named Iron-Wolf (a good tracker). Each would charge 2gp/day. She said she also equipment she can show us next time, now that we told her what we are interested in. We bid farewell and head to the North Gate to meet Burhell. Very busy here. There's a parade going on for the holiday. As we approach, Franklin and the rest head towards the town square, wanting to help out with Trixie's request to create a distraction for the anti-slavers. They were levitating a dragon skull when an actual dragon appears in the skies! The whole City starts panicking. After all of this they start to head back to Burhell, Draxon, and me.

Items for "sale" from Church of Gond

Items available at the church of Gond for a donation of 50 gp • Bottle of Boundless Coffee • Candle of the Deep • Cleansing Stone • Ear Horn of Hearing • Orb of Gonging • Orb of Time • Pole of Angling • Pole of Collapsing • Prosthetic Limb • Unbreakable Arrow Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 75 gp: • Boots of False Tracks • Chest of Preserving • Lock of Trickery • Mystery Key • Orb of Direction • Rope of Mending • Wand of Pyrotechnics Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 100 gp: • Armor of Gleaming • Cast-Off Armor • Clockwork Amulet • Enduring Spellbook • Horn of Silent Alarm • Moonrod • Smoldering Armor • Spyglass of Clairvoyance • Talking Doll Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 200 gp: • All-purpose tool • Cap of Water Breathing • Driftglobe • Goggles of Night • Propeller Helm • Seeker Dart • Wand of Secrets • Wind Fan Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 250 gp: • Alchemy Jug • Balloon Pack • Boots of Striding or Springing • Boots of Winterlands • Decanter of Endless Water • Dust of Corrosion • Eyes of Minute Seeing • Gem of Brightness • Immovable Rod • Javelin of Lightning • Sap +1 • Wand of Magic Detection Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 300 gp: • Broom of Flying • Eversmoking Bottle • Necklace of Adaptation • Warhammer +1 Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 400 gp: • Efficient Quiver • Lantern of Revealing • Portal Compass Items available at the Church of Gond for a donation of 500 gp: • Pyroconverger Non-magical items available at the Church of Gond: • Artificer’s Pack - 50 gp • Air Screw - 7500 gp • Ball Bearings (Bag of 1,000) - 1 gp • Clockpieces - 75 to 250 gp • Furnace Wagon - 3000 gp • Glass Bottle - 2 gp • Hand Wagon - 1000 gp • Light spitter - 50 gp • Limbrod - 16 gp • Lock - 10 gp • Tentfall- 50 gp • Oil (flask) - 1sp • Portable Ram - 4 gp • Simple Clockwork toys - 2 gp • Spyglass - 50 gp • Tinker’s Tools - 50 gp Trap Maker’s Tools - 45 gp

Entry #33 - What to do with Tret

I know that once the lightning is contained in the tooth, it would take another spell to trigger it, and I don't know what that may be.   Meanwhile, JM goes with the guards who are taking the dwarven girl's body to her parents. They are incredibly grateful, and initially hesitant to accept he electrum, but do accept it. JM gives them some tips, and they offer to pay for any iron gear we may need from his shop.   Tret finally admits that he is a member of the cult, and curses Draxon to be killed by the great Tiamat, the dragon .   Odd and I go downstairs to speak with the guards and explain to them what happened. They immediately want us to bring down the Dragon Cultist. I tell him I certainly will and Odd and I go upstairs to retrieve him. The guards also want to question us, but I have no intention of waiting around.   Jean Marie comes in he walks up to the room and proceeds to cast Command on Tret. We don't learn much more from him. Next thing we know Burell's friend arrives and asks if we've found the artifacts yet. I pull out the fang and shapphire and show them to him.   We continue to argue about what we do with Tret, and we hear a guard coming up the stairs. I see Burhell's friend pull out a dagger, which I presume is for him to use to cut the bonds of Tret, and I ask him to cut my arm as well as I run out to the approaching guard to delay him. Odd disguises himself and runs out the front door, and Franklin sneaks out the front door. JM, Draxon, and Alexsey are left trying to convince the guards to take the cultist and let us go. I had to give up the dragon tooth to the guards to give them evidence of Tret's guilt.   As Odd tries to re-enter, he feels a tap on his shoulder and the elvish woman is there! He returns her bow to her.   We go up to my room with Burhell. He told us about a place in the middle of Thar, a twisted old tree in a ravine. He gives us a map we can follow to where we want to go. We need to find this ravine. Burhell agreed to come with us as we search this place out.   I give my healer's kit to JM.

Entry #31 - Lightning!

Session XLI   We are currently in the Crow's nest inn. Has thick stone walls and wooden floors. We are in the midst of the Edenfeast. We were trying to get information about an underground temple with a connection to the Cult of the Dragon. Our contact was said to have directions to this sunken temple.   Older female dwarf took off running. The human is on the floor, having his body writhe with blue electricity. Draxon pried the dagger out of the humans hand, and Odd used his want to levitate the dagger. Odd and Draxon try to contain the dagger with two clay daggers, but they disintegrate and a bolt goes for the magical bow held by the Wood Elf.   Franklin places a string around the floating dagger as it's floating in place.   Jean Marie dashes after the older dwarven woman trying to flee. He grabs her by the collar before she gets too far. JM sees the half orc ranger run towards him and the woman asking us to halt.   Odd walks towards ranger with bow. When she runs off, I see him nonchalantly pick up her bow and walk back towards us.   I try to do an Arcana check to identify the object, and after focusing on it appears to be a dragon tooth, not a dagger. I run to the trap door and open it, hoping Odd would send the tooth in there, but he is occupied checking on the Elven woman. I then run to the storage chest with the hopes of using that to contain the tooth. Draxon picks up the chest and smashes it against the wall. Not quite what I was thinking...   Franklin is watching over the barely conscious older human on the ground.   Burell and JM take the woman upstairs to interrogate her.   I again attempt to focus on the dragon tooth, and I remember reading that the tooth can hold the lightning, but only if the lightning jumps to a person holding the tooth when the lightning reaches them.   The lightning is arcing between the old dwarf on the floor, the woman's bow, to Esmerelda, out the window, then back tot he old man. I open up his pouch and see a blue sapphire. I grab hold of it and feel an electrical shock. I expect that the lightning bolt will be coming back for me and this old man with the sapphire.   Jean Marie dashes to see who the lightning struck outside, and it apparently it a dwarven child who has a lea of purple and blue flowers around her head, and behind her is a gentleman with a cart selling the leis. He is looking to see if anyone else is fleeing who is dwarven.   Burell pushes dwarven woman up against the wall asking her to explain herself.   As I'm sitting there holding the sapphire, I notice that in the time since I've grabbed the sapphire the lightning hasn't arced off. And I notice that as I was sitting there suffused with lightning, that it is now contained within the tooth. I again attempt to understand these items and how they work, and I am noticing that in this moment that I am holding the tooth, I can see that there is energy pulsating in the tooth in that it's actually warm to the touch. I can recall a spell I read about , feeling confident that the lightning is now contained within the tooth. I run to the elderly woman Ezmerelda who was struck to see if she needs help.   Franklin dumps water on the older human man who is unconscious on the floor.   I cast Prayer of Healing to heal Ezmerelda, Draxon, Franklin, the old man in the guild clothing, and myself.   Jean Marie picks up the wounded dwarven kid to take them inside, and he notices the kid from the orphanage nonchalantly walking away. Jean marie walks in carrying her. Unfortunately, when I start to examine her to determine the extent of her wounds, I see that she has already perished. I am powerless to do anything to bring back the dead. maybe one day, but not today. We did everything we could. Ultimately this is the fault of the Cult of the Dragon. Jean Marie turns towards the dwarven woman and asks her if she is happy. She is saddened, says she didn't know this would happen, but she still won't talk. Draxon picks her up and we lead her and the other man up to Jean Marie's room, after Jean Marie intimidated him.   With help from Odd, we successfully "persuade" her, asking her why they were sent here with these items. "they sent me from Phlan. All I know is they sent me with this, said it would help the guild with breaking stones. My friend told me to come here. All I knew is it was a dragon tooth." Alexsey - who is your friend that sent you here. The old man says, "the name Tret. part of stone cutters guild. " She said she was here to meet Tret to buy the tooth. Tret said it "brandon Yill from Phlan set this all up. Says he is with House Cadrona"   Odd bites the man's ear and asks him about a tattoo on his finger, but he won't talk.   The woman's name is Yanna Hammerbound, who is higher up in the stone-cutter's guild. This was actually official business (per the letters we found). She had permission to purchase the dragon tooth.   I ask her again why her employers, her guild, wants this dragon tooth. She said she has had a fascination with artifacts, and her curiosity got the best of her. She said word came from Brandon.   Odd ties up Trent with Draxon's help.   We let Yanna go, she goes nearby and waits for us...   We go in with Trent, I ask why/how his guild came upon a dragon tooth. He says a merchant came through from Thar, said he was a Zent, that he bought it from. They said they bought it for stone working, but I asked why they are trying to sell it then. When talking with him, he pauses, as if waiting to see if I'm buying it. I ask who else we can talk to, and he says Morana Risen, whom he said helped arrange this.   Burnel recognizes the tattoo that is a part of the cult of the dragon.   Jean Marie leaves with the guards to take the body of the dwarven girl (illandra gemcutter) to her parents.   Odd covered him with a blanket while Burell broke his cult finger and franklin planted a ball bearing so I could track him.

Entry #30 - To the pub, an orb breaks

After celebrating the return of Jean Marie's gold, we decide to head over to the Crow's Nest to meet with a contact named Buhrell Caah, whom the triad contacts told us about. We ask him for information after explaining why we are here. I show him a letter from Kahan. Buhrell says he has information but could use help with something first. He points to a patch of his that shows an Elk; the logo of the Emerald Enclave (A group of wilderness survivalists who protect the natural order and fight against unnatural threats in Faerun). He says they are tracking down a dragon artifact, which he suspects to be in this room. He asks if any of us can cast Detect Magic, and I oblige him by doing so. We see a Wild Elf, sitting alone, with a purple hued bow that is glowing with magic. There are two older women dining together, and one of them has a magical necklace. An Older man with a dwarven woman, emphatically talking, has a sack showing magic. There is a grumpy older human that is writing in a book with a magical pen. A pale-skinned dragonborn, dining alone, has a small magical pouch at her side. Three halflings are at the bar, speaking loudly, in a language that only Franklin knows, with a pouch that shows some magic.   Odd speaks to the Wild Elf and learns about her magical bow (nothing dragon related), and learns of a new contact whom he can reach out to about getting such a bow himself. I attempt to send Uttu to the dwarf and human, but he is detected and i summon him back. Draxon sits down with the dwarf, with Uttu on his back. They both have a medallion with a hammer and stave on it. Draxon chats them up and they are with the stone cutters. Uttu goes up and sees flashes of blue and white light, of conjuration magic, coming out of their sack. Draxon doesn't learn much, but he does get a contact for a potential job as a stone cutter.   I go to speak with the guy with the magical pen. I learn that Timore Shieldbeater crafted this pen for him. This gentleman is nothing but a food critic. We chat and I depart.   Odd goes to speak with the Dragonborn, but she gets up to leave, and Odd falls while following her. As she goes up the stairs, Jean Marie follows her and starts talking to her in Draconic (Uttu jumps on his back). Uttu jumps on the dragonborn's back and hitches a ride on her as she enters into her room. Uttu sees an open map showing the Dragonspire mountains. Seeing through his eyes, I make this out to be a treasure map of some sort. She goes to bed after a while and Uttu investigates further, and finds a compass with writing on it, and divination magic coming off of it.   Odd and Draxon talk to the old ladies, who it just so happens loves cats! Odd makes some new friends, it seems, as they are smitten with him. They give him a tip to talk to Orgod, whom I believe is the bouncer.   After concluding our conversations, some of us (myself and Jean Marie) proceed to get rooms here, as they are much cheaper than the last place we were staying at. Jean Marie goes up to his in an attempt to keep an eye/ear on the Dragonborn.   Next thing we know, we hear a glass orb thump on the floor, which spins away, and the room goes silent. The human with the dwarf grabs the dagger that comes out of the orb, and lightning envelopes him. His dwarf friend runs off and I cast bewilder. Draxon knocks the dagger out of his hand, and Odd levitates the dagger. My bewilder fails, and she runs off. Franklin follows her. I stabilize her human friend, and when I touch him I am shocked. The dwarf runs towards the exit, and Jean Marie comes down due to the noise, and Odd and Draxon cover the dagger with the two clay mugs, and eventually mugs disintegrate.

Entry #29 - Jean Marie's gold is recovered (partially)

[Added to Journal entry #26: Three days earlier,, after visiting the Swap Shop, Franklin went back to his room. After hearing a knock, he opens the door to come face to face with an old man. The old man holds up a paper, a wanted poster, of Franklin! "are you this man?", he asks. Franklin, finding himself a little caught off guard, expecting the knock to be from his friends, fails to come up with a good deception. Fortunately, it turns out the old man just had a personal message for Franklin, asking him to stay away from Trixie, so as to keep her "out of trouble". Trixie finds Franklin the next morning, and they chat for a bit. He finds out her family has a connection to the Harpers. She mentions a parade coming up, and she is looking for help with look-outs, as they want to do a simultaneous operation to free some slaves. ]   Our showdown at the Orphanage continues, as we attempt to regain Jean Marie's stolen gold....   Franklin and Draxon arrive late to the Orphanage. Franklin goes in, posing as an orphan, and once he hears commotion, yells for all of the kids to "go upstairs; there is a fight!". While he is able to fool the guards, tricking them into believing he is another orphan, the Madame is not so easily fooled. She tells Franklin, "I hear your friend calling you", and Franklin hears my voice calling for help, even though I am currently a block away from the orphanage, but he isn't fooled and heads for the kitchen. However, I'm close enough that I hear my own voice calling Franklin from outside of the Orphanage. Realizing there is some magic afoot, I dash back towards the Orphanage.   Jean Marie tries to persuade the children to leave their life of crime at the orphanage, but fails. They clearly see this as their only way forward in life. He starts to see a large gathering of kids, many of whom came up looking for the fight Franklin mentioned. A few approach him with a rolled up blanket, and also sees some start to barricade the room. Jean Marie starts to get worried at this point, but somehow manages to convince them to scatter.   As I head closer to the Orphanage, I send Uttu upstairs to see what's going on.   He sees Franklin leave through the back door, and Jean Marie starting to tie a rope to a point in the room, clearly ready to climb out the window. As he climbvs out, Uttu gets swatted by the Madame and disappears to the ether dimension.   We all regroup outside of the Orphanage. Jean Marie is clearly frustrated that the children won't leave their life of crime, and realized they were about to turn on him if he hadn't of left. Franklin didn't learn anything about where the money may be, and also realized he was made by the Madame. Odd tired of throwing the marble against the kid's head so left for the Casino. Franklin heads out to scout the parade route for Trixie. Jean Marie heads for the dock, upset about still being broke. His frustration showed itself when he [un]wisely picked a fight with Draxon, after Draxon laughed at him for wanting to start pit-fighting at the docks for money. As you can imagine, this didn't end so well.   Meanwhile, I decide to head back to the orphanage with the beggar disguise I used in Phlan. But first I spend some time to re-summon Uttu. Having resummoned him, I head to the Orphage, posing as a beggar while I send him into the Orphanage to see if he can follow the Madame to find Jean Marie's gold. He successfully jumps onto her robes. I thought things were going well, until I see the Madame start to walk directly towards me, outside of the Orphanage! I attempt to continue my ruse, but she sees right through it. She attempts to charm me, but thanks to some precognition from Savras, I alter the fates to have her fail that attempt. She seemed startled at this, and I somehow successfully convince her that if she returns half of Jean Marie's gold, she will never see us again. I follow her up to her room and sign a contract stating this. I sense some magic on this document, but with the kids swarming behind me, I see no way forward other than to sign this contract. To her credit, the Madame holds to her word and I leave with half of his gold, and my life as well!   I head back to the Inn to find Jean Marie sulking over a beer, and throw him his bag of gold on the table. "Here's your gold. Half of it anyway. Best I could do." He stares at me, mouth agape, "what... how...". I say "let me buy you a beer", and proceed to tell him about how I recovered some of his gold.

Quest list

[You can find our Quest details/updates , found on your character's Quests page. But first you need to join the campaign here]   Active Quests
  • (World/Main) Investigate the Dragon Cult: Rumor (and Aleksey's visions and communion with Savras, the seer god) indicate that the Cult of the Dragon is seeking to take steps to bring back Tiamat, the queen of dragons, into Toril. Find out exactly what they are up to and stop them!
  • We are currently pursuing a lead in Thar, given to us by Burhell.   Other tasks
  • Acquisitions Incorporated franchisement: They approached us at the Inn about franchising, getting hirelings, equipment, etc. If interested we should chat with them.
  • Ghomish work order check-in: Follow up with the gnomes with the Church of Ghan. They committed to possibly constructing a hireling for Aleksey, and tools/weapons for Draxon and Jean Marie.
  • Possible Quests
  • Rescue Odd's family in the Underdark : We have a month to track down his brother and liberate an entire City. We were thus informed by a Drow disguised as a were-rat.
  • Investigate goblins in Thar: In Blackalbuck's Swap Shop, gnomes offered us a bag of holding if we could figure out why some goblins, in the middle of Thar, gained access to some poisonous, magical fruit. We can find them again at the Purple Portals. Guy named Burel is their contact.
  • Bring head of Rat King: The City is willing to pay 5gp to investigate a rat king. They will pay for body.
  • Investigate local slave resistance in Melvaunt: Jean Marie learned from his informant that there is a local slave resistance, and the owners of the Swap Shop are somehow involved. Investigate further if we want to get involved with this movement.
  • Clear local mine of Orcs: A woman in the trading hub was talking about her family's mines filled with Orcs, wanting them removed. Reward - ???
  • Investigate chimney monster at blacksmith: A blacksmith has some issue we need to investigate involving a smoke monster.
  • Patrol Thar: The City is looking for mercenaries, 10gp a day, to patrol Thar.
  • Track down Thaldi and see how she is doing: Theady is the barbarian woman we found in the labyrinth, who assisted us with finding a way out. She stole--er borrowed a horse from the Blackfists at the bar at the docks, and took off, bidding farewell and thanks for us. Do we want to follow her to the plains and see if she needs assistance in her fight against the slavers?
  • On hold (Quests in Phlan)
  • Brother O'keefe investigation status check-in: Check in with Brother O'keefe with the _____ to see how his investigation into the underground cemetery laboratory and portal is going. Has he determined who owned that laboratory, and why they were creating a necromantic potion?
  • Investigate attacks on southern coast by ghost ship: Harpers have asked us to investigate reports of a ghost ship attacking the southern coast.
  • Investigate the ancient building in the labyrinth below Phlan: We discovered an ancient building below Phlan that had gargoyles perched on either side of the doors. We didn't have time to investigate, but Odd the archaeologist was interested in taking a closer look.
  • Labyrinth sarcophagus: We discovered a sarophogus in the underground labyrinth that we were unable to open. Will curiosity take hold once more, or will we let them rest in peace?

    Entry #28 - Next morning, next pursuit for the purse

    The next morning, we get a knock on the door, and someone offers to maintain our weapons. We gather downstairs and we tell Odd what happened the night before, between Odd's encounter with the Selune worshiper, Jean Marie's informant meeting. We see the knights on their way out, that Mage with the acquisitions group is still here. On their way out the Knights say farewell… Afterwards, we decide to head back to the orphanage during the day, and I propose to cast Locate Object once we get there.   We arrive and see all kinds of kids, from 6-18, coming in and out of this building. Jean Marie just walks in and starts wandering around, looking to see if he recognizes the kid that cut her purse. The madame of the house stop him, and they have an argument about what she is doing with these kids. He keeps walking and she blows some kind of silent whistle. While I see him walking, I cast Locate Object and sense it outside of the Orphanage, further to the South. I tell Jean Marie, but he goes upstairs. He sees a 12-yr old with a bowl cut who runs to the window, and he yells so that Odd and I can hear. Apparently the madame has also called the guards. The kid stops at the window and yells for Anastasia. Odd throws his marble at him… Odd and Jean Marie see a rope hanging down. Jean Marie take a shot at him with an unarmed strike and hits him in the hip and manages to grapple him. The kid pulls out a dagger and stabs Jean Marie in the forearm, and manages to escape his grapple. But Jean Marie manages to catch him again, and Odd hits him in the head with the ball bearing, and keeps doing it to the poor kid. The kid proceeds to start groveling at Jean Marie's feet, saying he gave all of the money to "her". After he starts crying, Jean Marie intimidates him and says he will protect the kid if he tells him who has his money. He also says he will give the kid half of the money.   I still run in the direction of the purse, dashing, and come up to a fence. The object I'm seeking, the purse, is on the other side of the fence. So I then dash back to Odd and Jean Marie. On my return, I see two guards heading towards the Orphanage and I cast bewilder on one of them without his knowledge. They continue talking with a woman out front of the Orphanage.   We shall see what happens with the intimidated purse-snatcher and the guards about to enter the Orphanage!

    Entry #27 - 1st attempt at securing the purse

    We decide to head for the neighborhood, and allow Franklin to ask around to see if he can narrow down the location of the gang. When we arrive, he starts chatting with some shady characters in the street, and unfortunately he loses some money in a card game! But he does make a contact with France Shemak, a Damaran, who is part of a cat burgler group, named the Shadow Larks. He knows of the kids in question. Says he has seen some of the kids hanging out around the orphanage.   Franklin comes back and reports to us and Jean Marie says, "let's go!". So we head on over towards the docks, make a left, and see a slight tower of the temple to Lovetar. Then we come upon Mademe Drula's orphanage. We see some lighting, inns are active and open, some lights on.   As we approach, I fall behind, and due to my inability to be quiet at all, I rouse the attention of two guards, and unfortunately I had forgotten tthere was a curfew! They question me, and I try to question them about it, and I chat with them. I fail my attempt to pour water then freeze it, throwing waterskin in their face. They say they will take me to jail. JM and Franklin see this, and approach. One of the guards tries to grab me, but fails to do so. I try to bewilder the other but fail.   JM comes up and attempts command, but the guard shrugs this off as well. I see Franklin jump around the neck of the other in a choke, successfully grappling him. I am intimidated by the guard with the halberd, and am unable to bewilder him. But JM is able to command him to grovel , which makes him prone.   Franklin tries to choke the guy he is grappling, but can't get a good hold. I attempt to hit the guy in front of me, prone, with my scepter but fail to get a good hit. JM commands his guard to sleep. The other is groveling. I reach out to grab the guard's horn, and Franklin assists. He grabs it, and we run. The guard gets an attack in my back while I'm running, but fortunately it was only a light wound. I try again to bewilder and fail, and he grapples me. I finally succeed on my bewilder, and he falls to his knees, but I am still grappled by this bastard, and JM and Franklin are away in the distance. JM attempts to come back and hit the guard with his staff, but doesn't succeed. I can't connect with my next attack.. JM keeps trying to attack but also doesn't succeed in breaking the guard's grapple on me.   Franklin runs off with the guard's horn, and blows it after getting away a few blocks in the opposite direction, while still stealthy. Franklin lights barrel on fire, runs to join the fight.   JM and I are in a battle with the guards. I hit one with a guiding bolt, and JM successfully loosens his grip. I succeed in dashing away, as does Jm. We are all now 60' away. They decide to dash after us, but that's all they can do. I turn and cast bewilder, JM throws a net, Franklin goes into the casino, one guard falls coming after JM after tripping in his net, I follow Franklin. JM heads for the alleyway. The tall guard is tangled in net, the other follows Franklin and I into the casino. I cast bewilder on that short one, and finally succeeds. Now is our chance to get away! I run into the casino, and run for what people are telling me is the back exit. Franklin goes up to the brothel on 2nd floor, I dash out to the back door, and immediately hide. We see a guard walking down. JM and I just stay hidden, not knowing what Franklin is doing.   After a while, we somehow manage to escape back to the Inn, resolving to pick this back up in the morning when we don't have to deal with the damn curfew.

    Entry #26 - Regrouping at the Inn, then going separate ways

    After the encounter with the giant Rat, Odd and I head back to meet the others at the Inn, after they finish up at the trading post. Jean Marie soon arrives fuming, and tells us about having his purse stolen. Franklin and I offer to help him later on, but he said he has a 9pm meeting first with an informant. Odd bought us two pitchers of some local cider.   After a little while a knight of Tyr, monk of illmater, and a halfling came to our table. This was the group we encountered at the trading post. As they get closer, I start to hear voices, something about the Brules (noble family in town), get feeling that the knight and companions are cautious and tired, and have a greater journey before them. I also get a vision of a wide plain/grassland, with a burnt down town. I get a sense of concern and stress. I relay some of this to them. They proceeded to tell us what they are part of the Triatic Knight Order. They wander around helping those in need, but sometimes they have to come to a big City to resupply. During their travels, they have learned that the Cult of the Dragon has a new leader who is seeking, of all things, to summon Tiamat! They have gone beyond just summoning Draco-liches, and are now seeking to summon Tiamat herself! Based on the information they have been able to gather, the Cult started a dragon hatchery near a City called Greenest. They also talk about how they have learned that the Warlock Knights have been pushing the slave market in the plains of Thar. They can be distinguished by their red gloves wrapped with chains. We gave them an update of everything that has happened in Phlan, and they were quite concerned. They said half orc named Burel Ka, stating at in near north gate (crows gate in) , is a contact of theirs regarding the goblins. They agree to go help in Phlan. They hand us a note we are to give to Burhel. I unfortunately upset Jean Marie and he gets up and storms off.   Meanwhile, Draxon leaves as well, and a magic user comes up to us. He has a skull and crossbones on his chest. Says his name is Jim Dark magic. Part of acquisitions incorporated. They are looking to franchise. They give horses, equipment, deal with hirelings. He gave us a card and said we can contact him anytime.   A minstrel comes up as well and says that we can go to city hall and they are looking for adventures ti patrol Thar. will pay 10gp a day plus repairs. Also willing to pay 5gp a day to deal with reports of a rat king in sewers? They want body of the rat king.   We also hear a kid reading a board, stating that there is a request to find someone's brother. We can find him at floating fire.   He also said master blacksmith complaining about smoke coming out of chimneys and will pay if we take care of it. We receive a street to go to.   Meanwhile Draxon gets up on stage. Odd goes upstairs. And an innkeeper gives him grief asking if he has a room. We get in an argument. Odd oats 75gp for a room for week. Innkeeper says we can get a group room shared with others for 40gp.   Odd eventually heads our to the arched Kitty. I stay with Draxon and Franklin at the Inn, and JM heads for his meeting with his informant.   Odd heads to arched Kitty and meets someone named Maleth, from the east. She has an onyx statue that Odd is fascinated with. She takes him to a back room with all of these portraits. He pulls out the idol/statue he found, and she tells him all about this onyx statue, which also happens to be the same god of the smaller idol Odd has. The goddess is named Selune. He finds out the woman can also turn into a panther. And offers to train Odd in how to worship the lady Selune.   On Odd's way back, he sees Jean Marie storming back to the Inn. And a guard comes up to Odd to escort him back to the Inn.   Meanwhile, I chat with Franklin about what he has learned from Trixie. He said he there is a place called the dog and pony. We decide to investigate once Jean Marie gets back from meeting with his informant.   Jean Marie was on his way to meet with his informant at a very ritzy place called _____. He sits down and finds ice thrown in his face. After a moment he recognizes her as his first kiss. He also sees a captain he knows sitting in the corner, who comes up to him and offer him some work. Said they will be going out to see over the the next few days. After chatting with them he sits down with his informant from the docks/trading hub. After intimidating him, he learns that someone Trixie knows is nervous about something Franklin is up to, involving local slave resistance. Jean Marie tells the kid to leave, as he see someone watching him from within this place. And then Jean Marie heads back to our Inn.   Meanwhile, after visiting the Swap Shop, Franklin went back to his room. After hearing a knock, he opens the door to come face to face with an old man. The old man holds up a paper, a wanted poster, of Franklin! "are you this man?", he asks. Franklin, finding himself a little caught off guard, expecting the knock to be from his friends, fails to come up with a good deception. Fortunately, it turns out the old man just had a personal message for Franklin, asking him to stay away from Trixie, so as to keep her "out of trouble". Trixie finds Franklin the next morning, and they chat for a bit. He finds out her family has a connection to the Harpers. She mentions a parade coming up, and she is looking for help with look-outs, as they want to do a simultaneous operation to free some slaves.

    Entry #25 - Trade bazaar continued...

    I see Jean Marie walk around the market. I believe he is looking to determine intentions. Odd sets down his dread mask and trades it for a magical cleaning stone. He also traded a strength medallion for a telekinetic wand and returning bearing. Draxon bought a few healing potions, and tells Odd that he wants the medallion back, and offers a giant frost giant testicle and gold for it. I offer the ancient shell sigil as well, which she has concern with, given that it came from an evil construct. But she does agree to reduce the price. I buy two flasks of oil for 3sp. Odd also purchases some studded leather armor. I also hire a messenger to give gold (100gp) to Fili in Phaln, to pay him back for the two healing potions he gifted me. I also included a small note letting him know that I am ok. I tried trading, and wagering with a Tiefling. I offered her a convivial chalice and propriation stone, she offered me an opal and a necklace. I rolled the dice, and we both got 6. This was surprising, as I portended that she would roll a 2, yet she somehow still rolled a 6! This is rather disturbing. Somehow she reversed the fate that I had portended. Since we essentially tied, I traded her the stone for a dark opal.   People continue arriving to trade. I hear the newest talk about killing a Wyvern, and the group includes a Knight of Tyr. I introduce myself and we start chatting a bit about the cult of the Dragon. We setup a time to meet later to chat at our inn. Others arrive in saffron and orange. They have constructs. One is a gnome, offering to trade with us. He pulls forth a bag of holding they will give to us if we track down goblins in the middle of Thar, to determine where they got some poisonous fruit from. We can find them again at the Purple Portals.   Jean Marie heads out, following the mysterious Tiefling trader to the casino, then he follows her to her house. (he later tells us that his purse was stolen by some kids who approached him asking for money. Jean Marie is NOT happy…)   As Odd and I walk back to our inn from the trading hub, we see a giant rat heading towards us! It suddenly turns into a Drow woman. She says that Odd owes them, as he pledged to help them in return for helping his brother. They said to meet back in a month to meet them in the underdark.

    Entry #24 - the trade bazaar

    Franklin connects us with a Half-ling family he knows. In particular is a younger halfing named Trixie. We ask her about more affordable places to stay. She says the floating ___ is a dockside place but would also be expensive. She said there are cheaper places near the docks we could get. Witch's brew is moderately priced place, The pining pixie has hellhound. JM got a room for all of us for 76gp for a week, to act as a base of operations for us. Franklin offered him some money but he refused; very generous of Jean Marie!   Odd decides he wants to take a walk to the northwest part of town. I decide to join him, but I have no idea why he wants to take such a walk through this smog-ridden town. I notice that all of the buildings here are constructed out of stone, probably because of the number of open flames throughout town. As we are walking north we do hear the buzz of a crowd, and we soon see a very large open market. We also, unfortunately, see a slave market in the northeast corner. This is not a town for me. Based on my knowledge of history, I see individuals that are dressed in half plate armor, made out of materials that is iron-crystalline substance. Many of them also have poorly route iron rings on their hands, and based on my time in the court and on the Damaran gates, I recognize them as the warlock knights of vasa.   As we continue to the northwest, we see more construction-related buildings. It is getting hillier, but many of the hills have been converted into smelters. Based on what we hear from chatter on the street, the high harvest time is coming up in a few days. Including a parade.   We work our way back to the trading station, just in time for it to open. I put out the convivial chalice to see if anyone will trade something for it. We see riding saddles, wavy dagger, flasks of oil,… I use detect magic wand and see a number of blue auras indicating magical items. A woman with blue hair has many items that have auras, definitely fey related. Illusion magic coming off of her wrist, and she herself also has an aura that is fey related. There is another person who has a primeval aura, a barbarian.   A woman in the trading hub, was talking about her family's mines filled with Orcs, and wanting them removed. I see paladin of Tyr, cleric of Illmater with leather armor very aged person. The paladin asked me who I was with, and I asked him what he meant. He said that he asked because of groups like cult of the dragon, they apparently detected…

    Entry #23 - Escape to Melvaunt

    We arrive at night at Phlan, and we are all so exhausted we go to sleep for a long rest. E are awaken in the morning by heavy steps and lighthouse horns. Next thing we know we are setting off.   The crew consists of Halflings, Orcs, Dwarves, a Goblin, female half-elf. They indicate it will take us an entire day to get to Melvaunt.   I spend a lot of the time recovering from my near-death experience, reflecting on the past few days. Then I go to Draxon to ease his sea sickness, and then finally speak with Ulisandra.   She says the town is run as an oligarchy, run by Nashers and other noble families. There are Zentarim in the town as well. Most prominent families are Lehadran, Nasher, and Drul.   We soon hear the signal for lunch and I move to the dining hall. Someone recommends a place called Dells Lane or Floating Fire for drinks.   Taking a closer look at Odd's idol, it does have a faint Divination magic with Celestial origin. I tell Odd that he will need to attune to the idol in order to use its magical abilities. After a few hours, he is now attuned but doesn't know what it does yet.   Speaking to the crew, they come from the land of Turmish, from the far south. Odd trades his sword for a dread helm from one of the crew.   We arrive at Melevaunt, and it is clear this is an industrial town, cut-throat, and ruled by money.   Morning on the ship, we start to dock. The City is walled and has an iron lighthouse. There is the breakwater inn, floating fighter, a large temple called the purpole porpoise, and Than. There is a swap shop. Olisandra heads off for the library. As she leaves, we see people with red cowls, red gloves with spikes, pulling along slaves. There seems to be an incredibly large slave market here. Not my kind of place, and I suspect my companions may also have some strong feelings about this place. Out of the pot and into the fire? Only time will tell.   We decide to go to the inn first, before we head out elsewhere. The inn has music playing and has a pleasant atmosphere. We see someone in the corner in a gray robe with another gentleman in scale armor, with a holy symbol of Tyr. Another has a symbol of the Triad; looks to be a cleric. Another appears to be a wizard with deep royal purple cape with skull & cross bones. Next to him is some kind of barrel construct.   Looks to be an interesting cast of characters in this high scale place. However, we quickly learn that the security and comfort of this place is rather costly, at 6gp a night. None of us are wealthy, and I've left much of my wealth back in my home town, so most of us decide to talk to Franklin to see if he can help us find a cheaper place to stay, which is still safe.

    Entry #22: escape from Sokol Keep

    After the battle, the guard captain comes up to me and says she knows who I am, and pulls out a WANTED poster. Fortunately, she tells me she won't turn us in, since we fought valiently with the BlackFist guards, and Jean Marie healed their compatriot.   A kid crawls out from under Jean Marie's bed and says he works for Leila, who hired us to come to the island. He (Rorin) says she needs to see us tonight. I proceed upstairs and wake up a very grumpy Jean Marie, then let Odd know. We all head over with Rorin, to the manor, with a Black Fist guard tailing us.   Entering the manor, Jean Marie goes up to a figure wh ois asking for us to sort out some contractual issues with us and Leila, and clearly they don't want the Black Fist there. So Jean Marie tosses the Black Fist out of the door. When we turn around, the figure turns into the Elvish Harper Agent. She says she has a way for us to get off the island, but unfortunately Jean Marie forgot his items and needed to go back to the tower. Odd heads out and sees the guard start to blow a horn, but Odd stops him, and the guard follows him as he goes to the outhouse to pee. The guard hears us moving around, and comes back, then goes to run toward the rest of the guards. I slow him with my Bewilder spell, and he is soon pursued by Odd.   When Odd returns, he tells us that he had a fight with the guard and knocked him out, placing him in the outhouse.   Jean Marie goes with Lesandra back to the lighthouse, and she casts Dimensional Door (I must learn this from her!) and they walk through it, up to Jean Marie's gear. But once they get up there, they get their stuff and climb down. We head toward the manor's main gates, Franklin picks the gate, oils the hinges, and we silently open the door.   Lesandra leads us to a row boat, and after we convince Draxon to get in the boat, we row away. Unfortunately, due to our weariness we arrive late at the ship, called the Hayden.   When we arrive at the docks, after a long rest on the ship, we see another ship and cloaked figure carrying containers into a nearby ship. I send Uttu to look but he doesn't see anything unusual.   The next day we wake up and speak with Lesandra. She gives us 2,000 GP (400 each) and a Convivial Chalice and Proprioception Stone. She says she is taking us to Melvaunt.

    Entry #21: the relentless attack from the sea

    The battle against the seapawn continues.   Draxon, in his beserker rage, takes out two seapawn, while I run out and get the piece of jade from Franklin, and mention to Draxon that we are being attacked because of the jade. Unfortunately, he is in his berserker rage and I'm not sure he has heard me. I turn around to help Jean Marie, and am attacked by two Seaspawn. I fend off the first one and then find myself falling into blackness…   When I awaken, with the sweet taste of a healing potion in my mouth, I see Jean Marie talking to himself, and Franklin leaning over me. I run over to Draxon, dig out his piece of jade, wave then at the seaspawn and shout, "is this what you want?!" After hearing their hissing, I drop the jade pieces to the ground. Jean Marie runs over, picks them up, and hands them out to the sea span. As one runs over to take them, Draxon cleaves it in half with his axe, as Jean Marie yells "Stand down!!" and I yell "let them pass!". In his battle rage, Draxon doesn't hear or seem to care. He continues to cut down the seaspawn that are coming near, not letting them escape with the jade, as more and more keep climbing out of the sea. I start to worry that more of us may die unless this battle is stopped.   Meanwhile, I see Odd upstairs in the tower speaking with a Blackfist guard, bringing him close to the window and then drawing his sword on him. But they then move out of view.   Eventually, as Jena Marie and I distract Draxon, a few sea spawn make it past him to get the pieces of jade, and we hear their footsteps recede into the dark, rainy night. A very angry, still raging Draxon has words with Jean Marie and I, for our efforts to distract and trip him up. After promising him to work it out over some beer, we recede to the lighthouse for what hopefully is a long rest. This experience of falling unconscious, and coming so near to death, has shaken me.

    Entry #20 - Grim's guilt assured - attack from the sea!

    Having just convinced the Sokol noble that Grim is guilty, he now tells us he wants us to stay on the island, pending trial, to watch out for undead.   The Blackfist take Grim off the island, but they left two guards here. Once Griv leaves, the lighthouse comes back on! So there was a connection between bringing justice to Egan's killer, afterall. The Gnome assigned to get the light working again clears out of the lighthouse as well. Before he goes I ask him about how he will signal to get off the island, so we know hot to get off if need be. Of the two guards left on the island, one is a 90-some year old hill dwarf and thother is a human. I asked them if they were at the riot downtown. They give a description of us, in particular Jean Marie and Odd.   Before heading into sleep, I spend some time studying the Comprehend Languages scroll so I can keep that spell in my book. Unfortunately it costs me my last remaining money, but I feel this will be a useful spell to us. While studying, I read through the ancient tome that we found. It speculates about the temple to lord dagon. The author is Phalioss of Tyre. It is an account from centuries ago of the Cult of the moon sea, talks about Elminster as an opponent to Solmaster with the Cult of the Dragon. Lots of ties with the Cult working in Vasa, and it mentions Algshan Nathaile, priest of Bane. Was a couple of hundred years ago. The Cult was trying to enlist dragons to turn into Draco-liches. Mentions a temple of the ancients in the far north.   After resting another day, the following night we hear a sudden horn blast, then a knock on the door. I put on my armor and head downstairs, and it's a kid asking for us, saying there is a woman who arrived via ship. Next thing we know, Sea Span drop from the walls and attack! I let the kid past me and then cast sanctuary on myself, blocking the doorway. I hear a strange noise, then a bell, but it passes. I think I was just psionically attacked! Odd and the others are still upstairs. Draxon goes beserk and throws a glowing axe at the sea spawn, misses, but he axe come right back to his hand! He never ceases to amaze me! Odd shoots them from the window and I hear Franklin shooting from ehind me. The Sea Spawn start to climb the wall of the tower! I cast anticipation on Jean Marie, Draxon, and Franklin. Two sea Spawns climb the tower, Jean Marie balays down. Next thing we know, a yann-an-oed comes into view! We hear a hoot, then all of a sudden Jean Marie and I find ourselves compelled to hoot in return, and we feel we are being tracked!   The battle continues! Jean Marie kicks a seaspawn off the wall as he is cimbing down. I reach out my scepter and send a streak of light out towards the Krua-toa, hitting it square, enveloping it in a radiant light. After that action I once again cast Sanctuary on self. Odd continues to shoot at the seaspawn. I feel the Kua-toa try to invade my mind, but I shake it off. But it distracts me enough that next thing I know, one of his tentacles swings out and hits me, wrapping me in its slimy embrace. I see Jean Marie drop from the sky and land on his feet, attacking the nearest seaspawn. Unfortunately, they continue to attack me, and one gets lucky. I hear noise coming from the yann-an-oed and feel rumbling beneath my feet. I see an arrow shoot out from an upstairs window (Odd likely), hitting it square in the head. I get lifted in the air, and hear this voice in my head about returning what is not ours. The jade from the ancient shrine perhaps? Seeing Jean Marie injured, I cast prayer of healing on he, then myself, as well as another guard I see was injured. I somehow manage to squirm out of the tentacle, falling out of the air and landing on my feet. I see Jean Marie continue attacking, driving off a seaspawn with his shortsword. More arrows coming from Odd and Franklin. Jean Marie uses command on a creature and hits it as it flees. More shooting, and I pray to Savras to grant me one more spell to heal my comrade. I turn around and cure Jean Marie's wounds. Odd keeps firing at the giant frog creature.   We hear a horn and bell at the top of the lighthouse. Some fool guard is calling for help! I hear Odd curse and run up after him. I again hear a voice in my head asking us to return the jade. Unfortunately, I don't have the jade on me, as I left it in my backpack, which is in the lighthouse. Draxon continues to throw his axe. I see that the cleric Sea Spawn has cast Shield of faith on one of his allies. Our party continues to attack. After a volley of arrows from Odd, the giant frog creature is finally taken down! We take out the remaining seaspawn, and when only the cleric is left, the BlackFist guards finally come out to join the fray.   I thought it was over, but next thing I know I hear Odd scream out "there are more on the wall!. I turn to see Jean Marie yell out and run into the darkness. I search the downed cleric and see a driftwood staff with a rusted pincher at the top, has piece of paper with written letters on it that he had used for a spell, pouch of old components, find chunk of jade, as well as 12 GP. More seaspawn climb over the walls, and I run into the building to get my backpack, in case I need to give them the jade.   The jade... I had hoped to sell it to pay for more healing potions for my compatriots, but I may have been too reckless in my desecration of what I thought was a long dead god. Perhaps, even the evil gods should be respected? I will always fight on the side of good, and if that means disrespecting some evil, dark god, I don't mind doing so. But if these creatures are after the jade and using that to track us, am I putting innocents at risk by holding onto this jade? I certainly don't want to do that. But perhaps I can get this jade to the Church of Bane, and put them in the crosshairs of the Sea Spawn and Lord Dagoth? That may also put innocents at risk. Our best play, in order to protect the innocent, may be to return the jade and continue in our investigation of the Cult of the Dragon. But we still must determine how to get past the corrupt Black Fist and Church of Bane, who have both placed gold on our heads.

    Entry #19: Solving Igon's murder

    [Continuing our conversation with Grim and his lackeys deep in the underground temple…]   Grim said they were ambushed by zombies, but we didn't buy it.   Coming to Igan's decapitated body, I hear Grim pick up his head and say "shit, sorry kid, never meant for this to happen."   Jean Marie sneaks behind Grim, picks him up, pulls him over to the pool with the jade totem, and at the same time I use Control Water to start forming the shape of a woman, successfully intimidating Grim. He finally confesses to murdering Igon because of his debt to some Drow. Apparently he was running a side job guarding a warehouse and got tangled in a scheme with some Drow elves. One of his comrades comes up to him, stabs him, and Grim ends up killing his comrade (and I heal him). One of the other guards gives us a manacle and we manacle him, trying to get him to sign a confession. He refuses, and we threaten to take him to the Drow for a reward. I feel a tug on my robe and Harae tells me that we must leave all of the gold and loot or else she won't re-light the lighthouse. We give our gold to the guards to molify them, and our barrier is now Draxon, who doesn't want to part with his gold. I try convincing him, but I finally have him speak with Harae himself (via the Ouija Board), who convinces him to leave it behind. We also tell him that the Harpers have promised us 2k gold if we re-light the lighthouse. We lead the Blackfist guards out and run into the groundskeeper, who is wondering what is going on. We end up needing to gag Grim. One of the Blackfist takes the groundskeeper to view Igon. Rest of us go to the east tower with Grim. It is twighlight when we emerge. We decide to take a long rest, during which I start the process of trying to transcribe the "comprehend languages" scroll we found, so that I can decipher the ancient tomb we found in this keep.   When we wake up, we see a ferry arrive with 6 Blackfist Guards, a gnome, and a noble. Turns out the noble is with House Sokol (Igon's relative). He demands answers from us. I go up to get the others, but Odd and Jean Marie stay upstairs as they don't want the Blackfist Guards to recognize them. Draxon and Franklin decide to put on their Blackfist Guard uniforms again, and I remove my robe. I cast guidance on Draxon so he can help me with any parlaying we need to do with the noble and Blackfists. Draxon carries the bound Grim out to the awaiting visitors. We are soon bombarded with questions, and Draxon and I (along with Grim's comrades) are able to convince them that Grim did indeed murder Igon. The noble states that they will be taking Grim off the island; however, he also states that he would like us to remain here while Grim's trial moves forward. While he said he will pay us 5GP a day each, I am not entirely sure if we are prisoners or hired help. Eventually we will need to get off the island and report back to our new Harper friend. We also have a number of loose ends to try to tie up in Phlan. Hopefully we will no longer have a bounty on our heads, but that may be my wishful thinking.

    Entry #18 Battle at jade totem

    [Continuing our exploration of the ancient temple underneath Sokol Keep, we are in the midst of a battle with a Water Wierd and its summoned zombies, skeletons, and Sea Spawns!] Odd misses his shot, Franklin shoots and hits. Draxon takes out a skeleton with a javelin. I run up and block/hold one of the doors, Jean Marie gets the other. A tentacle reaches through and grapples Jean Marie, biting him. I manage to hold the door shut. Odd hangs back, Franklin runs up and attacks. Draxon attacks the water weird, doing damage. I attempt to bewilder one of the sea spawn bt fail. Jean Marie pulls on the tentacle and pulls the creature through the door! Unfortunately, while he is pulling the creature manages to bite him. Odd & Franklin shoot and hit. I try to pick up Jean Marie's staff and hold the door shut, but I was apparently trying to do too much and it gave the Sea Spawn an opportunity to get through. Jean Marie takes out a Sea Spawn with his fists. And with my assistance, he manages to rip off a tentacle from another Sea Spawn. We attack again and it is barely standing. Through teamwork and coordinated attacks, we stop it from fleeing and Jean Marie finishes it off. Draxon, Odd, and Franklin destroy the water weird. After Draxon threw all of his weapns at the water weird, I go up to the pool and move the water to recover the weapons and also find some gold. Odd finds a wand (of detect magic) on Igan, as well as a medallion.   We move on down the hallway and run into Grim, with 4 other lackeys. It appears they were looting. After Odd or Franklin take out one of his lackeys with an arrow through the throat, we somehow manage to still parlay after I stabilize their fallen comrade. The spirit Harae said Grim is responsible for Igan's death (stabbed him with his dagger) and that is why the light was extinguished at the light house. Grim won't admit it. We need to know why he did ut. We do manage to convince Grim and his lackeys to carry out gold for us.

    Entry #17 -Down into the dark bowels of Toril

    We follow the footprints down the passageway and come to a door on our right. Odd opens it and it appears to be a small cell that has not been used in a very long time. Odd walks in to retrieve some kind of container/pouch. Jean Marie gets his face up close to it and it turns into a mimic and grabs his face! He slaps it against the wall slicing it in half. I can't help but to double over laughing my tunic off.   We proceed to 2nd door and Odd opens it up. Another cell. On the back wall is a figure of a bearded humanoid-fish dressed person, very worn mural. Assisting Jean Marie and Odd, this figure is over a millennia old. We think this was some kind of cult devoted to a primordial force. This fits the description related to a god or demon named Dagon. Based on my research, this is an old primordial force that claims to be older than the Gods themselves. Odd finds a crevice with a black statuette with a head of a cat, body of a human, very curvaceous. Clearly a religious idol.   We find another set of double bronze doors where the footprints lead. More dried blood. Door is locked, can see faint green glow coming from under it. Franklin easily opens the door by picking the lock. Cracking the door open, I send Uttu in to look around. She sees a vaulted cavern ceiling, notices steps to the right going up to an alter at the top. The light is faint.   Over the table is a figure, with a trail of blood leading to a pool with a large green jade statue. There is a figure of a Blackfist guard in a pool. A tentacled figure, very frightening, rises in the background; a giant statue! There are piles of bones at its feet.   We decide to go in, Draxon is sensing much conjuration magic coming off the statute. The figure on the table has had his kidneys removed. The water starts to boil and this figure of a woman beckons us. I attempt to communicate via the Ouija board and the figure turns into a Water Weird (I've heard of these creatures but can't recall much about them). The nearby bones turn into two skeletons, and Egon and the Blackfist turn into zombies!   During the battle that ensues, Odd shoots the Egon zombie through the throat, Franklin shoots one in the shoulder, one of the zombies attacks Draxon and scores a solid hit against his head making him forget the past few days! I cast Guiding Bolt on the water weird but unfortunately don't do much damage. The zombie keeps getting back up even as Draxon dismembers it. Hearing wet footsteps behind me, I see two aquatic humanoids shambling towards us. I block the door and bar it with my staff. And my staff eventually breaks. Jean Marie runs up to help as I back away to focus on defense. Draxon goes berserk with bright light radiating off of him and takes out the Egon zombie. Meanwhile, we all try to keep our distance from the water weird, who lashes out and yells at us, trying to lure us closer.

    Entry #16: into the depths of the island

    The remaining hands flee, and of course Jean Marie chase after them. Up ahead, there is an alcove up the wall about 7 feet. Odd climbs up and into it, finds piles of human bones.   Going further down the passageway, we see a brass door, slightly ajar. We move on, going slightly downhill. We see more alcoves lining the walls. There are vertical standing pieces of armor decorated with shells.   I sit down to start my "detect magic ritual", to determine if there is something more to these "statues" than meets the eye, when I am disrupted by exclamations from my companions; the armor has woken up! Turns out Odd reached in to grab a shell and triggered some kind of spell on these golem. And they are now attacking us! Jean Marie entangles one in his net and dashes away to knock it prone. Draxon shouts and shatters another one. I run up to one attacking Odd and taunt and batter it, allowing Odd to do more damage. Unfortunately, when it attacks me next, it gets past my shield for a gut punch. Jean Marie continues to attack one on the ground. Franklin attacks with his bow and then with his rapier. Odd and I miss entirely with our next attacks. I use portent to avoid its next attack. The last one reaches out and grapples me. Franklin takes the last one out. I search around and find the sigil shell for the construct. Hopefully I can sell it .   Moving forward, there is a pond we attempt to walk around but it's very slippery. I freeze the water and use my staff to push myself along. Draxon doesn't have as much luck. He slips and falls into the huge crater in the middle. Jean Marie jumps in after him and pulls him up. I use control water to help them to the shore, and Franklin and I continue around the edge. And unfortunately I slip in but can swim out. We all get to the closed door but the locks are seized, with dried blood on the handles. Draxon and Jean Marie charge the door, Odd uses a crowbar with no luck, until finally Jean Marie plows through himeslf and we get through, seeing two doors on the right.   (The name of the spirit with us is Harae)

    Entry #15 - exploring the island

    We leave the towner and are greeted by the groundskeeper. While investigating a building, we start to feel a breeze without a breeze. Jean Marie goes back up after we tell him about this and he also senses some kind of spirit. I decide to make a Ouija board and we find out that Grim is the one who caused the lighthouse light to go out. The spirit continues to say that he is underground and that we need to find a code in order to get underground. Surprisingly, it also asks us to stop stealing! I had found a holy symbol and gave it to Jean Marie, so Jean Marie fortunately returns it . The spirit tells us to find justice for Egan, and drops us a hint of WT, which Jean Marie thinks may stand for West Tower. I had forgotten all about the other tower!   We head over there and sure enough, utilizing Franklin's sketch, and Odd's keys, we get in and locate a room with stairs leading down to a basement with a ring on the floor with hand symbols. I detected magic on the stairs and this circle we see before us. Draxon, for some reason, proceeds to place his hands on these hand prints and gets shocked. Looking around I do see runes about the room. Utilizing my knowledge of the arcane, I learn that this is some kind of portal that is still active; if we can figure out how to trigger it. Not finding much more, we proceed to the east tower.   Filled with broken furniture, we find stairs down under an old rug. This leads to a room with a heavy table with candles, also in the room is a life size granite statute. There are books scattered about the room, among them is Egon's journal. After perusing it, it sounds like he learned about the temple tales from Grim.   Heading back to the spirit, we confirm the passcode we found in Grim's journal, and Draxon volunteers to stand in the circle and say the password. Behold, a passage way opens up to a small room about 8' down with no stairs. Jumping down we see muddy tracks going down a corridor. Taking a closer look, we think it's from 8 humanoids, 1 very large. Through an open door down the corridor is a swarm of crawling hands coming towards us! I quickly cast AID and Draxon goes berserk! Odd casts some new vine spell and Franklin breaks out some fire arrows. We make short work of these hands, and oddly enough we see some new ability of Draxon's to blink in and out of existence along the battlefield. Quite useful!

    Entry #14 - to the lighthouse

    Woke up in the Laughing Inn Tavern. This Inn has seen better days, and clearly has a long history. Went to breakfast. A kid came in named Roorin, and he said his father looked at the lighthouse and couldn't figure out .   Overheard a child talking about the lighthouse. He was behind me so I started talking with him. kid said talk to Leela about treasure. He said his mother is concerned about Egon, who is the young master of the house Sokol who runs the island. Egon is tall, lanky, black hair.   We go over to Leela's office. She wants us to sign a contract/permit to go onto the island, and commits that anything found ON the island is the property of House Sokol. We do sign, though I use my brother's name. Fodel Pavel.   We proceed for the ferry, and I use Bewilderment to distract the guards so that Draxon can get by without being noticed.   Spoke to the ferryman across - Guy Grim on the island, always there. Guards cycle out in about 1-2 days. Not sure what happened to the last group. Says house Sokol built over an old temple, possibly to Tyr. Rumors of another temple under that.   We arrive at Thorn Island, which is where the house is. We see the Sokol keep that dominates the islands, surrounded by 3 walls, lighthouse built upon one. The tower probably served another purpose at some point. Keep itself is in decent shape, but looking at the foundation you can see newer stone mortared on older stone. Shoreline on northern edge is rocky, so it's good we took the ferry here. The dock we come to is in disrepair, warped boards, Looking to NE we see a courtyard, with tudor house behind,   Someone is out weeding with a scythe. Turns out to be the boy's father. Says Egon is the local noble who is here to claim the land. Said it's just him (Egon), his wife, son, Grim, Egon, and the blackfist guards. Saw Egon last talking with Grim. Keep is behind him. Blackfist stay in bottom of lighthouse. Grim is BF sargent.   We go inside the house to find Sandra, who has a few piercings in her ear, about 5 foot high, stocky woman, dirty blond hair. She gave us key to tower/lighthouse,   Says Egon has room down the hall and may have journal in there we could read. We go into the room and see a small sitting room with another room nearby. A bedroom further off. See some very nice paintings. We go into office and see papers and books. Is a newer book and a very old one. One book is open to the middle, when Odd looks at it he recognizes the script as the Thorass script. The other book Odd can read and it seems to be talking about curses and how to counteract them.   Looking at desk I see papers with sketches, bad poetry, a magnifying glass (which I take).   Jean Marie looks more closely at the tapestries that show a female paladin fighting against a red dragon. The tapestry is about the paladin, and there is a symbol on it with a warhammer and scales. Jean Marie finally recognizes it as a symbol of Tyr.   I sit down and start to cast Detect Magic as a ritual. I get the sense that there is something in the book case that is magic. I find a hollow book that contains a pouch that contains 5 platinum pieces, and next to it is an old holy symbol of Tyr, made of sliver. I offer the platinum to the party, but only Odd and Jean Marie take a piece.   We feel we have been in this private residence for too long and head over to the lighthouse. It appears it used to be a guardhouse at some point. Inside it's clear it was used as a barracks. I follow Odd up the ladder to the 2nd and then 3rd floor, which appears to be the commander's quarters. We proceed up to the top floor with the light crystal, and Odd and I are trying to figure out how it works. Everything looks like it should be working fine mechanically, it's just not working for some reason. I proceed to sit down and cast detect magic again. You notice the crystal giving off latent evocation magic. From my studies and the sense of the evocation energies, I sense there was an original spell that allowed it to cast light, but something is suppressing that energy. Some force coming from outside of this room. We feel wind but can't figure out where it is coming from.   Walking throughout the other rooms I detect no magic, other than that of the crystal.   Looking over the desk of the sargent Grim, I see his orders from the Blackfist. I see that he has bee requesting for the past 2 months to be assigned here. Going through the drawers I see a lot of gambling IOUs. I see a pouch of 20 GP in one drawer.

    Entry #13 - Evening entertainment (i.e. barfight)

    When we get downstairs, the doors fly open and some angry dockworkers come in and walk towards the mercenaries.   The dockworkers attack the mercenaries sitting in the bar. Draxon tries to get them to stop fighting. Jean Marie jumps down. I remark that I'd rather not get involved and risk getting arrested again, and proceed to cast AID on my allies.   I go down the stairs to the front door and close it shut, asking someone to put water in the lock. Unfortunately one of the dock workers partially opens one of the doors. Unfortunately we don’t have our weapons, except me. I have my shield and staff.   I push the angry dock worker through the door, after franklin hits her in the knee with a hammer. Unfortunately, another dock worker pushes through the threshold.   Uldi and Franklin help me with closing the door, barring it closed with my quarterstaff and freezing the lock. Now that the front door is locked, what do we do?   Dockworkers are upset with the blonde because she knows the name Grim, saying that Grim is why… reason why lighthouse is out. They are blaming her as to reason.   I'm confused so I'm just going around using spare the dying on people so they don't die.   The fight ends, so we start chatting with mercenary. She has a friend named Kiera. They just got a commission to go out on a ship. Next thing we know we hear BF guard voices .   We sneak out the back, Thaldi steals a horse and heads towards home, being chased. We go around building and see some potential ships for use.   We decide to spend the night in the bar we just left, since there is room now.  

    Entry #12 - finding the Harper agent

    I'm the first to wake up. I go to Lenah and ask her about what the Lord Protector said yesterday. He apparently was there with 50-60 guards, flew in on his hipogrygh, letting people know that he was quite upset about the riot, he has heard of the concerns, but the rule of law must be respected, and is asking for nothing less.   High Harvest time is only a few days away.   After being given a letter from our old Harper friend, we are now tasked with finding his replacement in Phlan, who is located at a nearby Inn. At the same time, Jean Marie and I are informed that we now have a bounty on our heads from the Church of Bane! I hope we don't meet that powerful dark cleric again, as I'm not sure we are ready to face him.   Before heading out, Draxon reveals that he often has dreams of dragons. He dreamed in this case multiple dragons attacking the shoreline, burning a city, and a 5-headed dragon.   We head for the Inn to find our new Harper contact, riding in a wagon that Leena secured for us. We come to the docks and to a well-worn bar that has a wooden statue of a laughing goblin. Behind this is a thin human female who is polishing tankards.   We sit down for some lovely cabbage soup. I see odd looking up in the second floor, and following his gaze I see a woman wearing a blue dress who is staring at them. Elvish woman named Olisara Lightsong. She somehow messages Odd that she indicated that a few of us should go up and talk to her. We go up a few at a time into a separate room.   She says Cult of the Dragon active again locally, in some towns on the sword coast they have had raids of coastal towns. We are still trying to determine their motivation. She said in this case the Harpers are kind of working with Zentarim to figure out what the cult is up to.   She has two missions for us: 1. We may have noticed that across the bay is an island with a lighthouse. That lighthouse has not been operational for a good 5 or 6 days, which is concerning. Someone who manages light house and the person who manages the blackfist has gone missing. A stronghold apparently is there that helped to defend against dragons. wants us to see if there are any texts there that would help us get further information on dragons here. I'm sure there is a temple to Tyr, and the Harpers would be interested in getting such relics… stronghold run by house sokol (noble family). Traditionally a group of blackfist are there to provide support, but they are missing. 2. City of Elstan across Moonsea, was raided by ghost pirates. The Harpers want to get information from people in town to figure out what the motivation of the pirate ship is. Has been impacting trade on the moonsea. They are concerned about the pirates and their violence.   We decide to go with #2 since Draxon doesn't yet like boats, and our sailor, Jean Marie, advises us not to go hunting for pirates yet as we are not sailors. As far as how we will get there, we leave this to Jean Marie. We unfortunately only have 3 days until the BF replenish their troops over there.   The administrative office for house sokol is near the bar, and we need permission from the house to travel to the island. She gives us a document that will show that we are to deliver provisions to the stronghold.  

    Entry #11 - out of the tunnels - finally rest!

    These labyrinths below the City are quite fascinating. Continuing on, we find a statute of a woman holding a bowl. Odd seemed to recognize this statue and pushed it back to reveal a passageway! This passageway led into a marble hallway with a low ceiling. We came to a hall with 12' high ceilings, with 4 rough-edged patterened pillars supporting it, and see similar motifs going along the stonework. It's lit up by torchlight, but as we look around we see a lot of crates that line the wall, and on top of them are bolts of fabric.   Leena Desina appears and takes us into a different part of the building that has white marble, with chests to our left and right that we can use.   Considering that we are utterly exhausted at this point, we all pass out for a nice long rest. I'm awakened by wood scuffling on the floor, and based on the amount of light, I'm guessing it's around noon. We see a woman half-orc with greyish skin. She is moving some of the furniture up against the wall. She places a tablecloth down. Maybe it's breakfast time! It has been a very long time without a good meal. Sure enough, the table is slowly set and the smell of food is a welcome scent to our noses. Though apparently it isn't enough to rouse the loudly snoring Jean Marie.   I walk to the table and engage with Zagga Mitsk, Lenah's bodyguard. I learn that the blackfist patrols havee been doubled, confirming that they are indeed looking for us. Believe it or not, the riots were only yesterday! The Lord Protector is set to give a speech about the incident later today.   Speaking with Thaldi, she was captured by a rival tribe who took her captive, took her to the east and sold her for weapons. Sold to Warlock Knights. Who sold her to Zentarim, and then she escaped. She said that the Zentarims are still here and brought her to work in the stoneyards. Slavery, in Phlan! This is an outrage! Illirens, Dalrens is the local Zentarim Is the one who bought her. I give Thaldi information about the Moss farm, and suggest she travel there and tell Moss that we sent her, asking that they give her a horse for her journey back to the plains. Perhaps we will meet up again, once we are out of this current predicament.   Odd and I go to the apothecary, Fillistrom Wunderkundoodle, to resupply potions. He is a long time family friend, and upon seeing me, proceeds to offer me two potions of healing and a pearl on loan (with an IOU of course!), and gives me a flask of oil. I asked him to let Pavel know that I'm ok but can't visit. He also said he will pay for spell components. I asked him to speak with Aleksey to let him know that I'm ok but won't be seeing him soon as the BF guards are after me.   Jean Marie goes and sells his armor, and searches out someone to buy leather studded armor from   Franklin goes to harbor, and attempts to fence/sell that dragon-scale shield I picked up. The first shopkeeper wouldn't buy it, but he did find some Kobolds near the harbor whom he sold it to for 40gp.   Upon returning to our safeharnor at Lenah's, we were presentted a note from our Harper friend, who said he has left town for the moment, and conveyed that an associate of his will be coming into town, staying at the laughing goblin inn. Ovashera Lightsong is who we should ask for.   At this point, we have a lot of options before us. We could do any of the following things: 1. Take the sample of the necromancy potion to someone to analyze. 2. Ask around about Illirens Dalrens, the zentarim who is buying slaves. 3. Meet our Harper friend's associate at the Laughing Goblin Inn. Ask more about the Cult of the Dragon activities. 4. Investigate the ancient building with gargolyes located in the labyrynth 5. Go back to labyriynth and see if we can open the sarcophogus 6. Track down Thaedly and see if she made it back to the plains and needs help.

    Entry #10: Down the well - ruins in labyrinth

    The well we find is about 65 feet deep. Odd is the first down, followed by Franklin and then Jean Marie. A few guards manage to dash towards us, one grapples me, and the other three go around to the other side of the well since they were blocked by Draxon. I bewilder the guard but cannot break free. After Draxon "accidentally" falls into the guard holding me, knocking him out, I dash for the well and meet up with Franklin.   As we climb down, one of the guards slips on the water I left on the rungs. I manage to barely get out of the way. Next thing I know another guard tumbles down with a loud "thud"! I go down a few more rungs and again put down water, and low and behold here comes Draxon, falling down the well, landing on top of the two other guards at the bottom.   I hear an argument in the distance, from the front gates.   We find a passageway out of the well and Draxon and Jean-Marie make a stand there, beating back any guards that come down after us, until there is only one left. We make the mistake of listening to his plea for mercy, and we let him go if he remains silence. As we walk away, we hear a whistle blast, calling forth more guards down the well. We take off upon hearing that, and this damn swarm of beetles comes out of nowhere and attacks Odd and I.   We continue down the tunnels and see two shadows up ahead. I send Uttu to go up and investigate and I see through him, two Ghouls, who are now clambering closer to our light.   I use my scroll of protection from evil to cast on Draxon, who charges forward to confront the Ghouls. One attempts to bite into him but only gets his chainmail. Odd runs up and takes out the Ghoul but the other one comes up and bites into his side. I run up behind them and distract the Ghoul while Franklin attacks it, and odd takes that one out as well. I search the bodies (since the damn guards took all of our money!).   We kept going downstairs and Franklin said we shouldn’t be going down. So we started going back north, but Jean-Marie stormed off not wanting to go closer to the castle. He sees a figure up ahead, who takes off once she sees our light. He convinces her to stop, and JM explains we just need help getting out of the tunnels.   Speaking to woman she is from the ride plains, escaped the Warlock Knights of Vaasa, who tried to force her into slavery. She needs help getting back to the plains. Thaedly is her name.   Moving on through the tunnels, we find an archway, beyond which is an ancient building with gargoyles and old runes on doorway, which I recognize are used for magic. Odd said the writing is netherilic. We also find an alcove that has a giant sarcophogus in it, but we are unable to open it no matter how hard we try. Considering we haven't had a good rest in days, we make a note of these finds and proceed down the tunnels to find a place to rest.

    Entry #9: confined to a nice jail cell - jailbreak#2?

    We are now located in a nice cell with a desk and nice feather bed, with two braziers. I was sitting at the desk drawing, and hear voices approach that sounds familiar. Draxon apparently doesn't know how to alter his voice at all. I see a tall middle aged man with a strong jaw and pointed nose, clothed in a white fur and silk mantle, underneath is a black cotton sircoat. Across his shoulder is a chain. I see three other apparent guards, though I recognize the mannerisms of some. And they are escorting a tblaxi that I recognize.   The guard with the white fur speadks and said someone has requested an audience with us. I look to Draxon to gauge his motives/plan. This person has said that the lord commander wants to chat with us, and they ask me if we agree to do so willingly. I confer with Jean Marie through the window and ask him to look at the big guard. He recognizes Draxon and I suggest we agree to this audience with the "lord commander". The Church of Bane priests approach JM's cell with manacles, and have a crossbow aimed at him, ready to go. We both allow them to manacle us. We are in turn tethered to each other by a chain.   The Bane church rep has also said she will be coming with us, escorting us. Eventually she is talked out of this.   We follow our friends down, and I aid Franklin's scouting by using control flames to brighten any torches we see down the hallway.   We emerge outside and walk past the guards to the north of the plaza area, and run, making a break for the nearest well that we can find to climb down.

    Entry #8: Jailbreak attempt

    The protest continues, a cart gets overturned, more guards come out, Draxon goes beserk, I continue to throw molotov cocktails at the guards, and then one manages to drag me off the rock and knocks me unconscious.   Next thing I know I wake up in a jail cell, gagged, with my hands tied behind me, without any of my possessions. Next to me I see Jean-Marie. Guards came in, along with a larger half-orc cleric of Bane, and tried to get us to talk. Jean-Marie refused, but I had a few comments with the guards, and it's clear that they believed we were sent from the rulers of Damara, as a part of the Damaran court. I sensed they were hesitant to put us to death because of this, so I decided to go with this and start this as a ruse. However, we still refused to give our names, and so the Half -Orc threatened to take us to the rack. That didn't intimidate us, so we were eventually dragged to the torture chamber, despite our resistance. Once in the room, a scribe of some sort joined us, along with other guards. All but the half-orc, scibe and another guard or two stayed. At this time I had remarks with our friend the half-orc, trying to taunt him to make a mistake. He cast command on both of us, presumably to get us ready to put on the rack. Jean marie resisted, but pretended not to have, and he then attacked. We both took out one guard and proceeded to attack the half-orc, who, miraculously, kept missing with his attacks (or we resisted). I used my final prayer slot to cast a most powerful spell, which would have killed a typical guard for sure, but all we did is give this half-orc a bloody nose! Sensing we could barely damage him, and would eventually be killed, we decided to parlay again. Jean Marie convinced him to allow us to be taken to a separate room and be tried with the church! This at least buys us time so we went with it. Unfortunately they confiscated all of our gold. The price of future freedom, I suppose. I just hope our new friends can some how break us free.

    Entry #7: the riot escalates

    Jean Marie, having just fallen around 30 feet, is now on the ground and not moving! I am trying to send Uttu over to him so I can heal him, but I don't know if Uttu will get there in time.   The guards continue advancing, and there are these folks in grey robes with missing ears throughout the crowd! I believe they are with The Welcomers. I notice a woman in grey and red robes, similar to my nephew's, and she waves around a flag. I surmise that she is a Damaran woman, and this may be an older Damaran flag.   The guards beneath me, at the edge of the boulder, are reaching up at me, but I manage to dodge out of the way. I yell at them that they won't kill another Damaran like they did my brother, and I lash out with my quarterstaff, hitting one of them with a good shot across the jaw.   I see Franklin shoot an arrow at a guard at the base of the boulder I'm on, but it unfortunately bounces off the shield. I see a crossbow bolt fired from somewhere above me, likely from the Castle parapets. That means the guards have crossbowman up there!   I see Draxxon yell and charge into the line of guards, knocking one of them over on their ass. The other backs away.   I can also see Jean-Marie try to get up, and a guard behind him tries to hit jean Marie in the back of the head but somehow injured himself.   I see a guard swipe at Draxxon's foot but he is able to get out of the way.   I pull out a flask, rip off a piece of cloth from my undershirt, stuff it in the flask and light it on fire and throw it at the guard at my feet. He falls unconcious with a scream.   Franklin grabs a nearby basket.   I see Jean Marie resisting the guards as they try to manacle him.   Draxxon's rage is building as guards pile on him, and I see him knee a guard in the face and a spray of blood go up.   I hear this neighing coming from the end of the alleyway we entered in on.   One of the guards attempts to put out the fire of his buddy with his waterskin, and tries to help his buddy, but it's an oil fire so it doesn't help much.   Jean Marie pulls out his net and restrains one of the guards near him.   We hear the voice of an elderly Damaran woman waving a flag, and she is shouting for independence and Damaran sovereignty and inspires us all with her actions.   I take my flask, hack off the top and spray the oil on two of the soldiers, and then use control flames to spread the flames from the one on the ground to the two nearest guards. As soon as I do this I hear a crossbow bolt fired and bounce off my armor.   I see Franklin open a barrel of tar, dip in his sword   The guard Jean Marie has tangled up is trying to get free but is still restrained.   Draxxon rages out and smashes the nose of a nearby guard and he goes down.   The tide seems to be turning against the black guard and the gates now open, and more guards start to pour out.   Meanwhile, the neighing was from a horse that was pulling a cart, and the cart tipped over near the alley as it comes into this plaza area. Franklin lights the fallen cart area on fire with a barrel of tar.

    The battle of Phlan continues

    We continue to fight in the street with the Black Fist guards. Jean Marie, after tangling up a guard in his net, scales back up the wall, reaches the top, and cuts off the rope holding one of the hanging thief bodies. He runs into a nearby doorway at the top, closes the door, and works his way down the guard tower.   Meanwhile, Draxon rages out on the nearby guards as they swarm overtop of him, he has a pile of unconcious guards at his feet.   I throw one of my last remaining oil flasks, and is shot in the back by a crossbow from the paripets, and fall over unconcious. I wake up enough to prevent them from taking me inside, and manage to get enough energy to attempt to use bewilderment, with Uttu's help, to distract the guard and break free. Unfortunately this fails and I find a club to the head knocks me unconcious yet again.   Franklin is busy firing flaming arrows at the guards.   Odd also fires his bow at the guards, and he hears them yell at him for injuring the guards.

    Entry 0.5 - the party forms then splits

    Backstory: Phlan used to be ruled by council of 10. Zhents invaded and occupied city. Kabal Danaran disolved Council and named himself hereditary ruler of Phlan. His son, then grandson have sat on throne. Earlier this year his grandson, whose name was Anabar, died during renovations of the castle. This is one of the largest Castles in Faerun. The knight guard leader took over and he took an iron fisted approach. Pulled economy down. Merchants are upset. City under martial law. - There have been new strangers, new activity, new black market due to economy colapsing. People selling dragon items and lore on black market. New for Plan. So people are wondering why this has been going on.   As my nephew (Pavel) relates the story, his church has reached out to him about everything goin gon in Phlan and wanted him to keep an eye on the comings and goings of new people, as they have been hearing that something big is going down in Phlan, and if there is suffering they may need to send more folks out to help. He wwalked into Madame's Tea Kettle bar after a long day's work in Phlan, working on restoring his father's herbal garden and rebuilding his house. Unpon entering he sees a group of oddly assorted characters, including two folks with blue skin, playing music by the bar, and this large barbarian making very odd sounds out of his throat. Pavel sits down at a table where some of the new faces are gathering around a hooded man. He notices he wears a silver pin in the shape of a harp; a sure sign that he is indeed a member of the Harpers organization, a force for good in Toril.   The hooded stranger said the harpers came across someone who was trying to purchase a green dragon egg. He said his associate would lead the group to someplace outside city where transaction would take place. He want ed the group to pose as buyers to determine who is doing this. They suspect another org may be responsible for this and harpers are trying to figure it out.   The group is led to a barn by a halfing name Anders. The trade goes down, items are placed on the ground for exchange, and the buyers of the egg say that the sellers (the adventures) must stay put for 5 minutes to allow the buyers to vacate the area. Next thing the group knows a net falls from the rafters of the barn and the group is surrounded!   The attackers include a few Orcs and human brigands that are missing their right ear. The adventurers are triumphant! They learn that the orcs were with the local thieves guild. They must have been hired by the sellers, but the question is if the thieves guild was a part of this deal or not (seems not).   The new party heads back to the inn and take a multi-day long rest. We take the egg back to the hooded stranger and he says the dragon egg is a fake. He says to come back another day. Upon being served brunch one day, they suddenly hear screaming outside! A woman (Milivent Moss) is on the ground saying her family is gone. That goblins (about 40) have kidnapped them. The group proceeds to the farm to see how they can help.   The party follows the tracks into the woods, are attacked. This is where I, Aleksey Dotsk, join up with the party and my nephew (Pavel) returns home to assist his family. The group eventually finds the goblin cave. Upon arrives, they see someone, a human figure, speaking with a hobgoblin. The human eventually teleports out (must be a powerful spell caster!). We head forward and see scrapes along the walls of the caves.      

    Entry #6 - a riot begins

    The zents had taken over Phlan recently. A warlord took it over and his grandson died during a freak construction accident during the renovation of the castle. Anabar (the warlord) had no bride, so the knit-commander of the black fists, Lord Commander Ector Brahms, was made lord regent. His grasp on the throne has been tenuous at best. Still head of the shrinking blackfist. Declared martial law on the city. Recently there was a riot at a temple that was converted from Lanthander to Bain.   As we look up to the north and east we see the blackened husk of a temple that is being re-dedicated to Lathander. Trade has been stopped due to martial law. Wages plumetted, costs sky-rocketed, all construction stopped. Black fist has been arresting the thieves guild folks on site (called The Welcomers).   As we look down the alley, we see a crowd of people before a stone gate. In front of them is a line of Black Fist guards.   Jean-Marie climbs up one of the nearby buildings and looks out over everyone. He proceeds to go up close to the wall, around the crowd, to cut down some of the hanging Welcomers (thieves). I circle around the building to the left to see if I can get behind the guards. Draxon approaches with Franklin on his shoulders, and engages in conversation with a half-orc towards the back, who says they also don't know exactly what is going on but want to make sure he and the one he is protecting (a cleric of Lathander) that everyone is safe. Franklin attempts to talk to her in thieves cant but she can't understand him.   As I make my way around the building, I see Zavender, our Harper friend, peeking around the corner of the building where I was going to do the same. He tells me people are upset about loved ones being kidnapped and held in secret.   The blackfist woman in charge tries to tell the crowd that there is no secret prison, but the people don't believe her.   Jean Marie attempts to spring past the easternmost guard to get to the wall. Unfortunatley the guard hits him as he passes with his billy club. Jean-Marie still makes it to the wall, jumps, and makes it up the wall about 15 feet.   As this all happens, a very dapper man comes out the front door in regal chainmail armor.   Jean-Marie continues to climb up 30 feet.   The dapper man moves forward through the guards, and I can tell through his body language that he ordered the guards to move forward. And slowly forward they move. I see Anders who emerges from a hidden spot and rushes up himself. The guards throw pots that are giving off smoke and start advancing. Some people flee screaming.   Jean-Marie unfortunately makes a few mistakes climbing and completely loses his grip, falling to the ground.   Franklin attempts to climb the windowsill but couldn't get a good hold.   As soon as I see the guards advancing, and see the eagerness in some of the guards faces, I recall a vision I had of guards advancing on my late Brother (Pavel's father), and I find my legs moving forward of their own accord; rage building in my veins. I jump up on the boulder next to the gates and scream at the advancing guards.

    Entry #5: Jean-marie the dead-riser

    We proceed forward and see a small laboratory. We see alchemical agents, a pot with a note near it. Dragon skulls, beakers with liquids, etc. Appears to have been used within the past few hours.   I approach the nearest table that has a cauldron on it with a note next to it. The note says: "Raaxil, I have figured out how to complete the process. When you are ready, simply pour the contents of this blue pot into the cauldron and stir. The effects should be instantaneous, but DO NOT DRINK THE RESULTING POTION." I can't quite decipher what the potion is to be used for.   I move on to the table with the spell book, and determine that it is a book of higher level necromancy. Knowing that necromancy isn't necessarily evil, I am hesitant to take the book, but considering the dragon skull appears to be a black dragon skull, I suspect this is being used for nefarious purposes. This suspicion is confirmed by Jean Marie's detection of evil in this area.   Jean Marie goes up to get Brother Keith so we can show him what we've found. Brother Keefe loses it and starts to destroy the place. I'm unable to calm him down, so Jean Marie constrains him until he calms down. We agree to trash the place on our way out. Fortunately, the brother also agrees to helps me identify the potion, and he says it is used to re-constitute the dead. I take samples of the two fluids, and the note. And the necromancy book.   I scan over a nearby bookshelf, some writing is draconic, some dwarven, some elvish. I pick one of the ones in draconic, an older tomb on necromancy. I hope to study it later to learn more to prepare us for what lies ahead, as it appears it will involve the undead, one way or another.   Brother Keefe asks Jean Marie to remove the dragon skull from his head as it is an insult to the dead, evil or no. Jean Marie relents.   We leave the laboratory and continue through the passage and around the corner. There is another room with lights on the walls, and a metal rod with sigils. Blue, red, green lights from the glyphs on the walls. These are magical glyphs. 4 bodies on the floor laying prone, as we investigate them, they are rather unusual. They are an odd miss-match of human/draconic body parts. As I move forward to investigate the first glyph (the red one), I hear this moaning start from over my shoulder, and it's coming from a zombie that of course, Jean Marie the dead riser has awakened them!   Franklin attempts to shoot but is too shaken and misses. I score a solid hit on the side of the abomination's head, and Jean Marie scores a strong hit with his scimitar. Brother Keith helps us by turning them. Franklin fires an arrow at the eastern (green) glyph, disrupting it enough that it goes out.   Jean Marie takes out one zombie, but on the next one he ends up falling over as he is attacking!   We dispatch all but one of the remaining zombies, and similarly we also take out all but one of the glyphs. I attempt to hit the last glyph with my mace but don't do enough damage to completely extinguish it. Fortunately Jean Marie finishes where I started and erased the glyph.   After dispatching all of them I examine the rod that is sticking out of the floor in the corner. I can't make much out but I do succeed in understanding the magic behind it. I recall speaking with someone at the gate, and I understand this is a teleportation circle. The level of magic on this circle is beyond us; it's very advanced. It can be destroyed in terms of preventing its use if we deface the glyphs.   I offer the rod to Brother Keefe to allow them to determine who was teleporting in and out of their graveyard, and he accepts. He also reveals that he is working with the Lords Alliance. Says they were investigating the cult of the dragon, who has seen increased activity throughout the area. The Lords Alliance is looking to maintain stability in Phlan. The thieves' guild in Phlan have also taken it upon themselves to investigate the dragon-related activities in town.   There is an alcove with gold, but as we take a closer look it appears to be wood painted gold! I walk in to check the walls for secret doors but some kind of invisible wall seals me in! Fortunately I am able to get myself out.   The brother takes us back and gives us each a bag of 100gold pieces. He also hands us a scroll of "protection from evil and good".   We leave the cemetery and hear noise of a crowd near Vajevo castle. As we approach, we see 30-40 citizens gathered around. A good 15 or so black guard are there, holding shields and billy clubs. We see a young woman with dusky skinned, trying to talk to the crowd. Crowd is yelling at black guard as there are rumors that the guard has been kidnapping people. Lt. says they are investigating, and asking for more time.

    Entry #4: Respite in Phlan

    We spend a few days (for free) at the inn, training, buying, etc, and are looking forward to an upcoming community festival within the next 9 days. On this particular morning we are meeting for a lovely breakfast. We notice that the maid helping us is muttering and clearly frustrated by something. But before we have a chance to comment, the door of the Kettle opens and a tall, dour looking human comes in, dressed in black & grey robes. I sense that he Is a member of a local clergy. Middle-aged man with tall black hat. Comes over to table, sits down, and says "I apologize for disturbing you. You seem to be adventurers; are you available for hire. My name is brother Keith, priest of Kelemvor. We are the brothers that tend to the graveyard here in Phlan. "   We agree to hear him out.   He tells us that he has information that there is a possibly a crypt that may have some kind of polymorph green dragon within it, named Alexandria ____. He wants help to inspect the sarcophagus.   We confer as a group and, based on the fact that I detected no deceit or deception, we decide to help Brother Keith. He leads us to Valhingen Graveyard, but on the way we see a large crowd head towards the Castle, but we don't yet have time to determine what that was all about.   When we arrive at the graveyard it is very immaculate and well-maintained. Including the particular crypt we are traveling to. In anticipation, and to determine whether or not this crypt has been defiled, I cast "detect good and evil". Nothing seems amiss, though I am concentrating on this spell for the next 10 minutes.   We enter into the crypt and it is very ornately decorated on the interior, with frescos of a noblewoman in various landscapes.   I sense no good/evil but proceed to sit in corner and start ritual for detect magic. When about 5 minutes later this green gas comes through the vents In the ceiling. As we drop to the floor, we see that there are divets in the paintings that may correspond with gems. I believe this may have to do with the different chromatic dragons. We proceed, as we are coughing, to take the gems and insert them into the walls.   Red ruby, green emerald, black opal, white dimand, blue saphire Murals: female looking towards snow covered pieak (white diamond - white dragon), one standing in rain (blue saphhire - blue dragon), another in comfortable room near fire (red ruby - red dragon), another holding venomous snake (green emerald), another in laboratory with vials (black opal).   With the last gem going into the wall, the gas has now stopped. A few seconds later a heavy scraping is heard as the sarcophogus slides to the side revealing stairs. Jean Marie throws down his torch and then proceeds down on foot. Brother Keith stays put while we continue on (and the front door has opened up again).   The passageway spirals around, with Jean Marie lighting the wall sconces, and off to the side is an alcove. We see skeletal guards that are standing attention at this area. They are humanoid skeletons with dragon skulls on them. At the back of the alcove is a carved mahogany dais, with huge empty throne. Immediately in front is another skeleton standing at attention. So far they are not responding to our presence. There is magic coming from the throne… As I ask the party if it wants me to identify the magic of the throne, Jean Marie attacks the skeletons, destroying one. Meanwhile Franklin investigates the throne and pedestal himself. Jean Marie moves onto the next skeleton and destroys that. Draxon attempts to pull free the sword from the other skeleton but he can't remove it from its hands. I proceed to place my hand on the throne and cast (identify), to determine why this throne has magical properties. Meanwhile, Jean Marie chops off the dragon head of one of the statutes and places it on his head. Draxon takes out the other one with a swing of his great axe. Having concluded my spell, it is proven out that if we had sat in the throne these skeletons would have awaken. Perhaps they still would have reanimated, even dismantled? Regardless, at this point we are just focusing on opening the throne to see what's underneath it. Draxon tries to pry it open but can't break the lock. Franklin, having determined that there are no additional traps, proceeds to pick the lock. Underneath the throne is tormuline gem and a scroll of comprehend language.   As we are walking away, Jean Marie runs towards the throne and sits down! As I determined, the three skeletons re-animate and now attack us! Savras, may you shine your wisdom on my new friend, Jean Marie. Draxon takes off the arm of one, Franklin shoots with his arrow, and I proceed to cast turn undead, and all three of the skeletons are turned. Jean Marie gets up from the throne and attacks the nearest, turned skeleton, (rolls a crit!) and takes out this skeleton. Draxon follows up with the same. I run forward and cast bewilderment on the skeleton, hitting it with psychic damage and it is now slowed in movement for its next turn. We proceed to take the rest of the skeletons out, fortunately without anyone getting hurt. I will need to prepare in the future for Jean Marie's impulsiveness, and see if I can impart some of Savras' wisdom and patience upon him, to have his impulsiveness be to our advantage.

    Entry #3: Out of fire and to the Inn - blasted guards

    We proceed to search the goblin bodies and find a red and white leather whip, 2 deer antlers, and racoon pelt, in addition to the usual weapons and armors.   The farmers are surprisingly still asleep through all of this, so we proceed to dispose of the goblin bodies by moving them to the edge of the forest. We write a warning to the goblins saying "Do not enter - goblins killed on site". With some of my remaining time I meditate, staring into a goblin eye that I took from the leader but nothing is gained, as I am rather tired after our fight. We sleep until noon and then chat with the farmers, who bring us food once again. Millivent said they have lived on the farm for the past 2 decades without many attacks from them. When they would attack they would just take basic items. They do certainly seem more organized. I mention to the party that it seems that with this Cult of the Dragon, they are sending the goblins out to find more dragon artifacts. Before we head back to to talk with that Harper fellow, we decide to train the farmhands in the use of weapons so that they can defend themselves. Jean Marie heads up.   The farmer is kind enough to provide us with transportation back to town (Phlan). We get in around 8 and head for the tavern, Madam Friona's Tea Kettle. On our way into town, the guards stop us and try telling us that there is an entrance fee. I don't recall such a fee but I am not certain on whether the guard is telling the truth or not. Draxon, on the other hand, glares at the guards and says "play your tricks on someone else". I step in to say "is this how you would treat your neighbors? My family has been here for a generation. One guard, named Jaxsen Shalbag, was being very stubborn and would not budge. So Draxon and Jean Marie proceeded to intimidate him, but only his friend, Queth WIllowboots, ran away, saying that he doesn't want to get into more trouble. But Jackson Shalbag, the main guard still persists. As he is bringing his whistle to his lips I create 10 gallons of water above his head which slows his action enough to allow Draxon to steal his whistle. I then freeze the water on the ground as he falls prone, and we move on, hearing his threats behind us.   We arrive in the tavern! Franklin is a good jig dancer, as the other party members are dancing. Jean Marie walks around carousing, seeing what information he can find. Draxon, Franklin, and I sit for a meal and drink. We chat with the lovely innkeeper who said she will put out a word to our harper friend that we would like to catch up with him.   We stay for a few rounds of beer, we are feeling a buzz, Franklin gets dancing, Jean Marie singing, Draxon playing instruments.   After spending a nice night in Phlan, we meet once again in the corner and see the hooded harper. We sit down and chat and the harper confirms that the purple-robed figure is with the cult of the dragon. He expresses great concern that the goblins are working with the cult, and he asked us if we found any dragon artifacts while we were there. I show him the leather shield with a dragon scale in it, and he tells us that he (and the harpers) are afraid that the cult may be trying to create a dragon-lich, which would spell utter destruction for the area. After asking us where the cave is located (we told them there were some indications of dragon activity in the cave), Franklin uses his cartography skills to explain the location of the cave. On the gentleman's way out, he confidentially give us his name, Zefander - but only refer to him in public as the Harper. He said to check back tomorrow for more, as he needs to check with others to update them.   The inkeeper 's daughter Reece, hands us a note and it says: "Your room and board for the next week have been paid in full, courtesy of Lenah Desanea. - Madame Freona (the inkeeper)." Reece says that Lenah is part of a popular family tied to some famous heroes from the past. They live in the nobles courters.   The next two days are uneventful and we occupy ourselves by…  

    Entry #2: In and out of the lair...

    • Ulfreth is goblin - says they are mining caves, looking for things. • Franklin questions the prisoners, who said they were brought on to be slaves. • We see a symbol on the guy in tunic and he is with Zentarim. He won't tell us what he's up to. • While we are talking about Zentarim, Ulfreth the goblin sneaks off, right as Alexsky was about to interogate him. We decide to leave the Zentarim prisoner for the time being as we will want to interogate him on the way out. We let out one group of prisoners and start on the cage with the zentarim. Chaab with Zentarim was scouting, had reports of activity with cult of dragon and he was investigating. I ended up letting the Zentarim out so that others could get out. I searched table and hobgoblin on way out and grab his shield which has a dragon scale in it. I got 31 gold on way out. We all flee the goblin tunnels as we hear a lot more goblins coming. I try to free 'Erb on my way out but unfortunately don't have the strength. I run out taking the rear, pushing the farmers forward. As we gather at the entrance, I see Franklin leaning over his cartography tools trying to figure out where we are. In an attempt to give him more time, I throw a lit torch into a bundle of nearby sticks, throw a flask of oil on it, and it goes up in flames. Franklin points us in the right direction and we dash forward. We go back to farm, people are grateful. We take a long rest and I take the time to look over the shield with the dragonscale. Nothing magical about shield and also nothing about the sword as well. (we gained 75 XP for rescuing people) Take a long rest, though we are woken at 3AM by noises outside. We exit and see goblins or other creatures with torches. We move to the left of the barn, dashing up. I'm first along with Uttu, and see a goblin carrying a torch, trying to light the barn on fire. I also notice another goblin behind the tree. Aleksey gets between goblin with torch and the barn, kills him with a swing of my scepter. I get hit with an arrow from a goblin behind a tree. Jean Marie goes to east of barn and sees another goblin with a torch. He proceeds to throw his torch at the goblin and hits, killing it. Draxon and Franklin ready an action to shoot goblin behind the tree. Two arrows come towarrds Jean Marie and one hits. I dash around corner to get closer to Jean Marie, who proceeds to move and take cover behind a nearby tree, and throws one of the goblin torches far to the south so that they can't get to it. Draxon readies an action to cover the northern part of the barn. Franklin dashes forward past Draxon. One of the newly revealed Goblins, appears to be the leader, yells at me as he fires a crossbow bolt in my direction, hitting a vital organ and causing me to collapse. A goblin lights on fire a pile of straw. Draxon throws his javelin at a goblin that emerges, but the goblin fires back. Jean Marie charges out from behind the tree and attempts to tackle/restrain a goblin that is holding a torch, breaking the goblin's arm. Draxon cleaves a goblin in two with his great axe and moves forward. Franklin fires his shortbow but misses, and falls back. Draxon is hit with a shortbow and prepares to rage. Jean Marie dashes away and blocks other goblin from setting fire to bar. Alexsey is falling closer to death given the blood loss. Arrow hits Franklin for 7 Jean Marie throws his net over the one goblin, and hits goblin with his scimitar. Franklin stabilizes Alexsey, and proceeds to lean over me to give me cover. Jean Marie drags netted goblin to tree Franklin attempted to drag alexsey… Goblins gang up on Jean Marie and he is now unconcious. Jean Marie bounces back, shakes off the injury. Draxon attacks goblin Uttu does a dance on pouch and Franlin realizes she is saying to open it. Inside is a healing potion and franlin takes it out and gives it to Aleksey. Goblin gets out of the net. I run forward and hide at the corner of the building. Jean Marie targets leader with scimitar, and hits, but the goblin steps out of the way and forces his underlining to take the hit. Aleksey screams at the goblin leader that took him out and he fires sacred flame and hits him for 15 damage to the goblin. Jean Marie and Draxon finish the job and take out the goblin. Aleksey uses create water to cause rain on the haystack.

    Entry #1: Our journey further into The Cave of the Foulwater Goblin Tribe

    Our friend the Barbaran has decided to feed a goblin to the wolves again to ensure they are fed. Guess he has a softspot for our four-legged friends. Franklin pauses to listen before determining which way to go. All he can hear are the wolves chowing down, and quiet throughout the cave. This gives me an idea and I mention to Franklin, since he is skilled with animal handling, to see if we can use these wolves to our advantage and perhaps, become their friends, and use them against the goblins themselves. Franklin haunches down and watches Draxon feed the wolves, and he says the wolves appear to be a wild card. We discuss possibly releasing them in one of the tunnels. We also recall hearing that the goblins may have other raiding parties returning. So Draxon proceeds with placing some snare traps setup. Franklin decides to go to the northern door to open it. After using the key, the door unlocks and we proceed forward. We again see claw marks on the walls of the cave. A new room opens up, that is lit up by lanterns this time and is much better furnished than the previous rooms. We see a long table with gold, weapons, half-eaten food. We see some decapitated heads. We also see a few cages with some humans in them. They appear to be farmers. One of the cages has younger kids in it. There is a guy in a tunic in a cage. As we walk in, a little girls in a cage shouts out "they are hiding", and we prepare for batttle with more goblins. One emerges from hiding and attacks Franklin with a scimitar (6 points slashing), getting a good strike on him, then flees. Franklin returns fire and gets a square shot in his upper shoulder, piercing through his leather armor, causing blood to pour out. A large humanoid (a bugbear), dressed in orange and with a goblin mask, shouts out, whips out a javelin, throws it towards Draxon, but he trips and breaks his javelin, yet still roars and runs towards us. Arrow shoots out and hits Jean-Marie (3 damage), who proceeds to laugh at the hit. A new goblin emerges with a short bow but again misfires (these suckers are unlucky!) at me, but is so far away he ends of shooting himself in the leg. Draxon runs forward shouting at the little goblin, intimidating him to a point where he is trembling and soils his trousers. Taking his greataxe in both hands, he splits the goblin in two. I point towards the torch behind Draxon and gesture, creating a head of a dragon in the flames, opening it's mouth, and distracting the BugBear (and use Damaran shared success to help Jean Marie). At this time Jean-marie runs forward, screaming in draconic that he will cut his head off, waving his scimitar, and he comes down and slashes across his chest. He follows up with a dagger strike in the ribs. Another arrow fires at Jean-Marie, who bats it out of the air. Franklin runs forward for cage, with my friend Uttu on his shoulder. He shouts over to the humans in the cage that he is coming over to help them. Gorunk counter attacks against Jean-Marie and hits him with a morningstar, and he falls over unconcious. Another arrow goes for Franklin and misses. Another goblin emerges and fires arrow at Draxon, but Draxon shakes it off (3 damage) in his rage. His greataxe attack glances off his shield, as does his follow-up hand axe attack. I run up to Jean-marie, lay my hands on him, and heal his wounds. Arrow comes at me but I just raise my shield and it glances off. Uttu jumps off Franklin's shoulder and moves to the north to see if she can spot the goblin to the north. Franklin fires at Gorunk and hits him, and he follows up with another shot/hit. I see that Jean-Marie attempts to use his net to tangle Garuunk's feet, but he must still be disoriented as the bugbear simply steps away from the net. Another arrow fired towards me but I dodge out of the way. Draxon's next attack with the greataxe again fails, but he gets a critical with the handaxe, which decapitates Garuunk. I run towards the southeastern goblin and project images into his head of his past and future death, and he collapses as he screams at the top of his lungs and dies with a gurgle. Franklin fires at the second to last goblin and he dies. The last goblin surrenders to me and must determine what we do next.


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