Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Chaotic Good Human - Damaran (Sage of Damara)
Cleric - Revelation Domain 3
25 / 25 HP

Handsome middle-aged man, yet not incredibly social. He has seen visions his entire life and he has spent much of it trying to figure out their origins, which led him to Savras, and now he has been trying to use them to help his family and region (Damara)

Campaign & Party

Played by
Sun 25th Feb 2024 05:47

Entry #35 - search for the cult

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

I send Uttu, who is now an owl, up into the skies to keep an eye out for our companions.
I'm standing at the gate with Burell, and we suddenly hear bells and shouting, and a green dragon flies overhead of the City. We see the guards prepare to shoot the dragon if it tries to attack, but it would appear they don't want to unnecessarily provoke the dragon into doing what they fear.
I soon get a telepathic message from Uttu that our friends are on their way. They soon come into my view and I wave them over to the gate. Burell is with a halfling druid, both are on a steed. Burell said it should take us 2-3 days to get there. The ravine is about 45 miles away.
Burell is blazing the trail. Olwen Moonfinger is his druid halfing friend.
My role for the trip is quatermaster, to make sure we have enough provisions. We spend some time determining which way to take: either take the direct pathless route or take established paths on Phlan Path to the Trank River. We decide to heed the advice our our ranger, Odd, and take the diagnol/direct route towards the Vanishing Hills
I send Uttu up with Odd, who is scouting, to help him do so (helping/assist).
While we are determing walk order, I decide to try my Augury ritual and pull the card Three of Wands, which is a good omen for our adventure.
We head out! Eventually we see some Perycon birds that start to circle us, and Burell seems to think they may be coming in to attack.
At one point, Odd see's an, ahem, odd shadow, which doesn't seem to match the shape of the bird casting it. It doesn't appear to have the head of an eagle but of a deer! Odd skillfully takes out both of the birds and we continue on.
It is mid afternoon now. Odd sees more movement up ahead. Out of the bushes comes this muppet-like creature. It starts to approach us, and it looks peaceful. I attempt to use detect thoughts spell, but there is some kind of block on it, or I'm just not very good at this new ability yet. But I do manage to communicate with the creature enough (waving one arm means yes the other means no), and learn that this creature used to be a wizard that was turned into this creature during a wizard's duel. Has been this way for over 10 years it would seem. I ask Franklin to mark this location on the map, but I explain to the creature that we cannot detour at the moment and say we can come back, but he gets discouraged and leaves. I make a mental note of this encounter.
We make camp and set up watch. Odd feeds us these amazing good berries.
In the middle of the night Uttu flies over to me to wake me up. When I wake I hear these noises that sound like children crying for help. Thes two creatures about the size of a horse starts to approach us, with saliva dripping from their fanged mouth.

Aleksey's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Entry #1: Our journey further into The Cave of the Foulwater Goblin Tribe
    30 Jan 2022 08:17:01
  2. Entry #2: In and out of the lair...
    30 Jan 2022 08:17:15
  3. Entry #3: Out of fire and to the Inn - blasted guards
    30 Jan 2022 08:17:31
  4. Entry #4: Respite in Phlan
    30 Jan 2022 08:17:50
  5. Entry #5: Jean-marie the dead-riser
    30 Jan 2022 08:18:08
  6. Entry #6 - a riot begins
    13 Feb 2022 01:35:02
  7. Entry 0.5 - the party forms then splits
    27 Feb 2022 03:01:51
  8. The battle of Phlan continues
    03 Apr 2022 11:41:33
  9. Entry #7: the riot escalates
    23 May 2022 12:13:53
  10. Entry #8: Jailbreak attempt
    04 Aug 2022 07:43:35
  11. Entry #9: confined to a nice jail cell - jailbreak#2?
    04 Aug 2022 07:48:55
  12. Entry #10: Down the well - ruins in labyrinth
    04 Aug 2022 07:58:42
  13. Entry #11 - out of the tunnels - finally rest!
    25 Sep 2022 10:37:36
  14. Entry #12 - finding the Harper agent
    01 Nov 2022 12:11:32
  15. Entry #13 - Evening entertainment (i.e. barfight)
    01 Nov 2022 12:15:54
  16. Entry #14 - to the lighthouse
    01 Nov 2022 12:24:26
  17. Entry #15 - exploring the island
    05 Nov 2022 09:21:40
  18. Entry #16: into the depths of the island
    20 Nov 2022 03:56:00
  19. Entry #17 -Down into the dark bowels of Toril
    11 Dec 2022 08:17:24
  20. Entry #18 Battle at jade totem
    12 Feb 2023 07:10:49
  21. Entry #19: Solving Igon's murder
    12 Feb 2023 07:29:03
  22. Entry #20 - Grim's guilt assured - attack from the sea!
    12 Mar 2023 04:51:36
  23. Entry #21: the relentless attack from the sea
    26 Mar 2023 07:03:18
  24. Entry #22: escape from Sokol Keep
    30 Apr 2023 08:23:48
  25. Entry #23 - Escape to Melvaunt
    21 May 2023 06:05:48
  26. Entry #24 - the trade bazaar
    09 Jul 2023 07:25:03
  27. Entry #25 - Trade bazaar continued...
    07 Aug 2023 08:36:24
  28. Entry #26 - Regrouping at the Inn, then going separate ways
    08 Aug 2023 08:41:19
  29. Entry #27 - 1st attempt at securing the purse
    08 Aug 2023 08:44:32
  30. Entry #28 - Next morning, next pursuit for the purse
    08 Aug 2023 08:47:22
  31. Quest list
    10 Aug 2023 03:43:40
  32. Entry #29 - Jean Marie's gold is recovered (partially)
    17 Sep 2023 04:53:47
  33. Entry #30 - To the pub, an orb breaks
    29 Oct 2023 08:46:58
  34. Entry #31 - Lightning!
    04 Dec 2023 12:49:01
  35. Entry #33 - What to do with Tret
    17 Dec 2023 07:13:43
  36. Items for "sale" from Church of Gond
    19 Dec 2023 08:29:03
  37. Entry #34 - Illusndra & the church of Ghond
    24 Dec 2023 09:20:01
  38. Entry #35 - search for the cult
    25 Feb 2024 05:47:45

The major events and journals in Aleksey's history, from the beginning to today.

Entry #19: Solving Igon's murder

[Continuing our conversation with Grim and his lackeys deep in the underground temple…] Grim said they were ambushed by zombies, but we didn't buy it. Coming to Igan's decapitated body, I hear Grim pick up his head and say "shit, sorry kid, never...

07:29 pm - 12.02.2023

Battle at jade totem

Odd misses his shot, Franklin shoots and hits. Draxon takes out a skeleton with a javelin. I run up and block/hold one of the doors, Jean Marie gets the other. A tentacle reaches through and grapples Jean Marie, biting him. I manage to hold the door shut....

07:04 pm - 12.02.2023

Down into the dark bowels of Toril

We follow the footprints down the passageway and come to a door on our right. Odd opens it and it appears to be a small cell that has not been used in a very long time. Odd walks in to retrieve some kind of container/pouch. Jean Marie gets his face up cl...

08:15 pm - 11.12.2022

Entry #16: into the depths of the island

The remaining hands flee, and of course Jean Marie chase after them. Up ahead, there is an alcove up the wall about 7 feet. Odd climbs up and into it, finds piles of human bones. Going further down the passageway, we see a brass door, slightly ajar. ...

03:56 pm - 20.11.2022

Entry #15 - exploring the island

We leave the towner and are greeted by the groundskeeper. While investigating a building, we start to feel a breeze without a breeze. Jean Marie goes back up after we tell him about this and he also senses some kind of spirit. I decide to make a Ouija b...

09:21 pm - 05.11.2022

Entry #14 - to the lighthouse

Woke up in the Laughing Inn Tavern. This Inn has seen better days, and clearly has a long history. Went to breakfast. A kid came in named Roorin, and he said his father looked at the lighthouse and couldn't figure out . Overheard a child talking about...

12:24 am - 01.11.2022

Entry #13 - Evening entertainment (i.e. barfight)

When we get downstairs, the doors fly open and some angry dockworkers come in and walk towards the mercenaries. The dockworkers attack the mercenaries sitting in the bar. Draxon tries to get them to stop fighting. Jean Marie jumps down. I remark that ...

12:15 am - 01.11.2022

Entry #12 - finding the Harper agent

I'm the first to wake up. I go to Lenah and ask her about what the Lord Protector said yesterday. He apparently was there with 50-60 guards, flew in on his hipogrygh, letting people know that he was quite upset about the riot, he has heard of the concerns...

12:11 am - 01.11.2022

Entry #11 - out of the tunnels - finally rest!

These labyrinths below the City are quite fascinating. Continuing on, we find a statute of a woman holding a bowl. Odd seemed to recognize this statue and pushed it back to reveal a passageway! This passageway led into a marble hallway with a low ceiling....

10:34 pm - 25.09.2022

Entry #10: Down the well - ruins in labyrinth

The well we find is about 65 feet deep. Odd is the first down, followed by Franklin and then Jean Marie. A few guards manage to dash towards us, one grapples me, and the other three go around to the other side of the well since they were blocked by Draxon...

07:58 pm - 04.08.2022

Entry #9: confined to a nice jail cell - jailbreak#2?

We are now located in a nice cell with a desk and nice feather bed, with two braziers. I was sitting at the desk drawing, and hear voices approach that sounds familiar. Draxon apparently doesn't know how to alter his voice at all. I see a tall middle aged...

07:48 pm - 04.08.2022

Entry #8:

The protest continues, a cart gets overturned, more guards come out, Draxon goes beserk, I continue to throw molotov cocktails at the guards, and then one manages to drag me off the rock and knocks me unconscious. Next thing I know I wake up in a jail...

12:13 am - 23.05.2022

The battle of Phlan continues

We continue to fight in the street with the Black Fist guards. Jean Marie, after tangling up a guard in his net, scales back up the wall, reaches the top, and cuts off the rope holding one of the hanging thief bodies. He runs into a nearby doorway at the ...

11:41 pm - 03.04.2022

Entry 0.5 - the party forms then splits

Backstory: Phlan used to be ruled by council of 10. Zhents invaded and occupied city. Kabal Danaran disolved Council and named himself hereditary ruler of Phlan. His son, then grandson have sat on throne. Earlier this year his grandson, whose name w...

03:01 pm - 27.02.2022

Entry #7: the riot escalates

Jean Marie, having just fallen around 30 feet, is now on the ground and not moving! I am trying to send Uttu over to him so I can heal him, but I don't know if Uttu will get there in time. The guards continue advancing, and there are these folks in gr...

10:51 am - 25.02.2022

Entry #6 - a protest begins

The zents had taken over Phlan recently. A warlord took it over and his grandson died during a freak construction accident during the renovation of the castle. Anabar (the warlord) had no bride, so the knit-commander of the black fists, Lord Commander Ect...

01:24 am - 13.02.2022

Jean-marie the dead-riser

We proceed forward and see a small laboratory. We see alchemical agents, a pot with a note near it. Dragon skulls, beakers with liquids, etc. Appears to have been used within the past few hours. I approach the nearest table that has a cauldron on it w...

08:16 pm - 30.01.2022

Respite in Phlan

We spend a few days (for free) at the inn, training, buying, etc, and are looking forward to an upcoming community festival within the next 9 days. On this particular morning we are meeting for a lovely breakfast. We notice that the maid helping us is mut...

06:27 pm - 15.01.2022

Out of fire and to the Inn - blasted guards

We proceed to search the goblin bodies and find a red and white leather whip, 2 deer antlers, and racoon pelt, in addition to the usual weapons and armors. The farmers are surprisingly still asleep through all of this, so we proceed to dispose of the ...

02:18 am - 20.12.2021

Further into

• Ulfreth is goblin - says they are mining caves, looking for things. • Franklin questions the prisoners, who said they were brought on to be slaves. • We see a symbol on the guy in tunic and he is with Zentarim. He won't tell us what he's up to...

11:15 pm - 19.12.2021

Our journey further into The Cave of the Foulwater Goblin Tribe

Our friend the Barbaran has decided to feed a goblin to the wolves again to ensure they are fed. Guess he has a softspot for our four-legged friends. Franklin pauses to listen before determining which way to go. All he can hear are the wolves chowing do...

03:44 am - 22.11.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Aleksey.

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