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Foulwater Tribe

Tribe of Goblins and Gobloinoids who resided in the Twilight Marshes. The often radied into the surrounding farms and foothills, looting and pillaging what they could. On the back of wolves, it was not uncommon to reach as far west as the outskirts of Phlan.


The Foulwater Tribe is a tribe of goblin raiders operating out of the caves of the Twilight Marsh. Bugbear leaders are at the top with either the most cunning or strongest serving as the head of the tribe. Immediate captains are other bugbears followed by the smartest and/or most ruthless of the goblins. The goblin lieutenats give orders to the rest of the goblin masses. There is constant in fighting for position.


Goblins feared the world around and knew they were feared in return. As such, they felt disdain to most creatures who were not other goblinoids and felt if they had the might to take it was justified. They often followed a creed of "Survival of the Fittest" so there was consant in-fighting for higher position in ranks among their fellow goblins. Due to their slender, smaller size, they knew they could not domiante others through physical strength, so relied heavily on tactics of outnumbeiing thier targets and relying on their excellent abilities of stealth and ambush.

Public Agenda

To secure as much goods and plunder for their survival as possible.


Wolves, items plundered from various encampments and farms. While not the most trustworthy trading partners, more unscrupulous traders could negotiate for rarer items that the goblins may have plunder but had little use or understanding of.


The Foulwater Goblin Tribe were a more recent band of goblonoids living in the Twilight Marshes that banded together for bigger plunder and protection from Orcs and other humanoid races. Some of the leaders in the tribe have come from splinter members of the Red Claws in Thar, just to the north east.

Demography and Population

The tribe is composed almost exclusively of goblins and bugbears. At times, hobgoblins have joined thier ranks and assumed positions of leadership.


The tribe raids all of the Twilight Marsh as the grasslands and hills immediately to the east, north and west of the marsh. They have been known to set ambushes up at the bridge that crosses over the Trank River. They have also attacked the Crossing Inn on several occasions.


The goblins of the tribe worshiped the usual gods of the goblinoid pantheon such as Maglubiyet and Khurgorbaeyag.

Foreign Relations

The tribe is a nuisanance to threat to travelers venturing along the Phan path between the cities of Phlan and Melvaunt. The governments of both cities regard them as hostile adversaries and rarely deal with the tribe outside of sending adventures out to hunt the goblinoids down and kill them.

Trade & Transport

While the tribe was regarded as unreliable trade partner, some of the more bold, and sometimes unscrupulous, citizens of Phlan or Melvaunt have been able to strike deals with the goblins for some of the arms and rare items the tribe has come across in their raids.


The goblins and bugbears of the Foulwater tribe have exetnsive knowledge of all the caves and hollows within and surrounding the Twilight marsh. They have used many as liars and others as storage for their loots. To allow for ambushes and to cover their tracks from orcs or hired parties from the cities of Phlan and Melvaunt, the tribe has avaoided building any roads or trails of their own in fear of being tracked down. They have mapped the marsh and the surrounding area exrensively and share these maps extensively within the tribe itself. Since potable water is a valuable resource, they have located and identified all the caves in the region with springs or well-established wells.

"Fearand Death have been our fate, so by fear and death shall we take."

Founding Date
1401 DR
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Official Languages
Notable Members


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