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Twilight Marsh

The Twilight Marsh was a large wetlands located at the mouth of the Trank River, due east of Phlan. It was the home to peat farmers as well as several goblionoid tribes.


It was a boreal swamp that lay at the mouth of the Trank River as it emptied into the Moonsea.


Its soils are predominantly mineral based with the presence of peat in many areas. It was a transition area of forest and peat flooded by the waters of the Trank. It has hummocky ground that often contain pools of water. Its center was heavily treed by a mixture of Black Spruces, Balsam Poplars and White Birched that transitioned to shorter shrubs such as Willows, Speckled Alder as well as rolling patches of winter sedges and grasses.

The soil had nutrient levels ranging from poor to rich, with areas dense with conifers being poor to medium while other areas had nutrients ranging from medium to rich. Most soil is aerated, but water availability is still high in lower portions of the root zone. The peat mostly consisted of decaying shrubs and trees.

Ecosystem Cycles

THe swamps often became flooded in the late spring and early summer months from the melting snow in the Vanishing Hills that lay to the north.

Fauna & Flora

Moose can be often be found in the summer months eating in the vegatation. Packs of Woodland Caribou from the Quivering Forest can be found sometime in the winter months in the deeper parts of the marsh getting refuge from wolves and bears in the normal habitat. Black Bears and Grizzlies can be seen in the marshes during the late spring and summer feeding on some berry bushes as well as taking advantage of abundant fish traveling upstream during mating season. Lynxs, Wolverines are other predators. The marshes were also home to other smaller mammals such as shrews, lemmings, voles, muskrats and beavers.   Ravens, Finches, Warblers, Kingfishers, Owls, Ospreys, Sandhill Cranes, Egrets, ducks and other water fowl are found throughout the marshes.   The low pH and temperature of boreal peatlands mean there is generally a low diversity of amphibians in these ecosystems. However, boreal chorus frogs, wood frogs and occasionally, leopard frogs can found in the Twilight Marshes.

Natural Resources

Peat, Berries, Wood, Cattails, Minerals
Wetland / Swamp
Included Organizations


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