BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Tama has worked on the farm for as long as she can remember. Even as a child, she was collecting eggs, feeding cows and chickens, and helping cook the evening meal. As she grew, she moved into the role a son would have if her parents had been fortunate enough to have any. She baled hay, wrestled livestock into carts for market, helped her father plow and plant and do all the back-breaking work her sisters were too delicate for. As a result, she grew close with her father, Darner. While Tama has six sisters, she is especially close to the youngest, Anya, who has a lame foot and likes to watch Tama work the fields.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Buff as hell Thick, corded arms with a sturdy neck and fists that could do some serious damage

Body Features

She has several scars from dealing with rough pigs, horses, and cows

Facial Features

Broad nose, full lips, tanned with freckles, big doll-like eyes that are at odds with the rest of her face, wide cheekbones

Special abilities

Riding/ground vehicle proficiency, you get a draft horse, perception, nature, survival, animal handling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Joined a jungle tribe who worships Silvanus.


None - she can read and she can do basic math so she's able to sell goods at the market, but beyond that, she has no formal education



Mental Trauma

Her youngest sister Anya was nearly crushed by a plow when she was younger, resulting in the lame foot. Tama was the first to notice and came to her rescue.

Intellectual Characteristics

Not all too bright when it comes to academics, but she knows the land, animals, and crops like the back of her hand. She also has a keen eye for weather.


Contacts & Relations

Family - Mother, Father, Six sisters (Anya being the main one)

Religious Views

the only thing Tama believes in is hard work

Wealth & Financial state

Pretty low on the pole. They make enough to get by but there are no luxuries

A strong, burly young woman living a simple farm life with her large family. She is particularly adept at chopping wood and wrestling cows and pigs into submission.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs

March 16th 2024 Session

RECAP: Felix and Elara are talking Rest of group determining if we're going to destroy the forge completely - Mushareeb wants it to stay   NOTES: We are face-to-face with Mush in the armory, which is now clean and organized. All the bodies were thrown into the lava vat. They decompose slowly because of their tolerance for lava, but the area is slowly being cleaned up. Wilford fetches adamantine armor. Wilford: We did it. We cleared it. Mush: Cleared what? What was plaguing us? W: There was a person who had commandeered your facilities to create puppets. Mush: Odd. I found a lot of body parts that were being handmade in the room before. Darvati took Diamante's doll body. D: Yeah, this thing. Mush: A very colorfully dressed puppet, if I do say so. D: Do you want to do anything with this? Mush: We could smelt it. D tosses it into the fire. Wilford speaks to the group. W: Do you think Mush would be able to help us in dealing with our currently trapped star lion guy inside of this case? D: Mush, do you know if there are spare rations in this place? M: We can eat lizard. We just have to cut it, essentially. You could eat it raw. F: I don't see how Mush would be able to help because this is magic versus smithing. W: Let's just avoid talking about Misthaven. We have a thought that our benefactor is an archmage, so she might be able to help us. Malith and Darvati work on getting rations from lizards. Tama's lizard eats a strider.We also get six rations apiece from three striders. Mushareeb activates the stones to let his people know the forge is once again under their control, and he activates defense mechanisms. Lanister jots down how the turrets look. There's an optical lens linked to a stone containing some elemental or similar being that can determine if it's an enemy. The group decides to leave the mines and return to the surface. Freya scouts. Wilford trailblazes. Malith navigates. The first day is uneventful. Tama prepares a meal so delicious that when we awaken in the morning, we gain 2 temporary hit points. The next day, Freya is scouting. She notices some black darts peeking out of the clouds on this cloudier-than-usual day. There are eight of them that she's counted, and they're in a circle formation. They're circling around Freya. She swoops down to inform the team. F: Hey, guys, I noticed something in the clouds. As she speaks, entities begin to drop from the sky next to us. A giant gash suddenly appears along Wilford's chest. He feels extremely nervous, uncomfortable, and horrified. He is Frightened. Malith is Frightened. Freya swings out of the way of the attack and attacks in turn. It's got a huge wingspan and an elongated head with a nub at the end. It strongly resembles the ptero-folk she's seen in books. Freya's attack slays it neatly. Lanister becomes Frightened. The Steel Defender is also hit. Tama is Frightened. Darvati is Frightened. Mushareeb is Frightened. The battle begins. We handily defeat the group of ptero-folk. From the sky, an incredibly angry-looking arrokokra comes torpedoing down. It halts 20 feet away, slowing at the sight that everyone is dead. ???: You took care of my prey incredibly quickly. F: Well, you picked some weak prey. ?: You speak the language of our people despite being an outlander. Why? F: I had a good teacher. ?: You are not part of any of the tribes. Where are you from? F: I only recently came to this area. ?: You will not hold secrets from the sovereign. Give me details. F: I'm from Misthaven. ?: I don't know that name. More ptero-folk come charging down from the sky as he ponders. When they get close enough, he snaps his talons, summoning lightning to vaporize them. This is a primordial energy. Whoever this person is, they have lineage to air elementals. Strong ones. He has a close tie with the air such that it must be his domain. ?: I'm seeking my sister, the Little Sparrow. These folk have abducted her. F: Oh no. As she thinks back on battle tactics, Freya realizes they were surrounding her. ?: I will say, you have a striking resemblance to her, though you are much more battle-hardened. She's still a fledgling. Outlander, I, as sovereign, command you to come with me back to our village. F: You're not my sovereign, but I'd be happy to help. ?: Your retinue will come along. F: Let me gather my retinue, and I'll be right back. ?: I do speak Common, by the way. Freya flies down with him. He perches on a corpse. F: Slight delay in going back to the city, I think. How do you guys feel about going and finding his little sister? K: Will there be treasure? F: I worry about what would happen if we said no. ?: I would not hurt you. I'm not an animal. F: I would like it if we go because this is is arrokokran culture, and I think there's a lot of learning to be had. M: I was impressed with that lightning attack. I think we should go. ?: You were impressed by the power of a sovereign, were you? You won't be able to have it. You need a strong bloodline. T: If you want to go, I think we should. F: You wouldn't happen to have seen another arrokokran out there who is not native? ?: Do you have a name? Do you have a description? She remembers getting a white, green, and red feather. She found it in Misthaven. F: Dad? ?: I have not sired children. Ever. I don't know what this is, but I'm not your father. I am halfway through my life. F: Sorry. Have you seen anyone with coloring similar to yours? ?: Many in the village have colors similar to mine, including you. K: Do you know your dad's age, by chance? F: I'm 15, so he's probably pretty old. Okay, let's go. ?: The first leg of the journey will be getting to the pillar and the ruins. The next two days will be climbing. There is a safe spot at the base to leave your animal. D: Mr. Sovereign, is it? Do you have a name? ?: You will address me as The Sovereign, and you will address me as little as possible. Freya has earned curiosity. None of you have earned respect. D: Have you seen any temples? TS: We're going to one. L: I know you don't want to talk to us, Sovereign, sir, but there doesn't happen to be something like these around your temple right? [Brandishing lightning weapon] TS: My people do not use these. Anyway, let's be quiet and move forward. Mushareeb: I guess we're going here now? I am your guide. F: You could always go back by yourself. The rest of the party: NO! We begin to follow him. TS notices our slow pace. TS: I'm going to fly low and keep you all motivated. He raises his hands and several raptors follow us, pecking at our feet if we slow down. Anytime we would encounter anything animal-like, it avoids us due to TS' presence. Five days, and we are now at the base. During our downtime, Lani makes climbing gear. Malith tries to establish contact with the mysterious lady he once saw. She feels as though she hits a wall in the ether. It shocks her. M: Interesting. Malith speculates that whatever protection magic Samandra placed upon us is stopping us from finding things, as well as things from finding us. Freya goes hunting one of the nights. She is joined by TS. He looks on and watches. She gets 4 days' rations. Wilford also hunts for rations. He gets 20 rations. Tama attempts to bond with the baby triceratops. During this attempt, TS flies over to advise. TS: You need to be more aggressive, but not in such a way as you intimidate the thing. Show dominance. Here, I'll show you. TS assists me in forming a parental relationship with it. Krav asks TS if he's heard anything about any merchants. TS: You smell of death. K: Why, yes. TS: I have not heard anything. They don't frequent our temple. K: Thank you. D [to Salazar]: I don't know what happened to you. You're still helping me, that's fine. Just continue to help me. The skeleton snake nods. On another day, Darvati tries to focus and figure out what he's feeling during Moon Scorch. He sees a visage of him, naked, standing in an entirely white room. A body lies on the ground. He begins to sever pieces of its body, then grafts a finger on to himself. He feels himself brim with power. Darvati is quickly knocked out of his trance. D: What was that?! We now stand at the base of the mountain. Lani gives Malith, Krav, Wilford, and Darvati climbing gear. TS: If we could fly, this would be a 15-minute climb. F: Not everyone can be as superior as us. The Scouts: Why not have soldiers pull them up? It would be well within their capability. TS: They have not earned that right. We shall see if they are of the mettle to assist in the first place. Lani attaches metal canisters of gunpowder strapped to his waist to propel him up the mountain. He moves quickly enough to be a full day ahead of everyone else. He continues to climb upwards in solitude. TS: An eccentric one? The Steel Defender does not follow his maker. D: Can I affix myself to your lizard with a rope? For note, that could pose a problem if you slip. T: No, but I can put in pitons and take up the unused ones. Wilford falls behind. Heliathor: We have some paths forward here. You can give something up, and I can make this easy. You can reach out to your fiend while I hide. Or we could cause significant damage and negatively affect others. I shan't expand. Your fiend will likely come with a price as well. W: Do I know what I have to give up? H: Something materialistically valuable to you. Losing a finger isn't a big deal; you can regenerate it once you have your power. You're going to be regenerating my body anyway. A tooth, even. W: Yeah, a tooth sounds good. Wilford pulls out a tooth and gains a -1 to Dex because of the pain until he can remedy it. It won't be healed by traditional magical means. For the climb, he now has a 30-foot climb speed. When he places his hands on the mountains, a frosty energy freezes, which then unfreezes to allow him to climb. Wilford hangs back regardless to avoid the group's scrutiny. H: It would be easier to influence your surroundings if I could see them. You should talk to the party, maybe doctor me up, hang me on your belt or midriff. Do something. Lanister climbs to the top successfully, a day ahead of everyone else. When he gets close, he is grabbed by an arrokokra. L: Greetings. I have been brought by TS to help. Scout: Where is he? Is he okay? L: He's on his way; I just climbed faster than everyone. Scouts pick him up while one goes down to check out this story. Scout: We'll get a response from TS. The Scout returns and tells them it checks out. TS instructs the scouts to keep Lani in a holding cell. L: I thank you for your kindness and gratitude. Scouts bring Lani into a ruined structure and brings him a meal and a book. Lani is allowed to tend to his weapons while he waits. Scouts: If you need anything, let us know. Lani intuits that the way they said that is more mocking than sincere. The door locks behind them as they leave. L: I see I've been imprisoned. Lani tries the door only to find it's barred from the outside. He contemplates escaping but knows it would make Freya look worse in the eyes of the society. Krav lagged behind, where Wilford encounters him. W: Here, talk to my head that you let me keep without telling anyone. H: In response to your discretion, I will aid you. Krav gains the climb speed. H: I expect your silence. K: What was that? Did somebody say something? The group makes it to the top. Wilford and Krav pretend to struggle and arrive a few minutes later. Lanister melts down the ingots to make a distal. As soon as we get there, we're surrounded until TS flies up. TS: Bring us to Father. Make sure the armed guards accompany us. They've earned some mettle, though not full trust. This one in particular, I have interest in. [pointing to Freya] Lanister is returned to us. The stairs are pretty useless since they haven't maintained them. We're brought before an immaculately built entryway into the temple. TS opens these double doors, and we walk in. As we do, it's almost like we hear harmonious music playing from seemingly no source. It's more of a feeling that overcomes us. Sitting in an ornate chair at the end of the hallway-like room and working on documents is an white, red, and green arrokokra who is twice the size of a normal one. They almost appear to be glowing. When we arrive, an ethereal bow pops into existence. Crackling storms overtake the sound of music, but he calms when he sees TS. Glowing Arrokokra: Tailwind, my son, who have you brought me? TS: I was unable to find the LS, but I wish to enlist these adventurers. They slew the ptero-folk before I could. In a way, they could be more powerful than I. If the folk are working with the draconic cult, they could be useful. GA: Is this true. Do you have power? D: We did take out the assualting groups together in about half a minute. F: We're able to hold our own. GA: I feel that the ptero-folk have come into some dark alliance with the dragon cult. The cult has used an old prophecy to reignite the folk's fervor. He looks over at us solemnly. GA: I want my daughter back. The prophecy indicates that they want her for her royal blood. T: Does that mean your son is also in danger or is it only her royal blood? GA: They couldn't capture my son. They only got LS because she's young, less than a year old. L: Is she by herself. GA: A raid occurred; the ptero-folk took her. It is a sensitive matter. I chose to help the dwellers of this land rather than my own people, but I can't regret it. I only wish my wings were swifter. I am not above subterfuge. L: Do you happen to know the area the folk live in? We're not from here, so we wouldn't know. GA: I'm familiar with where they are, it's the assault that's the problem. And we don't want them to kill LS. If we were to storm their home, they would probably expedite their ritual. However, if a group of adventurers were to happen wreaking havoc, it's unlikely they would execute her. You, arrokokra, should probably disguise yourself. T: We could pretend Freya is our prisoner. GA: If you could find a way to communicate with them, that would work. I've never considered persuasion a tactic, but I'm not opposed. F: Have they been targeting all arrokra? GA: They have a feud with us. T: They did circle her during the attack. Freya explains that she's from Misthaven when GA points out that she resembles LS. A moment of heavy pressure. GA: Understood. T: Did anyone else feel that? D: In order to go in ourselves and infiltrate, do you think it would be easier for us to travel on land or to expedite our travel by the air? GA: We can work something out, but we'll need to formulate a plan. For now, I'm sure you need rest. T: We would appreciate it. We are shown to our quarters. We're all given individual rooms. In the middle of the night, there is a knock at Freya's door. Freya answers. She finds Tailwind. TS: Come with me. F: Should I grab my friends? TS: Do not. She brings her bow with her. TS brings her to the temple area, and this time, the music is less regal, more cheerful. There's a calmer, more accepting atmosphere. In this room is the men we met before. Freya approaches the chair, where dinner awaits. GA asks questions about Freya's life. GA: Have a good night, Freya. F: You as well. She's sketched out because she never told him her name. GA wears a charming, friendly smile (NOTHING SEXUAL). F: Do you know Jelissa? GA: That's a difficult question to answer. F: I think it's very simple. GA: There are extenuating circumstances, and I've worked very hard to make sure the things hunting you don't meet these people. Admitting anything will undo some of this work, so I will dance around this question. But it was wonderful to see you. Freya leaves without saying anything.

11 February 2024

Lanister is looking to fix the rusty sword he picked up. He is informed by Musharib that removing the level of rust may render it useless since it would weaken the core. However, if he could get a high enough source of heat and reforge it with Adamantine, he could keep its properties and maintain its physical form. There is auto-smelting available in the forge. Elara: I don't think we should just run into the vault. We need to be prepared.

7th January 2024

Lanternlight shines in the faces of the leaders, blinding them. A humanoid voice emerges from the darkness where it stands atop the bridge, "Who are you, and what business have you? By the Order of the Gauntlet, I beg you stop." Lanister: We are a party tasked by the Grand Mage to find the end of the Death Curse, and we are making our way through the jungle to try and find the cause. Mush: I knew you were doing that, but I thought we were going elsewhere first. L: I'm trying to hide the fact that we have no papers. Mush: They're not the Flaming Fist. Lani informs them of our true location. They agree not to impede our progress as they appreciate someone dealing with the fire newt problem for them. We decide to stop by the Gauntlet's camp for a moment. We move to the shore to start docking. Guard: And how may I identify your group? Lani: The Vanquishers and them. Guard: I heard word that my BIL lost quite a lot of money betting against you. Tama: It doesn't pay to bet against me. Guard: I can see that. You may enter, though if you seek anything beyond conversation, we don't have much to offer. Lani points out the creature he's created to prove his own craftsmanship in a bid to get his business for their swords. Guard: I would ask that that stays in the boat. Lani commands Skytherik to stay. There is nothing in the camp but a despondent group and are on their last legs. A lot of them have dirt all over them from having built a barrier with trenches and spikes. There are shrines to various gods scattered around. There could be anywhere from 30-80 people here. Lani: Do you know anything about the fire newts or their location? Guard: Two of our recruits who wandered off attempting to scout ahead and identify ruins we may conquer were burned alive. Only one was able to bring back one of their hands. That's how we know what happened. Tama: What direction? Guard: About another seven days' journey down the river. Lani and Mush have an aside about the location of the newts. Malith explores the camp, attempting to eavesdrop. She is wearing a royal purple garb with leather armor. She finds a group of younger recruits who seem to be slightly inebriated talking with some soldiers. Overheard: Sister Sayas has a nice rack on her. You betcha, man. What I wouldn't give to have some of her healing. I'd have to go in the sick bay, fake an injury. Tell her I've got crotch rot or something, but she is a notable healer. Malith makes her way to the sick bay. She notices that despite the markings of the OotG on the sick bay, there's markings for several of the gods, the biggest being Helm. Those tending to the wounded are healers, not soldiers. There are two men, four women, all tending to injured soldiers, some of whom have necrosis, others who have the Death Curse, others with injuries from animals, etc. There are about twenty-four sick and wounded. 10 visibly suffer from the DC. Malith tries to make conversation with a blonde nurse sitting in an elevated chair at the back of the room. M: Hello. Nurse: What do you need? M: I was wondering if you had any new findings about the DC. Nurse: And who are you? M: I am a special mercenary hired by the Gauntlet to assist with the DC. Nurse: Contractors, eh? You type are usually unreliable, disappear with the money and run, but occasionally have extraordinary results. I don't know which type you are, but you seem offputting. That being said, I can tell you I haven't learned much. Watching them wither and die before me is taking everything out of me. M: What are you doing for them in the meantime? Nurse: Making sure they're comfortable. That's all we can do. M: Where were these men previously? Nurse: They had gone into the jungle exploring. They all came back saying they wandered into some ruins and felt scared. They flew in fear. A 10-day later, they were like this. M: Interesting. These men are all unconscious but seemingly without injury. Malith goes to talk to the men. Soldier A: I heard you talking. Are you an inquisitor? M: Yes. I'm interested in these ruins you stumbled upon. A: Stumbled upon is right. We were scouting back to Camp Righteousness to gather some of the axebeaks, and I guess we got lost. We never did find our scout again. We walked for days, and it was a sight for sore eyes when we thought we saw light in the ruins. As we entered, it went out, leaving us in darkness, fear, terror. We banded together and kept marching on. Sometimes we thought we lost each other, but we could feel each other. We just kept moving. I don't even remember leaving the ruins, but eventually we ended up here. M: Could you point us to where these ruins were? A: I'd be leading you blind. I can't recollect. M: Interesting. This was on the way to CR? A: Yep. M: I may investigate this, thank you. Malith goes over to the anxious redheaded nurse. M: What are you doing? RN: I'm doing things in a particular order, which doesn't include explaining that order. M: I need to know your order. RN: And who are you to know that? M: I'm an inquisitor. RN: Well, here. *She rambles a series of steps quickly.* M: I'll remember you. Carry on. Tama finds a downtrodden group of soldiers. T: Why so sad? Soldier: We lost a lot of friends and family. Commander Breakbone is doing his best, but it's just hard. T: Keep your spirits up! She's invited to drink with them, and she does. The drink reminds her of the wine from her old tribe, so she overindulges. The soldiers are impressed. Soldier: Do you need us to walk you back to your group? T: I'll be fine. She turns around to wave goodbye, but they are no longer there. She goes up to another group of soldiers. T: Can you tell me who the commander is here? S: Breakbone. T: Thank you, carry on. Tama approaches the command tent. Guard: What business do you have with Breakbone? T: I'm here to ask about one of his soldiers. Guard: Okay, but make it quick. Breakbone: How can I assist? T: I was wondering about a certain soldier under your command, a Povol? Breakbone: Why? T: He was a friend of mine. I say was, I'm hoping to check on his status. Breakbone: I'll look at the registry. He returns a moment later. Breakbone: I've read twice, and I don't see anyone by that name. T: I must have gotten the unit wrong. Thank you. She rejoins her group. T: Guys, I think there's ghosts here. I talked to a Povol who gave me this wine. M: Hey random, do you know Povol? Guard: No. M: What are you talking about? Lani goes to the guy who looks like he deals with dead bodies. L: Hey there, do you know a Povol? Tama describes him. Corpseman: Can't say I've met or buried anyone like that. Malith goes back to the sick bay. M: Describe this gentleman to my friends here. Tama keeps it together through a description of the wine, the memories they stirred within her, and Povol. She fools several of the nurses. Sister Sayas: I've never encountered anyone by that name. Are you sure this wasn't some sort of illusion? What exactly did you imbibe? T: It tasted like the wines of the jungle tribes, berries and delicious. SS: That's common, but your pupils are dilated, leading me to believe you are having a psychosis episode. T: Do you believe in ghosts? SS: We are dealing with an undead horde in this jungle, so yes. I know there are different kinds of specters that like to play tricks. T: They know a lot about your camp because they told me the name of the commander. SS: We're running low on holy water, but I'll reconsecrate. T: Thank you, miss. Your tits are amazing. SS nods curtly. Lani follows the scent of sulfur to a travel workshop. He finds the guy running it asleep in his tent. Lani inspects the crafts and finds the work good. The maker is clearly talented and passionate. Lani helps himself to the man's forge. Someone approaches from behind and presses a blade to his back. Then he stops, sits on a stump, and watches Lani work. Lani finishes the spearhead and affixes it to the spear. Craftsman: Never use my forge without asking again. Nice work. L: Thank you. I am Lanister. You are? Craftsman: If I see you again, we'll talk. Lani gives Malith the spear. Freya goes to find the animals in the camp. There are a bunch of dead pigs decomposing right past the moat. There are four sickly goats. Freya feeds them goodberries and attempts to talk to them. Goats: *SCREAMING* Freya: Why are you screaming? Goats: THERE ARE VOICES EVERYWHERE. MEN RISE FROM THE GROUND AND DEVOUR THE OTHERS. Freya attempts to calm them down. The goats bite her hand but calm down. F: Is there anything else crazy going on that you guys have seen? Goats: The pigs will rise in three days, angry, and filled with bile. F: How do you know that? Goats: We know much. If you ever have a question, ask a goat. They blame us for communing with the devil, and sometimes, they may be right. Here, we are not slaughtered but used for milk. If you could convince them to get us out of here, that'd be great. F: Maybe they can give you better living conditions. Would it make you feel better if I get the pigs out of here? Goats: If the pigs get up, they're not coming after us. They're going to go after these people. F: Thank, O Wise Goat. I appreciate your guidance. The goats ask for food. Freya gives them some leather scraps. Stablehand: What are you doing? F: I was talking to the goats. They're wise. Stablehand: Are you staying long? F: No. You should burn those festering pigs. According to the goats, they're going to come back in three days and blow up. Stablehand: I didn't consider animals rise from the dead. I'm going to listen to you. If you're wrong, I'll never know. Also, get out of my stable. F: The goats want to leave. They don't like it here. Give them something to chew on; they're bored. Stablehand: We're doing our best, lass. We don't have much. F: Go into the woods and get some tree bark. Stablehand: I'm not going out there! Freya informs the party that three days allows dead pigs to rise. M: There is a way we could test this. We could make a Povol. Mush suggests we shy away from murder and instead get moving. F: We should take this as a lesson to burn the dead. Mush: Should I burn you if you die? D: I've already died once. K: As the undead, I find that offensive. Mush: There was a lead we had about someone who could bring you back. We could probably find Scrolls of Gentle Repose. F: When you're dead, you're dead. That's how I feel it should be. Darvati spent this time fishing. He pulls up a bag and gives it to the snake to scent. A pair of leather boots and a jewel-encrusted dagger is inside. Both items are water damaged. Mush takes first watch as we all make camp. We've made it to the end of the Aldani Basin. We camp outside a river canyon called the Gorge of Death. It's lined with dead coral. Mixed among the coral is intact skeletons of all sorts of creatures. We find a wide patch of earth to set up on. Lanister - If and when the Death Knight shows back up. Wants to get rid of it for stealing the first person he's ever loved outside of his village. Tama - It's a shame Povol was a ghost. He was a cool guy Malith - Tries to reach the vision of the woman who established contact with her We all sleep restlessly. A vivid dream unfolds for each of us. We find ourselves naked within Misthaven's sacred grove. We stare down, realizing we've been stripped to our essences. We have no flesh but only the ethereal makings of the Weave. We are surrounded by inky darkness. Only the tree emits a faint glow. There is brief tranquility next to this symbol of our former home. Abruptly, this shatters. A terror approaches. The source is elusive. Our hearts race in horror as a malevolent entity emerges from the base of the tree. ME: For your transgressions against the reality of the self, I sentence you to death. We feel panicked. We know we are facing death, going to die. F - thinking of her father and how she never truly got to find out what happened to him L - downtrodden that he'll never reach the peak of alchemical or smithing mastery D - wondering if after being able to finally leave Misthaven, why he'll die before he can figure out the essence of the genosity K - explode in rage because he wants his memories back T - sadness that she'll never be able to get back to her family M - doubt and disbelief We're all searching for a way out. The feelings within us manifest - time rewinds. As we look on, this figure is starting to rise again from the base of the tree. Several blue threads extended into different places in the grove. We feel the threads that bind. A blue thread stretches throughout this figure to the whispering tree. As we see that, we know we have a choice. We feel these words, our choices to change the final decree and change this outcome are: ceaseless oblivion, scorching madness, or ever-present fear. F - ceaseless oblivion L - scorching madness D - scorching madness K - ever-present fear T - ever-present fear M - scorching madness Freya stands alone in what feels like a void. As time ticks by, she feels despite being in this ceaseless oblivion, something has rewritten the intent of this curse. She is here with this entity. It's staring at her, expecting her to go mad. Instead, it realizes that it moves sluggishly while Freya moves with full power and intent. In fact, she's faster than she would be normally. The entity slowly withers away as Freya reaches out to claw it. She wakes up, feeling different. She looks down, her veins flowing with something purpleish. For a second, she swears she can see threads connecting her to her friends. Lanister, Darvati, and Malith feel their skin burning, their flesh mutilating, bones shifting. Transformation is occurring. They realize their cognition isn't their own - they're staring at the essence of themselves. They're all sharing the mind of the entity. It's morphing into something as it burns and goes insane. Then their cognition shifts. They watch as this thing points its curse back at itself. They awaken and see their skin dancing, a tingling sensation running through them. Flesh moves and writhes in a wave. Then they see the thread uniting all of them. Tama and Krav see the entity for what it really is. It lashes out in fear against them. As they stand in their essence form, they tear away and gaze into its actual eyes. A lone little girl with short brown hair, wearing a black dress, missing one hand, the other holding a rag doll is staring at them, trembling in fear. The inky blackness surrounds it. She doesn't know she's being seen. As they gaze upon her true form, she begins to morph into an amalgamation of several bodies. They fear for a moment, but then the decree has been rewritten. Instead of this amalgamation staying, they transform into the embodiment of fear. The girl flees, disappears. They awaken, a thread binding them to the others. They see blackness - the only thing they can see is a thread. As their eyes adjust, the blackness dissipates. We all awaken in a cold sweat, staring at each other. Lani wakes up, grabs his Misthaven amulet, and kisses it. Malith tries to establish contact with the mysterious woman. She hears a laugh, distorted at the end. F: So we all saw these threads? T: We all saw the threads. F: What did you all dream about? T: Fear. M: Victory. F: Nothing. K: A girl giving me the stank look. M: We should press forward. They bicker about whether or not we should process, research, accept this gift or not. Mush asks what we're talking about. Darvati gives Lanister the boots to fix up. T: I suggest we move. We have a limited time here. Lanister looks up the fire newts. They are medium elementals, immune to fire. There is no weakness listed. They are amphibious.  Mush: This isn't a game; this is life. If you go in there expecting to annihilate them with ice and it doesn't work, don't be surprised. L: I have to kill someone in four days. They have to be humanoid. I will feed my bird. We are now traveling through the jungle. We're deep in the jungle, about halfway through the journey, three days in. Malith scouts. She starts to hear a humming noise. Several individuals are chanting something. She tries to follow the noise to find the source. She comes upon a knee-high lake. Within the center is a giant ball with a lot of totems built around it. It's covered in glowing runes as fire newts -- Malith assumes -- are all chanting around this ball as if in worship. Malith can see the body of what looks to be a Flaming Fist soldier at the base, along with several other burned corpses. She slinks away back to the party. M: I'm going to warn you guys: we have fire newts up ahead. D: How many were there? M: 14. D: That's a large circle. T: Must be a large rock. Mush: If they've pilfered some arcane artifact, it could help us. I know not what you described. We have the element of surprise. M: I say that artifact is ours. T: Would it be valuable to your research for our new powers? L: Maybe it would tell us more about our dreams. We decide to attack the fire newts. As the last newt dies, the orb in the center begins to glow profusely. Lines begin to appear on it. It starts to open. As it does, we are pervaded with a sense of dread. Now standing directly in front of this orb is a being wearing synthetic leather. It has a device on the side of its hip, two daggers, and a skull face. It looks toward us, says, "Scanning. Target acquired." It pins Tama under its gaze. A second battle commences. Skythirix must be reforged. The thing ultimately explodes, covering us in poison. It is no more. Malith hears a beep when he goes to rescue Tama. She looks in the orb and sees an arcane engine. Malith guides the lizard -- which is holding Tama -- away from the orb. Lanister grabs Freya, gathers everyone else, and bolts. Malith loads the unconscious fire newt onto the orb. The machinery inside is vaporized. Malith goes back to look at it. She finds what remains of the construct's pistols, badly damaged. Malith also found a circular ball with no markings on it. Lani studies the runes. They look to be celestial. Lani copies down what he can see from the runes. As we mess with it, a side compartment glows, which Lani presses. An object is contained inside.

12 November 2023

Canoe 1: Mushareeb Canoe 2: Freya   NOTES: We've been on the river for ~30 minutes when Darvati feels something coiling itself around his neck. He is able to pry it off. As it goes to fight him, it stops and Darvati is subjected to an intense bloodlust, similar to that which he felt in Misthaven. The urge to murder it is strong. Darvati rips it apart. Everyone else sees him holding a long spine, covered in blood. Freya: You know, I maybe could have talked to that for you. Darvati: Yeah, that could have helped. As we're rowing down the river, we eventually hit a bag. Mushareeb tells us to stop. It's blocking our passage in that it's big enough to stop the boat. Someone will have to dislodge it. Lanister deduces there's a corpse inside the bag. Malith creates an ice lance, and with it, Lani tosses the bag onto the jungle shore. We can swear we see movement. Lani: Are you all right in there? There is no response. Mushareeb: We can stop and look if you like. Malith: Why was it in a bag? Lani: They probably offended someone. You don't end up in a bag for no reason. Malith sees the symbol of Misthaven's Shadow Merchant on the bag. Malith: We've gotta open that bag. Mushareeb protests but gets the boat to shore. Darvati beaches the second boat. Tama peers into the jungle. Things have been following us, but Mushareeb assures that most animals won't attack such a large group unless one of us drops dead. Tama: Just be careful. We don't want to get wounded here. Lanister opens the bag and sees the face of a bloated corpse. He pulls it out. The corpse has a large head but a shrunken body. The face is stuck in a Blue Steel. Gray eyes, shaved head, human man, wasted muscles complete the picture. There are no clothes to speak off. Lani sticks himself with a point of bone. His blood prompts the corpse's eyes -- now greenish-blue -- to snap open. Now he is a slightly grayer human, yoked. He climbs to his feet, surrounded by kin but not home. He sports a five-o-clock shadow and Tarzan hair. Lanister: Oh, I brought a man back to life with my blood. He faces our confused and frightened party. ??: I mean no harm. I'm not trying to fight. Wilford: Who are you? Malith: What are you? ??: I'm a villager of Misthaven. Apparently, I died. I thought I died. Now I'm here. Wilford remembers an old man who looks a like like this once-corpse and would tell stories. He passed 10 years ago in Misthaven. Besides story-telling, he also designed hunting paths within the forest. "Be careful wandering into the woods; you might not come back." Wilford: Are you Shiswe's son? You look so... familiar. ?? stares blankly. Wilford: Do you have a name? ??: You can call me Krav. I don't remember my former name. I'll go by that. Malith gets back on the boat. Freya creates some goodberries and gives him a couple. Krav looks at them, feeling a slight remembrance. But he doesn't feel hunger, thirst. He's not even breathing. Lani: Are you just forgetting to breathe? Krav: Yes. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Do any of you know why I'm not breathing? Mushareeb: There's a Death Curse going on; he can't be resurrected. Lanister argues his magic blood had something to do with it. Tama argues he was reconstituted like beef jerky. Lanister realizes this is a reanimated, sentient corpse. It will understand what's going on, and, typically, these only happen when someone was killed while having a really strong purpose. There have been accounts of people coming back without knowing why. They're commonly called reborn or revenants if they're haunting someone. Lani: This man over here seems to be reborn. He must have had some unfinished business, which is why he died. Tama: That is so sad. Wilford: If Misthaven wants to throw someone else into our world, let it. Malith heard of someone in Cholt who was able to revive loved ones in a similar fashion to this despite the Death Curse, but it's a pretty involved process. This is most likely unrelated. Lani: We were all magically transported out of Misthaven to this area in Cholt that we all are now in. We have these threads that bind us through fate, so what if this is just a new person who has to help us along the way? Malith: I'm not feeding it. Freya: I don't it needs to eat. Lani: Do you feel a thirst for blood? Krav: Maybe yours? I'm just kidding. Wilford: Lanister, you said that these creatures generally have a purpose. Do you have any strange urge to do something? Krav: I want to go home. Tama: That's harder than it seems, but it's also our goal, so if you want to come along... Krav attempts to touch the bag. When he does, a soft melody plays. Tama knows it as the small harp Elyra the Melodious played as she entered town. We feel at peace. The bag shapeshifts into a backpack with the symbol of Elyra as well as the symbol of Selphine. Back on the river, Darvati goes to sit in the boat. Something slithers up his leg. Darvati: Freya! *puts his hands up* Freya pulls his pant leg up and asks the snake if it's friendly. Snake: My brother... he is dead. Freya: You killed his brother. Darvati: I'm so sorry. Snake: I am here for revenge. Freya: Would it make you feel better if I gave you a goodberry? Snake: Flesh... Freya: That's not very cool. Darvati, it wants your flesh. Darvati pulls out a fish. Freya: Did you say fish instead of flesh? I heard fish. Darvati drops the fish, which the snake devours. Snake: He will feed me daily or weekly as I require, and in return, I won't devour him in its sleep. Freya: Make sure to keep it fed, and it'll be your friend. What's your name, snake? Snake: Salazar. Freya: His name is Slytherin. 'Cause he's Slytherin in your pants. Snake: If he feeds me, I will forgive him my brother's death. Freya: Feed him for forgiveness. His name is 7Salazar. By the way, you should let us know if you can't feed him. We need to do that. Several days go by. On the dawn of the fifth day, we get an early start -- too early, because we don't notice how flooded the river is with debris. As such, we collide with something almost like a dam and end up waylaid in the river's center. We're not far from the shore, but it still poses an inconvenience. The embers of a file are barely visible on the left side of the riverbank. A bunch of tents line the shore. The debris in the water consists of belongings, tents, wood. Whatever this was, was intentional to block the river. Wilford: This seems intentional. We should prepare for the possibility of an ambush. Tama sees nothing in the woods but stops both old and new footprints on the shore. The newer ones are smaller. She informs the group of this finding. Malith: Let's investigate. Let's head toward the light source. We beach our boats, leaving the demon bird -- Skithirix -- to guard them. Directly in front of us appear to be command tents. This is the symbol of the Order of the Gauntlet. Wilford remembers there were two camps: one camp called Righteous (lost -- overrun by dead), the other Vengeance (stood up in retaliation). They're good, investigating the Death Curse, and have Camp Vengeance now. Wilford: This is probably either Camp Righteous or Camp Vengeance. Along the river is Camp Righteous according to the map. There's undead about. We need to be prepared. Wilford: I'm unsure we should actually go into this camp. We can clear the debris. Malith: I can investigate. I'm a very stealthy person. There is a giant pair of feet. They're part of a shrine of a man holding the alligator. It has an entrance and goes further in. Mushareeb: Likely, the Order of the Gauntlet was exploring. They didn't make much headway; maybe you guys would do better? They've given up their rights by abandoning this camp. You could salvage resources. The reason this fell is because they thought they were strong enough to hold off the undead and didn't set up any defenses. Malith elects to sneak around and investigate. Freya provides air cover. She sees this camp has been long-abandoned but doesn't spot any undead. Malith follows the fire near the commander's tents. For the most part, they're empty. There are a few tarps with nothing of note underneath. Everything of value has clearly been looted. There are tents further back where there appears to be a destroyed shrine. There are also stairs leading up to the feet. Several lamps overturned, starting a fire within the templar's shrine. A pile of materials has been moved -- they were going to be used to make a permanent structure. A lot of these pieces ended up in the river. A silver holy symbol of Torm is hanging on the wall, covered in soot. Malith grabs the silver holy symbol of Torm. Freya notices a trapped fledgling axebeak in the animal pens. Its foot is caught in a piece of the enclosure. Freya: Are you all right, young one? Axebeak: Hungry, scared, alone. Freya feeds it some rations. AB: Thank you, sky. Freya: If I let you out, will you hurt us? AB: I will run home, free. My home is here, not anymore. Freya: Can you find them without help? AB: Help. Freya: You want to come with us so we can help? AB: No. Freya notices slash marks on this enclosure, but the marks don't look like they're from weapons. It seems something was trying to release it. There are no signs of blood. She releases him without injuring him further. AB: Thank you. *sprints into the woods* There are green men in here. Be careful! *then he sprints further* Freya warns Malith of the green men. Malith: What did we do with the axebeak? We need food. Freya: It was a baby. Malith: ABs are pretty sizeable. The way of nature is to consume and be consumed. Anyone in the camp hears, "Hello? Anyone out there?" carried in the wind. Tama: We should not answer, correct? No one answers. Freya and Malith hear it from the animal pen. As Malith sneaks closer, it looks like it's coming from a set of latrines. The door is closed; the source is not visible. Malith: Where are you? ??: Help me! I'm in here! Malith opens the latrine to find no one. It's a wooden enclosure with a wooden stool and a bench as well as a large hole that people do their business in. Malith looks down into the hole. What appears to be a corpse lies down there. ??: You found me. Then the voice snuffs out. Malith: Freya, come here. Take a look down there. That was calling out. The corpse is wearing scale mail and the symbol of the Order of the Gauntlet. His body is positioned in such a way that he was definitely avoiding the attack. It is clear he starved to death. Freya: Should we try and get him? I think it's a trap. Malith: Darvati, we need your help. Just come with us. Bring your fishing gear. Darvati comes. Malith points at the latrine. Malith: Trust me. Darvati: I don't know if I want the fish that's down there. You're cleaning it. Darvati hooks the corpse and reels it up. He's got a war hammer as well as a small pouch and some scale mail. Darvati: Do you have anything to clean this off? I don't want to unhook it. Malith: Why don't we bring this to the river? They drag it to the river to clean it. Darvati: Tama, hear me out. This wasn't my idea. Tama: Clean that thoroughly. Lanister: Throw out that hook. Malith's rain cloud slightly cleans it but not fully. Inside the pouch are five gemstones. Mushareeb examines them: tiger-eye, bit of jade, small bit of corrupted amethyst. The other two are tiger-eye. Each one is worth about 10 gold here. Lanister takes them. Also in the bag is a note. Wilford reads the note. It was written in Goblin, and not by the man who held it. NOTE: /The tall ones found me. They're looking further into the shrine. They're going to find the treasure. Since they're close, let's bring the fleshies to them. What was that noise?/ Wilford tells the group it's a note trying to lure people into the tomb. It talks about a real treasure but mentions it's probably the source of the undead. Mushareeb: That makes sense. Tama side-eyes him but doesn't say anything. Malith: Well, should we go? Why don't we clear out the threats while we're here? We could also find something out about the Death Curse. We cover the canoes in tarp and branches. It looks the same amount of out-of-place as anything else here. We leave Elara and the giant puppet to guard the animals. Malith leads the way, checking for traps. The shrine was built by the Choltan people and is very, very old. In the early days of the world, a man stood by the river. An alligator asked, "What troubles you?" The man feared to enter the river because of the gators but had to cross. The gator offered to take him, and the man agreed. The man asked, "How can I repay you?" The gator wanted to see the realm of humans, so the man carried him on his back for the rest of his days. This shrine is based on that myth. It's said this man was fearsome. Malith investigates for traps. She sees etchings of a man holding a gator: jumping over a spike pit, walking through acid, etc. There is also a concealed pit trap. Malith: We have a gigantic pit trap. Tama suggests laying the canoe over the pit trap and using it as a bridge. Tama: I'm like the crocodile here. If only I had a man to carry me. Wilford falls off the side. As he lands on his back, the floor beneath him falls. He plummets 20 feet down. Freya attempts to save him but falls as well. Lanister lowers a rope to his aid. Freya: You made me get a nosebleed. Be better at balancing! Wilford: I made you?! I... Lanister sees hieroglyphics of a man carrying a gator. This time, there are blades and people swinging. Directly in front of us are slits in the wall. Tama and Malith try walking past, Tama carrying Malith on her back. This works -- they make it through unassaulted. Darvati carries Wilford. Krav carries Mushareeb. Lanister carries Freya. Freya: Krav, what do you think of all this so far? Krav: I'm having a blast. We see no more hieroglyphics as we walk into a room with a grid-like pattern. Malith notices several of the grid tiles are glowing very faintly. The height gives the advantage. Malith: Tama, I'm going to direct you to step in certain areas. Tama steps on the glowing tile. There is a clicking noise, but nothing happens. Malith directs her to the next tile. There is another clicking noise but nothing happens. When Lanister steps where Tama did, Malith notices the tile is no longer glowing. Flames jet down from the ceiling on Lanister and Freya. There are occasional flickers causing other ones to glow. Malith: Wait for us to finish! She directs Tama to step on the final glowing ones. They get across. "You have come to the end of the line. Your journey is finished. Stand tall." Malith gets off Tama's back. We all make it through. A glyph lights up, pushing Darvati and Wilford back with concussive force when they try to enter on each other's shoulders. Darvati stays standing. Wilford gets knocked back five feet onto an unlit square. Wilford: Hey, whaddya mean? I stood tall! The room is dusty, littered with dino bones and webs. A central pillar contains a curved staircase. Reliefs of a man carrying a croc follow the stairs to the top of the pillar. There stands a large and beautiful ceramic jug. Tama takes Malith's back again, observes, then gets back off. Malith starts climbing the stairs. When Malith gets onto the third step, a glyph illuminates, causing lightning to rain down. The dust could be concealing glyphs on the steps. Malith makes a rain cloud to clear the dust. Lanister is standing before the alchemical jug after ascending the staircase. Lani sees that the ceiling of this 40-foot tall room looks loose. The jug has a little bit of a lip where it's sitting. The jug fills with blood when Malith thinks about it. Malith goes to swap Lani's spare hammer with the jug. Wilford and Darvati leave the shrine, making it outside. Wilford and Darvati are greeted by a rain of arrows. Wilford: What the-? Those in the cave hop on each other's backs and prepare to run. Malith is on Lani's. Freya is on Krav's. Tama has Mushareeb. We all get out to find Darvati and Wilford engaged in combat. Mushareeb: It sounds like Bhateeri (equivalent of goblins). Malith finds three smokepowder bombs. We portage the canoes. Five more days go by. We're successful in our route. We come to a gate in the river. A wooden plank reads "Camp Vengeance" on the shore. Militiamen from the Order of the Gauntlet say, "Halt! What business have you on the river?"   WINE TIME: Malith - When I was young, my older brother was getting into alchemy and creating potions. He was teaching me to make potions alongside him as a birthday gift for my 9th birthday. I made a concoction that my mother drank, and it killed her. My dad and I didn't speak with each other. I hope he's dead now. Tama - I first killed when I was seven. I killed my favorite cow, Daisybell, who got a lame leg. I slit her throat to spare her from the pain. Wilford - When I was 14, I had my first love. She was nice on the surface, but eventually I learned her bad habits and the ways she was manipulating me. It really embittered me in terms of how people interact and what the worth of a human being really is, to feel devalued in that kind of way. Malith: I'm beginning to notice a pattern in the people who were told to leave Misthaven. Wilford: And then she became a ruthless businesswoman bitch. Krav - I don't really remember my past, but I sort of remember this choppy story from when I was a child. It was three little pigs. The wolf comes into one house, blows it away. One pig runs to the stick house as it's sturdier. "Two little pigs, let me in!" Doesn't let him in, blows it down, runs to the third house. Knock on the door, but they were ready for him. The third pig was a mage, opened up with a fireball, and they ate him. Malith: I've never had wolf before.

29 October Session

Arrokokra settlements = located in Mistcliff 89 days left before Seandra gets got NOTES: We wake up to the sound of shrieking and screaming and clamoring. There are footsteps in the hall. Malith tries to open the door to peek out, but she hears a thud as it sort of opens. The door is blocked. Bodies are rushing downstairs out of the hallway; everyone is trying to leave their rooms at once and run out. Lanister looks out his room window and sees people flooding through the streets all running in one direction. Lani sees what looks to be a triceratops surrounded by velociraptors barrelling through the street as it tries to escape getting eaten. There is a brand on all of the animals. This indicates that it is owned. Elara puts on a set of fine clothing and transforms. Malith and Darvati hears, "Sillytooth escaped! Several other dinos have escaped. Run!" Then we hear the crashing of wood crumbling beneath extensive pressure outside. We're on the second floor. Freya - opens window and flies out after grabbing her longbow. On this street, a triceratops is fighting several velociraptors. As she goes around, she sees an alley, blood splashing from it. The streets are a riot. There are trampled corpses littering the cobblestones. Lanister - jumps out of the window and lands directly on top of an older man. His face cracks against the ground, blood spilling from him. Lani gets a warm sensation of triumph. Darvati - grabs trident and jumps out the window. He also lands on someone - a young woman, 19 years of age. Her skull hits the ground, her neck cracks. She dies. Darvati expresses regret. He fights his way to the side of the street, then pushes forward. Tama - sticks her head out of the window and whistles for her lizard mount. From the stable, her lizard peeks his head out of the window. She jumps out with her 2 handaxes, uses them to propel her up the wall and into the stable, then mounts her lizard upside down. Malith - puts on her leather armor and makes an ice weapon for herself. Elara - her and her puppet shoot out the window trying not to hit anyone. She falls face-first but doesn't land on anyone. The puppet catches a wind current, hovering just above the crowd. It is supporting itself with crowdgoers. Elara stands and dashes forward. Those of us far back in the crowd hear a scream, and the crowd begins to run back into itself. A pregnant woman and several children are surrounded by raptors and Sillytooth. Freya - flies over Sillytooth's head and admonishes him. He is enraged but entranced and stalled for a single turn as it is now confused. Lanister - greases, knocks a T-rex prone Elara - uses Burning Hands and vaporizes a raptor The triceratops gores a raptor into the wall. Viscera and guts abound. Green raptor bites into the triceratops. Malith - calls a primal spirit Tama - jumps down screaming, "Be vanquished!" and cuts the raptor in half until the midpoint Darvati - makes his way through the crowd, yelling, "Protect the kids!" Then he swings at the blue raptor with his trident. He skewers and grapples it. One of the children tries to make a run for the crowd. The T-rex chomps at it but misses. Blue raptor crits Darvati and misses his second attack. Yellow raptor attacks the triceratops. Freya - swoops down, grabs the child, and gets him out of harm's way. Casts Hunter's Mark on T-Rex Lanister - hits Sillytooth and has artifice bird attack Elara - casts Dissident Whispers on raptor to Frighten it The raptor moves to run away. Triceratops gores it and slams it into a paste. It turns to the next raptor, launches it into the air, and smashes it to bits against the ground. Then it turns toward Elara and puppet. Malith - attacks Sillytooth with her ice javelin Tama - attacks Sillytooth non-lethally Sillytooth fruitlessly attacks the primordial weapon. Then his attempt to tail-whip Lanister badly fails. The pregnant woman determines it's not safe to move. Darvati - kills the raptor he was grappling and switches to punching Sillytooth Freya - takes a potshot at Sillytooth and kills him, then flies away Lanister - casts aid, has bird fly to Elara Elara - casts cure wounds on triceratops to calm it As everyone realizes things are calmer, Tama kneels down next to Sillytooth. The pregnant woman collapses next to Tama. She helps deliver a silent baby. The mother passes out from the pain. The stillborn exhibits the effects of the Death Curse. Tama cleans the infant and gives it a blessing. Legbreakers approach Elara and offers her 50 gold for keeping the triceratops alive. Legbreakers: You've done phenomenally. The merchant princes will thank you. JF: I'm so proud to have heroes staying in my establishment. Please, drinks on me. I guess you'll be going. We've got some repairs to do. Is there anything else you need to know before you go out on your mission? River and Flask are cheaper (4 gold a day + 30-day advance) but are not sanctioned, so traveling with them could give us trouble with the merchant princes. Ferul and Gondola had a meeting with us in the morning. The benefit of them is that there's two of them that are kind of combat-oriented. Hackenstone is crazy, but not as crazy as Mushareeb. Hackenstone will lead you to your death against that dragon. Mushareeb might also lead you on a perilous journey. Azaka Stormfang is one of the more combat-oriented guides. Kiku is shamanistic who knows a lot about Cholt and a lot about the jungle. There is also Salida. She's more cloak-and-dagger than Azaka, but she's largely a woman of mystery. She typically gets her job done. Malith goes to meet Ferul and Gondola. G: You look like the adventuring sort. Do you need a guide? M: We talked last night. G: Did we agree on a price? M: You said you would give me a discount. G: Well, how about this? I'll waive the four weeks up front and make it two weeks so you can get started now. M: You said you knew about the mythical bones of the green dragon. G: Yeah, that's how we're trying to take our money back. Leave us the scraps. The treasure is the horde of a dragon. I can't divulge my sources on this unless you travel with me. F: The other guides will get you lost and make you do all the work. Why not have two and a triceratops? Tama: I think we should keep our options open and talk to the others. M: We're going to take the day to think about it. Let's go see the mysterious lady. She's mysterious. L: Just like you. M: I'm an open book. I'll tell you anything you want to know. We seek out Salida. Salida: I know what you're here for. I can tell. I heard about what you did. You can spend your gold how you like. I've led many expeditions through Cholt, and I know secret trails. Azaka and Iku have led expeditions that have never returned. *She continues to disparage the other guides.* 5 gold pieces a day is a cheap price to pay for your lives. Spend your gold wisely. M: By secret trails unmapped, what do you mean? Are we sight-seeing? Are there points of interest? S: I can navigate through the jungle in a quicker, more efficient path. Simple as that. T: She sounds promising. M: Very well. We'll be back. We approach Mushareeb. Mush: The heroes of the hour. Dinosaurs escaping isn't uncommon, but I do wonder what happened. My pitch: I know you're here to discuss guide services. The jungle is my home. I can guide you anywhere for 5 pieces a day. Join my quest to save my old volcanic forge. If you are dwarvenkind, hear my plea. I will waive my fee if you agree to assist me here. The Gauntlet means more to me than anything. E: We have limited time before our archmage dies. Mush: Dwarven weapons would provide you an advantage in the rest of your quest. E: How much time would the journey to get there take? Mush: If we moved quickly, two weeks. If not, a month. We seek out Aku. She's a middle-aged woman who has an orange bandanna, dreads, several dinosaur-teeth necklaces, and gauged tribal earrings. Aku: Ah, the Vanquisher's crew. Pillaging is not what I'm after when I offer my guide services. I seek to rid the jungle of evil. There are temples that must be reclaimed for the good spirits. My rates are 5 gold pieces a day with a 30-day advance, part of which I give to charity. Malith: These ruins that you speak of, how good at you are locating them? Aku: I've mapped out a fair amount of them in my head and know where to go. I'm also a qualified explorer. Should we come upon ruins, I would ask that we purify them. There are river parasites, so don't drink from the rivers. We'll need insect repellent to prevent from diseases. We describe the temple from our vision to Aku and ask if she's familiar. Aku: I myself am not, but I might know others who do. There's a lot of people who are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to things like this. Malith: Could you point us in the direction of these people if we hired you? Aku: Yes, your hands become mine as long as you don't do anything evil. If you were not to hire me, it would cost 3 gold a day for 2 weeks, so 42 total. She'll do it for 2 gold a day over 4 weeks. We go see Azaka Stormfang. Stormfang: I was born in the jungle and know its dangers well as well as how to avoid them. I charge 5 gold per day and require 30-day advance. I have a personal quest. I will waive my fee if we go to FireFinger, the pterodactyl folk. I want my wooden mask back. Her hair is slightly fiery red, her face scarred. She wears tribal clothing with hide armor and weapons. Malith: You'd have to tell us the location. About how long of a journey would that be? Stormfang: It would take six days. **Sailing around the coast would take a week and a half to get to the forge volcano. We seek out Wokangu. Several guards stand in front of the doors and allow us to enter. An attendant, Tamir, brings us to the throne room where Wokangu sits talking to and playing chess with Seandra. Elara and Malith approach. Malith: We are getting ready for a journey and heard you are the merchant prince for magical items. W: I can assist. What are you looking for? Elara: I want to get a cloak that I can change my outfits with. W: An expensive item. What's your budget? Elara: 100 gold. W: I think you need to look somewhere else. Malith: Do you have any items that allow you to communicate over a great distance, say 500 miles? W: Yes, I do. What's your budget? Malith: I would say it depends on the item you're trying to help us with, just know we consider it of high importance. W: I could procure a pair of items, each 1,000 gold, so 2,000 total. Once a day, you can say something and the other person can reply, no matter the distance. If the person holding it dies, you will know. There is no rental system. If I can help someone and stand to gain something, I will. We go to the Beggars Palace. We are unaccosted as we enter the Old City, though there are thugs who would usually attack us. We approach the two biggest ziggarauts. Bamboo is all over them, supporting it and growing everywhere. People walk in and out with various wares; it's extremely crowded. Everyone claps at Elara's juggling act. Tomato approaches. Tomato: Elara, it's good to see you! Did you hear about what happened over near the Thundering Lizard? I heard your friends helped. Malith: Yep, that was us. Elara: I was helping in the back. Tomato: Follow me upstairs, just Elara. Malith notices people going to pickpocket us, but then they realize who the Vanquisher is, stop, and walk away. Elara and Tomato walk up several flight of stairs. There are chutes on each level that let you slide back down. The floors get cleaner and less dirty as they go up. About three-quarters of the way up, Elara is brought into a room. A man sits in a chair draped in tiger furs. Panther furs, bear skins, and mounted heads are spread through the room. Man: Tomato, what brings you here today? Tomato: I brought a friend to pay tribute to you, Zathu. Zathu: The Tiger King welcomes all. Elara brows. Zathu: Pay tribute before you ask any questions. Elara offers a song and dance as well as 10 gold. Zathu: Well, well, well, interesting. I appreciate it. I haven't ever seen something so spectacular, and I've seen raptors rip a man limb from limb! What brings you here today? Elara: My party and I are employed by an archmage that is being housed by one of the merchant princes. We are going to attempt to solve the Death Curse and are looking for supporters or information or any help. Zathu: I don't want the throat leeches getting to you when you're out there exploring. I will say that this curse really hasn't affected my people because they can't afford resurrection. How many people do you have? Elara: Seven. Zathu: I will see you have seven rain-catchers. Elara: We appreciate it very much. Zathu: What do you know so far? Elara: We know there's a temple somewhere in the jungle where some kind of black mist is drawn to it. Zathu: The DC started here, so I imagine it is somewhere here. How did you find this temple? E: We saw it in visions. Z: And you believed it? Have you had visions before? Trusting them might not make sense. E: Someone I know has a mask that can show the blackness that leaves the body. Z: Ah, you can see the souls leaving people's bodies. That is interesting indeed. E: I don't want to waste more of your time. Z: If you need anything, you know where to find me. When Elara gets downstairs, she gets 7 days' worth of insect repellent and 7 rain catchers. We decide upon Mushareeb as our guide. Mush: Friends, colleagues, how can I help you? Lani: No, Mushareeb, how can we help you? Malith: We'll go with you to the forge. Mush: It will be liberated at last. Do you have supplies? Do you need my aid in identifying what you need? I advise we buy several cubes of insect repellent for each of you, enough for 28 days. I recommend you spend 2 gold for gourds/vials. If we purchase a canoe, we can cut down our journey by 12 days. Then we'll have a five-day quick walk or 10-day standard walk to the forge. Canoes are 50 gold and holds up to six medium creatures. We should have everything we need unless you need to buy weapons, armor, or shields. If you plan to wear anything heavier than leather or hide, you may overheat and perish. We purchase several supplies to prepare. As we stand at the gates about to leave, a man staggers through after handing gold to the guard. He walks up to Lanister and puts his hands on him. Man: Seek wisdom at Orh-lunga. She can direct you to that which you seek. Speak to the wise guardian west of Mumbala. Then he collapses dead. Lanister closes the corpse's eyes. He has been dead for several days, like 25. He has somehow been preserved, but there are some things you can't properly preserve. Some sort of magic gave him consciousness until he finished a goal. Malith pockets something heavy and sharp with several angles from her pickpocketing. Guards: How did this corpse get in here? Guard 2: I let that guy in Guards: 50 lashes for that man. As we continue stepping into the forest, Malith discovers she got a bright green diamond. There are little symbols inside of it; it likely has a purpose. Mushareeb: We can go there after the liberation. We take a day's walk to the river. We are about to put our canoes into the water when we hear the beat of wings. Mushareeb hears it first and says, "Guys, be at your ready. I think we're going to be accosted by something." Just as he finishes speaking, there is a flash. Several flying monkeys have swooped down and are dive-bombing for another object. Mush: You know, these things are regularly captured and trained. I have never seen adventurers dispose of these critters so quickly. I have seen people capture them and train them to perform tricks, but they are sneaky. Freya recovers her arrow, Darvati retrieves his quarterstaff, and Lani recovers his spear. We all take a deep breathe and release. Upon release, we feel more equipped. Maybe this jungle won't take us, maybe we'll take the jungle. LEVEL 3 ACHIEVED.

22nd Oct. Session

Lost City of Omu GAUNTLET Camp Vengeance in Choltian Jungle EMERALD Dedicated to making sure men and nature stay in balance Maintain hidden outposts NOTES Volo bumps into decrepit old man. Old Man: You won't be passing. You can't move any further. You may pass if you answer my riddle. The Death curse. We get in through the merchant prince's gates. Wilford suggests the guards gently herd Volo away from our group. Volo insists he's a guest of the merchant prince and gets through. We are taken into a huge chamber room with arcane orbs and a man with a staff. There are eight guards, plus two servants fanning Seandra and this man. Man: Honored guests of Seandra, I'm guessing. Elara bows. Man seems impressed. Man: Thank you for the show. *throws heavy bag to her* Maybe sometime you can perform a show for him. Seandra, I'll allow you to take the floor for why you brought these adventurers to my home. Man takes us to the bathhouse. Seandra: I don't have much time; I have been afflicted with the Death Curse. when one dies and is risen from the dead, they start to lose life, energy. They wither away. If they are attempted to be risen from the dead again, it does not work. I believe something is consuming or cursing the souls of the individuals who die or are brought back. What's more, through some ritual rite, others have been affected. Someone has an ability to perform this ritual and has been casting it on high-profile people all over Faerun. I am seeking competent adventurers to insist in helping me identify who this is. I've done my best to find them, but now I'm weak. I've got a mere month left, my body drained. I'm dying. I beg all of you for help. I'll give you an advance for the effort and promise you a magical item of your choosing, within reason, for the task upon completion of this effort. I don't have many leads to go on. I only know that it resides here. The advance is 500 gold for all of you. Tama: How does it feel? Seandra: Like any inky black substance is being pulled from my body. I see it go into the sky and then dissipate. You weaken every day. Elara: I will do my best to bring life back to your body. Seandra: I'm worried for all of Faerun. If you do not find this person before I die, I still want you to achieve this goal; you will still be paid. Darvati: Could you get us a permit? Seandra: To get those, you'll have to know a Flaming Fist liaison, or you can travel to Fort Belarune itself and purchase one there. The writ is important if you encounter a roaming patrol, though you seven would probably be okay. The law of the jungle is that of red claw and tooth, not civilization, despite what the Flaming Fist would have you believe. I suspect you all have a reason to want this solved too. Tama: Some of us. Seandra: The curse has only become noticeable in the last month. Wilford pulls out the mask. Seandra asks to see it. He gives it to her. She asks where he got it, but he refuses to say. Seandra: Were there ritualistic sacrifices and an abnormal amount of violence? Wilford: I can't tell you where this place is, but I can say that in that place, violence spreads like a disease. It propagates itself. Seandra holds up her hand to start casting a scrying spell. It's to learn about if we have been scried on recently or are actively being scried on. Seandra: *stands* I see that the Death Curse isn't the least of your fears. If I may, I am going to cast a shroud upon you all while you are serving me in this purpose. I will help you from meeting an untimely end. We all agree. Seandra: This will weaken me considerably, but you will not be successful if you are hunted down and killed. A night sky is projected into the bathhouse. All the light is being absorbed. The stars fall and cover us momentarily, then melds into us. We don't feel any different. Seandra: As long as I'm alive and can maintain concentration on this spell -- I am an archmage of considerable knowledge, so this shouldn't be a problem -- you should be protested. You have been divinely scried. I advise you all not take advantage of the prince's good graces. Company and fish stink after three days. Why don't you look for lodging at one of the local inns? I have some I can recommend. If you are looking for an easy time, I recommend Kayla's House and Repose, but the Thundering Lizard is a fun place to be. Tama, Maelith, Wilford, and Elara decide to go to the Executioner's Run, a dinosaur race. Tama is offered a new mount and accepts after giving Fluffy to Wotanga. She gets a giant lizard. Maelith tries to track down the old man beggar. She finds him badgering a young lady. Maelith sits back and watches through the interaction. Maelith: That's an interesting hammer you have, sir. Old Man: Yes, I stole it from some dick that made fun of my riddle. Maelith: If you give me that hammer, I will let you live, and I will recruit services from you for extremely handsome penny. Old Man: Well, I don't want to die, and I like money. Here! Oh, you, you're that lady that was with that dick. Maelith: As for those services, where you pay handsomely, I want your sight and your ears. Occasionally, when I'm in the city, stop by and let me know if you've heard anything new about strange happenings. Old Man tells her about a rumor. We change our scene to the dino race. Elara and Maelith place bets. Tama is drafted as a dinosaur rider by Skivo. She is set to ride a young T-Rex named Sillytooth. Everywhere, there are posters advising patrons to pay their debts or the Legbreakers will come after you. Wilford encounters a strange woman with an animal motif. Guard, upon his approach: Hey, what are you doing? Wilford: I'm sorry, I was just struck by this striking beauty over there. Guard: My lady is not speaking suitors at the moment, but leave your name and she'll get back with you. You're not getting access to her at this moment. But you are her type. Leave a way to contact you and your name. Wilford does. What he doesn't see is that for a moment, the woman regards Wilford. He wanders back off into the crowd. The first two races pass; Tama is participating in the third. Every party member watches. Sillytooth wins, ridden by the Vanquisher. Tama acquires a baby triceratops. Darvati wanders and finds the Fangs of Ubato, a fighting club who worships a god that has long since abandoned Cholt. They operate the Blood Sand Arena, an open-air, 50x50-foot pit where combatants fight bare-fisted -- sometimes to the death, depending on why they're fighting. The leader of this fighting ring is Zindar the Ironjaw. The top half of his beak has been removed and replaced with a static iron piece. Lanister went to his smithy master. Master: Where have you been? You've been gone for three weeks. Lani: I had stuff to take care of. I've been chartered by an adventuring group to take care of the Death Curse. Master: Oh, you're working on the Death Curse? Why didn't you say so? Master is visibly cursed. He becomes distressed at the site of Lani's homonculus and attempts to blow it away with a thundergun. He blows out part of his roll. Lani: I crafted it. Master: So you made the thing, but what were you trying to make? Lani: I was just trying to craft a raven so I could have vision from the air. Master: What did you use as a focus? Lani points to the ruby gem he got from Maelith. The master walks up to look at the ruby. The homonculus caresses the master's face as he approaches. Master: I'm getting divine vibes from this thing, which I usually don't like to play with. Based on the way this looks, I don't imagine it's a kind god. This thing will be under your control for about 20 days, then you'll wake up to it clawing your face off. How long have you had it? Lani: One day. Master: You can extend its life by feeding it the blood of someone you have killed. Where did you find this ruby? Lani: My compatriot found this somewhere. Master: You don't know and you decided to use it as a focus? Where did you find this compatriot? Lani: My home village. Master: And where is that? Lani: I'm from a place called Misthaven. Master: I have no idea where the hell that is. Is it a peaceful place? Lani: Yeah. Master: I don't believe you. Did you need anything? That homonculus is scaring me. Lani takes out six gold to pay him for his services. The master refuses his payment. They sequester the homonculus in the room. Lani: Do you know anything about the surrounding area of Port Nyanzaru? Master: Yeah, I do. He dusts off a sheet of paper: a map of Cholt with some markings. He also gives him a minor infusion and goggles that he calls Ratcatchers (allows him to see diseases). Lani pulls out his cat mask and asks if he's ever seen one. Master: Is that demonic or devilish? This is clearly related to some sort of murder -- What the fuck? Leave! Lani: This lets me see the Death Curse. Master: I thought I knew you. You're my only hope, but you're weird. Leave. Lani: If you need me, I'll be at the Thundering Lizard with my compatriots. We all meet up at the Thundering Lizard. Lani explains that divinity energy is the reason the homonculus is the way it is. A Bataari goblin gets tossed out of the TL. They are violent but have cultural differences, which is why they're allowed in civilization. The TL is packed; our party is greeted by a slovenly man. The place is enormous. Tama gets pulled right through to the bar due to the warm welcome of the patrons. The barkeep doesn't like the homonculus, so Lani sends it outside with the puppet. Tama, Wilford, and Davarti get SLAMMED. The rest of the party talks to Jenga Feta, the barkeep. JF doesn't love Elara because she changes her voice and face in front of him. JF: What brings you guys to town? Elara: We're trying to cure the Death Curse. We were instructed to do so by Seandra. JF doesn't recognize her. JF: Just for you guys, 5 silver a night for each of you. Discounted rate. Elara: Even though we have the Vanquisher amongst us? JF: Did I say five? I'm sorry, I meant four. Do you got any leads? It just so happens that I have the guide for you. I know a pair of siblings, River and Flask. They're Tabaxi. They're right over there. I've got a real serious dwarf named Mashareeb. Very pale, I think he said albino. He only has one arm, pretty angry, pretty serious. Oh no, I'm getting him confused with Hugh Halstone. Mashareeb is part of the Gauntlet, actually a pretty nice guy. Then there's Ferulo and Gondola. One is a human with a gambling addiction, the other is a halfling with a gambling addiction. They're risk-takers who say they know where to find the bones of Nettie, this green dragon. Last but not least, Azaka Stormfang. She is a force to be reckoned with. She's got a mean disposition towards pterodactyl folk and is trying to work pro bono if people get back a family heirloom. I know there's a couple more guides too, they're just not here right now. Hal Hackenstone's crew went down to open the Wyrmheart Mines. Tinder, a red dragon, killed his whole crew. Elara: Have you heard any rumors about the Red Wizards of Fae? It seems likely a lot of arrows point toward them. JF: I know they're an unscrupulous bunch who has a presence here of late. If you meet one, you should kill them on sight. They look dead and are wearing red robes. They've been known to alter themselves. Malith: I've got a question. Have you ever seen a triceratops coin? JF: What are you implying? Malith: I'm new here, and I simply have heard that if one of those shows up in your possession, it's a very bad sign. JF: It is a very bad sign, but be wary sometimes because real estate investors and all kinds of folk make counterfeits or keep old ones and then mail them to people. Sometimes you don't know if they're real or not. I've never gotten one. Malith: Do you know someone who has? JF: I don't like telling everyone's business. Lani's attempt to bribe him with 5 gold fails. Tama enlists someone to help spy. Wilford ends up arm-wrestling a half-orc, Timothy. The wager is that if Wilford wins, he gets an invitation to some party he's throwing. Wilford breaks the other half-orc's arm. The half-orc's friends come posturing up. Darvati is pushed and throws a punch at a human-looking fighter, Clip. Darvati wins. Timothy still invited Wilford to the party. Darvati - vibe check on Gondola and Ferulo to see which would be more trustworthy: Ferulo is the one with the money, the one who's easily deceived. The halfling is more cavalier; Ferulo is skeptical and slightly more level-headed. They're both somewhat impulsive. Lanister - walks up to Hugh Lani: What can you tell me about that dragon? Hugh: I fucking hate that dragon! I don't know if it was old or young, I jsut want it dead. It sits in the Wyrmheart Mines, waiting to taste my blade. I will slay it. Do you have interest in slaying it with me? Are you a strong adventurer? What have you slayed? Lani: Not a dragon. Demons. Abstract concepts. Hugh: Yeah, you would die. Lani: I'm doing this whole Death Curse thing. Hugh: This thing will be easier than stopping the DC, but it did kill 25 dwarfs. We had an Artificer. He was melted into the stone. Lani says he could make him an arm soon. Hugh takes exception to this. Hugh: Should you develop into tougher stuff someday, find me. You know dragons have a magical Fear aura? Hugh disengages. Elara wants to hear about local markets. Random: The merchant princes drive all economic trade. If you want things like magic items, you have to deal with the specific prince that deals with that item, usually in person. You have to set up a meeting. If you don't have a reputation, they probably won't meet with you. Elara: I'm looking for a robe that will change my outfit. Random: That would fall under Wokanga Otomu. As for markets, there is the Red Bazaar, which you are kind of in now; the Jewel Bazaar; and the Grand Souk. RB deals in everyday means, local meats/ales/clothing/insect repellent/other goods. The JB deals in exchanging gold and coin for jewels. GS deals in durable items. If you want anything other than a simple weapon -- or some martial weapons -- you'd need to go to a merchant prince. Wilford - curious about the lady at the track; Zahara Inyonga. She is a woman with striking, unnatural amber eyes; very shrewd. She has made her money in the art of negotiation and mediation. She is ruthless in business and has a network of informants. She works within the merchant prince of info's cabal. She has a strong eye for the arts and supports a lot of local craftsmen. Her favorite thing is the mediation and trade of rare artifacts - she doesn't discover them, but she makes the deals happen. Tama - asks about the Death Curse; supposedly, this DC has caught the eye of so many factions, even the Harpers (extreme do-gooders) are here. Supposedly, there's some old seer somewhere in the jungle who has the ability to scry and tell people more, but everyone who's gone to see her hasn't returned. There's a Naga that has something to do with the Yangte that are in the woods. Someone claims the Yangte got put to death a long time ago. But the other insists there's a Yangte Naga who knows something about this. Another person says he's thinking about the hag who eats villagers and tribes. Another insists there's a local shaman who knows. There are a lot of rumors surrounding this, clearly. One suggests talking to one of the factions around here. There's people all over who know stuff. Malith - talks with Gondola Malith: I heard you know about the dragon bones. Gondola: I do. Are you looking to make some money? Malith: I am, and I could use a guide. Gondola: Are you interested in trekking into the jungle? Malith: I have a party of my own, but I have a feeling that they're going to say yes. Gondola: Maybe tomorrow morning, we meet here and discuss terms. Malith agrees to this. Freya - asked about Uldani Basin; can be reached by following a star Elara sets up a tent and tells a tale about seven adventurers trying to stop the curse. A random citizen gives her 50 copper. Elara gives it to a beggar. The beggar comments that they don't recognize her and wants to help her. Beggar: Come find me tomorrow and I'll take you to someone who might be able to help. Meet me at the Beggar's Palaces, two ziggarauts in the old city. Elara: Your name? Tomato: Tomato. Elara gives him her bedroll. That night, we all have a dream. We scale down a basin into a giant desolate city. Perched on each of the valley tops is a gargoyle. 15 feet between each one is another gargoyle. As we slide down the cliffs into the city, they come to life and rip us limb from limb. We all wake to a cold sweat.


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