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Human ()
Warrior 5
59 / 59 HP

A strong, burly young woman living a simple farm life with her large family. She is particularly adept at chopping wood and wrestling cows and pigs into submission.

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Sat 16th Mar 2024 08:11

March 16th 2024 Session

by Tama

Felix and Elara are talking
Rest of group determining if we're going to destroy the forge completely - Mushareeb wants it to stay
We are face-to-face with Mush in the armory, which is now clean and organized. All the bodies were thrown into the lava vat. They decompose slowly because of their tolerance for lava, but the area is slowly being cleaned up. Wilford fetches adamantine armor.
Wilford: We did it. We cleared it.
Mush: Cleared what? What was plaguing us?
W: There was a person who had commandeered your facilities to create puppets.
Mush: Odd. I found a lot of body parts that were being handmade in the room before.
Darvati took Diamante's doll body.
D: Yeah, this thing.
Mush: A very colorfully dressed puppet, if I do say so.
D: Do you want to do anything with this?
Mush: We could smelt it.
D tosses it into the fire. Wilford speaks to the group.
W: Do you think Mush would be able to help us in dealing with our currently trapped star lion guy inside of this case?
D: Mush, do you know if there are spare rations in this place?
M: We can eat lizard. We just have to cut it, essentially. You could eat it raw.
F: I don't see how Mush would be able to help because this is magic versus smithing.
W: Let's just avoid talking about Misthaven.
We have a thought that our benefactor is an archmage, so she might be able to help us. Malith and Darvati work on getting rations from lizards. Tama's lizard eats a strider.We also get six rations apiece from three striders. Mushareeb activates the stones to let his people know the forge is once again under their control, and he activates defense mechanisms. Lanister jots down how the turrets look. There's an optical lens linked to a stone containing some elemental or similar being that can determine if it's an enemy. The group decides to leave the mines and return to the surface.
Freya scouts. Wilford trailblazes. Malith navigates.
The first day is uneventful. Tama prepares a meal so delicious that when we awaken in the morning, we gain 2 temporary hit points. The next day, Freya is scouting. She notices some black darts peeking out of the clouds on this cloudier-than-usual day. There are eight of them that she's counted, and they're in a circle formation. They're circling around Freya. She swoops down to inform the team.
F: Hey, guys, I noticed something in the clouds.
As she speaks, entities begin to drop from the sky next to us. A giant gash suddenly appears along Wilford's chest. He feels extremely nervous, uncomfortable, and horrified. He is Frightened. Malith is Frightened. Freya swings out of the way of the attack and attacks in turn. It's got a huge wingspan and an elongated head with a nub at the end. It strongly resembles the ptero-folk she's seen in books. Freya's attack slays it neatly. Lanister becomes Frightened. The Steel Defender is also hit. Tama is Frightened. Darvati is Frightened. Mushareeb is Frightened. The battle begins. We handily defeat the group of ptero-folk. From the sky, an incredibly angry-looking arrokokra comes torpedoing down. It halts 20 feet away, slowing at the sight that everyone is dead.
???: You took care of my prey incredibly quickly.
F: Well, you picked some weak prey.
?: You speak the language of our people despite being an outlander. Why?
F: I had a good teacher.
?: You are not part of any of the tribes. Where are you from?
F: I only recently came to this area.
?: You will not hold secrets from the sovereign. Give me details.
F: I'm from Misthaven.
?: I don't know that name.
More ptero-folk come charging down from the sky as he ponders. When they get close enough, he snaps his talons, summoning lightning to vaporize them. This is a primordial energy. Whoever this person is, they have lineage to air elementals. Strong ones. He has a close tie with the air such that it must be his domain.
?: I'm seeking my sister, the Little Sparrow. These folk have abducted her.
F: Oh no.
As she thinks back on battle tactics, Freya realizes they were surrounding her.
?: I will say, you have a striking resemblance to her, though you are much more battle-hardened. She's still a fledgling. Outlander, I, as sovereign, command you to come with me back to our village.
F: You're not my sovereign, but I'd be happy to help.
?: Your retinue will come along.
F: Let me gather my retinue, and I'll be right back.
?: I do speak Common, by the way.
Freya flies down with him. He perches on a corpse.
F: Slight delay in going back to the city, I think. How do you guys feel about going and finding his little sister?
K: Will there be treasure?
F: I worry about what would happen if we said no.
?: I would not hurt you. I'm not an animal.
F: I would like it if we go because this is is arrokokran culture, and I think there's a lot of learning to be had.
M: I was impressed with that lightning attack. I think we should go.
?: You were impressed by the power of a sovereign, were you? You won't be able to have it. You need a strong bloodline.
T: If you want to go, I think we should.
F: You wouldn't happen to have seen another arrokokran out there who is not native?
?: Do you have a name? Do you have a description?
She remembers getting a white, green, and red feather. She found it in Misthaven.
F: Dad?
?: I have not sired children. Ever. I don't know what this is, but I'm not your father. I am halfway through my life.
F: Sorry. Have you seen anyone with coloring similar to yours?
?: Many in the village have colors similar to mine, including you.
K: Do you know your dad's age, by chance?
F: I'm 15, so he's probably pretty old. Okay, let's go.
?: The first leg of the journey will be getting to the pillar and the ruins. The next two days will be climbing. There is a safe spot at the base to leave your animal.
D: Mr. Sovereign, is it? Do you have a name?
?: You will address me as The Sovereign, and you will address me as little as possible. Freya has earned curiosity. None of you have earned respect.
D: Have you seen any temples?
TS: We're going to one.
L: I know you don't want to talk to us, Sovereign, sir, but there doesn't happen to be something like these around your temple right? [Brandishing lightning weapon]
TS: My people do not use these. Anyway, let's be quiet and move forward.
Mushareeb: I guess we're going here now? I am your guide.
F: You could always go back by yourself.
The rest of the party: NO!
We begin to follow him. TS notices our slow pace.
TS: I'm going to fly low and keep you all motivated.
He raises his hands and several raptors follow us, pecking at our feet if we slow down. Anytime we would encounter anything animal-like, it avoids us due to TS' presence. Five days, and we are now at the base. During our downtime, Lani makes climbing gear. Malith tries to establish contact with the mysterious lady he once saw. She feels as though she hits a wall in the ether. It shocks her.
M: Interesting.
Malith speculates that whatever protection magic Samandra placed upon us is stopping us from finding things, as well as things from finding us. Freya goes hunting one of the nights. She is joined by TS. He looks on and watches. She gets 4 days' rations. Wilford also hunts for rations. He gets 20 rations. Tama attempts to bond with the baby triceratops. During this attempt, TS flies over to advise.
TS: You need to be more aggressive, but not in such a way as you intimidate the thing. Show dominance. Here, I'll show you.
TS assists me in forming a parental relationship with it. Krav asks TS if he's heard anything about any merchants.
TS: You smell of death.
K: Why, yes.
TS: I have not heard anything. They don't frequent our temple.
K: Thank you.
D [to Salazar]: I don't know what happened to you. You're still helping me, that's fine. Just continue to help me.
The skeleton snake nods. On another day, Darvati tries to focus and figure out what he's feeling during Moon Scorch. He sees a visage of him, naked, standing in an entirely white room. A body lies on the ground. He begins to sever pieces of its body, then grafts a finger on to himself. He feels himself brim with power. Darvati is quickly knocked out of his trance.
D: What was that?!
We now stand at the base of the mountain. Lani gives Malith, Krav, Wilford, and Darvati climbing gear.
TS: If we could fly, this would be a 15-minute climb.
F: Not everyone can be as superior as us.
The Scouts: Why not have soldiers pull them up? It would be well within their capability.
TS: They have not earned that right. We shall see if they are of the mettle to assist in the first place.
Lani attaches metal canisters of gunpowder strapped to his waist to propel him up the mountain. He moves quickly enough to be a full day ahead of everyone else. He continues to climb upwards in solitude.
TS: An eccentric one?
The Steel Defender does not follow his maker.
D: Can I affix myself to your lizard with a rope? For note, that could pose a problem if you slip.
T: No, but I can put in pitons and take up the unused ones.
Wilford falls behind.
Heliathor: We have some paths forward here. You can give something up, and I can make this easy. You can reach out to your fiend while I hide. Or we could cause significant damage and negatively affect others. I shan't expand. Your fiend will likely come with a price as well.
W: Do I know what I have to give up?
H: Something materialistically valuable to you. Losing a finger isn't a big deal; you can regenerate it once you have your power. You're going to be regenerating my body anyway. A tooth, even.
W: Yeah, a tooth sounds good.
Wilford pulls out a tooth and gains a -1 to Dex because of the pain until he can remedy it. It won't be healed by traditional magical means. For the climb, he now has a 30-foot climb speed. When he places his hands on the mountains, a frosty energy freezes, which then unfreezes to allow him to climb. Wilford hangs back regardless to avoid the group's scrutiny.
H: It would be easier to influence your surroundings if I could see them. You should talk to the party, maybe doctor me up, hang me on your belt or midriff. Do something.
Lanister climbs to the top successfully, a day ahead of everyone else. When he gets close, he is grabbed by an arrokokra.
L: Greetings. I have been brought by TS to help.
Scout: Where is he? Is he okay?
L: He's on his way; I just climbed faster than everyone.
Scouts pick him up while one goes down to check out this story.
Scout: We'll get a response from TS.
The Scout returns and tells them it checks out. TS instructs the scouts to keep Lani in a holding cell.
L: I thank you for your kindness and gratitude.
Scouts bring Lani into a ruined structure and brings him a meal and a book. Lani is allowed to tend to his weapons while he waits.
Scouts: If you need anything, let us know.
Lani intuits that the way they said that is more mocking than sincere. The door locks behind them as they leave.
L: I see I've been imprisoned.
Lani tries the door only to find it's barred from the outside. He contemplates escaping but knows it would make Freya look worse in the eyes of the society. Krav lagged behind, where Wilford encounters him.
W: Here, talk to my head that you let me keep without telling anyone.
H: In response to your discretion, I will aid you.
Krav gains the climb speed.
H: I expect your silence.
K: What was that? Did somebody say something?
The group makes it to the top. Wilford and Krav pretend to struggle and arrive a few minutes later. Lanister melts down the ingots to make a distal. As soon as we get there, we're surrounded until TS flies up.
TS: Bring us to Father. Make sure the armed guards accompany us. They've earned some mettle, though not full trust. This one in particular, I have interest in. [pointing to Freya]
Lanister is returned to us. The stairs are pretty useless since they haven't maintained them. We're brought before an immaculately built entryway into the temple. TS opens these double doors, and we walk in. As we do, it's almost like we hear harmonious music playing from seemingly no source. It's more of a feeling that overcomes us. Sitting in an ornate chair at the end of the hallway-like room and working on documents is an white, red, and green arrokokra who is twice the size of a normal one. They almost appear to be glowing. When we arrive, an ethereal bow pops into existence. Crackling storms overtake the sound of music, but he calms when he sees TS.
Glowing Arrokokra: Tailwind, my son, who have you brought me?
TS: I was unable to find the LS, but I wish to enlist these adventurers. They slew the ptero-folk before I could. In a way, they could be more powerful than I. If the folk are working with the draconic cult, they could be useful.
GA: Is this true. Do you have power?
D: We did take out the assualting groups together in about half a minute.
F: We're able to hold our own.
GA: I feel that the ptero-folk have come into some dark alliance with the dragon cult. The cult has used an old prophecy to reignite the folk's fervor.
He looks over at us solemnly.
GA: I want my daughter back. The prophecy indicates that they want her for her royal blood.
T: Does that mean your son is also in danger or is it only her royal blood?
GA: They couldn't capture my son. They only got LS because she's young, less than a year old.
L: Is she by herself.
GA: A raid occurred; the ptero-folk took her. It is a sensitive matter. I chose to help the dwellers of this land rather than my own people, but I can't regret it. I only wish my wings were swifter. I am not above subterfuge.
L: Do you happen to know the area the folk live in? We're not from here, so we wouldn't know.
GA: I'm familiar with where they are, it's the assault that's the problem. And we don't want them to kill LS. If we were to storm their home, they would probably expedite their ritual. However, if a group of adventurers were to happen wreaking havoc, it's unlikely they would execute her. You, arrokokra, should probably disguise yourself.
T: We could pretend Freya is our prisoner.
GA: If you could find a way to communicate with them, that would work. I've never considered persuasion a tactic, but I'm not opposed.
F: Have they been targeting all arrokra?
GA: They have a feud with us.
T: They did circle her during the attack.
Freya explains that she's from Misthaven when GA points out that she resembles LS. A moment of heavy pressure.
GA: Understood.
T: Did anyone else feel that?
D: In order to go in ourselves and infiltrate, do you think it would be easier for us to travel on land or to expedite our travel by the air?
GA: We can work something out, but we'll need to formulate a plan. For now, I'm sure you need rest.
T: We would appreciate it.
We are shown to our quarters. We're all given individual rooms. In the middle of the night, there is a knock at Freya's door. Freya answers. She finds Tailwind.
TS: Come with me.
F: Should I grab my friends?
TS: Do not.
She brings her bow with her. TS brings her to the temple area, and this time, the music is less regal, more cheerful. There's a calmer, more accepting atmosphere. In this room is the men we met before. Freya approaches the chair, where dinner awaits. GA asks questions about Freya's life.
GA: Have a good night, Freya.
F: You as well.
She's sketched out because she never told him her name. GA wears a charming, friendly smile (NOTHING SEXUAL).
F: Do you know Jelissa?
GA: That's a difficult question to answer.
F: I think it's very simple.
GA: There are extenuating circumstances, and I've worked very hard to make sure the things hunting you don't meet these people. Admitting anything will undo some of this work, so I will dance around this question. But it was wonderful to see you.
Freya leaves without saying anything.

Tama's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 22nd Oct. Session
    22 Oct 2023 08:00:40
  2. 29 October Session
    29 Oct 2023 06:11:55
  3. 12 November 2023
    12 Nov 2023 07:42:07
  4. 7th January 2024
    07 Jan 2024 08:17:58
  5. 11 February 2024
    11 Feb 2024 07:58:18
  6. March 16th 2024 Session
    16 Mar 2024 08:11:12

The major events and journals in Tama's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 5: Port Nyanzaru, The Death Curse and the Merchant Princes

05:57 pm - 29.10.2023

Session 5: Port Nyanzaru, The Death Curse and the Merchant Princes

05:57 pm - 29.10.2023

Session 5: Port Nyanzaru, The Death Curse and the Merchant Princes

05:57 pm - 29.10.2023

Session 1: The Festival of Malice

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

Session 1: The Festival of Malice

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

Session 3: Escape through the clouds

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

Session 3: Escape through the clouds

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

Session 4: Liandra, The Hero / A Dark and Stormy Night

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

Session 4: Liandra, The Hero / A Dark and Stormy Night

02:45 am - 21.10.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Tama.

Played by