Grand Lord Rowen Cormaeril

Grand Lord Rowen Cormaeril (a.k.a. The Last Sword)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was once a member of the Purple Dragons until his cousin Gaspar and several other nobles betrayed the royal family of Cormyr and had their nobility removed by Azoun IV. Thereafter, he was a scout assigned to Alusair Obarskyr's party.   He fell in love with Princess Tanalasta Obarskyr and eventually married her in the eyes of Chauntea, albeit with no witnesses. When King Azoun Obarskyr IV, King of Cormyr had heard that Rowen had relations with his daughter, he exiled him from Cormyr never to return.   He fled to Westgate, a free city outside the country of Cormyr, where he grew his roots and quickly gained notoriety from the locals for his wisdom and willing to offer help, even visiting The Shores to help deliver fresh produce and cooked meals to the homeless.   The city took to his liking and he became the Head of the Council in the city of Westgate, to the approval of almost everyone.


When Rowen turned 18 years old in 1360 DR, he was officially granted the title of "Blade" and was inducted into the Cormyrean military.   As Rowen grew in skill and experience, he graduated up to the rank of "Lionar", gaining the attention of King Azoun IV. In 1364 DR Rowen was granted knighthood by King Azoun IV.   Rowen successfully held the title of "Purple Dragon Knight" until his cousin was revealed to be a Fire Knife in 1369 DR. After that, he was demoted back to a "Blade".   After being banished from the kingdom of Cormyr and fleeing to Westgate, Rowen was inducted in the Grand Council of Westgate. After rigorous training and recieving the support of the citizens, he became the Grand Lord on the council 1374 DR, at the age of 32.

Mental Trauma

Facing the horrors of the Cormaeril noble family, Rowen had cut all contact with them after joining the Cormyrean military. They kept slaves, which Rowen despises, and frequently beat him as a child whenever he disagreed with their wishes. Rowen finally rid himself from the his heritage in 1350 DR.   in 1366 DR, during a scouting mission in King's Forest, Rowen had led 30 soldiers through the woods to map out better trade trails. During the mission the party was ambushed by moon elves and most of them were brutally slaughtered. Of the 30 soldiers, only 5 people returned home, including Rowen.   His most recent traumatic experience stems from the death of King Azoun IV's son Foril. Witnessing the death of a child has taken a heavy toll on Rowen. In recent years he has felt especially nervous about the security of his son, Azoun V.


Religious Views

Rowen supports Chauntea and all of life's creations despite some of them continually trying to kill him. He believes all lives are connected through the god Chauntea and thus should be protected in her name.   Rowen is also a big proponent of Tymora or Lady Luck. He holds the belief that help comes to those who deserve it. He would often repeat prayers in moments of extreme need as self reassurance.

In his youth, An athletic man, Rowen was considered handsome by most, though weathered. He was tall, at 6 feet, with shoulder-length brown hair, tanned skin, and mahogany eyes. He had a tiny cleft in his chiseled chin. Now in his older age, he rules over Westgate as one of its many Council Leaders.

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Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Blade, Telsword, First Sword, Sword Captain, Lionar, Purple Dragon Knight, Grand Lord
Date of Birth
Suzail, Cormyr
Current Residence
Cormaeril Castle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common and Moon Elf