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Amphail was a village on the Long Road between Waterdeep and Red Larch.


The population was mostly humans, but there were a few half-elves, dwarves, halflings, and other races.


The village had no standing militia of its own, but benefited from Waterdhavian guards who patrolled from Rassalantar.

Industry & Trade

Its main trade was growing food for Waterdeep, but it was also known for its outstanding horses (Amphail Grays and glossy black chargers), and due to this it suffered from the stench of horse manure during the warmer months.

The wealthier inhabitants or landowners of Amphail were generally the ones who bred horses. The largest horse breeder was the Roaringhorn family of Waterdeep, but others included Amcathra, Ilzimmer, Jhansczil, and Tarm, as well as individual breeders Rorth Baldasker, Ohm Oglyntyr, and Elraghona Selember. Although not breeders, the Eagleshield family made tack for the horses and operated a farm for the treatment of sick animals.


Amphail was named after one of Waterdeep's early warlords, Amphail the Just, who had estates here.

The small town is home to just over seven hundred souls, yet it sought and received membership in the Lords’ Alliance just under a century ago, thanks to the maneuverings of the noble families that control its lands. Where once it was simply an example of the extent of Waterdeep’s reach, Amphail became the playground of that city’s noble families, a place where they can scheme against their rivals and send their more rambunctious offspring to unleash some of their destructive tendencies without harming the family’s reputation in proper society. As a result of being a member of the Lords’ Alliance, Amphail is the equal of such great cities as Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate in matters that concern the other powers of the region, despite its clear inferiority in size and strength.


Visitors to Amphail often get a polite admonishment to “mind the high born” or “ware silver saddles” from the locals, but those who ignore such warnings should expect no help if they get into trouble with the nobility.


The village was three days' ride north of Waterdeep.
850 (600 in village, 250 in the outlying farms)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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