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ermalaine was the second-northernmost settlement of Ten Towns, and the third largest in the region. Termalaine has a well-deserved reputation as the most picturesque town in Icewind Dale. Without the confinement of a wall, the settlement unfurls from the banks of Maer Dualdon in long, broad avenues dotted with trees, inviting travelers to stroll down to the water’s edge.

The town does not feel busy or crowded—its spacious houses are widely spread along the avenues, and its inhabitants go leisurely about their days. Termalaine has its own fishing fleet, and one often hears workers down on the docks calling out to one another or to the boats coming in off the lake, but the town is not dominated by its fishing industry the way Targos is. Crafters and artisans are as numerous here as shipwrights, and their work improves on the town’s natural beauty. Many buildings feature intricate braid-work carved into their wood frames and doors, and scrimshaw ornaments and wind chimes hang in their windows. But perhaps what endears Termalaine most to travelers is its people. Though rough and hard-working like all the other inhabitants of Ten-Towns, the folk of Termalaine are also friendly, good-natured, and welcoming of strangers. Some people say that’s because they get so few travelers compared to the likes of Bryn Shander, but in truth it’s because the people of Termalaine love the small corner of Faerûn they have carved out for themselves, and they want visitors to fall in love with it, too.


Termalaine was located on the eastern shore of Maer Dualdon, due north of Bryn Shander.


The long-standing councilman of the mid—14th century DR was Agorwal, owner of the tourmaline gem mine. He was injured and survived the orc invasion sent by Akar Kessell in the Year of the Worm, 1356 DR, and later died in the battle of Bryn Shander.

Speaker Shaelen Masthew served as the head of Termalaine during the late 15th century. She was a charming and shrewd woman who greatly admired her fellow council member Duvessa Shane.

Rival to Targos

Termalaine’s rivalry with Targos goes back as far as anyone can remember. For as long as the folk of these two towns have been pulling knucklehead out of the waters of Maer Dualdon, they’ve been fighting over who pulled which fish out of what waters. Every day on the lake, fishers from Termalaine and Targos can be heard yelling at each other for crossing lines, obstructing movement across the water, scaring the fish away, and stealing catches. Most of the time these grievances are voiced from a distance, but every so often the crews nudge each other’s boats, and the yelling escalates to fisticuffs. These altercations are usually more a chance for the fishers to display their bravado than an attempt to do serious injury to the other party, but occasionally an encounter turns truly violent, resulting in deaths. After each such tragedy, the mood in Termalaine turns dark, and the residents begin recounting the transgressions perpetrated by Targos over decades, which serves to reinforce the unending animosity between these two rivals.


Historically, the area was been rich in tourmaline mining.[citation needed] A nearby caved provided the source of these valuable gems.


The city of Termalaine was taken over several times by barbarian forces. The infamous barbarian Heafstaag conquered it twice, but failed a third. During his last attempt, in the Year of the Crown, 1351 DR, Heafstaag tried to conquer all of the Ten Towns in one massive attack.

The attack by the Tribe of the Bear during the Battle of Icewind Dale forced more than half the townsfolk to take shelter in Bryn Shander, but the damage was quickly repaired.


In time of war, the city could call upon around 100 to 500 human militia who fought with dwarven weapons and wore lightweight armor.

Notable locations

One of the quietest and most beautiful of the settlements in Icewind Dale, Termalaine had sprawling tree plantings around the widely scattered houses, which were placed behind rubble walls to protect the structures against the wind.

Inns & Taverns

  • The Blue Clam - The dockside tavern where the fishers of Termalaine typically end their day, seated on benches near one of the building’s long hearths to warm their feet while they fill their bellies with spiced chowder. The walls are decorated with fishing trophies and beautiful works of scrimshaw, and the tables and benches are decorated with the knotwork carvings typical of the town. Vernon Braig, the owner and chef, knows some of the hunters and trappers up in Lonelywood, and occasionally a sled comes down the north road with a sack of hares or a haunch of moose, courtesy of one of Vernon’s friends. On those nights, the Blue Clam’s hearths are full of roasting meats, and the patrons stay later and sing louder, enjoying the good times while they last.
  • The Eastside - The inn where visitors in Termalaine generally stay. What looks from the street like a cluster of houses actually turns out to be a single structure connected underground, with some of the coziest rooms in Ten-Towns (though, as more than one traveler has doubtless reflected, only in Icewind Dale would a cot in the cellar be considered cozy). The owner is an aging fisher named Clyde, who still spends his days out on the lake, since the inn doesn’t see a lot of business. His wife tended to visitors during the day, until she passed away two winters ago; now Clyde employs a 12-year-old girl named Marta to watch the door and make meals for anyone who comes to stay.


  • The Gem Mine - When the first explorers settled on the east bank of Maer Dualdon, they thought nothing of the small cave set into a low hill behind their settlement. It wasn’t until later, when the settlers mustered up courage to explore the cave’s depths, that they found a load of tourmaline gemstones. Lacking the expertise and resources to set up a proper mining operation, the people of Termalaine have worked the mine slowly and sporadically over the years, their efforts further hampered by creatures from the Underdark that occasionally find their way up into the mine. Whenever such creatures are discovered, the mine is sealed off, and the townsfolk wait until a band of sellswords or adventurers can be hired to clear it out. Currently the mine stands open, though lately a few miners have reported strange noises and had tools go missing.
  • Market Square - Located along the harbor.
  • Town Hall - Located a block from the Market Square.


Agorwal's House, a large house located near the center of town.
“The folks o’ Termalaine will tell ye theirs is the loveliest part o’ Ten-Towns, an’ I reckon they’ve got the right of it. True, the charms o’ their spacious streets an’ decorated homes may ’ave been wasted on me, but the mine! Full o’ gems it were, sparklin’ like the waters o’ the maer. Aye, a lovely town indeed!”
— Beorne Steelstrike
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Characters in Location
Knucklehead Trout, Scrimshaw, Tourmaline

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