Dragonspine Mountains Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil
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Dragonspine Mountains

  The Dragonspine Mountains, also referred to simply as the Dragonspines, was a range of peaks in the western Moonsea of North Faerûn, that divided the region into two separate halves.  


While not the largest peaks of the Realms, the Dragonspines were a series of rough crags that were extremely difficult to traverse. They were wracked with frigid temperatures that turned away all but the most experienced travelers.   Those that dared to brave the peaks could find themselves with great rewards however, as they were rich with natural resources, including a wealth ore, such as black granite.  


The mountains were bordered on the northern side by the vast steppes known as the Ride, and to the west by the Border Forest. Nestled along its southern slopes were the Ticklebelly Hills, and beyond them the Grass Sea.   Two trails snaked through the mountains south from the Citadel of the Raven, the Teshpost Trail down to Teshwave, and the Zhentilar Trail all the way south to Zhentil Keep.  

Geographical Features

Notable peaks in the range included mounts Launt, Ombaddor, Horgrymborr, Throndor, Tesh, and the caves of Skondarr beneath it, as well as Eastwall, the mountain that loomed over the entire Moonsea.   Situated among the higher altitudes of the Dragonspines was the Glacier of the Silver Blades. Runoff water in the mountain formed two major rivers in the mountains; the western Stoneshoulder Creek flowed north into Lake Maltorus, and the Stojanow river in the east ran southeast towards Phlan before emptying into the Moonsea lake.   The Lords of Zhentil Keep had mines in the western half of the range, while Melvaunt and Hillsfar had mines in the eastern half. Deep with the mounts was a network of caverns and subterranean passageways, remnants of the ancient dwarven realm of Sarphil. Located somewhere within the mountains was one of the Dragon's Claw portals, a portal network maintained by the dragon wizard Valraxaxath.  


The eastern slopes of the Dragonspines held a passage to the Underdark, that facilitated slave trade between the Zhentarim and the drow.  


The Treaty of the Ride was signed at a peace accord held within the foothills of the Dragonspines in the Year of the Plough, 906 DR.   In the Year of the Harp, 1355 DR, the group of Zhentarim-hating freedom fighters known as the Knights of the North formed in the foothills of the mountains. For over a decade they led raids against Zhent forces until they grew to greater prominence.

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