Quivering Forest Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil
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Quivering Forest

  The Quivering Forest was a forest stretching from the foothills of the Dragonspine Mountains in the north to within 1 mile (1,600 meters) of Phlan in the south. It acted as a barrier to the great gray waste of Thar to the east. The Quivering Forest lay mainly on the east bank of the River Stojanow.  


The section of the Quivering Forest that stood within the Domains of Dread bordered Mount Baratok and had an ever-present mist that made it only dimly lit during the daytime. During the evening, it would become completely dark.  

Flora & Fauna

Morcant Burl, a purple-hued hardwood, grew only in the Quivering Forest. Other plants found within this forest included Safflowers, pine trees, and treants. The section of the forest within the Domains of Dread was host to both treants and needle blights. Creatures known to inhabit the Quivering Forest included elks, squirrels, owls, ettercaps, sparrows, wild dogs, and wolves.

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