Alanik Ray and Arthur Sedgwick Character in Toril | World Anvil

Alanik Ray and Arthur Sedgwick

Known as the Great Detective, Alanik Ray possesses an unrivaled deductive mind. The century-old elf has a knack for seeing through falsehoods, a talent aided by decades of experience and science-driven deductive methods.   As a young detective in Darkon, Alanik revealed his father’s criminal empire and oversaw its destruction. His success launched his career as a private detective, embroiling him in the intrigues of Martira Bay’s nobility. During this time, he met the young physician Arthur Sedgwick, who became his partner and saved Alanik’s life countless times.   A mystery involving a shape-shifting serial killer resulted in a fall from a roof that paralyzed Alanik’s legs. Within the following month, the pair created a custom wheelchair for Alanik, and they married.  

Current state

These days, Alanik and Arthur have found a place in Barovia, cutting a deal with a vistana to let them in. They were quickly reunited with their old friend Rudolph van Richten as they later went into a different direction. Whereas Rudolph van Richten was interested in the monsters and other creatures that plagued Barovia, their expertise laid more into the direction of the science behind the mists.    Arthur lends his practicality and martial skill to Alanik’s dazzling intellect during the pair’s exploits. Sedgwick also chronicles their adventures and has published two volumes to date: The Life of Alanik Ray and The Casebook of Alanik Ray.   Even though Rudolph van Richten parted ways from Alanik and Arthur, they do sometimes share their research and give a second opinion on the other's work.