Rudolph van Richten Character in Toril | World Anvil

Rudolph van Richten


An older gentleman, Van Richten is still a crafty and resilient opponent. He has may years of training and experience under his belt hunting the undead, and uses this to his advantage against his bitter foes.  


Originally appearing as a half-elf bard calling himself Rictavio, Van Richten was staying at the Blue Water Inn for almost a month, taking advantage of Urwin Martikov's generosity and good nature. He also met the party there as well which caused them to trade stories with one-another.   Once the Festival of The Blazing Sun started and his Saber-Toothed Tiger escaped he tried looking for her in the forest and knew the baron would soon find out his disguise. He then advised the party to go to his tower, which he had used as a base of operations until his protege, Ezmeralda D'Avenir co-opted the space. He eventually made his way to the tower, but in bad shape   The party later learned about his wife and son that died by the hand of some Vistani. Gimble Nimble reminded him a lot of his son.  

The death of Ezmeralda

When the party reconvened at the tower after they had lost Ezmeralda D'Avenir, Rudolph had already been informed. Arti Fischer confronted him and with tears in his eyes Rudolph shouted at them never to return.  


When Arti Fischer had given up Ireena Kolyana, the party needed a place to prepare for the inevitable encounter with Baba Lysaga, they travelled to Van Richten's Tower. When Rudolph came home to the party sitting in his tower he had clearly been drinking and was in a bad state. At first he didn't believe Ezmeralda D'Avenir was back in the body of Emelia. He is allowed Arti Fischer to explain his plan and they discussed strategies together.
Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal, Sylvan
Ezmeralda D'Avenir (protege)
Ruled Locations