Blaire Martikov

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

This lanky half-elf half-vedalken walks the earth swiftly and full of determination. Many consider Blaire to be a nervous and twitchy man, rapidly spewing words from his mouth until its forcefully shut.   With a focussed expression on his face, Blaire always seems to be working on one thing or the other. On rare occasions, blue blotches start covering Blaire's normally pale white skin. Due to his racial heritage, Blaire has to actively focus on keeping his vedalken side hidden. Whenever he loses said concentration, his vedalken side takes over.

Facial Features

On the right side of Blaire's jaw, scars of a clawlike variety can be spotted. Whenever Blaire scars, he is unable to revert the colour of the afflicted skin as it remains vedalken-blue.

Identifying Characteristics

On closer inspection, one may notice Blaire's avoidance of physical work. Whereas some rashly come to the conclusion he's just another stuck-up high-elf refusing to get his hands dirty, others are aware of Blaire's graphic magical injuries covering his fingers and palms.   The origin of the scars are often the subject of the Keepers of the Feather's rumour-cycles.

Apparel & Accessories

Other than his typical long-sleeved coat, Blaire wears different pieces of jewellery, each created by himself and containing different magical properties.   Ring of Communication. This ring allows whoever wears similar copies to communicate telepathically, cleverly confirming whether or not a message has been received. Communication is only possible as long as sender and recipants are on the same plane.   Ring of Puzzler's Wit. This gold ring bears a fluorite stone and is enchanted to sharpen the wearer’s mind. The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d4 − 1 expended charges daily at dawn. When you make an Intelligence check, you can expend 1 charge to grant yourself advantage on the check.   Raven Shield Guardian Amulet. This amulet serves as a shield guardian amulet, but instead of a golem-like creature it is connected to an adamantine raven of small size retaining the same statistics as a regular shield guardian.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blaire was born to an Elven father and Vedalken mother. His father, Ferrel Martikov is a high-elf who works in Waterdeep, assisting and sometimes also representing the openlords when needed. He wants Blaire to become his successor into the political role he plays, even expecting him to become an openlord when he grows older.   Blaire's mother, Leldia, was Vedalken and had always been interested in the different planes of existence which she based her entire research on after graduating from an internship at The Host Tower in Luskan and the Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep. It was in Waterdeep where she fell in love with Ferrel. Even though he seemed to have no knowledge about the history behind his family name, Leldia was determined that if she could marry him he'd let her into his family secrets.   Leldia didn't have a hard time to get Ferrel to fall in love with her. As his love for her grew so did his status, becoming a direct spokesman for the openlords. Yet still, he wouldn't share the Martikov secret. In every book regarding interplanar travel it had one thing in common; a person named Martikov.   She knew she could go one step further, and so Blaire Martikov was born. Whether she loved Blaire and Ferrel, or if she loved the knowledge they could possibly possess remained unknown, even to her. Throughout the years Ferrel and Leldia grew apart, Ferrel more focused on his political career and Leldia growing more impatient with the idea that he'd be keeping secrets for her, endlessly dangling the key to all her answers right in front of her eyes.   Once Leldia knew he wouldn't budge, she became convinced that he did pass on this knowledge to Blaire. From this moment on, Blaire and Leldia's relationship became purely focused on her research. Blaire didn't know this, and he thought this was her finally wanting to spend time with him. For the next five years they spend researching the Martikov name and interplanar-travel until they reached a closed end.   When Blaire was 29 he woke up with his mother gone, with a letter saying: ''If you're going to be as stubborn as your father you can rot away with him in Waterdeep''. There he was. Alone. In Thay.   He sought contact with his father, yet no answer came. After months of traveling and struggling to make his way back to Waterdeep his father was more annoyed than happy. Until he was 35 he spent every moment trying to make it up to his father.


On his 37th birthday he decided to take fate into his own hands by combining his father's influence and his mother's intellect and signing up for Strixhaven Academy, specifically branching off into interplanar research just as his mother.


The final original founding member of the organisation is Blaire Martikov, a nobleman from Waterdeep that cut ties with his royal background to pursue the organization. He is tasked with the collecting and being in charge of all research such as artifacts and texts related to different planes.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In 1499 DR the Keepers of the Feather arrived in Waterdeep to meet with Ferrel under the guise that Maurice Lewis wanted to reunite the Lewis and Martikov family-alliance, yet the moment Ferrel found out what they were there for he demanded his guards throw them onto the streets. Blaire however was more than interested in their research. That same night, as they were staying at a local inn, Blaire snuck into Maurice Lewis' room trying to take a peek at their research. Maurice however, having set up their suitcases with Glyph of Warding ages ago, resulted in a trap triggering followed with Blaire falling under the Charm Person spell. Under this effect, it didn't take long for Blaire to spill his true intentions. Their conversations lead far into the night, and by the time Cœardia and Haiden Lewis found out what even happened it was far into the morning.   It didn't take long for Blaire to officially join the group and for them to find more information about the Martikov family, as well as an ancient group called 'The Keepers of the Feather'', a name they shortly after adapted.

Intellectual Characteristics

Blaire is a skilled solver of puzzles and has a keen eye for recognizing structures and connecting information together, making him an ideal researcher.


Contacts & Relations

Maurice Lewis

Blaire considers Maurice Lewis as his closest friend. They view the world and put their priorities in order in ways not many can see the reasoning behind. They have worked together for many years and are inseparable.

Lawful Neutral
Half-long black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization