Keepers of the Feather


Even though the Keepers of the Feather is quite the pristine organization, they do not have many members. Many other guilds are concerned about the research which is taking place, fearing that the Keepers may one day stumble upon answers to questions they were not ready to ask. This, alongside the destruction of its previous location of research, has resulted into many people wanting nothing to do with them.   The organization is currently run by a select group of people:  

Maurice Lewis

As one of the first official members, Maurice Lewis is the organization's main ambassador, using his family's inheritance as funding. He is the official leader of the newly reformed Keepers of the Feather.  

Haiden Lewis

Haiden Lewis was also part of the initial founding of the Keepers of the Feathers, but operates independently from the guild.  

Blaire Martikov

The final original founding member of the organisation is Blaire Martikov, a nobleman from Waterdeep that cut ties with his royal background to pursue the organization. He is tasked with the collecting and being in charge of all research such as artifacts and texts related to different planes.

Public Agenda

The Keepers of the Feather aim to discover connections between different planes of existence to establish an order of peace and share knowledge.


In 1491 DR, a strange shift in dimensions was sensed in Supros. This was when the Cult of the Mother attempted to summon an ancient god and Haiden Lewis  had arrived in this dimension. Together with Maurice Lewis   he helped defeat The Cult of the Mother, but not without a strange interference througout the planes. After months of location this inconsistency, Cœardia found Maurice and Haiden in Senty.   When Cœardia explained his research to them, he told them he wanted to recruit them. At first the two were hesitant, but after they had heard back from friends of Maurice who shared details from the dangers that the Cult of the Mother had pursued, they decided to join Cœardia.   Even though the organisation had remained nameless for its first few years, their research had paid off, finding some old literature discussing the Martikov family tree. This family tree however, constantly contradicted itself, resulting into different people being alive at moments after they had already died. Later however, they stumbled upon an essay written by Rudolph van Richten, an monster hunter who one day disappeared. This essay talked about about the mysterious Martikov family, and how its members often disappeared for years, only to one day return not having aged a day. Maurice Lewis vaguely remembered a Ferrel Martikov, a man his late father spoke highly of many years ago.   In 1499 they arrived in Waterdeep to meet with Ferrel under the guise that Maurice Lewis wanted to reunite the Lewis and Martikov family-alliance, yet the moment Ferrel found out what they were there for he demanded his guards throw them onto the streets. Blaire Martikov, Ferrel's son, however was more than interested in their research. That same night, as they were staying at a local inn, Blaire Martikov snuck into Maurice Lewis's room trying to take a peek at their research. Maurice however, having set up their suitcases with Glyph of Warding ages ago, resulted in a trap triggering followed with Blaire falling under the Charm Person spell. Under this effect, it didn't take long for Blaire to spill his true intentions. Their conversations lead far into the night, and by the time Cœardia and Haiden Lewis found out what even happened it was far into the morning.   It didn't take long for Blaire to officially join the group and for them to find more information about the Martikov family, as well as an ancient group called 'The Keepers of the Feather'', a name they shortly after adapted.

Founding Date
Research, Council