Cemetery Building / Landmark in Toril | World Anvil


A fence of wrought iron with a rusty gate encloses a rectangular plot of land behind the dilapidated church. Tightly packed gravestones shrouded by fog bear the names of souls long passed. All seems quiet.   During daytime, the cemetery is a still and peaceful place. Every night at midnight, however, a ghostly procession takes place.


Every night at midnight, one hundred spirits rise from the cemetery (area E6) and march up The Old Svalich Road to Castle Ravenloft.     An eerie green light suffuses the graveyard. From this light emerges a ghostly procession. Wavering images of doughty women toting greatswords, woodwise men with slender bows, dwarves with glittering axes, and archaically dressed mages with beards and strange, pointed hats—all these and more march forth from the graveyard, their numbers growing by the second.
These aren’t the spirits of the people buried here, but of previous adventurers who died trying to destroy Strahd. Every night, the ghostly adventurers attempt to complete their quest, and each night they fail. They have no interest in the living and can’t be hit, damaged, or turned. They will not communicate with the characters.
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