Eye of the All-Father

The Eye of the All-Father is an underground complex built by giants. which has survived for tens of thousands of years. The giant lords of Ostoria came here for divine wisdom and also for refuge. Harshnag is one of only a handful of giants who know about the temple. A few ancient dragons — including Iymrith, Claugiyliamatar, and Klauth — also know of its location.   Everything within the dungeon is built to giant scale. Harshnag is familiar with the general features and layout of the complex (except for area 9), but not its traps or current denizens.   A 40-foot-wide, naturally formed stone causeway leads to the entrance of the Eye of the All-Father. Sheer cliffs plunge hundreds of feet on both sides of the route. The causeway is covered with a foot of snow, in which the characters can see fresh tracks heading toward the mountainside. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check, a character can determine that the tracks are those of eight humans. These tracks were made by the Uthgardt barbarians in area 4. The causeway ends before a stone dome carved from the mountainside. Six 30-foot-tall stone pillars support the dome, which is in no danger of collapse, even if the pillars were to be toppled. Each pillar is carved with a wraparound bas-relief. From north to south, the pillars depict the following scenes:   A hill giant lifting a rock above its head A frost giant chopping down a great pine A cloud giant flying among birds in the sky A flying storm giant hurling lightning bolts at a ship A stone giant climbing a mountain A fire giant with chained dwarf prisoners in a cavern At the back of the dome, a 40-foot-wide, 40-foot-high hallway heads into the mountain. Wind has blown the snow far into the hallway. The snow thins out and disappears after about 100 feet. The tracks of the humans continue east into the dungeon complex.
Characters in Location