
Harshnag’s aims to protect the North from the depredations of evil giants while seeking out adventurers who share this goal. By the time the characters meet him, he has already slaughtered a few giants. Harshnag looks like a typical frost giant except that he’s clad in plate armor and wears the skull of a white dragon as a helm. His jagged axe also looks quite formidable. He’s a giant of few words who prefers to let his actions do his talking. When he does speak outside of combat, he comes across as surprisingly calm and soft-spoken. While swinging his axe in battle, however, he bellows and laughs like a berserker. In the company of small adventurers, he tries not to dominate social situations or make too many decisions for them, because he knows how fragile and inflated their egos can be.   Harshnag knows the North well and has no chance of becoming lost in its wilderness. He’s sensitive to the fact that many small folk have a freshly rekindled fear of giants striding into their settlements. As a result, if the characters visit a settlement while Harshnag is with them, he prefers to remain unseen on the outskirts. The exception is Waterdeep; he considers that city his home and has no qualms about entering it, gently brushing aside guards who stand in his way.   Although he has been happy to wander the North, slaughtering his fellow giants at every turn, Harshnag now thinks it might be time to consult with a higher authority. He knows the location of a mountain temple built by his ancient ancestors under the Spine of the World. He calls it the Eye of the All-Father. According to giant legend, the temple contains a divine oracle. Harshnag offers to lead the characters to the temple so that they can consult with this oracle and learn how best to end the giants’ threat to the North.



Friend (Important)

Towards Kuzon




Friend (Important)

Towards Harshnag



Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Decapitated by Iymrith
Aligned Organization