Haiden Lewis

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haiden Lewis is in some sort of way related to Maurice Lewis, yet the two of them seem to actively avoid the other.


Even though the Keepers of the Feather consider Haiden a member of their organization, he himself does not.   In fact, Haiden hasn't even shown his face since Maurice Lewis officially took over after Cœardia passed and instead resides in Mechanus. He believes himself more effective when focussing outside of a group.

Mental Trauma

When Haiden was 17 years old, the Cult of the Mother visited his family, thinking that a demon by the name of Atlas was inside of his father. During that night, both his parents were murdered, Haiden stayed beyond. After spending a few months not knowing what to do, he decided to hunt down the Cult of the Mother and find out about this Atlas person. It had taken him 2 years of trial and error, but he eventually ended up in the same dimension as Maurice Lewis  There was something wrong however... This version of his father was covered in tattoos and was mechanically enhanced, something that made him unique compared to the other versions. Besides that, this Maurice didn't have a Leoda.   After firstly starting off as a rough collaboration in a dire situation in Supros, Haiden came clean to Maurice and their dynamic switched. Even though Rhys and Leoda had talked about children, he surely wasn't ready to raise one that technically was already an adult. Soon after, Haiden and Rhys left to Senty to pursue some research regarding the Cult of the Mother.   Over the years, Haiden and Rhys grew to become more like brothers instead of father-and-son. This is something that hurt Haiden deeply, but he knew that ultimately he couldn't force a relationship upon somebody.

Intellectual Characteristics

Haiden is an incredibly skilled artificer, fusing magic with machinery. He knows his ways around most machines, and if he's not familiar he can improvise decently well.

Morality & Philosophy

Haiden wants to make sure that nobody should ever have to suffer at the hands of a threat such as the Cult of the Mother ever again.

Neutral Good
Circumstances of Birth
Haiden was born in 1492 DR in his dimension. When he left there in 1512 DR, he arrived here in 1491 DR
1492 DR
Dark brown
Short brown hair with some faded lighter points spread throughout
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization