Interplanar Conduits

Mechanics & Inner Workings

On rare occasions, a creature might attune to a interplanar conduit, allowing to to travel to the item's plane of origin. Unfortunately, this renders the item useless after the trip.    Blaire Martikov has managed to reuse interplanar conduits, as long as they are channeled into the Molecular interplanar-Transportation Apparatus


Also to some known as a Mist Talisman, Interplanar Conduits are nonmagical objects, akin to a dowsing rod or a lodestone, that resonates with the unique nature of the plane from which it originates.   Interplanar Conduits take ominous forms, and no two are alike. A family's burned holy book, a battered stuffed toy, a papyrus scroll, and sometimes even aa key might serve as a conduit. 


The rarity of interplanar conduits completely depends on how common travellers to and from certain planes are. In order to discern whether or not an item could serve as an interplanar conduit, one must succeed a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
