Lillia Subbek

Lillia is part of the nobility in Yartar, this is partly because her mother was the ward of the waterbaron. Her family is an incredibly small one compared to the other nobility, only Lillia and her mother are the ones left with the Subbek name. Her father was apparently killed by the Zhentarim and she has no grandparents left, those were killed when her mother was still a child.   Throughout this she has however kept a kind heart, she cares for everyone she meets. She is however very naive due to her upbringing and status.   Because Lillia has such a high status she was not implicated in the disaster on the Grand Dame. She is very broken up about the fact that Edo had to leave due to what happened on the ship, the fact that he proposed to her releases her a bit of the worry she has. To her, it means he intends to come back to her and she will wait for him with bated breath.


Icilia Subbek

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Lillia Subbek



Lillia Subbek

Mother (Important)

Towards Icilia Subbek



Current Location
Date of Birth
1471 DR

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