In Krezk the story will lead the players to Luca’s farm. Luca is the village simpleton and essentially a gentle giant. Though he’s not bright, he can look after the sheep with his heart of gold. Unfortunately, Anna Kreskov has been using Luca’s mental handicap against him to steal sheep for her son.
Luca was supposed to be watching the sheep and is the only one in charge of them. Despite his mental handicap, he does a really good job of this. He’s kind of a sheep whisperer. Luca’s a better fit for the job than players might first think.
Luca’s father, Costel Barbu, used to help keep track of the sheep as well. However, he recently died. Costel left a couple weeks earlier to go and see about the missing wine deliveries. Unfortunately, his disappearance remains a mystery.
Later on the party finds out that Costel worked together with
Izek Strazni and
Ireena Kolyana as they hid in Krezk.