Pool and Shrine Geographic Location in Toril | World Anvil

Pool and Shrine

Even under gray skies, this pool at the north end of the village shimmers and sparkles. Near its shore sits an old gazebo on the verge of collapse. A wooden statue of a mournful, bare-chested man, its paint chipped and faded, stands in the gazebo with arms outstretched, as though waiting to be embraced.


The Pool

The pool is fed by an underground spring and was blessed long ago by Saint Markovia.


The Gazebo

The gazebo was so frail that it wouldn’t take more than a strong wind to knock it over. It remained standing because it was protected from the elements by the surrounding trees, walls, and cliffs. The statue is a depiction of the Morninglord, positioned so that he is reaching toward the east (the dawn). Locals refer to the statue and gazebo as the Shrine of the White Sun, though they have no idea why their ancestors named it so.
Nemeia Pesphian burned down the gazebo in a fiery rage after finding out her parentes were killed in The Village of Krezk

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