Where are they now? Plot in Toril | World Anvil

Where are they now?

After the sun once more made its way through the clouds above for the first time in centuries, the party meets once more. This time not because of duty or dread, but to reminisce on the past and to share their future plans.



Exactly one month has passed since Strahd von Zarovich had been destroyed. The people of Barovia finally freed from the fight they had been fighting for generations, took back their country. Many Vistani left, looking for another place to drink and feast. Even though some dangers still hide in the corners of this so-long forgotten land, you meet once more, at the place that has become a second home to some of you, the Blue Water Inn in the Town of Vallaki  Nemeia and Bunny, as you enter after a month of hard work the soft interior of the inn embraces you with a warm and familiar welcome. The tavern area is filled with Vallakians sharing a drink, faces that were once occupied with uneasiness and fear now portray a soft smile followed by the raising of a hand or glass. Fenler, Emelia, Zachriel, and Xavier are all present, seemingly having shared dinner together this evening. You approach their table and immediately Urwin greets you...


In the past month...

Fenler & Emelia
Fenler and Emelia spent their month cleaning out Castle Ravenloft and resurrecting the Dusk Elves that had fallen during the battle. Kasimir had been surprised by this and told Fenler that if he ever needed something within Kasimir's power it'd be his pleasure to fulfil this request. Emelia mainly helped the vampires that were once controlled by Strahd to get back into society. Even though most eventually went their own way, some stuck around yet stayed away from most society.   In the second week, they stumbled upon Strahd's treasury, using the money to rebuild the Village of Barovia together with Ismark. Slowly, bringing back a stable economy to the land.   They also bought and started making a home of their on in the Village of Barovia.    
Bunny went back to The Amber Temple to speak with Artemis and ensure that the doors of The Amber Temple remained closed. Artemis vowed that he'd keep anyone from accessing the dark powers ever again. Bunny started studying their books and read about a place they would have gone to which hadn't been written about yet, Thay.   Bunny sought out the Keepers of the Feather at the Vineyard where they encountered Nemeia and Blaire, who wanted to meet Davian. Blaire explained to Bunny that Thay is a country that has been under control of Szass Tam, a lich. In the middle of the 14th century (DR), the Thayans split up in 2 groups; the group loyal to Szass Tam's undead wizards and the group that denied his leadership, leaving Thay and spreading out over the continent.   ''The Red Wizards, also known as the Red Wizards of Thay, are the notorious and nefarious ruling class of the inhospitable but well-inhabited country of Thay. Historically they owed their power to being demonologists and arcane experimenters, before most of their numbers wholly dedicated themselves into creating a nation of undead.''   Blaire promised to give Bunny a map once they got to Neverwinter.    
Nemeia spent the first part of the month ensuring that the werewolves, whose leaders were killed, would have a stabilized order. To her surprise, Zuleika had managed to escape the final battle, not without returning in bad shape. Zuleika had mentioned she had wanted to cut free from Strahd's grasp years ago, but Kiril had prevented this by betraying Emil. When Emil was freed he realised how much the werewolves depended on Strahd's aid. Now that Strahd is gone Zuleika mentioned the pack would travel to the Sword Coast to make a new, dependent, home for themselves.   Soon after, Nemeia and Blaire travelled to the Vineyard south of the Werewolf Den. Blaire spent the entire time learning about the Martikov's history with great intrigue. When Bunny arrived they were filled with questions about a place named Thay. Blaire promised to give Bunny a map to Thay when they'd get to Neverwinter.   ''The Red Wizards, also known as the Red Wizards of Thay, are the notorious and nefarious ruling class of the inhospitable but well-inhabited country of Thay. Historically they owed their power to being demonologists and arcane experimenters, before most of their numbers wholly dedicated themselves into creating a nation of undead.''    
Zachriel and Xavier
Zachriel and Xavier spent the month together, trying to make up for the time they'd lost. They rebuilt their home in the Village of Barovia.

Rising Action

Due to their experience with interplanar travel, Blaire offered a job at the Keepers of the Feather in Neverwinter to each partymember. Now with Barovia free, it became clear that so many other domains were still hidden away in the mists, detached from other words. The main difference being that Barovia had detached itself many years ago instead of it being separated since the beginning of its creation. There is very little information currently known about these other domains, but now that Barovia has been freed the KotF expect this to have been the opening for other domains to seek contact.  
From what they've seen so far, there are many books describing different creatures and plants from different domains, it's Nemeia's job to figure out information and create a database of knowledge regarding these creatures.  
Bunny's job is to discover possible ''Mist Talismans'' on their journey. The KotF have a theory that a Mist talisman is a nonmagical object, akin to a dowsing rod or a lodestone, that resonates with the unique nature of the domain where it originates, allowing the creature holding it to find a path through the Mists to that domain. An example of this is The Symbol of Ravenkind.   
Fenler and Emelia
There are thousands of books that possibly mention interplanar and interdimensional travel, it'll be Fenler's job to expand the KotF's collection on these topics and to search the lands for more information.    
Zachriel and Xavier
Zachriel and Xavier are offered a job where they get to explore the entire world, looking for possible cracks in between planes.  


Letters from Rudolph

Dear Nemeia,   As you became aware many years ago for you, many of my good friends have suffered as a consequence of my presence. My Ingrid, my Erasmus, at the epicentre of this curse. Now that my dutiful pursue to destroy the devil has been finalized, I am no longer able to remain in contact, so consider this paper my last form of communication with you.   Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, but the person. If this is true, I lived entire lifetimes at home with the people I loved, and spent another lifetime getting to meet all of you in Barovia. You made an old man as bitter as me rethink many aspects of my life and the choices that came with them.   Make it your duty to live, to share, and most importantly, pass on this influence of yours. It's a rare one.   Your old friend, Rudolph
Zachriel von Holtz,   A wise man once said that even if the darkest nights may fall, the next day will never seek to fail and smother this darkness with light. Men like us are useless without someone to find within the darkness. All elements of your body were forged many, many millions of years ago and scattered across the desolations of the many worlds. When you find someone that is so special just remember that the universe made you to be together. One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.   Never be cruel. Never be cowardly.   Rudolph van Richten
My dearest Emelia and Fenler,   When you're a kid, they tell you life is growing up, getting a job, getting married, get a house, maybe get a kid, and that's it. However, you managed to find the truth behind this scheme called life. The world is much stranger than that. It's so much darker, and so much madder. And so much better.   If it were in my power I would stay, unfortunately it is not my power which pushes me forward. This unspoken grief which once whispered of revolution, a song of tomorrow which seemed to never come, has finally reached its verse. As these songs quietly rise up into the unending air of the universe, I dare ask for forgiveness of those around me that have gone, yet it is me who remains alive.   The voices which sang about tomorrow lay halted within these walls, as for them tomorrow never came. Fenler and Emelia, it has been your persistence and strength which reminded me of my duty and my driving force in this world, and for this I want to thank you.    A straight line may be the shortest distance between you and your destination, but it is by no means the most interesting. Due to your help, this world is now able to move forward. Pain and loss define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it's a world or a relationship. Everything has its time, and everything has to end.   - Rudolph & Erasmus van Richten
Bunny,   When one is running it can feel like an unending marathon. However, you cannot run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies, but not every day. There are some days where someone stands up, fulfilling this innate feeling of protecting what is right, even though they may not know where this feeling comes from.    Even though many questions will have probably risen up inside of you, boiling to be let out remember that we all change. We're all different people through our lives, which is a good thing. Moving on is okay, as long as you remember the people that you used to be.   You got a fresh start, something many of us have begged for in our darkest hour. Make the universe proud like you did me.   Rudolph van Richten.
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