Strahd von Zarovich Character in Toril | World Anvil

Strahd von Zarovich

Strahd von Zarovich is the cold, heartless, no-nonsense ruler of Barovia and all its inhabitants. Not much is known about the man himself, but it has been made clear he is not someone you can mess around with.  


Welcome to Barovia

He has taken interest in the party and has given them a proper welcome including a welcome note and a giftbasket including the following:
  • Potion of B(e)ardic Inspiration
  • Potion of Beauty
  • Potion of Confidence
  • Potion of Crickets
  • Potion of Dated Invisibility
  • Potion of Demonic Entity
  • Potion of Favouritism
  • Potion of Pide
  • Potion of Jack-seeing
  • Potion of Smelling

    Dinner at Castle Ravenloft

    After they had parted with Gimble Nimble, lost Jakior de Onverschrokken and Ocarym Noccr, and said goodbye to Rark. The party got an invitation to Castle Ravenloft for a luxurious dinner on Strahd's behalf.   During this dinner a fight broke out and Arti Fischer hit Strahd in the face. As Strahd was about to punish him, Ezmeralda D'Avenir jumped in his way as was killed.  

    The Trade

    After Arti Fischer had abducted Ireena Kolyana from The Village of Krezk, he encountered Strahd whom gave him an offer: Give Ireena Kolyana to him, and get anything you want in return. Arti Fischer gave in and wished for Ezmeralda D'Avenir back in trade for Ireena Kolyana and indirectly his own life.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early life

    In life, Strahd von Zarovich was a count, a prince, a soldier, and a conqueror. After the death of his father, King Barov, Strahd waged long, bloody wars against his family’s enemies. He and his army cornered the last of these enemies in a remote mountain valley before slaying them all. Strahd named the valley Barovia, after his deceased father, and was so struck by its scenic beauty that he decided to settle there. Queen Ravenovia lamented the death of Barov and was fearful of Strahd. War had made him cold and arrogant. She kept her younger son, Sergei, away from the battlefield. Strahd envied the love and attention his mother visited upon his brother, so in Barovia he remained. Peace made Strahd restless, and he began to feel like his best years were behind him. Unwilling to go the way of his father, Strahd studied magic and forged a pact with the Dark Powers of the Shadowfell in return for the promise of immortality.  

    Conquering Barovia

    Strahd scoured his conquered lands for wizards and artisans, brought them to the valley of Barovia, and commanded them to raise a castle to rival the magnificent fortresses of his ancestral homeland. Strahd named the castle Ravenloft, after his mother, to demonstrate his love for her. When it was complete, Strahd commanded his mother and brother to come to Barovia and stay with him. Sergei eventually took up residence at Ravenloft, but Ravenovia passed away while traveling to her namesake. In sorrowful disappointment, Strahd sealed his mother’s body in a crypt beneath the castle.  

    True Love

    Strahd’s attention soon turned to Tatyana, a young Barovian woman of fine lineage and remarkable beauty. Strahd believed her to be a worthy bride, and he lavished Tatyana with gifts and attention. Despite Strahd’s efforts, she instead fell in love with the younger, warmer Sergei. Strahd’s pride prevented him from standing in the way of the young couple’s love until the day of Sergei and Tatyana’s wedding, when Strahd gazed into a mirror and realized he had been a fool. Strahd murdered Sergei and drank his blood, sealing the evil pact between Strahd and the Dark Powers. He then chased Sergei’s bride-to-be through the gardens, determined to make her accept and love him. Tatyana hurled herself off a castle balcony to escape Strahd’s pursuit, plunging to her death. Treacherous castle guards, seizing the opportunity to rid the world of Strahd forever, shot their master with arrows.  


    Strahd did not die. The Dark Powers honored the pact they had made. The sky went black as Strahd turned on the guards, his eyes blazing red. He had become a vampire. After slaughtering the guards, Strahd saw the faces of his father and mother in the thunderclouds, looking down upon him and judging him. He had destroyed the family bloodline and doomed all of Barovia.  


    In this act, he castle and the valley were spirited away, locked in a demiplane surrounded on all sides by deadly fog. For Strahd and his people, there would be no escape.  

    Current Situation

    Strahd has been the master of Ravenloft for centuries now. Since becoming a vampire, he has taken several consorts—none as beloved as Tatyana, but each a person of beauty. All of them he turned into vampire spawn. Although he feeds on the hapless souls of Barovia, they provide little nourishment and no comfort.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Strahd believes that the key to his escaping Barovia lies in finding someone worthy to rule in his stead, but his arrogance are so indomitable that no one is ever good enough in his eyes. He believes in his cold heart that only a von Zarovich as great as he or his father could sway the Dark Powers to release him.


    Contacts & Relations


    Wouldn't even know what to do after she got out of Barovia.
    Mentioned that she likes having Vasili von Holz around
    Told Vasili von Holz that Baba Lysaga is dead
    Told Vasili von Holtz that he has given a much better welcome than Strahd had.
    Saw Vasili von Holtz acting distraught near Sergei's tomb in Castle Ravenloft.
    Noticed Vasili von Holtz acting weird around the Fountain of Fortune (because he saw the Sunsword)




    Noticed Vasili von Holtz acting weird around the Fountain of Fortune (because he saw the Sunsword)


    Social Aptitude

    Strahd believes his soul is lost to evil. He feels neither pity nor remorse, neither love nor hate. He doesn’t suffer anguish or wallow in indignation. He believes, and has always believed, that he is the master of his own fate. When he was alive, Strahd could admit to letting his emotions get the better of him from time to time. Now, as a vampire, he is more monster than man, with barely a hint of emotion left. He is above the concerns of the living. The only event that occasionally haunts him is the death of Tatyana, but his view of the past is bereft of romance or regret. In his mind, her death couldn’t have been prevented, and what is done cannot be undone.   In life, Strahd lived to conquer. In undeath, he conquers still—not realms, but people, driving good souls to become corrupt and destroying those who won’t yield. Characters who try to appeal to Strahd’s humanity will be gravely disappointed, because there is little humanity left in him. If they ask Strahd why he’s preying on Ireena Kolyana, he tells them that Ireena’s body is the host for Tatyana’s soul, and Tatyana’s soul belongs to him.   Strahd can be seductive and subtle when he chooses to be, especially if a person is clever or attractive. Men and women of beauty and cunning amuse Strahd for a time—playthings to possess or discard as he desires.

    Current Location
    Circumstances of Birth
    Strahd was raised by Baba Lysaga.
    Circumstances of Death
    Instead of his death, he turned into an immortal vampire.
    Ruled Locations

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