Toril Slaying the dread lord of Barovia, Strahd von Zarovich
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Slaying the dread lord of Barovia, Strahd von Zarovich



After agreeing to remove a band of gypsies that have made camp infront of the gates of Daggerford, a hand-full of adventureres consisting of the human fighter Pádraig, the deep gnome Mark and the human rouge Grimbald Belmont end up joining said group of wanderes, to travel back to their homeland together to meet a person named Madam Eva. After arriving in Barovia the small group is faced with an enourmus amount of tasks to bring the dread lord of Barovia, Count Strahd von Zarovich to his knees and free the lands of the all engulfing mist. Two more adventurers later join the group, a nearly 12 year old human warlock called Alva van L'ampariot and the human ranger Levant Ashnazai. Together they set off to overcome every challenge the vampire lord tasked them with, and with their strenght, convictions and incredible stubbornness combined they loosened the counts grip on the land and forced him to restart the cycle after ejecting the group out of Barovia.

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