Toril Era of Heroes Timeline
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Era of Heroes

  • 17600

    The First Sundering

    The First Sundering (sometimes simply the Sundering) or Ever'Sakkatien (as called by the Tel-quessir) was a High Magic ritual cast by the greatest elven high mages of the Tel-quessir during the period of the First Flowering, around −17,600 DR. The ritual resulted in the creation of the isle of Evermeet, but also resulted in widespread disaster that destroyed or altered much of Faerûn and might even be the cause of much of the non-uniformity of the Weave throughout the continent. Ever'Sakkatien was somehow connected to the later Second Sundering, an event that took place in the 1480s DR, and with the Tearfall, which took place in −31,000 DR.

  • 1358 DR

    1384 DR

    Time of Troubles

    The Time of Troubles was precipitated by an attempt by the gods Bane and Myrkul to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity Ao. Angry at the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord Ao relegated every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on the earth. The immediate effects of this edict were threefold. First, divine magic (spells granted to clerics by their patron deities) ceased to function altogether unless the cleric was within one mile of their deity's avatar. Second, arcane magic (a force channeled from the Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable. Third, the characteristically immortal and aloof deities were now vulnerable (though still devastatingly powerful) and dwelling among the civilizations of Faerûn.

  • 1359 DR

    The dragon god Bahamut recovers his divine status

    Bahamut regains his status as a deity after Gareth Dragonsbane plants the Tree-Gem and mortals begin to worship the platinum dragon once more.

  • 1360 DR

    Defeat of the Tuigan horde
    Military action

    The Tuigan horde is defeated by the army assembled by King Azoun Obarskyr IV.

  • 1361 DR

    Discovery of Maztica
    Discovery, Exploration

    Cordell discovers the continent of Maztica. The Maztican city of Ulatos is taken over by Amnian forces.

  • 1362 DR

    Coup d'etat in Thay

    Maligor, Zulkir of Alteration of the Red Wizards of Thay, attempts a failed coup d'etat.

  • 1363 DR

    Mezro reappears

    The ancient city of Mezro reappears in Chult.

  • 1365 DR

    Talos interferes with the worship of the Earthmother

    Talos, god of destruction, attempts to replace worship of the Earthmother of the Moonshae Isles with that of the Faerûnian pantheon.

  • 1385 DR

    1395 DR

    The Spellplague

    The Spellplague, called the Blue Breath of Change by the inhabitants of Abeir, was a disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves on Tarsakh 29 of the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during which arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.

  • 1480 DR

    Mystra's Return

    The Weave was resurrected with the goddess and magic became what it was before the Spellplague, though some areas with lingering effects from it remained.

  • 1481 DR

    Rediscovering the long lost Wave Echo Cave
    Technological achievement

    A small band of adventurers consisting of the aarakocra ranger Sireus, the human sorcerer Dianos and the human fighter Signum rediscover the long lost Wave Echo Cave and it's legendary Forge of Spells.

  • 1482 DR

    1487 DR

    The Second Sundering

    The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abeir, was a great catastrophic event in the history of the worlds of Abeir and Toril, that took place during the decade of the 1480s DR. When Ao the Overgod destroyed the Tablets of Fate at the conclusion of the Time of Troubles, he instigated the Era of Upheaval. The Tablets defined the laws of Realmspace and kept it relatively stable. Without them, chaos ensued and the worlds of Abeir and Toril, separated many thousands of years ago, slowly started to overlap. The Spellplague drastically sped up this process.   The Second Sundering started with Ao's decision to recreate the Tablets of Fate, and to separate the worlds of Abeir and Toril once more. The deities were unsure of what this would do to them and their power, and made efforts using their most powerful servants to prepare for that event.   The Second Sundering was somehow connected to the First Sundering that took place around −17,600 DR, when an elven High Magic ritual went both forward and backward in time to create Evermeet; and with a prehistoric cataclysm known as the Tearfall, that took place in −31,000 DR.

  • 1491 DR

    Slaying the dread lord of Barovia, Strahd von Zarovich

    After agreeing to remove a band of gypsies that have made camp infront of the gates of Daggerford, a hand-full of adventureres consisting of the human fighter Pádraig, the deep gnome Mark and the human rouge Grimbald Belmont end up joining said group of wanderes, to travel back to their homeland together to meet a person named Madam Eva. After arriving in Barovia the small group is faced with an enourmus amount of tasks to bring the dread lord of Barovia, Count Strahd von Zarovich to his knees and free the lands of the all engulfing mist. Two more adventurers later join the group, a nearly 12 year old human warlock called Alva van L'ampariot and the human ranger Levant Ashnazai. Together they set off to overcome every challenge the vampire lord tasked them with, and with their strenght, convictions and incredible stubbornness combined they loosened the counts grip on the land and forced him to restart the cycle after ejecting the group out of Barovia.

    More reading
    The valley of Barovia
  • 1496 DR


    Freeing Barovia from its eternal shackles
    Discovery, Exploration

    Once again, a group of adventurers wander, involuntarily, into the lands of Barovia. The group, consisting of the two dragonborns Sketh Randun and Dorax, Whisp, the genasi cleric and the two bards Evanor Von Kücken and Valan Carlen make their way through this strange and dreary landscape. Once again count Strahd von Zarovich decides to entertain himself with the group of adventurers, following their every step either through his servants or as his alter ego Vasili von Holtz. After countless ordeals that left the city of Vallaki in partial ruins and the Vistani encampment nearby completely obliterated the group decided to accept the vampires invitation to dinner. Strahd von Zarovich offered the group some sort of alliance against an entity from a far away realm that constantly tried to invade upon Barovia, weakening the counts grasp of his own lands. After much deliberation the group decided to slay Strahd with his brothers sword, and by doing so they lured out the entity lurking beneath. As an encounter with the entity from the far realm was no longer avoidable they decided to tackle the threat head on and, in the end, emerge victorious. However, their companion, Sketh Randun was slain by the fiendish creature and already at deaths door. With the help of the Archmagus Mordenkainen they just barely managed to pull him back to the world of living. With Strahd slain and the entity banished Barovia was finally freed from its shackles and appeared to the east of Daggerford within the Misty Forest.

    More reading
    The valley of Barovia
  • 1496 DR


    The nordic pantheon expands its sphere of influence
    Religious event

    After the Reflection of the King was banished from Barovia by the tempest cleric Whisp, the nordic pantheon started to expand its sphere of influence in the lands of Toril.

    More reading
    The valley of Barovia
  • 1496 DR


    The Blades of the Swordcoast was founded

    Valan Carlan and his friend Dorax founded the Blades of the Swordcoast with its base in the Village of Barovia.

  • 1497 DR

    Destroying the Soul Monger
    Disaster / Destruction

    A powerful necromantic artifact, the Soulmonger, created by the lich Acererak, caused the Deathcurse, a wasting disease that slowly kills anyone who’s ever been raised from the dead and prevents anyone who has died from being raised, their souls then forever lost as they were consumed by the Soulmonger.
    The former adventurer, Syndra Silvane, hired two very different groups of adventurers to rid the realm of this terrible disease that was afflicting her and many others. Her sources have tracked the Soulmonger to the ancient jungles of Chult.
    The parties had an objective, a deadline—Silvane is slowly dying, so each day the parties spend exploring brings her closer to permanent death—and a sprawling expanse of dangerous wilderness stands in their way

    More reading
  • 1498 DR

    Quelling the Sahuagin threat
    Military action

    After working smaller jobs for the city council of Saltmarsh, a mercenary group led by the half-orc sorcerer Éibhear Dorn assisted in an assault on a Sahuagin stronghold. Éibhears crew consistsed of the orc monk Bor'ak, the kobold warlock Katschak, the human cleric Maria Winzer and her trusty alpaca Waffles, the dwarf barbarian Tharos Blutbart and the goliath fighter Tennir. As a last ditch effort, the Sahuagin attempted to summon their deity, Sekolah, to fend of the invading forces. However, with enemy forces right at their doorstep, the ritual failed and a gigantic serpent was summoned instead. Clerics of the nordic pantheon claim that the summond serpent was Jörmungandr, the world serpent himself. With their strenght and weaponry combined, the allied forces managed to slay the serpent and force the remaining Sahuagin to abandon their stronghold and flee into the depths of the trackless sea.

  • 1501 DR

    1502 DR


    Dragonheist in Waterdeep
    Civil action