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Aurthum Stonechaser Geanigano

Fang Aurhtum Stonechaser Geangio

h who was once a soldier, he lived an honest life protecting those smaller than him. He fell in love one day with a small female Orc who worked in the mines of his city and they had a child, Honse. One day the city fell under siege and Aurtham took his family and fled. During the commotion, Aurtham and his wife and child were separated, for many years, Aurtham spent his time searching for his lost family.  
Aurthum     3/1/1: Aurhtum continues to look out for son and wife but he is getting more worried as he is running out of funds. He is looking for a job to do that requires some travelling.   3/2/1: Aurhtum gets hired by Gundren to help out the other adventurers when they need their help.   3/5/1: Aurthum attempts to find them with no luck so decides to head to Conyberry a nearby settlement as it was around the general area where he could have left Honse.   3/13/1: Aurthum hears murmurs of a group of adventurers heading to the Old Owl Well, he goes towards there. It is night and he sees wolves attacking two people and he sees it is Gogo and Amber he quickly fends off the wolves and saves them carrying them back to the inn.   3/15/1: The Party arrives at Connyberry and Aurthum sets them at the Inn, They have breakfast and tells Woodsman the innkeeper to inform Isac and Phalux that the group will head back to Phandalin to meet Gundren. Aurthum joins the group as he is looking for his son Honse. Aurthum initially stays to see Isac to confirm Honse's death. Once Aurthum realized Isac was telling the truth he followed the adventurers back to Phandalin.   3/17/1: Aurthum arrives at Phandalin and the place looks like a wreck, things are engulfed in flames Aurthum meets with Amber and Phalux. Aurthum and Phalux go and help out Barthren in Barthrens provisions. Bartrhen told Phalux that Gundren was kidnapped. Gobey steps in and tells Phalux and Aurthum that he was most likely taken to the Cragmaw hideout as thats where Sildar went. Aurhtum, Phalux and Gobey go to the Cragmaw hideout.   3/18/1: Aurthum, Gobey, and Phalux murder more wolves. when they run into orcs, these orcs tell the group that they are held at Wyvern Tor. Gobey hides for a bit while the Phalux fucks an Orc Female. Gobey, convinces the orcs to give the location to Wyvern Tor.   3/19/1: Gobey, Aurthum, Phalux head to Cragmaw castle. They take down two goblins on guard and they feed some of the wolves. They fall for the flood trap and they get swept away. Gobey, Aurthum and Phalux have a hard fought battle, Gobey witnesses Aurthum get shot and Phalux yells at Gobey to get help and run. Gobey escapes and runs away Phalux gets captured along with Aurthum.   3/20/1: Aurhtum and Phalux wake up to a goblin who introduces himself as Yemeek. He offers them to go kill a bugbear for their freedom. He wants to rule the Cragmaws and cannot do it if the bugbear Brughor is still alive. Phalux and Aurthum get chained up on the wall beside Sildar who also got chained up.   3/21/1: Amber, Gogo, Pippy and Gobey came back for Aurthum, Phalux and Sildar, they kill multiple goblins and Yemeek escapes. The squad is reunited once again. Sildar tells the group that Gundren is still not found and that he knows the secret about Wave Echo Cave and the group needs to find him asap. The party is extremely hurt and need to rest so they setup a barricade in the holding room and rest as much as they can. In the middle of the night Aurthum takes watch and he gets jumped and downed.   3/22/1: Squad wakes up and attempt to find Aurthum, Sildar, and Phalux's stuff, as they do not have anything on them. The Cragmaws have set an ambush outside of the hideout. The ambush is a group of goblins along with Yemik, two ogres and the leader, a huge wolf and a bugbear named Brughor. Phalux gets shot down quick by the goblins and leaves him unconscious. Aurthum knocks out multiple Goblins but eventually is knocked out by the Cragmaw leader Brughor. The whole squad is reunited and they even make an ogre friend who will surrender and take them to the ogre hideout where Gundren may be. Isac, Amber, Gogo, Pippy, Phalux, Aurthum, Sildar, two wolves, and the Ogre rest and prepare to head to Wyvern Tor.   3/23/1: The squad are still hurt but they are rested and head to Phandalin   3/24/1: They arrive at Phandalin late and so they get a room at the stables of the Inn since the Inn was burnt. Aurthum and Amber head to Barthrens Provisions who is fixing up his shop. Barthren and Aurthum make really good friends.   3/25/1: Sildar procures horses for everybody to travel to Wyvern Tor, everybody heads to Wyvern Tor. The orcs of Wyvern Tor have beef with Isac as he is wearing the blackhawks Armor so he is challeged to a fight by the Orcs leader. Isak wins and the orcs allow refuge within Wyvern Tor as long as they kill an Ogre within the cave. the squad disposes of the Ogre and then the party asks about Gundren. The Orcs reply that Gundren is most likely in Cragmaw Castle as that is the actual headquarters of the goblins. The wherabouts of Cragmaw Castle are unknown but one who would know is Reindoth, a druid who is currently in Thundertree. The party decides it is time to go there so they get some shut eye before heading out. During the Night spiders attack Wyvern Tor, the party tries their best to escape unfortunately all of the orcs and both of the pet wolves the party had perished. The party barely made it out alive with only Isac, Sildar and Arthum being Conscious. Aurhum notices a doppleganger shape shift from an Ogre back to its doppleganger form.   3/26/1: After resting in the woods the party decides to go to Old Owl Well one last time since it is so close to where they are, as they can pay respect to Honse. Aurthum opens up the burial where honse is resting and then Aurthum goes into a rage state after seeing his son dead. his Blind rage forces the party to sit him down and make sure he chills. The party stays at Old Owl Well for the day. Phalux is able to slay him.   3/27/1: Everybody gets ready and starts heading out to the Ruins of Thundertree. Before doing so they decide to visit Phandalin one more time   3/28/1: They make a quick pitstop at Phandalin. Then they head straight to Thundertree. The party heads to Thundertree and engage in combat with wolves and then as the party rests for the night they are awoken by a couple of bugbears who they too dispose of.   3/29/1: The group encounters an owlbear on their way to Thundertree and they successfully avoid it. Amber gets too tired after avoiding and hiding from the Owlbear she decides to stay behind and catch up with the group later. The rest of the party fights through Thundertree as there is a bunch of twig blights and ghouls in Thundertree. Eventually the group find Reindoth and Reindoth makes a compromise to the the group that he will help out in telling the whereabouts of Cragmaw Castle but they need to oust the dragon and the dragon cult that resides in Thundertree. The party agrees. They rest before venturing further.   3/30/1: The party goes through thundertree to look for the cultists. They fight through a bunch of Twig Blights and Spiders. They finally are able to find the cultists and they agree they will negotiate with the dragon in thundertree to gain their favor. Amber is the only one allowed inside the base of the dragon cultists and she speaks to the leader and convinces the leader to send a group of them to help find a pendant which could possibly turn the dragon in their favour, the leader agrees. The party also splits up into 3 groups to find the pendant. Gogo is with Pippy and Aurthum as they go into a room with a bunch of carpets that underneath them have levers. Those levers end up changing things for Isac and Phalux which eventually gets them stuck on a roof. The levers also move a statue from the town square revealing a staircase. After Phalux and Isac is saved, Aurthum goes to speak with the dragon cultists again. As Aurthum is heading back with the cultist a huge roar can be heard. Aurthum and the cultist run towards the dragon. The cultist get pissed and a fight happens. The cultist are defeated. the party goes back to Reindoth to get advice the Group spend the night coming up with stratagies on how to get rid of the Dragon as Reindoth will not fork any info over unless the dragon is pushed out.   4/1/1: The group goes back to Reindoth and asks for advice, he tells the group killing the dragon is unnecessary and they have to find a way to just get it to leave. The squad gets prepared and gets ready to head to the castle to get rid of the dragon. Gobey's role was to stand back with Aurthum and Sildar and await further instructions. Out of nowhere a poison breath fills the room they are in. Sildar perishes from inhaling too much of the poison Gobey barely survives and makes a break for it. Aurhtum also almost dies and breaks for it. He goes towards a house south. Eventually, the dragon brings down the house in front of Aurthum. Aurthum is able to talk out of the fight against the dragon. The Dragon flew away and vowed to return. The group went back to Reindoth who told them how to get to Cragmaw castle. Aurhtum finds out Sildar and Gobey have died.   4/2/1: Pippy, Aurthum, and Gogo, being to weak from the dragon fight, decide to stay and rest at Reindoths.   4/5/1: Aurthum arrives at Castle, Amber foils his plan, They escape to break back in, Aurhtum witnesses Phalux getting abducted, Owlbear escapes chases Gogo, Pippy and Aurthum away, Aurthum sleeps.   4/6/1: As Gogo, Pippy, and Aurthum were about to go back to Cragmaw Castle, Phalux comes out of nowhere and tells the group that King Grol negotiated with him to entrap the squad so they have to go carefully. They split up and Phalux and Aurhtum get defeated by a priest named Lupho. Aurthum gets dragged to King Grol as he sets up his execution.   4/7/1: Aurthum falls into a deep sleep for a couple of days.   4/9/1: Aurthum wakes up and sees that he is missing his comrade Phalux and meets Maldron. He also hears about the death of Gogo and the party head to Phandalin to mourn the death of Gogo Thornt.   4/10/1: The Squad mourns over Gogo's death. Amber cries. Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, Pippy, and Amber head to the Wave Echo Cave. Within the mines they find Glasstaff and Rumple. They engage in combat with Amber killing Glasstaff and Pippy killing Rumple. They see the dead body of Thundren. Amber cries once again and mourns over her fallen cousin. The Squad then gets deeper into the dark cave where they eventually fight a group of bugbears, it is a very tough fight and there were many close calls but everyone came out alive. They take refuge within the room and use this oppurtunity to rest. This fails however as real loud knocking comes from the other door. They all get out and start fighting a flameskull with some undead. The party are very weak so they switftly retreated out of the Cave and will come back after recovering some of their energy.   4/11/1: The party after being well rested returned to the cave in which they fought the Flameskull again, Maldron took a tooth out of the Flameskull. The party met a spectator and the spectator told the party to leave as there was a Wraith bothering him and he is starting to get upset, Amber foolishly threatens the spectator however the spectator forgives them and just wants Amber to leave his sight. The party then begin to fight with Mormesk a Wraith who wants to protect his riches and treasure. The Party fights it and it is a tough fight and many people almost die but they eventually kill the Wraith. Amber after a huge fight and constant healing crashes straight on one of the beds in Mormesk's room   4/12/1: The party gets awoken by a screaming frog named George Floyd. He tells the group it is time to get up and get to getting treasure. the party welcomes this frog. Amber stays behind and tends to Aurthum who is sick.   4/13/1: Amber joins back with the party who then go fight stirges with a new member called Midir Amber also finds out that George Floyd died and it was because she was not there to heal. Pippy then came up with the same sickness as Aurthum so he rested with Amber too.   4/14/1: The party heads to speak with the spectator again to see if they can have access to the magical items within its keep. the spectator gets upset but brings up how if they find the Wizard and the Wizard allows access to the keep they can go through. The Wizard was named Gond. The party eventually finds Gond deep in a lake inside the cavern and he is dead. The party takes dead wizard to the spectator who negotiates access to Maldron. Maldron gets magical items and gives Lightbringer a mace to fight the undead to Amber. They head on out to fight Nezznar but first they need to kill bugbears and two dopplegangers. they split up and Amber heads with Maldron and Pippy to use ranged attacks. They kill the dopplegangers and two bugbears escape but there is a clearing for Nezznars chamber. The party consisting of Amber, Pippy, Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, and Midir, go and fight the Black Spider. They walked into a room with four giant spiders and two bugbears. the fight is really tough and so Amber casts her first healing spell which instantly gets counterspelled. Nezznar comes from behind her telling her to leave at once and he will let them live. Amber refuses and runs away. They fight long and hard with only Amber and Pippy being up, Pippy fires an arrow straight through Nezznars neck. killing him. Nezznar was about to kill Isac, Midir, and Aurthum and Pippy saves them. Amber heals the remaining squad noticing Maldron is nowhere to be seen. Amber gets the key on Nezznars person and opens the last door revealing Nundro Rockseeker. Nundro and Amber have an emotional moment. Aurthum gets 2% profits from the mine Preparations begin for a town vote on whether or not to keep Harbin Webster as the current town mayor. He gets ready and sets up polls in the town hall. Elections start in 5 days. Citizens of Phandalin can vote.   4/18/1: Narth went to Barthrens Provisions to get some supply and there he meets up with Aurthum and Throod there he tells them about the job and how grateful he is for the oppurtunity and since Aurthum is his boss now he respects him. He tells aurthum about some dedication etchings on the wall and Aurthum recognizes that those markings are Honse's. Aurthum requests Narth to make etchings of the wall and gives it to Aurthum.   4/19/1: Aurhtum votes against Harbin as he believes it is time for fresh new change.   4/21/1: Aurthum joins the Zentharim and dedicates himself to secrecy and the cause of Halia   4/22/1: Aurthum gives advice to Toblin about the new Inn and gives him his take. Toblin gives Aurthum a 7 day Bed and Breakfast on the new Inn.   4/25/1: Sister Garele visits Aurthum and tries to convince him to vote for her but it fails, Aurthum decides to vote for Halia.   5/4/1: Through Halias help and influence Halia is able to Locate Throod. Aurthum is very grateful to Halia and so is Thruud. They both live together in Phandalin   5/25/1: Halia arrives at Neverwinter and heads back home to Phandalin to announce her Election. She contacts Nezznar to ensure through magic that elections are rigged and VP will get announced as Throod. Halia brought Aurthum into the Zentharim so it should be easy to influence her. She contacts Aurthum to let Amber know that she is the going to be the head of relations she gives Aurthum a teleportation rune and links it to Eli. He uses it and Teleports to Moonshaes as they are all asleep. He watches the party dillignetly wondering where Phalux is   5/26/1: Aurthum decides to wait and kills some remaining bugbears and Hobgoblins outside the temple. and awaits for the party to arrive to the temple.   5/28/1: The rest of the party are exhausted and saddened. They go out to rest outside. They meet an adventurer named Zephyr that is curious with the earth mother temples, he joins them. Also meets Aurthum Amber runs and hugs him crying saying Phalux died, aurthum calms her down and he heard about it, that’s why he came to help. Amber is a bit more at ease. The party rests.   5/30/1: They go out and they see all the goblins were slain and a Dragonborne named Boutou he is harsh and mean and killed them all and he is pissed they want to know who killed his cousin he fights the party as he assumes they killed Naga his cousin. The group knocks out Boutou and tells him to calm down that Naga was a good friend of theirs and they didnt kill him htose goblins did. Boutou decides to join the group as its his cousins Nagas quest. The party heads back home where they see a note by Rotnog saying to meet at Olafstaad. On there way there they travel north to Caer Calidyr and they fight some Yu anti and Grung saves and they mention to Lustrous of The way of the Floyd Monks training north. this is his brothers fighting style. They arrive to Caer Calidyr.   6/1/1: Party arrives to Caer Calidyr   6/2/1: Party leaves north and they fight some flower creeper it explodes and creates undead, they run away. They fight a wraith in the night.   6/3/1: Party keeps heading north and they find an area with wolves Vyn convinces them to chill out and they do but they say there is an Owl bear in their lair they go and kill that owlbear. Party then stumbles onto a temple to Ambers godess there she has to fight her fears and go in, Amber gets to a room where it upgrades her warhammer. Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr, fight a bunch of sentinals Amber is really happy and leaves the temple with glee. Party arrives at Blackstone but Amber leaves and goes get rest. Vyn, Aurthum and Zephyr see a bunch of protesters yelling "no ore, no more" . They speak to the people and see that they want higher wages of this mine which is owned by a mine tycoon named George Orewell. They go and neogtiate to George. George at first does not care until he hears that Aurthum is an assosciate with Nundro. They sucessfully negotiate for the dwarves and get what they want.   6/4/1: In the morning Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr meet up with Boutou and Lustours. They eventually meetup with Vyn, Zephyr and Aurthum. They visit Aurthums yhounger brother who is a blacksmith. His name is Gronk. They finally get ready and they head to Olafstaad. They head north and fight lions and then they slay a Chimera, they are very hurt so they try to find a place to refuge. They see a knocked over cart that was clearly robbed, they decide not to invistigate and they go straight to olafstaad since Otta pathway is filled with Ogres.   6/5/1: They then fought monitor lizards and they see monks training in the way of the Floyd. Lustorous Floyd, is elated and trains in his brothers fighting form. They pass out since the way of the George Floyd is about losing oxygen.   6/6/1: Vyn wakes up sees Lustours is still asleep, monks tell him they will take care of him, He sees Amber and Binzo there, he goes with them 3 to the inn and see Aurthum got robbed. They torture a goon and kills one to find out thier hideout. They go there and kill them all Guards show up and remember thier faces. Revenge was attained and the party goes to the Inn and rest.   6/7/1: The group whoever is up decides it is best to go check out the tipped over cart on the road as they finally have time. They go to it and find tracks that lead to a dense forest. They find a goblin den. They scout the place for hours, then Vyn decides its time to go in, They infiltrate it and fight, the goblins get the better of Boutou and Boutou passes out. They have a heavy fight and run away. They killed about 75% of that goblin tribe. The party runs away leaving Boutou behind. The party get lost in the forrest and they try to get out. Vyn makes friends with a Crow who wants bird pussy. The crow tells Vyn that their dragon freind is spotted. They recognize it as Boutou. They see Boutou passed out on the ground. it is a gobling ambush. Vyn dies in the fight, Amber revives Vyn using her last diamond. They slay a lot of the goblins Amber passes out from exaustion   6/8/1: Party head to court where because of Vyn speakout and lying attempts the party get charged for Arson. Zephyr, Amber, and Vyn open a bank account. They then head on a ship by rotnog and set sail.   6/10/1: They kill a group of Merfolk   6/11/1: They arrive at Jotunspine and they go to the temple of Sun but there is many cult people and a huge civilian group gathered here. Amber speaks to some people including a fisherman, a child, and an old lady, they also speak to a cult leader. The cult leader believes that human sacrifices is neccsary to consecrate the earth mother temples. And they can only be done through virginity. Amber hurts her back. Amber to go in fakes herself as a virgin so she can be sacrificed. She goes in along with 3 other girls. Hellhounds show up from the temple and Shadow Mastiffs, they fight hard but they get the better of Amber and knock her out. The girls run away.   6/12/1: The party wakes up on the beach groggy and a little bit fucked up, Amber wakes up and gets caught up, she speaks to the old lady and find out more information about the temple of the sun. How it is special compared to the other temples. The temple of the Sun contains a portal to the Spirit of the Wolfs Domain and only if the wolf is released from his prison in the temple of the moon then he can make an appereance at the temple of the sun. They go within the temple of the sun and they fight a Wraith and Deathlocke who was trying to bring the wolf back. They meet the wolf and the wolf Blitzes them and knocks out amber in one go.   6/13/1: Amber wakes the next day saying they were still able to consecrate the temple but the wolf is still there in the other side of the painting waiting for a perfect day to strike. They go back to the boat where the captain Kinglsy Coman tells them that Rotnog sent a carrier pidgeon and wants them to meet up at warlsbury. a little island. The Embark. Amber falls ill.   6/14/1: They head to Warlsbury.   6/17/1: Party arrives at Warlsbury. Captain Kingsley coman says he gonna do some shopping while he’s here. Vyn and Amber go find Rotnog Amber and Phalux go to a bar where they get stew prepared for them as Rotnog is there tells them about the last temple. They hear a huge bang. A ship is shooting cannons towards the small homes. The group that is attacking is the brotherhood of iron. Amber goes to talk to them as the captain tells her to join back and she can take back the mantle of captain. She refuses as a gesture of respect he gives her 10 minutes to evacuate the townspeople as they are coming in the steal everything. Amber is shocked how much the morals of the brotherhood of iron have changed. There is a battle which is a battle of warlsbury there’s death and Amber is said many die and they take the ship of the brotherhood of iron. Vyn is fighting kindly for the the ship the party then sail for the temple of death   6/18/1: Travel for three days   6/21/1: party arrives at the area in Oman and they need to proceed through row boat. They go through row boat they see a group of grung who tells them the formorian are here and they are scary. Eventually Amber, Vyn, boutou and zephyr go into the temple of death. They fight a necromancer named Nepenthe he was working on mastering death like makunga. He got Boutou, Vyn, Amber unconscious, zephyr ran away. Amber got taken prisoner and locked up in a cell with a formorian.   6/22/1: Amber talks to the formorian and his name is Faruk. Amber is nice to it and it’s nice to her. Vyn and gang get there and they offer faruk food but don’t give it gets angry and starts to break its chains. They call it down and it goes out. The party heads to fight one of the death holders which is the death holder of earth, they fight and it’s a heavy battle. The party members barely survive and try to consecrate the last one but can’t. Out of nowhere a fireball is thrown. Aurthum, Vyn and Lustorous fall. Vyn dies at the blade of is friend Zephyr he is angry as he dies   6/23/1: Amber wakes up to a familiar voice and its Phalux. He arrives with Howard who will not leave him alone and wants to find Lusturous. Phalux says Lusturous should be here but when he wakes everyone up they tell him that the night before there was a ton of death and one of those who died was Lusturous. Howard reacts horribly and runs into the forest. Phalux belives it is best if he deals with the tramua on his own. Howard believes his father died. Phalux meets a bard named Mello who came here for Jewles and GP. They all go back and they fight a dark mage named Nepenthe and two skeletons of an elf and Grung. They fought hard, out of nowhere Barney came back and gave a hard slash, injuring and dropping Nepenthe into the moonwell. The party slays him and they consecrate the temple. they decide to head back to Caer Calidyr as their objective is finally complete   6/24/1: They row bow back to the ship and sail back to Caer Calidyr.   7/2/1: The party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the king congratulated the party, he provided noble houses for Phalux, Aurthum, and Amber, he congratulates the other adventureres, Zephyr, Lucha, Mello, Boutou and tells them they are welcome anytime. He provides them with gold. The adventureres hear a thud and King Derid goes to take a look and sees downed guards. Someone was spying on them. He sounds the alarm and they are nowhere to be found. Amber gets a home in Caer Calidyr.   7/11/1: They all arive at Neverwinter, Phalux heads to Yorinth, and Amber and Aurthum head back home to phandalin, Zephyr stays in Neverwinter. Amber and Aurthum are seeing a bunch of statues on their way to phandalin, they inspect futher and see its a Basalisk, they fight it Amber gets petrified as Aurthum swings blindly and kills it. Aurhtum takes Ambers statue home. In phandalin he asks Sister Garele to heal her, she does so   7/18/1: Aurhtum hears of the attacking Basalisks and they are getting worse, Aurthum decides he will handle it as he wants practice fighting with no eye sight. He goes and slays another Basalisk for people.   8/2/1: Isac is expecting the arrivals of his previous allys as he needs to tell them of a calamity that will soon approach the world. He and his allies will be awaiting a message by Agatha, Isac first welcomes Amber to thundertree, then Aurthum, then Midir, then Phalux, then a man named Ghodar Dimm is looking for work and wants to join a party of adventureres. Phalux introduces howard to Isac. Isac hires a rapper named Mello for entertainment for the group. Guards suddenly show up and announce there is a disturbance near thundertree in a cave nearby. The party heads there. Party of Phalux, Aurthum, Amber, Isac Howard, Mello, and Midir head to the cave. On the way there they meetup with a village girl with a meercat. They save her animal from goblins and continue. The party fights some of the dragon cult members. A water wyrm shows up from the cave lake and they fight and slay it. Party heads back to Thundertree. Isac goes to bed and invites the rest of them to sleep in the castle waiting for Agatha. Isac sleeps   8/3/1: A woman visits Aurthum and wants to ask to be Gronks apprentice. Isac decides it is good to have a festival to celebrate everything Thundertree has gone through. They celebrate well with a festival. There is an arm wrestling contest with Isac, Aurthum, Ghodar, and Mello participate. Somehow Mello wins the arm wrestling contest in the finals against Isac. A little girl comes running telling the party that Amber is being attacked in the forest. They run towards Amber who is dying. Party heal Amber. Amber describes Eli's new look. Isac posts posters of Eli. That night Aurthum meets with Eli and Eli tells Aurthum to get out of Thundertree. Aurhtum and Eli both do not know why. Continuing the festival. Howard hits puberty and Mandingus manifests inside him and appears. Mandingus almost rapes Mirna and Amber. Isac fights as much as he can. Phalux ends up making a contract with Mandingus. Here he promises to have 12 children within a year. Mandingus accepts and seals himself. Party rests.   8/4/1: Aurthum, Phalux, Amber head towards Old Owl Well to go visit Honses grave. 8/5/1: Aurthum Amber and Phalux run into Gind a wizard that is looking for Gond in phandalin. The party do not refer who he is talking about but wants to look for him.He is pissed. They then meet Rodolfo Iono. Amber promises Rodolfo a job after he tells her that he could not get work as he got rejected by his latest audition for a jester. she told him to go to Phandalin and meet with her there. They see a red wizard and an unconciouss Truud. Aurthum is pissed. The Red wizard summons 3 Bone kings. They find that Honses body has been moved. Thruud, Isac, and Aurthum are pissed. Thruud says she knows a good rouge named Eli they can hire to get some information on who took honses body. Aurthum, Thruud, Isac and Phalux look for clues where Honses body could have went. Aurthum and Thrud spend a week and more mourning over Honse and filled with rage thinking who could have desecrated his grave. Aurhtum will find out one day. but for now he searches   8/18/1: Aurthum heads his way back to Thundertree   8/19/1: Amber hears the news and heads to Thundertree she vows revenge on Zephyr. Aurthum arrives to Thundertree after looking for Honse. He is updated on everything, The party teleport to Agathas lair where they see it all in flames and destroyed they then set their gaze on a resting dragon and an injured Berun, and Sir Cums A lot. The Dragon then blasts a gas of poison right to Howard and knocks him out. The dragon then has a heated fight against Phalux, Amber, Aurthum, and Ghodar. aurthum climbs on the dragon while the dragon flies up with Amber in its mouth, Phalux is casting spirtual weapon to attack the dragon. Ghodar uses his blood arts to fight the dragon at the feet of the dragon. Ghodar falls from the dragon and knocks out. Amber snipes the dragon with her Guiding Bolt in its mouth and falls, Phalux catches her taking most of the blunt of the fall. The dragon is falling fast and crashes onto Agathas house, Aurthum is hurt in the flames of the fall, Amber heals Ghodar to get him barely up the party gazes up at the scorching trunk home expecting death from both Aurthum and the dragon until a burst of wind and poison gas blows out the flames the dragon appears before them. The dragon continues the fight. He attacks the three, knocks out Phalux and kills amber. Aurthum bursts through the flames and climbs the dragon and begins to gouge his eye out, Aurthum in a fit of rage slashes and slashes the dragon, this however is not enough as the dragon swings aurthum into the air and he plummets to his death. The Dragon beaten, blind in the brink of death continues to rage as Ghodar is the last man standing. Phalux in a state of uncounciousness speaks to mandingus. Mandingus says that Phalux cannot die yet and he will take over, Phalux denies this and tells Mandingus to let fate decide if he lives or dies. Mandingus is told to take over Howard instead. Just when hope was over. Ghodar felt an immense pressue Howard gets a pulse, Mandingus manifests and punches the dragon to the ground causing it heavy harm, this gives Ghodar an opening to slay the dragon. Ghodar has a chance to either save Amber or save Aurthum. In death Aurthum sees his son Honse welcoming to the after life. Knowing Thruud is well taken care of and his friends succeded he decides to finally join his son and be with him. Amber on the other hand speaks with her godess who tells her she lives a true full life. She will be rememberd fondly and that life is also partnered with death. And as a life cleric she must embrace death for what it is. Amber refuses, as a feeling of rage fills her body focuesd on the destruction of Zephyr who caused this mess to begin with. She rejects her godess, and heads back to life. This happens as Ghodar takes Amber to the teleporter, there in Thundertree Agatha revies Amber. Amber feels different she has rejected her vows and is now has Agatha as her patron.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Death
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Fell from a large height after blinding a dragon in the air
Place of Death
Agatha's Grove (Connyberry)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greyish Blue


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