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Phandalin was originally a farming community and a member of Phandelver's Pact, giving them access to the Forge of Spells and the mining operations in Wave Echo Cave. However, when the orcs of the realm of Uruth Ukrypt had destroyed all game in their realm, they went in search of food and turned on the human settlements in the area, raiding them. Phandalin was one of these settlements, and in the Year of the Empty Hourglass, 951 DR, it was overrun and then abandoned. The town remained abandoned for centuries, with no inhabitants save for monsters and the occasional passing ranger making camp in one of the more secure structures. By the mid-to-late 14th century DR, Phandalin was notable as one of the better preserved ruins along the Sword Coast. Visitors were cautioned that although the town's three wells still contained water, one was tainted with an undetectable toxin that was fatal to all but orcs and half-orcs.   Beginning around 1486 DR, settlers from Neverwinter and Waterdeep began resettling the ruins of Phandalin, and the rebuilt town was well-established by the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1491 DR.   Around this time, two challenges befell the town. One was a group of bandits known as the Redbrands, or the Redbrand Ruffians, who settled in Phandalin, making their lair under Tresendar Manor. They committed several terrible acts, such as racketing local businesses, kidnapping over a dozen travelers to sell into slavery, killing the woodcarver Thel Drendar for his defiance, and later kidnapping his family. The other challenge was the appearance of Cryovain, a white dragon who claimed Icespire Hold as his lair and the region around Phandalin as his territory. The dragon terrorized the town and its neighbors, and further displaced orcs and monsters from of the Sword Mountains who likewise threatened Phandalin's safety.   In March of year 1 the Redbrand who terrorized the people of Phandalin were defeated and kicked out by four adventurers. Amber Sweetgrass , Isac Gringle , Gogo Thornt , and Sildar Hallwinter . Later that month tragedy hit when the Cragmaws attacked Phandalin, this was known as The Attack on Phandalin. Many died and many were displaced. It took 2 whole months to recover what is lost but the damage was done to the morale to Phandalin. If it was not for the Rockseeker Corporation who rebuilt everything, people would have been a lot worse.


Circa the 10th century, Phandalin boasted a large community of humans, gnomes and dwarves that prospered thanks to the wonders brought about by the Forge of Spells and Phandelver's Pact. Now it is a village with mostly humans, and halflings.


When Phandalin was first reestablished, it had no real functioning government, and the Phandalin Miner's Exchange began acting as a center of records-keeping for local mining claims. The townsfolk also annually elected a "Townmaster" who served as a judge and mediator as well as kept town records.

Industry & Trade

Phandalin was adjacent to land which was good for farming and ranching, and was near enough to Neverwinter Wood to support a woodcutting and logging industry. Most of the wealth, however, was from mining in the nearby Sword Mountains for gold, platinum, and cold iron.

Points of interest

Stonehill Inn: A modest inn that was run by a short, friendly young human man named Toblin Stonehill. Toblin came from the east of Triboar, seeking opportunity in prospecting like many others. He soon found that he knew more about running an inn than mining, and so he established the inn.   Barthen's Provisions: The biggest trading post in Phandalin, staying open from sunup to sundown. It was run by a lean and balding, middle-aged man with a kindly manner, Elmar Barthen   Edermath Orchard: An orchard field with the simple cottage of a silver-haired half-elf named Daran Edermath. Daran was a retired marshal in the lands of the Dragon Coast. When he retired, he returned to the Neverwinter region, which was his original home.   Lionshield Coster: A weapons and armor supplier owned by the Lionshield Coster. The master of this post was a sharp-tongued woman named Linene Graywind.   Shrine of Luck: A small shrine made of stone from the ruins and Phandalin's only temple, dedicated to Tymora. It was in the care of a zealous young elf Sister Garele   The Sleeping Giant: A rundown, dirty, and dangerous watering hole of a bar, run by a fat dwarf named Grista   Townmaster's Hall: A small building that served as the town's council building. It also housed a small, but serviceable jail in the cellar.   The Smithy: A smith, run by Tyrone Smith


Phandalin was located in the Lost Hills of the Sword Mountains south of Neverwinter Wood. It was northeast of Leilon where the road that ran from the High Road to Triboar faded into a trail. This was a region rich with both natural resources and adventuring opportunities


The climate was temperate with an average yearly rainfall of 18 inches (46 centimeters).


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