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Narth Stonecrusher

Narth was born and raised in the town of Phandalin, in the region of Sword Coast in Faerûn. His family had been living in the town for generations and had always been involved in the mining industry that had made the town prosper. Narth was no exception to this tradition, and he began working in the mines as soon as he was old enough to hold a pickaxe. Despite the dangers of mining, Narth enjoyed the work. He found it satisfying to dig deep into the earth and uncover the precious gems and metals that would eventually make their way to the markets of larger cities. Over time, Narth became one of the most skilled miners in Phandalin, known for his ability to find veins of ore that others had missed.   However, Narth's life changed dramatically when a band of orcs raided the town. The orcs, looking for loot and slaves, attacked Phandalin with brutal force. Many of the town's inhabitants were killed, and those who survived were forced to flee. Narth was among the lucky ones who managed to escape, but he lost everything he had worked for his entire life, including his home, his family, and his job.   Narth wandered the countryside for months, trying to make sense of his new reality. He considered giving up on mining altogether, but the call of the earth was too strong. Eventually, he found his way back to Phandalin, which had been reclaimed by a group of adventurers. They had driven out the orcs and were working to rebuild the town.   With no home or family left, Narth threw himself into the work of rebuilding. He used his mining skills to help clear away the rubble and find new veins of ore to help fund the town's reconstruction. Slowly but surely, he began to find a new purpose in life.   Nowadays, Narth is a respected member of the community, known for his dedication and hard work. He still works as a miner, but he also serves as an advisor to the town's leaders, drawing on his experience and knowledge of the mines to help guide their decisions. While he will never forget the horrors of the orc raid, Narth has found a new family in the people of Phandalin, and he is determined to do everything he can to help them thrive.   3/4/1: Narth who enjoys his meals at the inn, speaks to Isac Gringle and tells him about how Sister Garele came hurt and is concerned about her.   3/7/1: Enjoys a party of the warriors Amber Sweetgrass Sildar Hallwinter Gogo Thornt for ousting the redbrands.   3/15/1: Narth was mining when he got home late to his town and his home being up in flames, this was the aftermath of The Attack on Phandalin. Narth rebuilds his home and hates Harbin Webster for not doing his job and acquiring security.   3/20/1: he gets most of his house rebuilt.   4/17/1: He gets hired as a worker for Rockseeker Corp. and starts to mine   4/18/1: Narth went to Barthrens Provisions to get some supply and there he meets up with Aurthum and Throod there he tells them about the job and how grateful he is for the oppurtunity and since Aurthum is his boss now he respects him. He tells aurthum about some dedication etchings on the wall and Aurthum recognizes that those markings are Honse's. Aurthum requests Narth to make etchings of the wall and gives it to Aurthum.   4/24/1: Narth's group at work found a section of the mine that was made out of precious ore so was unsure if to mine out the ore or if to just buldooze it through so he went to Nundro's office when he overheard a conversation he was having with some hooded figure, he overheard Nundro talking about how necessary will it be to have to take out Amber, knowing he shouldnt be hearing this he quickly runs away.   4/26/1: He tries to talk to amber about what he heard after being followed for days, Amber is sckeptical about him and does not let him in. Narth does not feel safe so he heads striaght home, later that night Halia goes in and kills him in his sleep.


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