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Amber Sweetgrass

Chevall Amber Sweetgrass

Amber Sweetgrass, a Life Cleric who tries her best to follow the teachings of her deity, is best known for her former title as Sergeant in the mercenary band The Brotherhood of Iron, a well known mercenary group known throughout Neverwinter and Mintarn. Amber Sweetgrass was born in Guantlgrym to the leaders of The Silver Sweetgrass Clan. Her family is known for having a long line of clerics, with her family's traditions rooted in the worship of the dwarf goddess of life, light and peace; Berronar Truesilver. From a young age, Amber and her twin sister, Erida, were trained in the ways of the clerics, learning how to channel their divine magic to heal the sick and wounded. Having been born fist, Amber was destined to be next in line to become clan leader, a position she did not want. Deep down, Amber yearned to travel and help those who are in need. So on the day of her coronation, she refused to accept her clan's traditional ring and called forth her younger twin sister, Erida, to accept it instead. Amber spoke out to her people saying that Erida is the best option for she is a gifted dedicated cleric that truly follows Berrnonar Truesilver's teachings better than anyone.   With the refusal of becoming the next clan leader, Amber set off to the North to the city of Mirabar to earn her keep and learn more about the word around her. In order to sustain herself, Amber was able to secure a low paying job as a shop keepers assistant in an armory store. It was not long before she had an life changing encounter with a young male mercenary sergeant by the name of Thoradin who offered her a position within the mercenary group for they were in need of clerics. Amber accepted the invitation and moved to Mintarn, where she spent her time training as a solider for the mercenary band The Brotherhood of Iron.   As time went on, Amber became a Sergeant within the ranks of the Brotherhood of Iron and slowly fell in love with Thoradin. One day, the mercenary company was offered a job to travel to Neverwinter and to become both army and city watch. Amber grew disillusioned with her fellow soldiers, who seemed to enjoy their authority at the expense of the people they were supposed to protect. She was not the only person who felt like this, Thoradin had also confided to Amber that he felt the same. Then there came a day where Amber witnessed a young woman at the mercy of an angered fellow solider who was on the verge of assaulting the woman before him. This was Amber's tipping point for she stepped in before the woman could be hit. This caused a scene and word later then travelled to their leader, Horbir Ironclad, who warned Amber to not cause another scene for they might lose the good opportunity they have been given. Amber apologized and did her best to mind her own business as the days went on. Then one day while she was making her rounds at night, she caught the glimpse of a small boys body slumped on the ground on the side of a tavern. She rushed over and began healing the boy but was then interrupted by a familiar voice, the angered soldier from before, chuckling from behind her saying that the boy deserved it because he had tried to pickpocket him. This caused Amber to draw her warhammer and swing at the man standing before her, mortally wounding him. The commotion caused other's to notice, creating a big scene. The next day, Amber was brought before Horbir Ironclad to determine punishment. Amber was to leave the Brotherhood of Iron but since she was protecting the weak, she was able to keep her insignia. Amber accepted the punishment and decided to leave Neverwinter and travel, but before she left on her journey, the boy she saved had found her and handed to her a dagger as a thankful gesture, stating that the dagger was from the man she killed.   As Amber embarked on her journey, leaving Neverwinter behind her, she happened to stumble upon her three distant cousins, Gundren, Nundro, and Thundren who were travelling in hopes of finding riches. The four companions travelled together for a period of time, until one day Amber decided to take a break from adventures and travel a bit more.   3/1/1: Gundren Rockseeker requests Amber to help deliver some goods and tools to Barthrens Provisions in the Town of Phandalin Amber agrees and goes escort the wagon along with Gogo Thornt an ex criminal in the need for coin, and Isac Gringle , a human looking for work. They go through the High Road   3/3/1: Amber, Gogo, and Isac arrived at the Triboar Trail which is a couple of miles away from Phandalin where they see two dead horses on the road, this is later revealed as the horses of Ambers cousin Gundren and Sildar Hallwinter . Amber gets very afraid for her cousin as the party engages in combat with a group of goblins. These goblins were strong enough to wound Amber knocking her out. Isac and Gogo take her to the Stonehill Inn in Phandalin after defeating the goblins.   3/4/1: Amber wakes up at Stonehill Inn and speaks to the barmaid Elsa Runaia while having breakfast. She tells amber about an ex adventurer known as Daren Edermath who lives in the Edermath Orchards. Amber then finds out that Gundren is safe and there is nothing for her to worry about. Amber proceeds to visit Daren, at his orchards, and he tells her about the group of bandits in town known as the Redbrand He insists that the townmaster Webster is a coward for not intervening and reveals the leader of the Redbrand known as Glasstaff, and the location of the Redbrands known as Tresendar Manor. Amber goes back to the Stonehill Inn then finds out that Isac and Gogo got ambushed by a group of Redbrands on the streets   3/5/1: Amber gets awoken by a screaming Harbin Webster . He is looking for the people who fought the Redbrands. Amber then goes to the woodworkers home as Elsa tells her that the woodworker and his wife and children have gone missing. There is no reply at the door at the woodworkers home and looks through the windows to show that the house is empty. Amber then meets Halia Thronton, the owner of the Phandalin's Miner's Exchange. Amber has an altercation with Halia after she becomes too inquisitive and gets banned from the store. Amber heads back to the Inn where she tells Isac and Gogo what she did for the day and it is revealed that Gogo has a cousin named Carp "Pippy" Alderleaf who knows a secret entrance to the Trensendar Manor. The Squad decides to go to them to get revenge for the town on the Redbrands.   3/6/1: The party follows Pippy inside Tresendar Manor. They fight a Nothic within the secret cavern connecting to the manor. The Nothic seems very hungry so the squad kills it before it kills them. Amber goes on her own and finds a group of ruffians playing cards drunk in a room, she whistles really loudly She whistles loudly which alerts nearby ruffians, which they easily take care of. After continuing deep underneath the manor they walk into a room with 3 bugbears bullying a little goblin this goblins name is Gobey. They save Gobey and as a thank you Gobey takes the party to the prisoners area. Once Gobey shows them the prisoners area, Gobey runs away. The party fights some Skeletons and then rescue Minna, Nars and Marissa this is the woodworkers family. Minna the mother of the children tell the group of a family heirloom in thundertree. They set them free and then show them the way out. The party then runs into a trapped room where Amber and Isac gets stuck and the room starts to flood, Gogo in the meantime squares off against his rival Rumple. Rumple escapes and Amber and Isac meet Gogo on the other side. The party temporarily retreats which angers Sildar as he believes it is now the best time to strike against Glasstaff. He goes in alone while the party rests back the Inn.   3/7/1: The squad head to Glasstaffs Quarters where they see Sildar chained up and a letter. Amber reads the letter while Isac and Gogo give chase to Glasstaff. The letter discloses the fact that the Redbrands were placed in Phandalin and funded by The Black Spider Amber stashes the letter away and go follows the rest of the group where she finds out Glasstaff has escaped with the use of an invisibility potion. A party is held by the town for the group who are celebrated, Gundren rewards them with the information of the Wave Echo Cave Notifies them to meet him back here in 8 days. Amber leaves the party as she notices Halia is nowhere in sight and she looks for Halia around the town and it seemed like she disappeared and all of her belongings is no longer in the village.   3/8/1: Amber goes to Edermath's and asks about Halia where she does not learn anything, Edermath is impressed with Amber and offers her a position in the Order of the Guantlet if she goes and figures out why there is undead in the Old Owl Well. The squad procures some horses where they decide to go to Connyberry village where they want to complete a quest for Sister Garaele the keeper of the Shrine of Luck. Before they head on out they meet with a Paladin named Phalux where he reveals he also got hired by Gundren. On the road the group takes down hobgoblins, stirges.   3/9/1: Amber treats Gogo as he falls into a sudden coma.   3/10/1: Ogre on the road attempts to rape Amber in which she gets pissed and chops the Ogres dick off. Amber and the rest of the sqaud arrive at Connyberry and go to the Connyberry's Inn. Amber stays at the Inn to take care of Gogo who is still in a coma.   3/11/1: Gogo awakes from his coma and Pippy goes and yells to the rest of the squad waking them up. While having breakfast, out of excitement Pippy bumps into Honse who gets upset and picks a fight with Pippy. Honse later reveals he is looking for his family and would like to follow the party. The party goes to speak to the shrinemaiden of the town and tells them that Agatha the Banshee should not be bothered and that the bell of the shrine will summon her. Pippy and Gogo sneak up on the bell and ring it summoning an angry Agatha. Agatha then kidnaps Pippy. The party visits an ex adventurer Berun who is currently a vet in Connyberry. Berun tells the group how to avoid conflict with Agatha and warns the group to be careful. The party go to Agatha's Lair where Amber offers Agatha a Silver Comb for knowledge the Comb is fake however with Isac having the real comb he was at the Inn waking up from a hangover. The party gets the book that Sister Garele asked for.   3/12/1: The party is eating breakfast except for Phalux who is seeking for female companionship. Amber, Gogo, Pippy, Isac, and Honse heads towards Old Owl Well. while on the road the group gets into a couple of battles where Gogo and Pippy are critically injured. Amber spends the whole night tending to their wounds and protecting the group from any monsters.   3/13/1: Party arrives at Old Owl Well and sees a tent. Amber needs to prove herself so she begins to deal with the large amounts of undead within the tower of the Old Owl Well. Amber is stopped by Kost. He tells Amber that he could get rid of the undead if they go take down the orcs at Wyvern Tor. Kost sees his sorcerers stone is missing from his tent. It is revealed that Honse took his stone and this anger Kost who uses the stone to create a huge summon names Mr Bones. The party fights Mr Bones and then as soon as it dies the stones power causes the stone to burst mortally wounding Honse. The party gets revenge of Honse but Amber gets knocked out in the progress, unable to heal Honse. Honse dies. Pippy and Gogo travel back to Connyberry where they carry Amber. Isac stays behind as he feels guilty for Honse's death. Pippy and Gogo get ambushed by wolves which overwhelms them. A goliath named Aurthum helps them out and carries all three of them back to Connyberry.   3/15/1: The Party arrives at Connyberry and Aurthum sets them at the Inn, They have breakfast and tells Woodsman the innkeeper to inform Isac and Phalux that the group will head back to Phandalin to meet Gundren. Aurthum joins the group as he is looking for his son Honse. Aurthum initially stays to see Isac to confirm Honse's death, Amber, Gogo, meets an old man named Walter White who decides to tag along as he too wants to go to Phandalin. the group runs into Stirges and Walter White just runs away. Phalux catches up with the group and spend the night in the Forest where hobgoblins raped Phalux.   3/16/1: While in the Triboar trail there is an attack by Sniper, once again Walter runs away to never be seen again. Phalux, Amber, Gogo, Pippy kill the Sniper and fight out that the sniper was hired by The Black Spider. they spend the rest of the day resting and foraging and rest for the night.   3/17/1: They arrive at Phandalin and they witness an engulfing flame eating up Phandalin, they clearly came at a bad time which was The Attack on Phandalin and Pippy and Gogo run to the Alderleaf Farm. Phalux and Amber head to the Stonehill Inn where they see a screaming woman, this woman is the innkeepers wife, Dara Stonehill, she begs the two to help her husband and her daughter. Phalux proceed to save the Innkeeper Toblin Stonehill . Amber casts a spell to bring down the whole Inn and engulf it further with flames after they help the Inn Aurthum arrives there as well and Amber intorduces Phalux to Aurthum, Amber heads to the shrine of luck where she gives the book to sister Garele and gets healing potions in return. Amber then goes to Edermath where he is fending off Goblins from raiding his Orchard, Edermath congratulates Amber and tells her about her first mission under the order of the Guantlet and that is to get rid of the rest of the Goblins attacking the village. She is given the rank Chevall. Amber stays behind and takes care of the village.   3/20/1: After a couple of days of battle and putting out fires Pippy, Gogo, and Amber hear the terrible news that Gundren has been kidnapped by the Cragmaws and they are told this by Barthren who sends them out looking for a goblin named Gobey. Barthren mentioned that Phalux and Aurthum went up ahead. Pippy, Amber, and Gogo head towards the Cragmaw Hideout . They meet up with an injured Gobey who looks desperate. He begs for help as Aurthum and Phalux are either dead or captured by the Cragmaws. They get closer to the hideout and kill the four hobgoblin guards and rest before taking on the hideout.   3/21/1 Amber, Pippy, and Gogo head into the cragmaw hideout. They begin by feeding the wolves that were in captivity. They are able to get around the goblins waterflow trap and they do this by Amber collapsing the bridge with a spell. Yemik a goblin leader starts to negotiate with Pippy and Gogo on the release of Phalux, Aurthum and Sildar. While negotiating Amber just goes ahead and attacks Yemik. A huge fight ensues within the goblins den. Yemik is able to escape, and the whole squad is freed. Amber, Gogo, Pippy, Phalux, Aurthum, and Gobey take a rest and fortify the den. They receive an ambush during the night but the squad still rests.   3/22/1: Squad wakes up and attempt to find Aurthum, Sildar, and Phalux's stuff, as they do not have anything on them. The Cragmaws have set an ambush outside of the hideout. The ambush is a group of goblins along with Yemik, two ogres and the leader, a huge wolf and a bugbear named Brughor Amber is tasked with fighting the Ogres and the Bugbear. The Goblins are taken care of by Gobey and Gogo and Phalux is passed out along with Aurthum and Sildar. Pippy and the wolves that the squad fed are fighting the big pack wolf. The combat was really deadly with only the bugbear and Amber standing, when out of nowhere Isac shoots an arrow and slays the Bugbear. The whole squad is reunited and they even make an ogre friend who will surrender and take them to the ogre hideout where Gundren may be. Isac, Amber, Gogo, Pippy, Phalux, Aurthum, Sildar, two wolves, and the Ogre rest and prepare to head to Wyvern Tor.   3/23/1: The squad are still hurt but they are rested and head to Phandalin   3/24/1: They arrive at Phandalin late and so they get a room at the stables of the Inn since the Inn was burnt, Amber goes to Barthrens Provisions which is now a stand because of the fire and Barthren gets offended by Amber by not even saying hello before speaking to Barthren. They go back and sleep at the Inns Stables.   3/25/1: Sildar procures horses for everybody to travel to Wyvern Tor, everybody heads to Wyvern Tor. The orcs of Wyvern Tor have beef with Isac as he is wearing the blackhawks Armor so he is challeged to a fight by the Orcs leader. Isak wins and the orcs allow refuge within Wyvern Tor as long as they kill an Ogre within the cave. the squad disposes of the Ogre and then the party asks about Gundren. The Orcs reply that Gundren is most likely in Cragmaw Castle as that is the actual headquarters of the goblins. The wherabouts of Cragmaw Castle are unknown but one who would know is Reindoth, a druid who is currently in Thundertree. The party decides it is time to go there so they get some shut eye before heading out. During the Night spiders attack Wyvern Tor, the party tries their best to escape unfortunately all of the orcs and both of the pet wolves the party had perished. The party barely made it out alive with only Isac, Sildar and Arthum being Conciouss.   3/26/1: After resting in the woods the party decides to go to Old Owl Well one last time since it is so close to where they are, as they can pay respect to Honse. Aurthum goes into a rage state after seeing his son dead. his Blind rage forces the party to sit him down and make sure he chills. The party stays at Old Owl Well for the day.   3/27/1: Everybody gets ready and starts heading out to the Ruins of Thundertree. Before doing so they decide to visit Phandalin one more time   3/28/1: Party arrives at thundertree for a little bit of pit stop as they know there is a Dragon within Thundertree. The party heads to Thundertree and engage in combat with wolves and then as the party rests for the night they are awoken by a couple of bugbears who they too dispose of.   2/29/1: The group encounters an owlbear on their way to Thundertree and they successfully avoid it. Amber gets too tired after avoiding and hiding from the Owlbear she decides to stay behind and catch up with the group later.   2/30/1: Amber finds Phalux and the rest of the party and she is told they have to get rid of the cultists in thundertree if Reindoth will disclose any information. So the party goes through thundertree to look for the cultists. They fight through a bunch of Twig Blights and Spiders. They finally are able to find the cultists and they agree they will negotiate with the dragon in thundertree to gain their favor. Amber is the only one allowed inside the base of the dragon cultists and she speaks to the leader and convinces the leader to send a group of them to help find a pendant which could possibly turn the dragon in their favour, the leader agrees. The party also splits up into 3 groups to find the pendant. Amber is with Gobey and Sildar and they are looking through the wooded area where they engage in battle with a lot of twig blights. Amber kills all of the blights then runs to help Isac and Phalux who are on the roof of a building asking for help as zombies are chasing them. Amber stupidly, decides to go by herself to the castle of the dragon. Amber opens the chamber doors and meets Venomfang. Venomfang is not happy to have his nap interrupted but is willing to let Amber go for the cost of her Ring of Protection. Amber refuses to give it up and begins to negotiate with the dragon. The young dragon gets offended by that and almosts kills Amber as she runs away, Gogo is able to calm the dragon down with an assortment of jewles. The Dragon goes back to its lair and the cultists are pissed as it seems the party made the dragon angry. They fight the party and the leader dies and the rest of them ask for forgivness and go back to the hideout. The party agrees. The Group spend the night coming up with stratagies on how to get rid of the Dragon as Reindoth will not fork any info over unless the dragon is pushed out.   4/1/1: The group goes back to Reindoth and asks for advice, he tells the group killing the dragon is unnecessary and they have to find a way to just get it to leave. The squad gets prepared and gets ready to head to the castle to get rid of the dragon. Ambers role in the operation served as bait. She was to go head first into the dragons lair and ask the dragon to leave and confronting the dragon while waiting for Isac and Phalux to act who have potions of flying and invisibility. The plan backfired as the Dragon shot a huge poison breathe killing Sildar instantly in the other room, and hurting others, Amber made a dash for it and escaped. The dragon started to fly looking for everyone to kill them. Amber spends the rest of the day hiding from the dragon she later hears about how Gobey sacrificed himself to bring down the castle crushing the Dragon. The Dragon flew away and vowed to return. The group went back to Reindoth who told them how to get to Cragmaw castle.   4/2/1: Pippy, Aurthum, and Gogo, being to weak from the dragon fight, decide to stay and rest at Reindoths. Amber, Isac, and Phalux go to Phandalin to resupply to go to Cragmaw Castle. They encounter goblins on the way back which they kill easily. They capture a wolf and name it Waaku   4/3/1: Amber arrives at Phandalin with the rest of the squad and she goes to visit Daren. There he discloses Waterdeep as one of the cities where the Order of The Gauntlet Reside. Amber then goes to Barthrens Provisions to restock on some supplies. She then goes to Lionshield Coster where she asks Linnene to make an engraving on her warhammer of her holy symbol. She meets Isac and Phalux at the Inn and rest for the night.   4/4/1: Amber gets her holy symbol in the morning at the Lionshield Coster and then her along with Isac, Waaku, and Phalux head to the Cragmaw Castle.   4/5/1: On the outskirts of the Castle they see a returning war band and they decide to follow it. They ended up leading them to the Cragmaw castle and they watched the warband go inside. They recklessly go through the front entrance and arrows start flying towards them. Goblins within the castle alert the others within to fight. The party except for Waaku head inside. The three fight a hard fight and eventually hobgoblins get notified. Amber is the only one that attempts to escape and this attempt foils Aurthums suprise attack which shows how Aurthum was able to recover and quickly regroup stragiht to Cragmaw Castle. Amber and Aurthum nearly die and the escape from the castle. Amber and Aurthum try to open a back door to the caslte and they eventually get to break the whole door off. Aurthum witnesses an unconciouss Phalux being taken as prisoner and Amber fights and clears the kitchen area of the castle with Isac and kills the head chef. Eventually Gogo and Pippy get to the castle where they meet with Isac, Amber, and Aurthum. Gogo proposes retreating and resting but Isac and Amber refuses. They get deeper in the castle and alert the warband. An owlbear gets released and chase both the party members and the warband. A half naked Phalux is able to escape from confinement and tells Amber about Gundren and how Nundro and Thundren are in danger. Phalux refuses to retreat and so Isac and Amber support him in taking down the leader of the Cragmaws King Grol. King Grol easily takes them down and throws them into a prison.   4/6/1: Amber gets interrogated by King Grol to find out who else knows about the Wave Echo Cave. this ends up costing Phalux a pinky for lying to King Grol earlier. A deal is later worked out by Phalux and king Grol and Phalux is set free. King Grol sets up Isac and Amber on a hanging rope where if someone enters the room they will hang to death. Pippy is later able to disarm this but King Grol knocks out Isac and Amber and has them set for death by torture. While they get tortured a group looking for Elanor come in and help with Pippy save everyone from execution. Isac, Waaku, and Gogo die on this day.   4/7/1: Amber gets up treating everyone wounds and sees the body of her fallen comrades. She thinks Agatha can do something in bringing Isac back to life. The squad heads to Agathas Lair. which is close by. There agatha is speaking to a theifling named Maldron Aatha sees Isac and isntantly begins to revive him using all her power. Isac is brought back to the world with little memory of his past. Isac is revived. Squad along with Maldron heads to Connyberry to restock on some itesm and rest. 4/8/1: when they spot Yemik. A chase ensues and eventually Amber and Pippy catch up. Amber is pissed and cuts off one of yemiks toes and brands him. She also cut off yemiks ear. She then lets Yemik go. Squad rests then prepares to go to The Wave Echo Cave.   4/9/1 Squad first heads to Phandalin where they can bury Gogo and lay him to rest.   4/10/1 The Squad mourns over Gogo's death. Amber cries. Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, Pippy, and Amber head to the Wave Echo Cave. Within the mines they find Glasstaff and Rumple. They engage in combat with Amber killing Glasstaff and Pippy killing Rumple. They see the dead body of Thundren. Amber cries once again and mourns over her fallen cousin. The Squad then gets deeper into the dark cave where they eventually fight a group of bugbears, it is a very tough fight and there were many close calls but everyone came out alive. They take refuge within the room and use this oppurtunity to rest. This fails however as real loud knocking comes from the other door. They all get out and start fighting a flameskull with some undead. The party are very weak so they switftly retreated out of the Cave and will come back after recovering some of their energy.   4/11/1: The party after being well rested returned to the cave in which they fought the Flameskull again, Maldron took a tooth out of the Flameskull. The party met a spectator and the spectator told the party to leave as there was a Wraith bothering him and he is starting to get upset, Amber foolishly threatens the spectator however the spectator forgives them and just wants Amber to leave his sight. The party then begin to fight with Mormesk a Wraith who wants to protect his riches and treasure. The Party fights it and it is a tough fight and many people almost die but they eventually kill the Wraith. Amber after a huge fight and constant healing crashes straight on one of the beds in Mormesk's room   4/12/1: The party gets awoken by a screaming frog named George Floyd. He tells the group it is time to get up and get to getting treasure. the party welcomes this frog. Amber stays behind and tends to Aurthum who is sick.   4/13/1: Amber joins back with the party who then go fight stirges with a new member called Midir Amber also finds out that George Floyd died and it was because she was not there to heal. Pippy then came up with the same sickness as Aurthum so he rested with Amber too.   4/14/1: The party heads to speak with the spectator again to see if they can have access to the magical items within its keep. the spectator gets upset but brings up how if they find the Wizard and the Wizard allows access to the keep they can go through. The Wizard was named Gond. The party eventually finds Gond deep in a lake inside the cavern and he is dead. The party takes dead wizard to the spectator who negotiates access to Maldron. Maldron gets magical items and gives Lightbringer a mace to fight the undead to Amber. They head on out to fight Nezznar but first they need to kill bugbears and two dopplegangers. they split up and Amber heads with Maldron and Pippy to use ranged attacks. They kill the dopplegangers and two bugbears escape but there is a clearing for Nezznars chamber. The party consisting of Amber, Pippy, Isac, Maldron, Aurthum, and Midir, go and fight the Black Spider. They walked into a room with four giant spiders and two bugbears. the fight is really tough and so Amber casts her first healing spell which instantly gets counterspelled. Nezznar comes from behind her telling her to leave at once and he will let them live. Amber refuses and runs away. They fight long and hard with only Amber and Pippy being up, Pippy fires an arrow straight through Nezznars neck. killing him. Amber heals the remaining squad noticing Maldron is nowhere to be seen. Amber gets the key on Nezznars person and opens the last door revealing Nundro Rockseeker. Nundro and Amber have an emotional moment. Amber gets 2% of the profits of the cave now and awaits for what future quests may come.   4/16/1: Elsa a barmaid that used to work at Toblin Inn wanted to get some money so she invested in the reconstruction on the inn and asked Amber for loan money but she refused   4/17/1: Amber talks to Linnene who asks about Phalux how she wants to marry him.   4/20/1: Amber goes to vote on another candidate to vote out Harbin Webster. While at the polls she sees Linnene Graywind who says hello and asks about Phalux as she misses him and wants to spend her life with him. Amber says she has not seen Phalux for a long while now.   4/21/1: Halia visits Amber to try to squash the beef but there is still clear beef and Amber does not trust her. Halia leaves.   4/25/1: Sister Garele comes to visit Amber about getting her vote and convinces Amber to vote for her as they have very similar goals and ideals when it comes to peace and maintaining the town.   4/26/1: A very frightened Narth comes to visit Amber about what he heard during work, when Narth requested to come inside she freaks him out by forcing him to say it outside in public. Narth thiking he already has said too much decides to head home on his own.   4/27/1: Amber welcomes the Stonehills which are Dara, Judith and Toblin. Toblin asks for recommendations of the inn while Dara was suspicious on Elsa on how she got the funds to pay the Inn, Amber was also sussed out. Judith asked about Phalux who she missed so very much.   4/29/1: Amber attended Narth's Funeral. Sadness. her Fault.   5/2/1: Harbin decides to go to Amber to get her involved in politics around town. as a council would fit Phandalin a lot better and he does not like the idea that Halia is the new mayor in town. He will plan a open rally next week to get people into it.   5/3/1: Amber goes shopping for new clothes when she spots Elsa buying real fancy clothes. Amber knows about the suspicions on how Elsa got the money. She goes and questions her and prods her on Halia and her thoughts on Halia as Amber believes that Halia is up to something really bad. Elsa just deflects and quickly excuses herself.   5/6/1: Amber goes to a rally and succedes to have an election of different memebers within a council of Phandalin. She then heads to Nevewinter as there is a calling from Phalux to help him on a quest. Phalux and Amber reaquaint. he finds about Gogos death and is primarily caught up with everything She also talks about this Grung that they met named George Floy'd Phalux is very interestd about this. Amber and Phalux board the ship and head to the Moonshaes.   5/15/1: Phalux and Amber arrive at the mooonsheas they specificallhy arrive at Caer Calidyr. He heads straight for the King. There at the king he tells him that he was able to hire two more adventures and it was Barney and Lydia. Just as the King was telling the party the quest to consecrate the temples. The king notices a Grung was with them. He introduced himself as Lusturous Floy'd and said he followed Amber and Phalux all the way from Neverwinter since they mentioned his lost brother George Floy'd. The king explains that there is 5 temples that the group has to consecrate in order for the Earth Mother to protect the moonshaes for another 100 years. These temples will surface and the coming of them will be noted by the moon. Just as he was explaining this a rouge named Eli tried to break into the castle to steal. There the guards took him to the king. The King saw some good in Eli and offered him freedom in return for completion of his quest. The party is told to head to Lehigh. The party gets a free rest at the Caer Calidyr Inn until they are ready to head out south.   5/16/1: Phalux and Amber head to the markets to do some supply shopping. There in the General store Phalux meets a girl named Arleen and there he takes her out on a date to the park sanctuary in Caer Calidyr. Phalux spends his whole day there and he fucks Arleen. Arleen falls in love with Phalux. Amber catches Phalux fucking at the sanctuary and thinks he is weird for doing that.   5/17/1: The party heads south where they see a gagged walter white. They try to help him out but Barney falls for the Ambush trap that the goblins have set up. They easily get rid and dispatch them. They continue to travel south when they see a majestic stag in the forest. This Silver stag was beautiful. A bunch of goblins were trying to restrain it. The party helps the stag and the stag kills some goblins. The Stag goes to Lustrous Floyd and gives him a mark of the Antlers. They continue south where Phalux encounters snakes. There for some reason Phalux decides to fuck a snake. He does so and impregnates the snake. The snake is trumatized and hates Phalux. Lustorous speaks to the snake and the snake falls in love with Lustorous. The snake follows Lusturous. They head south and reach Lehigh where there is a huge ritual happening to summon something. These goblins are doing anything they can to subdue their human sacrifices. The party split up and try to attack. This fails horribly. They meet a knight of Caer Calidyr named Eazelle. There Eazelle sacrifices herself. The party is already put into ruin. As Lydia gets shot down, Phalux sacrifices himself to protect Lydias life. Phalux dies protecting a woman and in pursuit of pussy. Amber yells out Phalux name as she hides behind a house. She cries and tells him to get up, he however does not budge. Immediatly afterwards Barney gets captured. Seeing no way out. She leaves along with the snake phalux fucked, Lusturous, Eli, and Lydia. She vowes revenge for Phalux and is deeply saddend by his death. Phalux was with her from the start but now she has to finish this quest alone.   5/18/1: The group plans a rescue mission for Barney and hopes he still is alive, Amber is only thinking on revenge to get on Phalux. A new adventure goes to them and offers his help, his name is Binzo Saisun and he offers his help. Eli, Lydia and Binzo go on ahead and take the first group of Goblins, Amber stays to prepare her spells as she will go in with the intent to kill. As she does this a sorcerer asks if she needs help, his name is Naga. Amber accepts and they go together to join the fight. As they fight off the goblins there are worgs sent out and even a goblin shahman, she started to sacrifice people. Barney is sacrificed, the party mourns. Lydia especially is brought to her knees and cries. A tribesman walking by goes to her and sees her sad, he conforts her and says his goal to understand death may bring him back. Lydia is happy, the tribal mans name is Makunga. Makunga, Amber, Eli, Binzo and Naga head back to the village where a village woman takes them in. Someone runs to them as a villager needs healing bad. Amber since she is a healer she goes to heal. At the house there is a sick girl and and her parents are begging amber to save their daughter, then they notice her mark from when she was from the brotherhood of iron. they immediatly ask amber to leave but amber refuses it creates a huge scene and makunga threatens to kill them, people have to hold him back. Amber secretly heals her as they argue and fight, they pull out a crossbow on makunga and shoot him, binzo tells makunga to stop and they leave. They then stumple to Trawlindy Farm in this farm they meet a little girl known as Linda Trawlindy who is crying. The farm looks trashed, Linda cries because her parents died but Eli shows her her parents and Makunga tries to comfort her. They are cruel and Linda hates and resents them a little. Amber had nothing to do with this and tries to make her feel better. Binzo and Amber stay with her and finds her a home. Trawlindy likes Binzo and Amber. Trawliny tried to kill herself but Amber stopped her. Party uses the Trawlindy farm as their HQ   5/19/1: Lustrous Floyd tells the group to wake up as the Lehigh’s famous Treehouse was taken over by wolves. The party goes to it to help the town out. Unfortunately Naga casts fire bolt setting the tree on fire brining the whole tree town the party members leave and go back to the farm to rest   5/20/1: Party hears word as people throw eggshells at the party for burning down Lehigh most touristic attraction   5/21/1: While chilling at night the party spots the silver stag they follow the stag and they get ambushed by hob goblins and goblins Naga burns the forest down. The Stag is upset at Naga. Amber, Binzo, Lydia, Makunga, and Eli head into the temple of Life. They complete a puzzle to stop and extreme raidient glow. Amber, lustrous, makunga, Lydia and Naga go to consecrate this temple when a lesser water elemental attacks them. The party engage in combat. Amber and her group later go meet up with binzo and Eli who went a separate way they see a dark tunnel north, they investigate it to find that there is a horde of giant ants. Party attempts to fight, then the party struggles ants take Lydia Priosoner, the party regroups and restratizgizes, they go in and they use their spell casting from far, killing all the ants and their queen. The party successfully consecrated their first temple they head back to leghigh   5/22/1: Party get woken up early by some girl at the door, she is begging for someone who knows a lot about death, Makugna and Amber are the only ones that come to mind when it comes to the party. Apparently someone died and they want someone to ease the pain for the family. Binzo, Makunga, Eli, and Amber go to the graveyard to ease the pesrons death. The people want to find someone to ressurect the person. Makunga get into a heated arguemtn about it. Someone overhears this and go towards him. This is one of the knowledge holders the one of Fire he fights with makunga and then dismisses him. Party then split up and do their own errands. Amber, and Binzo visit the house where the sick daughter was and she wanted to know why the brotherhood of Iron is hated now. She tells them that she left a while ago. It is revealed that the brotherhood of Iron have turned into a mercenary group with no sense of ethic. That while the dad was on a business trip to blackstone the brotherhood would steal goods for their use. It set back his retirement 2 years. He hates the brotherhood of Iron. Amber heads home then rests.   5/23/1: The party chills for the day.   5/24/1: The party walk down the road and they see a high old blumbering Lumberjack named Jakey Lopin and he is tipsy falls over and a pixie named Jext comes out looking desperate. Jext tells the group that this lumberjack was abusing him to get pixie dust out of him which is a narcotic. Jext tells the group that the only reason he got there is because the lumberjack saved him from some wolves as wolves starting to come over out of nowhere. After talking, the pixie talks to Lustorus privately because of his mark of the Stag. Jext knows about the moonshae lore but he knows that the temple of the moon is not too far away in the Dernal Forest. They head to the temple and get ambushed by an enormous pack of wolves, the party does what they can but Lydia trips gets jumped and dies. Wolves devour her. Lydia dies. The rest of the party continue to the temple of the Moon. They go in and start to look around where the moonwell is to consecrate it. They cannot find it but Naga finds books and reads them about this place. When the party seperates and bam. A Wraith shows up, this is Lexinovas wraith , this is a very dangerous fight, Naga is killed, Amber uses one of her diamonds to revive and bring Naga back to life. The party rests.   5/25/1: They Figure out a way to get to the basement floor of the temple. There they fight a sentient Halberd named Falibhe, it atttaches to Binzo and joins Binzo. They get into a room that has another pixie, the pixie tells them to open some seal. Binzo does it releasing the Dark wolf spirit. They continue to the moonwell where they succesfully consercates the 2nd temple and move on.   5/26/1: They are awoken by some desperate woman who comes from lelow and heard that andventurers were at Lehigh. There is a clan of people known as the black Blood Clan and they ransacked the city of Lelow. The party member agrees but only in return of renovations to the farm. Amber asks for a shrine for her goddess. The party heads south to Lelow and see a girl getting chased by two black blood members, they are about to rape her when naga and lustrous gets in the way and fights. Makunga makes his way into the village alone in the darkness of the smoke. Eli fights his mentor one on one Amber mills the reincarnated Honse and slays him into disintegration. The black blood almost take Makunga, Naga and Lustrous but Naga creates a smoke cloud and gets them out. Black bloods fully retreat to their hideout. The party enjoys a meal with the surviving villagers that hail them as champions   5/27/1 Amber and Eli go to the safe house they used to go to and they hear about some Druid names Rotnog looking for them. They head back to the farm where they see Fruogh Rotnog a half orc Druid. She tells them that she located the next temple, the temple of the beast and they are to go there right away. They see a party of goblins on the way there they fight for some Goblin known as the Great Gark. They want to kill the party. The party kill a lot of them but they can’t finish them off. Amber, Lustrous, Eli, and Naha sleep and rest. The smoke of their fire attracts the goblins and they capture and knock out the 4. Here the goblins threaten them and kills Naga in cold blood for trying to save his friends. They knock out lustrous, then Amber.   5/28/1: Amber and lustrous wake up to a dead group of hobgoblins and a dead Naga. Party mourns for Naga the two decide the smarter thing to do would be to return back to farm for makunga and binzo. As the two get back to the farm they meet along the way a ranger named Vyn. vyn notices lustrous and wants to be his friend, he calls him “my froggy friend”. Vyn wants to join wherever lustrous goes. They get home and wake up makunga and binzo and as they’re bout to leave they get a knock on the door. It is DOUNKIE a gnome. DOUNKIE wants to join the group as he’s looking for adventure. The party heads to the temple of the beast. The temple is a big tree and the party goes to one branch where it’s the test of the bat. They have to reach some high point. They notice something is wrong with the temples but don’t know what they try to climb the walls to complete the bat challenge but it is too difficult. Out of nowhere Binzo uses he’s power within him to fly. He flies to the top and completes the challenge. There the spirit of the bay tells them this temple has been corrupted and the shadow fell is seeping into the dungeon. They say it’s tainted. Next they go to the trail of the wolf and they kill deer, which are corrupted. They then go to the trail of the badger there the whole group turns into a badger. Binzo can’t go as he used too much energy in the bat. In the badger form most separate. They escape. Vyn and Lusturous escape first, then Amber, lastly kounkie. Makunga never makes it out alive. Once out of the badger maze they fight a messsed up badger this badger ends up crushing DOUNKIE. The party members mourn and move on. Makunga and DOUNKIE died so far this day. They have so far been given animal masks for every trial they have done. They are exhausted and saddened. They go out to rest outside. They meet an adventurer named Zephyr that is curious with the earth mother temples, he joins them. Also meets Aurthum Amber runs and hugs him crying saying Phalux died, aurthum calms her down and he heard about it, that’s why he came to help. Amber is a bit more at ease. The party rests   5/29/1: The party go back inside and does the trial of the deerthey meet the wolf spirit who tells the group to kill him and save the temple of the beast from influence from the shadowfell. They go into the moonwell which teleports them to the shadowfell. There they fight a Dark Treant and it was a hard fight and the group have to fight hard to kill the Treant but they do it successfully. They leave the shadowfell extremely injured. They see a second group of goblins entering the dungeon they all immidiately go back. They decide to take a risk and sleep in the shadowfell.   5/30/1: They go out and they see all the goblins were slain and a Dragonborne named Boutou he is harsh and mean and killed them all and he is pissed they want to know who killed his cousin he fights the party as he assumes they killed Naga his cousin. The group knocks out Boutou and tells him to calm down that Naga was a good friend of theirs and they didnt kill him htose goblins did. Boutou decides to join the group as its his cousins Nagas quest. The party heads back home where they see a note by Rotnog saying to meet at Olafstaad. On there way there they travel north to Caer Calidyr and they fight some Yu anti and Grung saves and they mention to Lustrous of The way of the Floyd Monks training north. this is his brothers fighting style. They arrive to Caer Calidyr.   6/1/1: Amber does some shopping in Caer Calidyr and heads to some guild hall where Nundro is doing business Amber tries to say hi but Nundro is dismissing her quickly and telling her to leave as hes busy, she leaves right away.   6/2/1: Party leaves north and they fight some flower creeper it explodes and creates undead, they run away. They fight a wraith in the night.   6/3/1: Party keeps heading north and they find an area with wolves Vyn convinces them to chill out and they do but they say there is an Owl bear in their lair they go and kill that owlbear. Party then stumbles onto a temple to Ambers godess there she has to fight her fears and go in, Amber gets to a room where it upgrades her warhammer. Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr, fight a bunch of sentinals as amber is praying to her godesss she gets a wish and the godess grants it She wishes to bring her friend Phalux back from the dead. Amber is really happy and leaves the temple with glee. Party arrives at Blackstone but Amber leaves and goes get rest.   6/4/1: Amber decides to stay there to dedicate herself to the godess and revisit the temple and she sees it is all destroyed she is upset and goes back to Blackstone and stay in bed.   6/5/1: Amber upset that the temple was desecrated she goes back to investigate on what happened. She sees the symbol of Tiamat and gets really upset, she hates this and wants to leave, she heads back to blackstone and rests.   6/6/1: She decides its finally time to go to Olafstaad so she goes to check out of the inn. She sees Binzo and Falibhe there. they catch up with what has been happening and they both head north. They go and see lions and Binzo was calming them down but Amber did not care and killed them, she was upset from the temple. They continue north and they spot a Chimera carcas. They continue and spot a robbed and tipped over wagon. After a full day of travelling they finally arrive at Olafstaad where they spot their friends sleeping by training monks. Vyn, Zephyr, Amber and Binzo head into Olafstaad, They meetup with Aurthum that has been stripped out of his gear. Aurthem tells them that he has been robbed and he is pissed. They speak to the guards who tell them if its the mafia there is nothing they can do. They decide to look for them in the morning. They head to the Inn and they see one of the goons there. They fight him and take him outside where they torture and interrogate him. They then tie him to concrete and throw his body into the water drowning him. Binzo heads to bed after this. They go to then goons hideout and they plan a massacre they cleanse them and kill every single one of them. Lusturous joins not knowing why but does so anyways. They set the whole thing on fire. Guards show up and remember thier faces. Revenge was attained and the party goes to the Inn and rest.   6/7/1: Lusturous, Boutou and Amber go out and they run into a huge protest. Half the people want the adventurers to be hanged for killing children and teens over a robbery. Boutou starts a chant "Fuck them kids". it creates a civil war almost. Amber speaks to the court of Olafstaad where she tries to calm the people down she agrees to go to court and take those involved. They are scheduled to go to court the next day. Rotnog in a cloak goes to Amber and asks her what the hell is their problem they caused such a scene it does not make the king look good knowing that he was involved with the adventureres. It could cause a civil war and a rebellion. Amber says that she apologzises and will take car of it. The group whoever is up decides it is best to go check out the tipped over cart on the road as they finally have time. They go to it and find tracks that lead to a dense forest. They find a goblin den. They scout the place for hours, then Vyn decides its time to go in, They infiltrate it and fight, the goblins get the better of Boutou and Boutou passes out. They have a heavy fight and run away. They killed about 75% of that goblin tribe. The party runs away leaving Boutou behind. The party get lost in the forrest and they try to get out. Vyn makes friends with a Crow who wants bird pussy. The crow tells Vyn that their dragon freind is spotted. They recognize it as Boutou. They see Boutou passed out on the ground. it is a gobling ambush. Vyn dies in the fight, Amber revives Vyn using her last diamond. They slay a lot of the goblins Amber passes out from exaustion.   6/8/1: Party head to court where because of Vyn speakout and lying attempts the party get charged for Arson. Zephyr, Amber, and Vyn open a bank account. They then head on a ship by rotnog and set sail.   6/9/1: They travel to Jotunspine   6/10/1: Party kills a group of merfolk attacking them.   6/11/1: They arrive at Jotunspine and they go to the temple of Sun but there is many cult people and a huge civilian group gathered here. Amber speaks to some people including a fisherman, a child, and an old lady, they also speak to a cult leader. The cult leader believes that human sacrifices is neccsary to consecrate the earth mother temples. And they can only be done through virginity. Amber hurts her back. Amber to go in fakes herself as a virgin so she can be sacrificed. She goes in along with 3 other girls. Hellhounds show up from the temple and Shadow Mastiffs, they fight hard but they get the better of Amber and knock her out. The girls run away.   6/12/1: The party wakes up on the beach groggy and a little bit fucked up, Amber wakes up and gets caught up, she speaks to the old lady and find out more information about the temple of the sun. How it is special compared to the other temples. The temple of the Sun contains a portal to the Spirit of the Wolfs Domain and only if the wolf is released from his prison in the temple of the moon then he can make an appereance at the temple of the sun. They go within the temple of the sun and they fight a Wraith and Deathlocke who was trying to bring the wolf back. They meet the wolf and the wolf Blitzes them and knocks out amber in one go.   6/13/1: Amber wakes the next day saying they were still able to consecrate the temple but the wolf is still there in the other side of the painting waiting for a perfect day to strike. They go back to the boat where the captain Kinglsy Coman tells them that Rotnog sent a carrier pidgeon and wants them to meet up at warlsbury. a little island. The Embark. Amber falls ill.   6/14/1: They continue   6/15/1: Amber finally awakens from being sick   6/17/1: Party arrives at Warlsbury. Captain Kingsley coman says he gonna do some shopping while he’s here. Vyn and Amber go find Rotnog Amber and Phalux go to a bar where they get stew prepared for them as Rotnog is there tells them about the last temple. They hear a huge bang. A ship is shooting cannons towards the small homes. The group that is attacking is the brotherhood of iron. Amber goes to talk to them as the captain tells her to join back and she can take back the mantle of captain. She refuses as a gesture of respect he gives her 10 minutes to evacuate the townspeople as they are coming in the steal everything. Amber is shocked how much the morals of the brotherhood of iron have changed. There is a battle which is a battle of warlsbury there’s death and Amber is said many die and they take the ship of the brotherhood of iron. Vyn is fighting kindly for the the ship the party then sail for the temple of death   6/18/1: Travel for three days   6/21/1: party arrives at the area in Oman and they need to proceed through row boat. They go through row boat they see a group of grung who tells them the formorian are here and they are scary. Eventually Amber, Vyn, boutou and zephyr go into the temple of death. They fight a necromancer named Nepenthe he was working on mastering death like makunga. He got Boutou, Vyn, Amber unconscious, zephyr ran away. Amber got taken prisoner and locked up in a cell with a formorian.   6/22/1: Amber talks to the formorian and his name is Faruk. Amber is nice to it and it’s nice to her. Vyn and gang get there and they offer faruk food but don’t give it gets angry and starts to break its chains. They call it down and it goes out. The party heads to fight one of the death holders which is the death holder of earth, they fight and it’s a heavy battle. The party members barely survive and try to consecrate the last one but can’t. Out of nowhere a fireball is thrown. Aurthum, Vyn and Lustorous fall, Amber sees her friends fall but knows she isn’t in the state to fight she runs away and takes boutous unconscious body   6/23/1: Amber wakes up to a familiar voice and its Phalux. He arrives with Howard who will not leave him alone and wants to find Lusturous. Phalux says Lusturous should be here but when he wakes everyone up they tell him that the night before there was a ton of death and one of those who died was Lusturous. Howard reacts horribly and runs into the forest. Phalux belives it is best if he deals with the tramua on his own. Howard believes his father died. Phalux meets a bard named Mello who came here for Jewles and GP. They all go back and they fight a dark mage named Nepenthe and two skeletons of an elf and Grung. They fought hard, out of nowhere Barney came back and gave a hard slash, injuring and dropping Nepenthe into the moonwell. The party slays him and they consecrate the temple. they decide to head back to Caer Calidyr as their objective is finally complete   6/24/1: They row bow back to the ship and sail back to Caer Calidyr.   7/2/1: The party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the king congratulated the party, he provided noble houses for Phalux, Aurthum, and Amber, he congratulates the other adventureres, Zephyr, Lucha, Mello, Boutou and tells them they are welcome anytime. He provides them with gold. The adventureres hear a thud and King Derid goes to take a look and sees downed guards. Someone was spying on them. He sounds the alarm and they are nowhere to be found. Amber gets a home in Caer Calidyr. Amber with Phalux, Zephyr, Aurthum, Howard go straight back to Neverwinter through keel boat.   7/11/1: They all arive at Neverwinter, Phalux heads to Yorinth, and Amber and Aurthum head back home to phandalin, Zephyr stays in Neverwinter. Amber and Aurthum are seeing a bunch of statues on their way to phandalin, they inspect futher and see its a Basalisk, they fight it Amber gets petrified as Aurthum swings blindly and kills it. Aurhtum takes Ambers statue home. In phandalin he asks Sister Garele to heal her, she does so. Amber is feeling tired and goes home, at home she sees a bunch of mail one being sent by Elsa. There Elsa is asking her to meet. Amber went to the stonehill Inn and had a conversation with Toblin. Toblin tells her about how the trial is tomorrow now that she is here. Amber realizing she has to get straight back to work, heads home and sleeps.   7/12/1: Amber, Halia, James, Thruud attended the court case for Nundro Rockseeker. The outcome turned out to be Rockseeker Corp charged and new implementations of security must be in place. Nundro is overall innocent. They presented Jext as he is outed. James wants to profit off them sprites. Amber and Nundro have a little discussion. The council is interested in the pixies and will engage in investigation. Amber and Zarod finally meet as Zerod.   7/16/1: Amber sits in for the trial of Maldron/Zerod. There she listens to the point of view of Angela Sweetbottom, She was upset at this but did not like Zerod at all, they needed to hear Pippys testimony, he did not show up though. Amber heads to Pippy where he is at his moms grave. Pippy cries out to Amber he is tired of adventuring he did not want this to be the truth, pippy has suffered way too much, Amber comforts him and tells him that maldron needs him. Pippy gives his point of view. Lastly Maldron gives his, in the end Amber wants to push for non death and for another punishment, Thruud wants to put him to death. This is when Curtis busts in with Globino the wrestler thining its yemkik. In the end its over, zerod is put to death and Amber decides she will help him escape   7/22/1: Amber, went to go visit Maldron to find out where Zerods body is to go recover it, however Amber had to speak to him first about it, Zerod gave her an idea but needs time to map it out. Amber leaves and sees pippy on her way out   7/29/1: Amber goes to visit Zarod about how to recover the body as Zarod finally has gotten his map ready to show, Amber notes it down, and plans to post it in the Guild   7/30/1: Amber hears that Isac wants to talk to her really bad, as he has important news, he invites her to Thundertree festival. She has not seen Isac in months and is excited to catch up   8/2/1: Amber arrives to Thundertree and meets the rest of the gang Isac first welcomes Amber to thundertree, then Aurthum, then Midir, then Phalux, then a man named Ghodar Dimm is looking for work and wants to join a party of adventureres. Phalux introduces howard to Isac. Isac hires a rapper named Mello for entertainment for the group. Guards suddenly show up and announce there is a disturbance near thundertree in a cave nearby. The party heads there. Party of Phalux, Aurthum, Amber, Isac Howard, Mello, and Midir head to the cave. On the way there they meetup with a village girl with a meercat. They save her animal from goblins and continue. The party fights some of the dragon cult members. A water wyrm shows up from the cave lake and they fight and slay it. Party heads back to Thundertree. late night some woman came to claim to know about Mandingus the demon inside of Phalux. She said she can tighten the seal but must go within Phalux's mind. Amber, Phalux, Mello, and Aurhtum go in to unlock his brain and get Mandingus to be sealed. They successfully do so.   8/3/1: Isac decides it is good to have a festival to celebrate everything Thundertree has gone through. They celebrate well with a festival. There is an arm wrestling contest with Isac, Aurthum, Ghodar, and Mello participate. During this arm wrestling contest amber gets a visit by a little girl she tells her she needs help healing her friend in the forest. There an assasin attacks Amber trying to eliminate her on behalf of Elsa. Eli however protects her. mber describes Eli's new look. Isac posts posters of Eli. Continuing the festival. Howard hits puberty and Mandingus manifests inside him and appears. Mandingus almost rapes Mirna and Amber. Isac fights as much as he can. Phalux ends up making a contract with Mandingus. Here he promises to have 12 children within a year. Mandingus accepts and seals himself. Party rests.   8/4/1: Aurthum, Phalux, Amber head towards Old Owl Well to go visit Honses grave.   8/5/1: Aurthum Amber and Phalux run into Gind a wizard that is looking for Gond in phandalin. The party do not refer who he is talking about but wants to look for him.He is pissed. They then meet Rodolfo Iono. Amber promises Rodolfo a job after he tells her that he could not get work as he got rejected by his latest audition for a jester. she told him to go to Phandalin and meet with her there. They see a red wizard and an unconciouss Truud. Aurthum is pissed. The Red wizard summons 3 Bone kings. They find that Honses body has been moved. Thruud, Isac, and Aurthum are pissed. Thruud says she knows a good rouge named Eli they can hire to get some information on who took honses body. Aurthum, Thruud, Isac and Phalux look for clues where Honses body could have went. Amber and Zephyr decide to wait for them back at Thundertree. Zephyr and Amber sleep and Howard out of nowhere shakes them awake saying Ghodar is in an Owlbears nest and they need help him. They go to the Owlbears nest and Zephyr almost dies.   8/6/1: Zephyr, Amber, Ghodar and Howard make it back hjoining Midir and Mello in Thunder tree.   8/8/1: They chill   8/9/1: The Party decides to go back to the cave near Thundertree as they look for things to do before Isac returns. There Zephyr finds something but seems to hide it.   8/10/1: The Party heads to the Mushroom heads where there is an event of rare mushrooms sprouting near the swordcoast. They trade some shrooms.   8/11/1: The Party hears a rumor of a sacred Forest, and they head towards there in the Neverwinter Forest.They fight a group of Goblins, they head to the place and see a wraith with a bunch of demonic entities, They run away immediatly looking for reinforces. They sleep   8/12/1: They arrive in Thundertree and then chill   8/14/1: The party consisting of Zephyr, Midir, Isac, Amber, Phalux, and Howard went to the sacred grove to deal with what they saw.   8/15/1: They arrive at the sacred grove where They fight these evil spirit. Amber dominates and banishes all of them away with her spirit guardians on their way back from the sacred grove Isac spots Venomfang the Green dragon flying overhead heading towards Thundertree, Isac gets frantic and runs back to his Castle.   8/16/1: Isac arrives back at Thundertree and is surprised how it is perfectly fine and safe. Isac starts to get his guards all ready for the arrival of Venomfang. He tells them to gather up and prepare for battle. A woman named Evy arrives to Thundertree. She is the leader of the Saranharians a group of people that live in the Neverwinter Forest in a small village called Sarandhar. She tells the people how Sarandhar was attacked by Venomfang and she begs Isac to help with getting their ancient scribes and history in Sarandhar. Isac sees this as an oppurtunity to slay this dragon. He goes and heads towards Sarandhar. Isac and Zephyr have a heated arguement about resting as the whole party is tired. Isac fights with him saying that it is essential to go. Isac wins the arguement and Zephyr is restless. The party rests exepct for Isac   8/17/1: Party arrives to Sarandhar and it is shown that it is overrun with Orcs. There is a little girl crying in a cage the party confront the orcs and they state how they have their treaties with Thundertree as Isac beat their leader a long time ago. They will not let the little girl go as it is technically under treaty their property as the little girl wandered off of Thundertree rule. Zephyr is restless and hates how the party is engaging in arguements to save some random girl. Zephyr kills the gril to end the fight. Everyone there is tramuatized and starts to have a negative opinion on Zephyr. Midir try to play dice for her freedom and loses. The Orcs are pissed as the party runs into the Saranharian Temple, there is no Venomfang in sight. The scriptures were smashed and destroyed by Thundertree. There they see a Manticore. It defends the temple and is extremely injured by the green dragon. He agrees to fly them back to Thundertree to escape the incoming Orcs. Isac tells Evy the bad news and tells her to prepare for battle agaisnt the dragon. He vows to protect the remainding Sarandharians and create a New Sarandhar in Thundertree. The party have a bad sleep as they are afraid of the unstoppable force of Venomfang. Amber cannot bear being near Zephyr at all, hatred fills Ambers heart, she leaves for some time for herself.   8/19/1: Amber hears the news and heads to Thundertree she vows revenge on Zephyr. Aurthum arrives to Thundertree after looking for Honse. He is updated on everything, The party teleport to Agathas lair where they see it all in flames and destroyed they then set their gaze on a resting dragon and an injured Berun, and Sir Cums A lot. The Dragon then blasts a gas of poison right to Howard and knocks him out. The dragon then has a heated fight against Phalux, Amber, Aurthum, and Ghodar. aurthum climbs on the dragon while the dragon flies up with Amber in its mouth, Phalux is casting spirtual weapon to attack the dragon. Ghodar uses his blood arts to fight the dragon at the feet of the dragon. Ghodar falls from the dragon and knocks out. Amber snipes the dragon with her Guiding Bolt in its mouth and falls, Phalux catches her taking most of the blunt of the fall. The dragon is falling fast and crashes onto Agathas house, Aurthum is hurt in the flames of the fall, Amber heals Ghodar to get him barely up the party gazes up at the scorching trunk home expecting death from both Aurthum and the dragon until a burst of wind and poison gas blows out the flames the dragon appears before them. The dragon continues the fight. He attacks the three, knocks out Phalux and kills amber. Aurthum bursts through the flames and climbs the dragon and begins to gouge his eye out, Aurthum in a fit of rage slashes and slashes the dragon, this however is not enough as the dragon swings aurthum into the air and he plummets to his death. The Dragon beaten, blind in the brink of death continues to rage as Ghodar is the last man standing. Phalux in a state of uncounciousness speaks to mandingus. Mandingus says that Phalux cannot die yet and he will take over, Phalux denies this and tells Mandingus to let fate decide if he lives or dies. Mandingus is told to take over Howard instead. Just when hope was over. Ghodar felt an immense pressue Howard gets a pulse, Mandingus manifests and punches the dragon to the ground causing it heavy harm, this gives Ghodar an opening to slay the dragon. Ghodar has a chance to either save Amber or save Aurthum. In death Aurthum sees his son Honse welcoming to the after life. Knowing Thruud is well taken care of and his friends succeded he decides to finally join his son and be with him. Amber on the other hand speaks with her godess who tells her she lives a true full life. She will be rememberd fondly and that life is also partnered with death. And as a life cleric she must embrace death for what it is. Amber refuses, as a feeling of rage fills her body focuesd on the destruction of Zephyr who caused this mess to begin with. She rejects her godess, and heads back to life. This happens as Ghodar takes Amber to the teleporter, there in Thundertree Agatha revies Amber. Amber feels different she has rejected her vows and is now has Agatha as her patron.   8/22/1: Amber and Eli head to a temple of her godess where she learns that she still has a chance to be redeemed she is allowed a chance to prove herself. She succesfully goes through it with Eli Pellen   9/19/1: Amber, Phalux and Haldir Travel to Caer Calidyr to talk to King Derid Kendrick who requested to see them. They arrive there at night and see Mello is doing a concert. They greet Mello and Mello wants to join them to go with him. The party head in but Mello is not allowed in as he is black. The king tells them that animals all over the Moonshaes are going insane, attacking people and some are even growing to immense size. The party is tasked to capture giant crabs in the river near Lehigh in the Dernall Forest. The King hires a warrior which is Lucha to go help him out, he also sends Rotnogs apprentice a druid named Aisha. Laslty Boutou, who was previously seen as dumb, is a smart dragon now who wants to research these creatures as well for the king. The party heads to the Caer Calidyr Inn and sleep.   9/20/1: Party heads to the river south and they run into a group of goblins. They slay the goblins Mello finds 3 goblin babies and crucifies one and kills the other, Boutou keeps one and puts it in his napsack. He names the lil goblin nigga Quintavious. Phalux finds Howard has been following this whole time. Phalux sends Howard home to train under Garland. Howard is sad and leaves in the middle of the night. Party Sleeps.   9/21/1: Boutou, Amber, Phalux, Aisha and Lucha head to the river, there they fight a group of giant animals that are extremely deadly. Aisha the druid speaks with animals and finds out that they want to be killed and that the Earthmother has left them. They capture a crab and take it to the king. King Derid Kendrick reseearches the crabs and thanks the party. Kind Derid mentions how he hopes that the Temples were consecrated properly. Party rests as their quest is complete.   9/22/1: Party wakes up has breakfast. Phalux loses money in Blackjack, Lucha beats a dude in an arm wrestling contest for GP. Party hears about an archery contest and they attend it. Lucha, Boutou, Phalux, and Aisha attend it. They shoot as best as they can, and the placements were 1. Lucha, 2. Aisha, 3. Boutou, 4. Phalux. Lucha meets a super fan named Thalia Whiskerfoot. She is a wrestler dressed as a mouse and her hero is Lucha. While the party is meeting Thalia, who grapples and takes down Phalux, Boutou talks to a shady fellow who tells Boutou that if he gets more body parts from the creatures that are giant, he will be rewarded with a magic item. Phalux then proceeds to fuck a guards wife while he is looking for him, this almost gets Phalux arrested as he runs off. Party hears about a concert going on by Aurelius. During the concert, a Giant Turtle attacks. The party including a new member named Estia joins in to fight it. Aisha in the end convinced it to go away and protected the turtle from the attack of guards and others. Aurelious then gets imprisioned for being gay. Even though he is not. Party then head to the King, the king tells them animals are increasingly getting violent even tame ones like tortoises. He asks them to please figure out what is going on and to wait while they finish research too. Party agree and sleep.   9/23/1: Party just chills   9/24/1: The party of Amber, Estia, Amber, Boutou, Phalux, Lucha, Thalia, and Aisha head to the king. The King asks them to make a speech that they consecrated the temples and everything should be okay. Some citizens are going crazy in fear and want answers as why this is happening. Amber and Boutou give good explanations on why things are happening and they calm the people down well. In the group of protesters there is Erida Sweetgrass, Ambers sister. She reveals to Amber that she is dying and she needs to take over the clans duties as leader. Amber refuses to give up on her and wants to know why she wants to die. Phalux tries to flirt with Erida, she gets ticked off, Phalux wants to make it a goal to save her. Erida describes mining with the clan as she got cursed there somehow and her body is decomposing. Party decides going to the mine to investigate what is cursed should be first priority. Party goes shopping before heading out. Party heads to the top to the mountain. Mello joins too.   9/25/1: Continue to travel   9/26/1: They travel   9/27/1: Party arrives and crosses a scary bridge, and head inside. Party gets massed confused. Amber passes out through gasses of the mine. Amber is extremely sick.   10/6/1: Amber finally wakes up and its Aisha who is taking care of her, She reveals its been days and Amber gets so scared as her Sister is in trouble. Aisha puts her at ease and tells her that theere is nothing to worry about as the rest of the gang should have taken care of it.   10/7/1: Amber, Aisha, and Estia meet each other in caer Calidyr and they catch up with each other and have a girls night out. Amber finds out that her sister is all okay. Amber is greatly relieved.   10/8/1: The party goes to get breakfast and they go to El Halcon and meet head chef Zounkie. He gives Estia free food. Party heads to King Derid Kendrick, They arrive and then the King fills them in that the crabs were not even native to the moonshaes and that they are native to the region to the west known as the Broken Sea. He contacted a lord of a settlement by that sea and his name is Lord Baylen. The Lord requested King Kendrick to help him out with a curse placed on them by a hag. This could be related to the Moonsheas issue as both areas are linked in thier mythology. He asks the party to go and do that. Aisha, Estia, and Amber do it, and they prepare to head on out.   10/9/1: They head to Blackstone Aisha and Estia get jumped by goblins, it is a very deadly jumping, the goblin leader says that they will one day be killed by the Great Gark, as He is the overlord ruler of this land and knows that this land is going to hell. He then escapes.   10/10/1: They continue to travel North. They arrive at blackstone and meet Phalux that says that Lucha is mourning the death of Thalia, and Haldir is writing Ballads over it.   10/11/1: Phalux, Amber, Aisha, Estia head North as they need to catch a boat Phalux runs and hears a pack of Knolls, Estia goes to investigate it is a group of knolls. Phalux goes to the knolls and they make fun of him, the leader tells Phalux that they need to deal with the giant creatures going on or else they will start to attack humans as hunting has become too dangerous and the next weakest prey would be humans. Party then fights some goblins and rests.   10/12/1: Party continues north and see stone raiders, Phalux attempts to fuck one and gets knocked off a cliff and almost dies. Phalux gets help by Estia then fucks one of them. A huge mutated stonehide attacks the party Amber runs back to blackstone immediatly.   10/13/1: Amber runs by herself and travels.   10/14/1: Amber arrives at Blackstone and then meets up with Haldir, She tells him that they were attacked and need to get to warsbury. Haldir lets Lucha know and Lucha says he will be close behind. Boutou in turn follows behind Lucha. Amber and Haldir meet with the knolls and they let them pass. Amber and Haldir rest as they will head back to the mutated alpha stonhide soon.   10/15/1: They finally tackle the Alpha Mutated Stonehide, it is a really tough fight, Amber is put in a state of neardeath, Haldir jumps in to save her, this heroic act was his last one, It pushed him off the cliff, falling 100ft to his death splatting on the ground, Amber in a rage kills the Stonehide by herself, She cries in a nearby cave. Eventually, Estia, Phalux, Boutou, Lucha, and Aisha reunite with her and mourn with her. While on watch Boutou spots a paladin named Skor looking for strong warriors wants to join them if they aid him with killing a wizard.   10/16/1: They travel   10/17/1: They Travel   10/18/1: Party arrives at Warsbury and heads to their voyage.   10/19/1: Travel   10/20/1: Party are chilling while they get attacked by a werecrocodile it is revealed this is Timothy, a guy in love with phalux. Timothy Swims away. Estia gets cursed.   10/21/1: Travel   10/22/1: The party fights Giant Crabs   10/23/1: Party Fights a were crab that Kingsly determines it was a cursed sailsmen   10/24/1: Travels   10/28/1: Estia is showing transformations on being turned into something. Aisha and Lucha, go to feed a sleeping Boutou when they see a baby Goblin named Quintavious. The party temporarely heal Estias Curse   10/29/1: The Party arrive at Grouper and see a town that is absolutley been slaughtered. They investigate for the day.   10/30/1: The party meet a blind monk named Jabaar. Jabaar felt the anger of the animals and wanted to do something about it. The party continue to investigate with Jabaar but everyone ended up dead, Phalux finds a fish eye amulet. The party then meets Aishas brother and says that a lycanthrope is what caused this, he hates half races, and wants them eventually anhilliated. Guards show up and escort the party to Dagger Cove. Once at Dagger Cove, Lord Baylen officailly hires the party to head to the Iron Keep and kill Gwenessyn   11/1/1: The party heads to Dagger Cove Inn where they meet a woman who expected Phalux to have supressed Mandingus. She tells the friends to investigate the old area where Phalux was born, she also warned Phalux on the 12 Apostles of Mandingus. Phalux got instantly knocked out as soon as she mentioned this, Mandingus was preventing Phalux from hearing these warnings. Aisha and her brother officially meet and they initially beef because Aisha is a half creature. However her brother ends up hugging her as they both suffered from their father. The party head to the smithy Ian, and he reinforces their weapons with silver. The party then go look for someone to guide them to Iron keep and been Bryar Rhys, Jabaar knocks him out and forces him to go to Iron keep. They all go forcing Bryar. On their way there, Sauhagin attack, killing Bryar, and capturing, Skor, Jabaar, and Phalux. Amber was the only one able to escape. Amber gets back and desperatly seeks help, she finds it back at the inn where Estia, Botou, Mello, Aurellious, Aisha, Lucha are ready to go with her. They all head to the Iron Keep. Merfolk attack the party once they arrived at the Iron Keep, Skor gets taken and Estia decides to kill him just in case they sacrifice him. Estia killed him. Two new fellows named Frostbite and Thaldor bust through the door and they want to join to help out. The party takes a short rest while Amber, Estia, and Frostbite fight a water elemental. Phalux, Jabar, Lucha, and Aisha with Lorando Brando joined them later. Fighting through the dungeon they fight a hag, a hag which was posing as a captive, this hag was tough knocking out Jabar, Amber, and Lorando.   11/2/1: Amber wakes up and sees that both Lucha, and Lorando died in the fight against the hag. It was sad and it affected the mood of the whole group. Party fights a bunch of Merfolk. Fights get deadly Amber, Phalux, Jabaar, Frostbite, Estia, Thaldor, and a sorcerer who one of the captives owed money to arrived named Kounkie. Kounkie saw this group and saw dollar signs. Kounkie and Estia gambled. Estia lost. The party continue and in that room they see Skor. Kounkie offers Skor a Gamble, Skor did not seem like himself, he sent Kounkie flying, Skor fights the group, takes down Jabaar, and Kounkie, and revenge slays Estia, Estia is cut in two and perishes. Frostbite uses all of his power to freeze Skor solid. Skor and Estia officially die. Thaldor for some reason licked the floor. A ranger named Astel joins them as he wants to kill Gwensyn, Amber after hard fight, decides to rest. Amber wakes up after her nap and heads into the lair of Gwenessyn . There she has a captured Jabaar, they fight her and her coven. The party fight. The fight is tough, they take down two of the three sisters and then a huge water elemental is summoned. Phalux gets up and helps the group. Jabaar is drowning and curently dying. Party is finally able to slay Gwenesyn after Jabaar was able to thwart her plans by knocking down her Cauldron and starts to fade away. Amber, Astel, Aisha, Phalux, and Jabaar, kill Gwenesyn and win. Party rests back with the rest of the group. Kounkie sleep talks with Dounkie.   11/3/1: Party wakes up and everyone goes to the ship. Jabaar, Amber, Aisha, Astel, Boutou, Phalux and Thaldor reunite Party arrive back to Dagger cove and go back to give the good news to Lord Baylen, Lord Baylen congratulates the party and Jabaar is showing off saying how he saved the world. This celebration is interrupted by Foster Rhys, Bryars brother. He is pissed at Jabaar as many witnesses saw him force his brother into a boat which ended up killing him. Lord Baylen is able to strike a deal with Foster for Jabaars freedom. Party heads to the inn where they meet the woman who knows about Mandingus named Linda. Linda tells Aisha and Astel to take Phalux back to his original home for answers. Party then hosts a funeral for 4 fallen warriors, Lorando, Lucha, Astel, and Skor. Phalux takes a keepsake from all of them. Party sleeps as the next day they are to head to Mountcrest, Phaluxs' home.   11/4/1: Amber through exaughstion sleeps in. Amber wakes up and only Frostbite is up, they both realizse the party left and let them sleep in and decide to find a way to get to Mountcrest. Amber and frostbite go to the docks and find someomen who will boat to there for them. And there is a guy who charges them and Frostbite decides to steal the boat with Amber and head out. its a row boat and head to the periless sea.   11/5/1: After a whole day at sea they arrive at Gavinfur Forrest. There they fight Yuanti at night and almost die. It is dangerous here and they rest taking turns at watch.   11/6/1: Amber and Frostbite finally meetup with the party in the Ravine which they rope down to, many people are down and passed out, Amber also starts to feel exaughsted and passes out.   11/7/1: Amber awakens in a boat with Boutou, Astel, Aisha, and they fill Amber in on how many of their group is captured. Boutous goblin finally pops out, Quintavious is ready to fight with them. They plan a night raid to rescue the rest, it will be a 3 front war. Amber by herself will take the back, Astel will sneak and steal their stuff. While Aisha, Quintavious, and Boutou fight full frontal and will focus on freeing Phalux, Kounkie, and Thaldor and Frostbite. The party begin their assult but it goes wrong, Aisha gets taken down, then Phalux, then Boutou, lastly Frostbite. Astel, Amber and Kounkie escapes. Kounkie escapes with a Kyattie Gyal, and Laquanda also escapes with them. The sister Kyattie Gyals one loves Kounkie and another likes Frostbite. Kounkie impregnates one of the sisters. Andreaus Thundertalon keeps sending carrier pidgeon, and impregnates Trisha. They also kill Jeremy Spinnin a scared Cultist they captured.   11/8/1: They go and save the day but its deadly. Only Kounkie survives and is able to drag all of the bodies along with Kyattie Gyals to the boat. Trisha and Kounkie go togehter and Laquanda goes with Phalux and Trishas sister Cindy goes with Frostbite. The party arrives at daggercove and there are the guards awaiting the adventures and waiting amber and Frostbite to charge them for stealing and assault of the fisherman. 300 GP is charged. Frostbite cannot pay that so he, cindy, say goodbye to the party and he works for the King. Party go back to the inn.   11/9/1: Party then goes to the boat, does last minute shopping and travel to Holyhead.   11/10/1: The whole party makes fun of Laquanda and she gets upset at Phalux who is not defending her and she runs away into the ocean and swims away. She was actually a beautiful siren.   11/11/1: A giant snake appears the party slay it   11/12/1: Astel and Jabar argue and fight. Astel bullies Jabaar. Astel finds a scroll that curses him to be extremely loud.   11/13/1: Party travels   11/15/1: There is giant shark following the ship, Astel uses his booming voice to talk to the shark the shark says he is acutally is a lycanthrope and he is looking for his brother who could not control it well and out and about killing people. He is looking for him. Astel also yells in Jabaars ear and makes him deaf.   11/16/1: Timithoy comes back at night to Phalux telling him how he wants to be able to control his power, he says goodbye to Phalux and that he loves him.   11/17/1: The shark appears and it isnt the friendly one, it is a deadly fight and the two lycanthrope brothers are back and they fight, The sharks names are Jared and Jalen and they join the captain as crew.   11/18/1: Party arrives at Holyhead and see its been destroyed and is in shambles. Amber, Astel, Phalux, Kounkie, Trisha, and Thaldor go to investigate. Aisha saves a soldiers life and he tells her that they were attacked by some giant creature. Party goes to investigate and eventually run into a Giant Gorrilla, the battle is deadly as the Gorilla gets a lot of apes to help it. Kounkie yells at Trisha to leave. She does so. Eventually party is able to slay the Gorrilla after almost crushing Thaldor and Amber in its hands. Party goes back to the boat to rest while they see Sir Cums alot. He was here trying to get stronger and he is caught hitting on Trisha, Kounkie beats him up. Sir cums alot goes to lick his wounds, Party decide its best to head towards Caer Calidyr. They rest on the way there and they get attacked by a Troll, they slay it and then rest   11/19/1: Amber, Astel, Thaldor, Phalux, and Aisha head through the Dernall Forest there they meet the great Garks minion once again. This hard fought, Thaldor dies, Amber goes into a rage as a fellow dwarven brother has fallen, She uses all her energy in one Guiding Bolt to Take down the leader of the goblins. Aisha also goes crazy on a goblin and tears its face off. Phalux fucks a dead goblin. Amber revives Thaldor. Boutou and Quintavious arrive and witnesses this. Amber interrogates the goblin leader and finds out that great Gark is a grand Goblin and the leader of all of the Dernall Forest Goblins who wants to take over the Moonshaes. They have a captive from Holyhead. This captive is Trawlindy who is really happy to see Amber, she is excited and thanks her for saving her. She came to study to become a cleric like her. This hit Amber in the heart as she renounced her ways and stopped following the cleric ways. She regrets making this deicison and vows to make well on herself in the future. Quintavious wants to be just like Astel as he is badass and cool, he also tries to hit on Trawlindy. They get close when they reach a Giant Turtle who is happy to see Aisha, this is the same turtle who got saved by her, he thanks them and his name is Bumpo. He takes them on his back to caer Calidyr.   11/20/1: Party go back to caer Calidyr, Trawlindy says goodbye. Party goes to see the king. The king says to everybody how the Moonshaes is going to hell, he tells them that Binzo a couple months ago had to reconsecrate a temple as it was desecrated and there was a chance all the temples were desecrated. He sent people to consecrate all the temples and they are all consecrated except for one as that temple is yet to be consecrated and people he has sent has not returned. This is the temple of the Sun. Party rests a Caer calidyr as they will join Binzo eventually to consecrate the Temple of the Sun. Party rests.   11/23/1: Jabaar, Astel, Kounkie, Trisha, Phalux, Amber and Aisha are on Bumpos back and head to Olafstaad and then eventually to Jotunspine. Astel and Jabaar beef again.   11/24/1: Party sees the knolls that they saw earlier and they are rich and well fed, the reason being is Phalux introduced gambling. They feed the party and Phalux is able to fuck 3 knoll women.   11/25/1: Party arrives at Olafstaad, it is different than Amber last visited, there is a lot of tension of civil war in the air. There are two split sides to the citizenship, one side belives there should be retribution for what happened in Olafstaad months ago where adventurers klled a bunch of underage delinquents in "self defence" meanwhile another half belives these adventures should be celebrated and "FuckThem Kids". Amber lies about her name when she gets checked in knowing that she would be really controversial. Aisha mentions Amber by accident and then switches up to "anna" as her name. Amber is able to get by until, Phalux gets interviewd. Phalux then says "Who the fuck is Anna" This is when the guards take amber away somewhere else and the rest of the group are taken to a cafe. Astel runs into the dark alleys. Aisha turns into a snake and tries to run, Phalux rizzes a female guard while Jabaar drinks whiskey and gets drunk. Phalux is able to get away and meet amber in a boat and Astel eventually get there as well. The three get on a boat and head to Jotunspine.   11/26/1: They travel   11/29/1: The arrive, Astel, Amber, Phalux fight a mutated corrupted sea jay, a sea jay that has been following them this whole adventure. There at the beach of Jotunspine it is filled with death and bodies all over the place, Binzo is there too, passed out. They fight it and its really hard, they cannot defeat it, Astel, Phalux, and Amber fall. Bumpo arrives, Jabaar, and Aisha fight it and try hard but it is in vain they also get taken down. This is when Boutou, Quintavious, and Mello comes from the sky in a hand glider and lands on the monster taking him down, the monster gets up and takes out Boutou, Quintavious and Boutou. This was dreadful, it seemed over, until Kounkie woke up with Thaldor and they took down the creature with Bumpo. With the creature slain and party reunited, party rests and get ready to take on the cause of all of this.   11/30/1: They go inside and Amber recognizes how the sun that used to be normal coloured is now tainted dark and black They continue and the whole temple is empty except for a bird a corrupted sea jay, they kill it, and then teleport through the fresco on the wall as Amber remembers it teleportable. The party have a close fight but they came up with a great formation and its is a close fight, many people get taken out, one of the last one standing is Boutou and Amber, Boutou uses all of his stregnth to kill a follower of the great wolf spirit by pushing him into the sun. Boutu cannot celebrate for long as a darkness decesnds, and fills the room, the spirit of the wolf is here. The whole party evacuates and leaves Boutouis covered Quintavious is able to run away, but Boutu tells everyone to leave and he will stay behind to fight this thing. Everyone else leaves. Botou is heroic and is able to escape as well. Party leaves all in one piece. The Spirit of the wold promises to return one day, all giant animals return to normal and the moonsheas is once again Consecrated for another 100 years. Mello gets a devil fruit by Bumpo, Party chills and celebrates, Bumpo will tell the party to visit him as he will start a casino at the edge of Neverwinter. The Earthmother Sprirt shows up with Makungas spirit, Dounkies, Lustorous, and Vyns, Earth mother gives Varunax Egg to Aisha and Astel and to drop it in its cave in Gavinfur for its reincarnation. Party drink, eat and celebrate, on the boat back to Caer Calidyr.   12/1/1: Travel   12/10/1: The King congratulates the party and is very happy with what is going on. He calls another celebration and everyone is happy. Amber, Kounkie, Boutou, Astel, Aisha, Phalux, Jabar, and Thaldor, and Mello are celebrated as heroes.
Current Status
Date of Birth
May 4th
Long Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Berrononrr Truesilver
Aligned Organization


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