
"All I've ever wanted was to be normal. Being a Tiefling sort of ruled that out from the offset, cold looks everywhere when all I wanted to do was lead a simple life, maybe open a bakery, you'd think Waterdeep would have been used to all sorts by now. I got tired of it and started to travel to find a place for myself but kept accidentally finding myself stealing, no really. Like I'd trip somewhere and something in my heritage would find me standing with an apple in my hand, or someones coin purse, then without fail before I could explain myself someone would call the guard on me.   I got used to running, even did have to shack up with some Thieves Guilds for a while while the heat died down on a few occasions. Then of course when stumbling through the woods away from another misunderstanding thirst got the better of me and I drank from this damned spring that just of course had to be a a magical spring belonging to some archfey, and gave me yet another cause to be different, his Fey blessing. Ever since then I always smell faintly of Lavender too. "Oh not so bad" you may be thinking. "Oh people love the smell of Lavender". Well let me tell you, I don't. I hate this smell. I know that damned archfey is laughing his ass off as he tortures me.   Naturally I can't even control how I even speak half the time. It seems like every time I must speak to someone important I have to act charming, as if I needed less control of my life. At least this can sometimes keep me out of trouble. I'll take the small victories at this point. Of course I thought my luck could get no worse, so naturally that's when the random magic started happening, and these light blue-green scales started to grow over my face, arms and randomly around my body. Naturally dallying with a devil wasn't enough for my whores of ancestors, no someone along the line apparently thought a green dragon would be the perfect partner.   Now I find myself on this dinosaur ridden isle. Gods what next. Any day now Tymora you can send some of that good luck my way."
  Dihala is a Fey Wandering Ranger and a Sorcerer of a Draconic Bloodline. She's... complicated.



mount (Vital)

Towards Dihala



rider (Trivial)

Towards Go'way


Aligned Organization


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