Hall of the Fire Giant King Building / Landmark in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

Hall of the Fire Giant King

A nearby ravine leads directly from the safe cave to the spiny, broken heap of slag indicated on the characters' map as the site of the hall. A wide, well-trod path winds its way across the barren land up to two great slabs of black stone—the obsidian portals that give access to Snurre's hall. Each valve is 29 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and no less than 3 feet thick. Normal human strength cannot even budge them.   The plain around the stronghold is most evil and drab in appearance. The sky is gray and filled with sooty clouds. A distant volcano can be seen, and far to the south a glowing river of molten lava moves sluggishly down a slope and out of sight. The air is hot and smells of heated rock and metal. The ground is covered with cinders and sharp rocks that make walking cross-country difficult (and noisy). The area is lit by night with dim red light, both from flaming gases that shoot forth out of the bowels of the earth and from the glow of molten rock.   The pile of lava, slag, and jutting black rock that houses the Hall of Snurre is a steeply rising hill about 300 feet high at its summit. It is difficult to scale. Smoking vents are everywhere, and some of these holes spurt out jets of flame from time to time.   Ceilings. Passageways in the hall have vaulted ceilings 30 feet high. Caves, chambers, and rooms are 40 to 60 feet high.   Doors. All doors are made of iron plates. A Medium or smaller creature must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to open any of the doors in this place due to their great size and weight. Doors stay open if left that way.   Illumination. The upper level of Snurre's hall is lit by torches, braziers, and natural gas jets.   Locks. The hall contains numerous well-made locks.
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