Purple Dragon Knights

Purple Dragon Knights are warriors who hail from the kingdom of Cormyr. Pledged to protect the crown, they take the fight against evil beyond the kingdom's borders. They are tasked with wandering the land as knights errant, relying on their judgment, bravery, and fidelity to guide them in defeating evildoers.   A Purple Dragon Knight inspires greatness in others by committing brave deeds in battle. The mere presence of a knight in a hamlet is enough to cause some orcs and bandits to seek easier prey. A lone knight is a skilled warrior, but a knight leading a band of allies can transform even the most poorly equipped militia into a ferocious war band.   A knight prefers to lead through deeds, not words. As a knight spearheads an attack, the knight's actions can awaken reserves of courage and conviction in allies that they never suspected they had.  

Purple Dragon Knight

Medium Humanoid (any race, Knight, Any Non-chaotic

Armor Class 18 (breastplate & shield)
Hit Points 52
Speed: 30 ft Fly: -2 ft


( +0 )


( +3 )


( +2 )


( +0 )


( +0 )


( +2 )

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2
Skills Persuasion +3
Senses passive perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge Rating 3
Proficiency Bonus +1


Purple Dragon Knights are warriors who hail from the kingdom of Cormyr. Pledged to protect the crown, they take the fight against evil beyond the kingdom's borders. They are tasked with wandering the land as knights errant, relying on their judgment, bravery, and fidelity to guide them in defeating evildoers.   A Purple Dragon Knight inspires greatness in others by committing brave deeds in battle. The mere presence of a knight in a hamlet is enough to cause some orcs and bandits to seek easier prey. A lone knight is a skilled warrior, but a knight leading a band of allies can transform even the most poorly equipped militia into a ferocious war band.   A knight prefers to lead through deeds, not words. As a knight spearheads an attack, the knight's actions can awaken reserves of courage and conviction in allies that they never suspected they had.

Suggested Environments

Purple Dragon Knights operate in the settlements and on the roads of Cormyr. They seldom venture outside of their jurisdiction, but may be commanded to do so during times of war or as an envoy for royalty traveling outside the nation's borders. Even more rare is a Purple Dragon Knight who leaves home of their own volition, becoming a deserter and traitor to the monarchy in the process.

Brave. The knight has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.


Multiattack. The Purple Dragon Knight makes two melee attacks.   Rapier. Melee Weapon Weapon Attack:+4, Range 5 ft, one target Hit: 8 (1d8+4) Piercing damage   Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Weapon Attack:+4, Range 5 ft, one target Hit: 8 (1d8+4) Piercing damage   Rallying Cry. The Purple Dragon Knight regains 1d10 + 8 hit points. Additionally, 3 creatures of their choice within 60 feet regain 8hp each. This feature may be used once per long rest.


Parry. The knight adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization